In this insightful video, our Country Manager for Singapore, Derek Goh, sheds light on the often overlooked cultural nuances that significantly influence consumer behaviours in Singapore despite its modern facade. Drawing from examples like the Hungry Ghost Festival and Chinese New Year and highlighting the tangible impact of traditional beliefs on purchase patterns during these periods, Derek presents a compelling case for brands to tailor their strategies accordingly. Furthermore, he unveils the growing yet underserved silver generation market, urging brands, especially in the entertainment and leisure sectors, to realign their offerings to cater to this expanding demographic, tapping into a lucrative and burgeoning market segment. Watch the video here.

Here’s a transcript from the video from Derek Goh:

What cultural values and beliefs influence purchase decisions in Singapore?

Derek Goh: When it comes to traditional beliefs and values influencing purchase behaviour, you would have thought that a modern metropolis like Singapore would be very advanced and very interesting in how they buy things, and that’s true, but traditions and values still influence purchase behaviour, quite a bit. For example, in August, the lunar calendar is actually the seventh month, which in Chinese belief is the ghost month or the Hungry Ghost Festival. It is believed that ghosts are released back into the human realm, and we coexist. All that affects purchases, and many people choose not to buy big ticket items during this time because it’s believed to be unlucky. Property sales significantly drop yearly during the Hungry Ghost Festival, and even car sales, which are typically very high in Singapore, experience a bit of a standstill. It’s a down period for car sales in Singapore. So that’s an interesting phenomenon, and it illustrates how, in Singapore, even though we’re quite modern, we still have suspicions and beliefs regarding what influences our purchases.

Another example would be the Chinese New Year period, which is still considered to bring good luck and good fortune, and people in Singapore like to give cash. So, during the early part of the year, all the regional banks in Singapore make sure their cash machines are stocked with fresh dollar bills and even set up specific cash machines in neighbourhoods to make the cues manageable. This is another example of how traditional values and beliefs motivate behaviour. 

What opportunities do you see in the Singaporean market that brands might be missing now?

Derek Goh: Singapore has an advanced economy, of course, and has consumer strategies for different brands, and not surprisingly, most brands target Gen Zs or Millennials. So, that’s normal. But one misunderstood segment in the Singapore Consumer Society, I would say, would be the silver generation. I define that as people aged 65 years and above. Why would I say that? According to national statistics in 2010, one in 10 Singaporeans were aged 65 and above.

In 2023, currently, about one in five are above age 65. So, in a span of 13 years, the proportion of Singaporeans who fall into this silver generation has doubled, and it is projected that in the next seven years, by 2030, one in four consumers in Singapore will be aged 65 and above. So, currently, a lot of the products and services catering to the aged generation, not surprisingly, are focused on healthcare, and I think that makes sense because once these consumers grow older, there’s a tendency for them to require healthcare support, and that’s not surprising. However, if you think about it, in seven years, one in four people with the power to spend will be above age 65. If you are in the entertainment business, or if you are in the leisure and travel business, are you prepared to serve this currently underserved market? What would you do differently so you can also capture a share of one in four Singaporeans?

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Singapore has reigned supreme as a lucrative market for domestic and international businesses, and according to many economists, it is the best country to do business. 

So, what makes Singapore a favourable market for international companies?

Singapore’s location makes it an ideal place for foreign investments. The world’s busiest port and a pro-business environment position Singapore as an attractive market for foreign companies to expand into the Asia Pacific. 

#1. Singapore presents an excellent balance of East and West. 

Given Singapore’s colonial past and diverse population, there is much familiarity with many Asian, European, and American cultures. As a former British colony, Singapore’s legal, administrative, and taxation models are similar to those in the UK and the US.  

“Singapore builds itself on this position of being kind of like a trading post,” said Philip Steggals, Managing Director at Kadence International Singapore. 

Furthermore, English is widely spoken, and adopting a Western lifestyle has made Singapore an ideal international market. At the same time, Singaporeans are proud of their heritage, so it’s an excellent market for other Asian countries to enter. Therefore, Singapore is an ideal mix of the east and west and embraces everyone. 

#2. Singapore’s economy is very business-friendly. 

Geographically, the island of Singapore is small and lacks natural resources. Therefore, the economy relies on international operations. It has also focused on building a large manufacturing industry, making it a significant export market for the US. 

“The Government very much has that mantra of helping people either come into the country or helping people in the country expand regionally to grow their business and improve everybody’s lives,” Philip said. 

The government has also implemented economic policies to promote international trade and has a friendly business model. Foreign businesses are subject to the same laws as local businesses. 

Businesses can also use agencies to get the help they need to secure capital and set up their Singapore entities. 

“IE Singapore or Enterprise Singapore sits under the administrative trade, and it facilitates overseas growth of Singapore-based companies, regardless of nationality,” Philip said. 

There’s another entity called Spring, which plays a similar role in growing enterprises. 

“Spring is the place to go where you get quite a lot of government grants as well — the sort of tech investments and grants, which any small-to-medium-sized company can benefit from,” he added. “Then there is the Economic Development Board that also helps businesses. So the message is that if you are in Singapore and you want to grow, then we will help facilitate that process.”

If you have a good product or service, you could quickly expand it in Singapore. And if you’ve got a product or service that you’ve replicated quite well, Singapore is a great, safe, predictable market to grow it. 

The legal help you get in Singapore is very transparent and secure. With sound finance systems, it is easy to get loans. If you are an SME, you can walk into one of the local banks and set yourself up with all the business accounts you need, likely on the same day. Many banks accept digital signatures and allow opening bank accounts online. 

 “You can also easily find advisors who will help you grow into other markets or advise you on how to grow your business in Singapore,” Philip added. 

There is a massive opportunity for external investment, and international businesses own their companies 100% when they expand to Singapore. 

Geographically, being a small market, it’s easy to meet people, even in times of a pandemic, because everyone lives in a small area. “You can network quite easily, and you can find somebody that will have the right skillsets or advice for what you need,” Philip said. 


#3. Singapore also offers attractive tax laws to international companies entering the City, State. 

The government offers attractive tax incentives to businesses in Singapore. 

#4. Access to ASEAN.

Despite the small market, Singapore is well-known globally for its IP strengths and easy access to the broader ASEAN region. 

Top industries in Singapore

Tech, fintech and cryptocurrency, cyber security, and mobile payments are some of the fastest-growing industries in Singapore. FMCGs and food franchises from well-established brands overseas do very well. 

“Singapore is a centre for tech and innovation excellence. We have a lot of people that would typically be involved with big multinational companies setting up innovation hubs here or bringing their regional headquarters into Singapore,” Philip said. 

Main challenges of doing business in Singapore

More than 99% of all imports enter Singapore duty-free as a free port. It levies high excise taxes on distilled spirits and wine, tobacco products, motor vehicles, and gasoline.

Other industries that pose challenges for international companies include livestock, and services barriers that restrict satellite dishes, pay television, legal services, banking, and healthcare procedural transparency.

Philip listed three main obstacles for companies trying to build a subsidiary in Singapore.

“While it’s fairly easy to set up a business in Singapore, it’s a challenge to bring in mid-to-low-level employees, which then gives you two options. You either have to come in with some top trainers, or you have to come in and know that much of the work will be done by people that aren’t necessarily familiar with the business,” he said. 

“If you want to set up a business, you should be able to show that you are going to employ locals and, you’re going to train them so that they can eventually take over running operations and have more senior roles.”

“The job creation equation is what Singapore is looking for when you set up a business, so you should have a plan on employing Singaporeans,” he added. 

There is also fierce competition with other countries trying to enter Singapore, so international companies should be aware of this. 

Impact of covid 19 restrictions

Singapore has had some of the most stringent lock-downs during the pandemic. 

As a result, some businesses have shut down during the pandemic, and others have accelerated in Singapore, despite strict COVID-19 restrictions.  

“I think the pandemic has just accentuated what was going on beforehand,” Philip said. “However, one of the issues has been a shortage of labour force coming in from other countries. Many expats have also left the country due to stringent COVID-19 restrictions.”


What do Singaporean consumers want?

Price, quality, and service are essential factors for consumers in Singapore. International companies entering Singapore must know that the buyers are discerning and that the competition in the market is intense. Singaporean consumers also like products and services that are well established in their home countries and have a story or history behind them. 

So from a consumer standpoint, what are the key considerations Singaporean consumers have? 

According to Philip, that depends on the category. 

“We did some research on the luxury purchases made in Singapore and Asia. Consumers want to see some heritage and a well-defined story of where the brand is from and why it exists when it comes to the high-end market,” he said. 

“The German manufacturers do very well in the automotive market, and there’s a sense of prestige associated with the well-known European luxury car manufacturers. There’s also a significant segment of people that are very practical and go for Hondas and Toyotas.”

Food and beverage outlets do very well if they are well-established in their home market. Brands with their roots in China or Taiwan for some novelty-type items and popular brands in Japan also do very well, as do Korean skincare brands. 

In a nutshell, Singaporean consumers like understanding the brand’s roots, why it’s now Singapore, and what it’s doing. They are a discerning populous and are looking for quality products and services. 

Selling and distributing products and services in the Singaporean market.

Selling techniques utilized in Singapore vary by product and are similar to sales practices in sophisticated western markets. Social media and online marketing are growing in Singapore, and it is essential for international companies that use agents in Singapore to visit them regularly. 

“A lot of our clients at Kadence have their regional offices in Singapore because of a very transparent legal system. The government is also very predictable and pro-business, so if you’re going to set up a regional base, Singapore is the perfect place for it,” Philip added. 

A favorable time zone gives it another advantage and makes it suitable for business. The commerce or the distribution networks from Singapore to the Southeast Asia and North Asia markets is pretty straightforward.

“Moreover, the ease of commuting makes Singapore the perfect base for operations. It’s also typically relatively easy to get visas for higher-paid staff members here, and it’s not considered a hardship posting to be based in Singapore, regardless of your home country,” Philip said. 

How to strategize market entry into Singapore

If you have a successful product or service in your home country, expanding into Singapore is a good idea. One cannot emphasize the importance of a concrete market strategy and solid business plan for market entry into Singapore. 

Over 4,500 US firms have launched business enterprises in Singapore. Many international exporters use agents and distributors to enter Singapore. These agents and firms aggressively represent new products and services in Singapore. Therefore, it is invaluable to find suitable partners and utilize agents.

The top three strategies that subsidiaries can utilize when planning entry into Singapore are:

1. Identify your growth plan. Singapore as a market is not very large unless you are a McDonald’s type company. But for most industries, your potential is relatively small. The population is 5.7 million, so you must identify where else you can go. It would help to calculate your maximum potential returns based on your target audience. For companies entering Singapore, knowing that growth plan would be substantial.

2. You need to have a sound training system. As a small company with one or two people set up like a distribution hub, you will probably be fine, but as soon as you start growing, you will be expected to recruit more Singaporeans. Therefore, you will need to have training in place. 

3. Do your commercial research. The government is pro-business, so you must research who to ask for help and what benefits you can receive. 

Political and economic stability in Singapore

Singapore has had the same government since its foundation. 

One of the reasons behind Singapore’s massive growth over the past five decades is the consistency of government. “You can put long-term visions in place without your political parties, flipping it as a political winning system to get elected,” Philip said. 

Singapore has shown phenomenal growth in the last ten years and will continue to grow as it is a great place to live, and do business and is devoid of red tape or bureaucracy. 

The next 50 years will present new challenges to Singapore in the form of an ageing workforce, a maturing economy, social media’s growing influence, and increasing competition from other trade agreements and ASEAN partners. However, it remains an attractive market to enter and shows phenomenal potential in years to come.

We would welcome the chance to discuss your next market research project. Learn more about our Singapore Office here.

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I’ve been a market researcher for more than 15 years, during which I’ve done countless projects conducted through online and offline methodologies, both in Singapore, and across Asia. It’s a common research cliché to say that ‘one size fits all’ does not apply in Asia, and that the only unifying factor across all Asian markets is their very uniqueness. As such, I’m happy share my view on why Singapore is a market where brands stand to benefit from online research alongside offline research. 

Singapore is one of the most technologically-advanced countries in the world, with internet penetration not that drastically different from the US and indeed higher than many European nations such as Spain, Portugal and Austria. The government’s ‘smart nation’ ambitions are laid out in a masterplan that constantly gets revisited and progress against it tracked. Digital device ownership is high, and digital literacy is something that’s improving, even amongst elderly Singaporeans. It is becoming a common sight in the suburbs to see older Singaporeans making their way to the local community centre for regular lessons on smartphone usage or getting online, while savvier ones conduct video calls with distant loved ones across time zones, with a smile plastered on their faces. 


What this all means is an increasing willingness amongst clients to explore digital means of qualitatively engaging Singaporean respondents. Though still not the mainstream methodology of choice, we at Kadence International have interacted with consumers in Singapore via online communities on the topic of financial management, understood their preferences when it comes to beer via mobile diaries, and even explored their attitudes and expressions online on the topic of camera usage via social listening.

Online quantitative surveys have always been the norm in Singapore, so it’s good to see an increasing willingness on the part of clients to adopt a similar way to engage and understand local consumers qualitatively. 

From these experiences, we have honed best practices that guide every piece of online work that comes our way. For example, because Singaporeans are generally quite experienced and savvy with tech platforms, we are able to make our task introductions concise, thereby focusing on what we want them to complete or achieve. Also, culturally we may not be as open to casual acquaintances, but the right tonality on the mobile platform will definitely encourage very effusive inputs when it comes to tasks, sometimes even through the form of videos and images! On top of that, working with the right recruiters / fieldwork managers is even more crucial for online fieldwork compared to offline, as they are the crucial link to ensure sustained participation, especially for longitudinal studies (i.e. more than 10 days).

Despite Singapore’s position as a digital leader, over the past 5 years, there have been sporadic episodes of data breaches, even at government agencies, which have affected the daily lives of average Singaporeans. This is on top of the occasional ‘phishing’ instances and increasingly common episodes of white-collar crimes conducted on the digital / mobile platform. 

Though not catastrophic in nature, these instances do reduce overall consumer confidence in digital platforms to a certain degree, while highlighting increasing consciousness amongst consumers about their rights to personal data and digital privacy. This needs to be considered when implementing any form of online research. 

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The impact of this is that we need to think carefully about how we set up a study and what we say to reassure respondents participating in online research. Clarity around what kinds of information will be collected, how it will be used, and giving people the option to opt in and out of some of these, will definitely work towards reducing reluctance to participate, as well as increasing willingness to be even more open towards sharing their thoughts and the data points that we ask of them. It can’t just be a ‘blanket’ set of generic text filled with jargon, because that will not sufficiently explain the importance of them sharing their information, and of us respecting what they have shared. 

As mentioned, offline research is still a popular option in the Singapore and there are a number of reasons for this in spite of the efficiencies that online alternatives can offer. The small size of this ‘red dot’ island nation means that it can be easier and quicker to track hard-to-reach individuals in person rather than online. Offline is often favoured by government-related agencies, because more Singaporeans are choosing to forgo having a landline in their homes, instead relying on a mobile phone number. That means while it used to be possible to achieve representativeness on a neighbour level via the home telephone, going face-to-face is now a more effective method. 

In Singapore we see a matrix of reasons why considering both online and offline research is important. From demographic shifts and technological adoption, to legislation and daily behaviour, we see that the market houses consumers that can be optimally reached through a mix of methodologies. This is the key takeout from my years of experience running both kinds of research across Asia, and underlies my belief that any brand that wants to truly understand Singapore as a market will stand to maximize that understanding if it starts by recognizing the value that combined methodologies can bring.

How to conduct online market research in Asia: The Go-To Guide
Interested in understanding how to approach online research across other Asian countries? Download the guide here