
Why Panel Research Should Be Part of Your Market Research Strategy.

Image of the post author Jodie Shaw

“Businesses that are solely focused on their product without understanding their customers will ultimately fail.” – Michael Seibel, CEO of Y Combinator.

This quote highlights the importance of understanding your customers and their needs, which is why market research is critical for any successful business. In today’s rapidly changing and competitive marketplace, it’s not enough to simply create a product and hope it will sell. You need to know who your customers are, what they want, and how they behave to make informed decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.

One approach to market research that is often overlooked is panel research. Panel research involves gathering data from a group of individuals who have agreed to participate in ongoing research studies. This type of research can provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, attitudes, and preferences over time, which can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and make more informed decisions. In this article, we’ll explore why panel research should be part of your market research strategy and how it can help you better understand your customers and improve your marketing efforts.

The Benefits of Panel Research

One of the primary benefits of panel research is that it allows you to gather data from a consistent group of individuals over time. By surveying the same group of people multiple times, you can track changes in their behaviour and attitudes and identify trends or patterns that may be emerging. This can help you make more accurate predictions about future behaviour and inform your marketing strategies accordingly.

Another advantage of panel research is that it can provide a more accurate picture of consumer behaviour than other types of research. For example, traditional market research methods like focus groups or surveys are often conducted with a one-time sample of participants. However, these individuals may not represent your target audience as a whole. Their responses may be affected by factors like social desirability bias or their mood during the study.

With panel research, on the other hand, you can ensure that your sample is representative of your target audience and that the data you collect is more reliable and valid. This is because the same individuals are surveyed multiple times, which reduces the likelihood of random variations in responses and other sources of error.

Lastly, panel research can also be more cost-effective than other types of research. Because you are surveying the same group of people multiple times, you can often collect more data with fewer resources than you would need to conduct numerous one-time studies. This can be especially useful for small businesses or startups that have limited budgets but still need to gather high-quality data to inform their decisions.


Types of Panel Research

There are several types of panel research that brands can use to gather insights into their target audience. Each type has strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the one best suited to your research needs is essential.

  • Online Panels: Online panels are one of the most popular types of panel research. These panels consist of a group of individuals who have agreed to participate in research studies online. Businesses can use online panels to gather data on a wide range of topics, including consumer behaviour, attitudes, preferences, and more.
  • Mobile Panels: Mobile panels are similar to online panels but are conducted exclusively on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. These panels can be particularly useful for gathering data on consumer behaviour in real-time, such as when they are shopping in-store or browsing a website on their mobile device.
  • Traditional Panels: Traditional panels are in-person through focus groups or one-on-one interviews. These panels can help gather in-depth qualitative data on consumer attitudes and preferences, but they can also be more time-consuming and expensive than online or mobile panels.
  • Customer Panels: Customer panels comprise of individuals who have already purchased a product or service from a business. These panels can help gather customer satisfaction feedback, identify improvement areas, and test new product ideas.

When choosing a panel research method, it’s important to consider your research objectives, target audience, and budget. Online panels and mobile panels may be more cost-effective and efficient, while traditional panels and customer panels may provide more in-depth qualitative data. It’s also important to ensure that your sample is representative of your target audience so that you can be confident in the data you collect.

How to Conduct Panel Research

Conducting panel research involves several key steps to ensure that you gather reliable and actionable data. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Choose the Right Panel: The success of your panel research depends on choosing the right panel. Look for a panel provider with a large and diverse sample, with participants matching your target audience demographics. You should also ensure the panel provider has a robust data quality control process to minimise bias and ensure accurate data.
  • Create Effective Surveys: Once you have your panel, it’s time to design your survey. Consider your research objectives and craft questions to provide the insights you need. Ensure your questions are clear, concise, and unbiased to ensure accurate data. Keeping your surveys short is also important to avoid panel fatigue and maintain high response rates.
  • Conduct Your Survey: Once your survey is designed, it’s time to deploy it to your panel. Make sure your survey is mobile-friendly, as many panel members may complete it on their smartphones or tablets. It’s also a good idea to incentivise panel members to complete your survey through cash or gift card rewards to maintain high response rates.
  • Analyse Your Data: Once you have collected your survey data, it’s time to analyse it. Look for patterns and trends in the data, and compare them to previous waves of data to identify changes over time. Use statistical analysis to ensure your findings are reliable and valid.
  • Draw Insights and Make Decisions: Use your data to draw insights about your target audience and inform your marketing decisions. Use your insights to optimise your marketing strategies, improve your products or services, and better meet your customers’ needs.

Following these best practices ensures that your panel research provides valuable and reliable data to inform your business decisions. 

Real-Life Examples

Many companies have used panel research to gather insights into their target audience and inform their marketing strategies. Here are some real-life examples of companies that have successfully used panel research:

  • Procter & Gamble: Procter & Gamble used a panel of customers to gather feedback on a new line of shampoo products. By gathering insights from the panel, they could identify which product features were most important to customers and optimise their marketing strategy accordingly. The result was a highly successful product launch that exceeded sales targets.
  • Netflix: Netflix has used panel research to gather insights into viewer behaviour and preferences. By analysing data from their panel, they could identify trends in viewing habits and preferences and optimise their content offerings accordingly. This has helped Netflix stay ahead of the curve and maintain its position as a leader in the streaming industry.
  • Hilton Hotels: Hilton Hotels used a panel of customers to gather feedback on their loyalty program. By gathering insights from the panel, they could identify areas for improvement and make changes to the program that better met the needs of their customers. The result was increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These examples demonstrate the power of panel research to provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. By using panel research as part of their market research strategy, these companies were able to make more informed decisions and develop more effective marketing strategies.

Challenges and Limitations of Panel Research

While panel research has many benefits, it also has some challenges and limitations that businesses should be aware of. Here are some of the main challenges and limitations of panel research:

  • Selection Bias: Panel research can be susceptible to selection bias if the panel members do not represent the target population. This can occur if the panel provider has a biased sample or if certain demographics are over or underrepresented in the panel.
  • Low Response Rates: Panel research can also suffer from low response rates, especially if panel members are asked to complete surveys too frequently. Low response rates can lead to a biased sample and make it difficult to draw accurate conclusions from the data.
  • Panel Fatigue: Panel fatigue occurs when panel members become tired of completing surveys and start to provide less accurate or thoughtful responses. This can be especially problematic for longitudinal studies that require participants to complete multiple surveys over a period of time.
  • Limited Sample Size: Panel research is typically conducted with a smaller sample size than other types of research, which can limit the generalisability of the findings. This is especially true for niche or hard-to-reach populations.
  • Cost: While panel research can be cost-effective in the long run, upfront costs associated with panel recruitment and data collection can be prohibitive for smaller brands.

To address these challenges, brands should ensure that their panel is representative of the target population and that panel members are asked to complete surveys sparingly. Brands should also consider using incentives to encourage high response rates and reduce panel fatigue. 

Finally, businesses should be aware of the limitations of panel research and use it in conjunction with other research methods to gather a more comprehensive understanding of their target audience.


Outsourcing Your Panel Research

While conducting panel research in-house can be tempting, outsourcing your panel research to a market research agency can have many benefits. Here are some advantages to consider:

  • Expertise: Market research agencies have extensive experience and expertise in panel research. They know how to recruit the right participants, design effective surveys, and analyse data in a way that provides actionable insights. This can lead to more accurate data and more informed decisions.
  • Access to Technology: Market research agencies have access to the latest technology and tools for panel research. This can include advanced survey software, data analysis tools, and reporting capabilities. Using these tools, agencies can provide more robust and detailed data than possible with in-house resources.
  • Quality Control: Market research agencies have established processes to ensure the quality and reliability of the data they collect. This can include data quality checks, respondent validation, and data cleaning to minimise bias and provide accurate data.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Outsourcing your panel research can save time and money compared to conducting it in-house. Market research agencies have established panels and recruitment processes in place, which can save time and resources. Additionally, outsourcing can help you avoid the upfront costs of panel recruitment and data collection.
  • Access to Niche Populations: Market research agencies have access to a wide range of panels, including panels that may be difficult to recruit in-house. This can include panels of healthcare professionals, IT professionals, or other niche populations.

By outsourcing your panel research, you can take advantage of these benefits and gain access to more accurate and reliable data. Market research agencies can provide various services, from panel recruitment and survey design to data analysis and reporting, to help you gather the insights you need to make informed decisions and drive business success.

Key Takeaways

Panel research is essential for brands looking to gain insights into their target audience and develop effective marketing strategies. Using panel research, brands can gather reliable data on consumer behaviour, attitudes, and preferences over time, making informed decisions that drive business success. However, panel research also has its challenges and limitations, which businesses should be aware of to ensure the data’s accuracy and reliability.

Outsourcing panel research to a market research agency can provide many benefits, including expertise, access to technology, quality control, time and cost savings, and access to niche populations. By working with a market research agency, businesses can ensure that their panel research provides accurate and actionable data that can inform their marketing strategies and drive business growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Panel research provides valuable insights into consumer behaviour, attitudes, and preferences over time.
  • Panel research can be conducted using online panels, mobile panels, traditional panels, or customer panels.
  • Businesses should be aware of the challenges and limitations of panel research, including selection bias, low response rates, panel fatigue, limited sample size, and cost.
  • Outsourcing panel research to a market research agency can provide many benefits, including expertise, access to technology, quality control, time and cost savings, and access to niche populations.

When looking to conduct panel research, consider partnering with Kadence International, a multi-award-winning global market research agency with extensive experience and expertise in panel research. Contact us today to learn more about our panel research services and how we can help you gather the insights you need to drive business success.

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