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What is market segmentation and why does it matter?

In today’s globally connected world, every product has a potentially vast market. Trying to target everyone in this market with the same materials, approaches, and techniques would be crazy — people are too varied and different to respond to the same marketing message. So how do you ensure your marketing connects effectively with as many […]


What is qualitative research?

In the world of market research, we can only get so far by relying on hard, numerical data. Hard metrics like (generated from quantitative research) are extremely useful and should form a core part of any business strategy. But they only tell part of the overall story. To dig deeper and gain a fuller picture […]

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What are the shifts in business and brand values in the economic reopening? Insights from new research with Bloomberg

Since the onset of the pandemic we’ve been working with Bloomberg to understand the priorities, actions and attitudes of business decision makers across APAC. Take a look at the infographic for the key insights from our latest wave including: 69% of companies foresee adopting a hybrid model post-pandemic with a mix of in-office and work-from-home […]


5 reasons why concept testing is important

Marketing textbooks are littered with examples of products or services which flopped when they hit the market.  Take Juicero, in which investors pumped a staggering $120 million – all for a wi-fi connected juice maker which nobody had indicated they wanted or needed. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was scrapped within two years.  Or ESPN’s mobile phone […]