Design and data visualisation.

Bring insights to life and stakeholders on the journey so that customers are at the heart of decision-making.

Design and visualisation

How do you ensure that your insights and strategic plan stay top of mind and live on within your business?

We believe that visual communication has a vital role to play in bringing insight to life and embedding it across stakeholder groups.

With a multi-disciplinary design team in-house, we focus on visual storytelling and crafting compelling creative outputs that you can easily share across your organisation to inform others, add value and drive critical business decisions.

From digital 3D models and augmented reality experiences for new products and concepts, infographics to videos, we tailor every deliverable to your target audience to ensure it has maximum impact in your business and moves your stakeholders to action.

Find out more about our creative capabilities here

Kadence infographics design data visualisation

The impact our design and video capabilities can have on your business:

Create a customer-centric culture

We know that some audiences can be alienated by a set of slides. By delivering information in an accessible and engaging way, we can bring insights to life across your organisation – from the CEO’s office to the factory floor – to ensure that the customer is at the forefront of every decision.

Develop winning products

We integrate design into the product development process to rapidly iterate concepts based on customer feedback and to bring new ideas to life for stakeholders.

Create compelling creative

By translating insights into engaging visual outputs, we can empower your team to create insight-led campaigns.

The global boutique for data and insight

Our global footprint makes us the go-to partner for international market research. We offer all qualitative and quantitative methodologies across our office network and beyond.

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Free guide

Download our creative capabilities guide

In this guide, we share our approach and design capabilities and explain how they can add value to your business, helping you to drive change.

Download the guide now

Design meets insight – a day with the global design team at Kadence

At Kadence we believe insights must be communicated clearly in order to generate maximum impact. We also believe that demonstrating the value of these insights, and embedding them across stakeholder groups, is vital. With this in mind, we pride ourselves on producing design output that is easily and effectively shared across organisations to inform, add […]

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