Imagine this scenario: you’re the Product Marketing Manager at Stellar Sneakers, a thriving company known for its innovative and stylish footwear. Your team is poised to launch a new line of eco-friendly shoes, but before you do, you want to gather valuable insights to ensure the product’s success. There’s a budget set aside for market research, but you’re faced with a crucial decision: should you go for a qualitative approach, diving into the deep and nuanced attitudes of your target audience? Or should you lean on quantitative research, capturing broad trends and measurable consumer preferences?

These choices are commonplace for marketing professionals. Market research is instrumental in developing successful products and campaigns, helping you understand your target audience, gauge customer preferences, and assess market trends. However, deciding between qualitative and quantitative methodologies can often seem like a labyrinth.

In this article, we will navigate this maze together. We’ll delve into the strengths and weaknesses of both qualitative and quantitative research, providing a practical guide for marketing executives like yourself wrestling with this choice. Our goal is to equip you with a more profound understanding, enabling you to select the most effective research methodology for your marketing objectives. 

Understanding Qualitative Research

Qualitative research can be likened to a deep, exploratory dive. Instead of skimming the ocean’s surface to understand what lies beneath, qualitative research immerses itself in the depths to explore the unseen. In other words, it involves gathering subjective, non-numerical data to uncover your target audience’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

Imagine conducting in-depth interviews or focus groups with your prospective customers. You might ask them open-ended questions like, “How important is sustainability in your footwear choices?” or “What would make you choose our new eco-friendly shoes over traditional options?” Such questions do not restrict respondents to choosing from pre-determined answers; instead, they allow them to express their unique thoughts and emotions.

Similarly, other qualitative methods, like observations or ethnography, enable researchers to study people in their natural settings. For instance, observing customers in a retail store can offer valuable insights into shopping habits and behaviours that would be difficult to capture through structured surveys.

In a nutshell, qualitative research is all about understanding the “why” behind consumer behaviour. It delves into the intricacies of consumer attitudes, beliefs, and experiences, providing a rich, nuanced understanding of your target audience. But like all methodologies, qualitative research has its strengths and drawbacks.

Pros of Qualitative Research

Now that we understand what qualitative research entails, let’s dive into its advantages. For you, as the Product Marketing Manager of Stellar Sneakers, these pros can guide your understanding of what consumers feel and why they behave the way they do.

In-depth Understanding: The primary strength of qualitative research lies in its depth of understanding. By allowing consumers to express their thoughts and feelings in their own words, you can gain a holistic and nuanced understanding of their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. You might discover, for example, that your target audience highly values sustainable practices not just because of environmental concerns but due to an underlying desire to contribute positively to society. This insight goes beyond basic preferences and can help guide your product development and marketing strategies.

Flexibility: Qualitative research is adaptable, allowing exploring unexpected avenues that emerge during the research process. Let’s say during your focus group discussions, a participant brings up an unanticipated point about the aesthetics of eco-friendly shoes. This can lead the conversation down a new path, offering insights you hadn’t considered initially. This adaptability makes qualitative research a powerful tool for discovery.

Contextual Understanding: This research method provides context to your findings. Instead of just knowing that a certain percentage of your audience prefers eco-friendly shoes, you get to understand why they prefer them. Are they driven by concerns about climate change, peer influence, or simply a desire for unique, innovative products? This contextual understanding can help you craft more effective marketing messages.

Cons of Qualitative Research

While the strengths of qualitative research are many, it has limitations. Understanding these drawbacks is crucial for a balanced approach to your market research.

Limited Generalisability: Qualitative research typically involves smaller, more targeted sample sizes due to the time and resources required for in-depth interviews, focus groups, or observations. This means that while the insights you gather will be rich and detailed, they may not represent the views and experiences of your entire target population. For instance, the customers who participate in your focus groups might have particularly strong feelings about sustainability, which might not be as prevalent in the broader customer base.

Subjectivity: Unlike its quantitative counterpart, qualitative research relies heavily on interpretation and analysis. The findings are often expressed in words and narratives, making them susceptible to researcher bias. For example, two researchers might interpret a participant’s responses in a focus group differently, leading to different conclusions. Therefore, ensuring rigour and objectivity during the analysis phase is critical.

Time and Resource-Intensive: Conducting and analysing qualitative research can be quite labour-intensive. Transcribing interviews, analysing focus group discussions, and reviewing observational data require skilled moderators, transcription services, and a significant amount of time. Additionally, the need for specially trained researchers to conduct interviews or focus groups can add to the cost of the research.

These cons do not diminish the value of qualitative research; instead, they highlight the need for careful planning and thoughtful interpretation of the data gathered. By understanding this approach’s strengths and limitations, you can maximise its benefits and make informed decisions. 


Understanding Quantitative Research

As we leave the deep-diving world of qualitative research, we surface to the realm of quantitative research, where the breadth of understanding is the key. Think of it as casting a wide net into the sea, gathering as many fish (or, in our case, data points) as possible to analyse and identify patterns or trends.

In contrast to qualitative research, quantitative research involves gathering measurable, numerical data. This can be accomplished through various methods, such as online surveys, questionnaires, or structured observations. The questions in this type of research are often closed-ended, offering a set of predefined responses for the participants to choose from. For instance, you might ask your customers to rate on a scale of 1-5 how likely they are to buy your new eco-friendly shoes or to select from a list of options their primary reason for purchasing such shoes.

The essence of quantitative research is the ability to quantify consumer behaviour and attitudes. Rather than focusing on individual narratives, it provides a statistical representation of a large group’s feelings or behaviours. For instance, it might tell you that 65% of your target market is willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly footwear.

Quantitative research, like its qualitative counterpart, has a unique set of pros and cons, which can significantly impact your research results and, consequently, your business decisions. 

Pros of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research provides a measurable, objective lens to view your market. Here are some of the key advantages it offers:

Generalisability: With its focus on large sample sizes, quantitative research enables you to gather data statistically representative of your target population. For instance, if your survey reveals that a significant percentage of respondents are willing to pay more for eco-friendly shoes, you can confidently infer this trend extends to your broader target market.

Measurable and Objective: Quantitative data can be precisely measured and easily analysed using statistical methods. The responses you gather can be quantified, compared, and tracked over time, offering you valuable insights. For example, you can measure changes in consumer attitudes toward eco-friendly products over several years.

Efficiency: Given that quantitative research often employs online or paper surveys, you can collect data from a large number of respondents simultaneously. This method can be cost-effective and time-efficient, especially when compared to conducting numerous in-depth interviews or focus groups.


Cons of Quantitative Research

Despite the significant advantages of quantitative research, it’s essential to be mindful of its limitations to ensure a balanced approach to your market research.

Lack of Depth: While quantitative research excels in measuring and quantifying consumer behaviours and attitudes, it often doesn’t capture the nuances and underlying reasons for those behaviours. For example, although you might know from a survey that a substantial percentage of your target market prefers eco-friendly shoes, you won’t necessarily understand the specific motivations, emotions, or experiences behind this preference.

Limited Context: Quantitative research provides statistical data but often lacks the rich, detailed context of qualitative research. It tells you “what” the trends are but often falls short of explaining “why” those trends exist. For instance, your survey might reveal that younger customers are more likely to buy eco-friendly shoes, but without further qualitative investigation, the reasons for this demographic preference may remain unclear.

Potential for Survey Bias: The design of your quantitative surveys can significantly influence the accuracy of your results. Poorly constructed questions, leading prompts, or a lack of diverse response options can introduce bias, resulting in skewed data. For example, if your survey questions are biased towards positive responses about eco-friendly products, you may end up with an inflated perception of your target market’s interest in such products.

By recognising these limitations, you can take steps to mitigate them, such as supplementing your quantitative data with qualitative insights or ensuring your survey design is as unbiased and inclusive as possible. 

Choosing the Right Approach

At this point, you might wonder: Should I dive deep with qualitative research or cast a wide net with quantitative research? The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The most effective approach depends on several factors, including your research objectives, the representativeness and size of your sample, and the resources available to you.

Research Objectives: Your first consideration should be the purpose of your research. If you are at an exploratory stage, wanting to understand your target audience’s nuanced perspectives and motivations, qualitative research could be your best bet. On the other hand, quantitative research might be the way to go if you’re looking to test a hypothesis, measure the impact of a previous campaign, or collect data on a large scale.

Sample Size and Representativeness: If generalisability is a priority, and you want your research findings to represent your entire target market, then quantitative research, with its larger sample sizes, is generally more suitable. However, if your focus is on a smaller, more targeted group, qualitative research can offer the in-depth insights you need.

Time and Resource Constraints: Budget, time, and human resources are practical considerations that can impact your research choice. If you’re working within a tight budget or timeframe or have limited access to skilled qualitative researchers, a quantitative approach may be more efficient. Conversely, if you have the resources to conduct thorough interviews, focus groups, or ethnographic studies, qualitative research can yield rich, nuanced data.

Complementary Research: Remember that qualitative and quantitative research aren’t mutually exclusive. They can be effectively combined to offer a comprehensive view of your market. For instance, you could start with a qualitative study to explore consumer attitudes and behaviours and then design a quantitative survey based on those insights to gather data from a larger sample size. Alternatively, you might supplement quantitative data with qualitative research to add depth and context to your findings.

The right research methodology can make a significant difference in your understanding of your market and, consequently, the success of your marketing efforts. By carefully considering the above factors, you can select the most effective approach for your specific needs.

Navigating the world of market research and making these decisions can seem daunting. That’s where expert help can make a real difference. Consider partnering with a seasoned market research agency like Kadence International. With a wealth of experience across various industries and markets, we at Kadence can guide you in selecting the best research methodology tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you gain the insights needed to propel your business forward.

Ready to unlock the power of market research? Reach out to us, and let us guide you toward a better understanding of your market and achieving business success.

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When conducting market research, asking the right questions is crucial. The magic happens when you dig deeper than the traditional ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses. This is where open-ended questions come in. These questions allow respondents to express their thoughts in their own words, providing richer, more meaningful insights. 

This blog will guide you on effectively using open-ended survey questions in your market research, analysing the responses, and highlighting some best practices. We’ll also share some examples of effective open-ended questions.

Also, read “Bad Survey Questions and How to Avoid Them.

The Power of Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. They allow respondents to express their opinions, thoughts, and feelings in a more detailed and nuanced manner.

For instance, instead of asking, “Do you like our product?” (a close-ended question), you could ask, “What do you like most about our product?” The latter question provides more room for detailed responses, giving you deeper insights into what your customers value about your product.

How to Use Open-Ended Questions in Your Survey

Strategically placing open-ended questions in your survey is key. Too many open-ended questions can make the survey long and tedious, leading to lower response rates. Consider mixing both close-ended and open-ended questions to maintain balance.

Open-ended questions should be clear and straightforward. Avoid using industry jargon or complex language that might confuse the respondent. 

Here are a few examples of effective open-ended questions:

  • “What features would you like to see added to our product in the future?”
  • “Can you describe a situation where our service helped solve your problem?”
  • “What made you choose our product over others available in the market?”

Here are some examples of less-effective questions, why they’re problematic, and how they could be improved for better insights

Example 1: “Are there any comments you’d like to share?”

Problem: This question is too vague. Respondents may need to learn precisely what you’re asking for, which could lead to irrelevant responses or discourage respondents from answering.

Solution: Instead, ask, “Can you share your thoughts on how we could improve our product?” This question is more specific and invites respondents to provide actionable feedback.

Example 2: “Do you like our new website?”

Problem: While seemingly open-ended, this question can be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It doesn’t encourage respondents to provide details or reasons behind their answers.

Solution: A better way to phrase this could be, “What do you like most about our new website, and what could be improved?” This invites respondents to share specific positive feedback and offer constructive criticism.

Example 3: “What features do you want in our product?”

Problem: While this question seeks valuable feedback, it might be too open-ended. Respondents might suggest features beyond your product’s scope, making the feedback less actionable.

Solution: Instead, consider asking, “Which existing feature would you like us to enhance in our product, and why?” This question still captures the desire for improvement but focuses on the product’s current capabilities.

Example 4: “Tell us about our customer service.”

Problem: This question is broad and might lead to unfocused answers. It doesn’t guide respondents on which aspects of customer service they’re interested in.

Solution: An improved version of this question could be, “Could you describe a recent experience you had with our customer service team and how it could have been better?” This question prompts respondents to share specific experiences and provide targeted feedback.

Crafting effective open-ended questions is about clarity and relevance. Strive for questions that encourage detailed, focused responses while ensuring the question is directly relevant to the respondent and the purpose of your research.


Analysing Responses to Open-Ended Questions

Analysing open-ended responses can be more complex than analysing close-ended ones due to the qualitative nature of the responses. 

Here are some strategies to help:

  • Thematic Analysis: This involves identifying recurring themes or patterns in the responses. For example, if many respondents mention that they love your product’s ‘ease of use’, it’s a recurring theme worth noting.
  • Sentiment Analysis: This is used to gauge the overall sentiment of the responses, i.e., whether they are positive, negative, or neutral. This can give you a quick understanding of the overall perception of your product or service.
  • Coding: This involves categorising responses into predefined categories. For example, responses to the question “What do you like most about our product?” could be coded into categories such as ‘price’, ‘quality’, ‘customer service’, and so on. 

Best Practices for Using Open-Ended Questions

  • Use sparingly: Avoid overwhelming respondents with too many open-ended questions. They should be used sparingly and strategically.
  • Ensure clarity: The question should be easy to understand. Avoid ambiguity that may confuse respondents.
  • Invite elaboration: Encourage respondents to provide as much detail as possible. You can do this using phrases like, “Please explain…” or “Could you elaborate on…”
  • Keep it relevant: Ensure that your open-ended questions are relevant to the respondent and the purpose of your survey. Irrelevant questions may lead to incomplete responses or drop-outs.

When and Why Should You Use an Open-Ended Question?

Open-ended questions can be incredibly useful, but knowing when to deploy them is vital for their effectiveness. 

Here are a few scenarios where open-ended questions are particularly beneficial:

  • Gathering In-Depth Insights: Open-ended questions are perfect when seeking detailed and nuanced insights from your respondents. They encourage respondents to share their experiences, perspectives, and opinions in their own words, providing richer and more complex data than close-ended questions.
  • Exploring New Ideas: Open-ended questions can be a valuable tool if you’re looking for fresh ideas or creative input. They give respondents the freedom to think outside the box and offer suggestions they might not have considered.
  • Understanding Customer Sentiment: When you want to gauge how customers feel about your brand, product, or service, open-ended questions can reveal more about their emotions and attitudes. Sentiments are often complex and can’t be captured fully by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.
  • Problem Diagnosis: If customers face issues with your product or service, open-ended questions can help diagnose the problem more effectively. By allowing customers to describe the issue in their own words, you’re more likely to understand the root of the problem.

Why should you use open-ended questions? Open-ended questions are essential when you want to:

  • Understand the ‘Why’: Open-ended questions help you understand why respondents feel a certain way, providing context that can help inform your decision-making.
  • Identify Trends and Patterns: By identifying common themes or trends in the responses to open-ended questions, you can gain valuable insights into broad customer attitudes and behaviours.
  • Empower Respondents: Open-ended questions give your respondents a voice, making them feel valued and engaged. This can help build stronger relationships with your customers.

The ultimate goal of using open-ended questions is to collect meaningful and actionable insights to help you make informed decisions, enhance your product or service, and ultimately better serve your customers.

Analysing results from open-ended questions can be challenging due to the qualitative nature of the data. 

However, the following steps can guide you through the process and help you extract meaningful insights:

  • Organise Your Responses: Start by collecting and organising all the responses you’ve received. You might transcribe them if they were collected verbally, or if they’re written, gather them into a single document or spreadsheet for analysis.
  • Read and Familiarise Yourself with the Responses: Read through all the responses carefully to get a sense of what your respondents are saying. This will give you an initial understanding of the general sentiments and main ideas.
  • Code Your Responses: Coding is the process of categorising responses based on shared themes or concepts. You could categorise responses to product improvement questions into themes like ‘product features’, ‘pricing’, and ‘customer service.’
  • Identify Themes or Patterns: After coding, analyse the categories to identify common themes or patterns. These recurring themes can reveal significant insights about your respondents’ opinions or experiences.
  • Quantify Your Data: You should quantify your data depending on the number of responses. For instance, you can calculate the percentage of responses that mention a particular theme. This can help when comparing the prominence of different themes.
  • Perform Sentiment Analysis: This involves assessing the emotional tone of the responses. Software tools can assist with this, especially for larger datasets. You can classify responses as positive, negative, or neutral.
  • Review and Interpret Your Findings: Review your coded data, theme patterns, and sentiment analysis results. What do they suggest about your respondents’ perspectives? What actionable insights can you extract?
  • Present Your Findings: Summarise your findings clearly and concisely, suitable for presentation. Visual aids such as charts, graphs, or word clouds can help communicate your results effectively.

Analysing open-ended responses can be time-consuming, but the depth and richness of the insights you’ll gain make it a worthwhile endeavour.

Open-ended questions can provide rich, in-depth insights into your customers’ thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of data you collect but the quality of the insights you glean that truly matter in market research.

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Surveys are powerful data collection tools that enable businesses to gather valuable insights, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions. Whether it’s surveying customers, internal team members, or key stakeholders, the data collected through surveys can provide a wealth of information that propels a business forward.

However, the quality and reliability of the data collected can only be as good as the survey questions themselves. Crafting high-quality survey questions is crucial to obtaining accurate insights and avoiding common pitfalls that novice survey creators often encounter.

The Foundations of Effective Survey Design

Effective survey design is critical in obtaining accurate data and making informed business decisions. Understanding the foundations of survey design allows you to optimise your data collection efforts and ensure reliable insights. This section explores key considerations in survey design:

Significance of Survey Design 

Survey design directly impacts the quality of data collected and the insights derived from it. Well-designed surveys yield more accurate and actionable information, providing a solid foundation for decision-making. It involves careful planning, question formulation, and structuring the study in a logical and user-friendly manner.

Understanding the Target Audience

Tailoring survey questions to the specific characteristics and preferences of the target audience is paramount. Different demographics may respond differently to certain question styles or formats. By understanding your audience’s background, knowledge, and preferences, you can create questions that resonate with them and elicit meaningful responses.

Addressing Survey Length and Response Rates

Survey length plays a crucial role in response rates. Long and time-consuming surveys often result in respondent fatigue, leading to decreased participation and potentially biased data. It is essential to strike a balance between gathering the necessary information and keeping the survey concise. By respecting respondents’ time and precisely estimating the survey’s duration, you can encourage higher response rates and increase data quality.

Value of Pre-Testing through Pilot Studies

Pre-testing survey questions through pilot studies or small-scale trials is a valuable step in survey design. Conducting pilot studies with a representative sample helps identify potential issues, such as unclear or confusing questions, biased wording, or technical difficulties. It allows you to refine the survey, ensuring clarity and improving the respondent experience before the main data collection phase.

By focusing on these foundational elements of survey design, you can enhance the validity and reliability of your data collection efforts. Understanding your audience, respecting their time, and conducting pre-testing will contribute to the overall success of your surveys, leading to more accurate insights and informed decision-making.

Types of Bad Survey Questions 

The Biased or Leading Question

Biased or leading questions are a common pitfall in survey question development. These questions prompt or influence respondents to answer in favour or against a specific outcome, resulting in inaccurate data and compromised insights. It is crucial to identify and avoid such questions to maintain the integrity of your survey results.

Definition: Biased or leading questions are designed to sway respondents towards a particular response, often by presenting information that favours one option over others.

Example: “Studies have shown that our product reduces stress levels significantly. How likely are you to purchase it?”

Explanation: This question employs biased language by referencing studies that suggest a positive outcome. By framing the statement in this manner, respondents may feel inclined to answer positively, potentially distorting the true sentiments towards the product.

Tips to Avoid Bias: 

  • Use neutral language: Craft questions without favouring any specific option explicitly or implicitly. Present information objectively to elicit unbiased responses. 
  • Vary the order of options: When presenting a list of options, ensure the order is randomised across questions with similar answer choices. This prevents respondents from making decisions based on the sequential positioning of options, reducing potential bias.

The Ambiguous Question

Ambiguous and imprecise questions pose challenges in survey design, making it difficult for respondents to understand the intended meaning and provide accurate responses. Ambiguity can lead to inconsistent or misunderstood answers, compromising the reliability of the data collected.

Challenges of Ambiguity: Ambiguous questions lack clarity or specificity, making it challenging for respondents to interpret what is being asked. This can result in varied interpretations, subjective responses, and difficulty accurately analyzing the data.

Example: “Please rate your satisfaction with our customer service.”

Shortcomings: This question lacks clarity in terms of what aspects of the customer service experience should be considered when rating satisfaction. Respondents may have different interpretations of “customer service,” leading to inconsistent and subjective responses.

Tips to Avoid Ambiguity: 

  • Develop precise questions: Craft questions that are specific and leave no room for misinterpretation. Clearly define the subject or context of the question to guide respondents in providing accurate responses. 
  • Provide response options: Instead of open-ended questions, offer predefined response options that cover the key dimensions or attributes you want to measure. This allows respondents to select the option that best aligns with their experience. 
  • Consider alternative survey techniques: Explore survey techniques like conjoint analysis, which presents respondents with specific attributes or features to evaluate. This approach ensures direct and specific responses by focusing on the relevant aspects of a product or service.

The Complex Question

Complex questions present challenges as they incorporate multiple subjects or factors, making it difficult for respondents to provide clear and accurate answers. These questions, often called double-barreled questions, can lead to confusion and compromise the quality of the collected data.

Drawbacks of Complexity: Complex questions overwhelm respondents by asking about multiple subjects but requiring a single answer. This can lead to respondents providing unclear or inaccurate responses, hindering the reliability and validity of the data.

Example: “Please rate the quality of our product and the efficiency of our customer support.”

Shortcomings: This question combines two distinct aspects, the quality of the product and the efficiency of customer support, into a single question. Respondents may have different perceptions or experiences regarding each element, resulting in unclear or conflicting responses.

Tips to Avoid Complexity: 

  • Simplify questions: Trim unnecessary details and focus on one subject or factor per question. By asking about one specific aspect at a time, respondents can provide more precise and meaningful responses. 
  • Split complex questions: Divide complex questions into multiple focused questions, each addressing a single subject or factor. This approach allows respondents to provide dedicated responses, minimising confusion and improving data quality. 
  • Use pairwise ranking: Employ a pairwise ranking system where respondents compare options or rank them in order of preference. This approach helps establish a hierarchy of preferences without overwhelming respondents with complex multi-dimensional questions.

Maximising Data Collection and Reliability

To maximise the effectiveness of your survey efforts and ensure reliable insights, it is essential to consider various aspects beyond question design. This section explores the main elements contributing to maximising data collection and reliability.

Selecting Appropriate Survey Platforms and Technology: Choosing the right survey platform and technology is crucial for seamless data collection and analysis. Consider platforms offering skip logic, randomisation, and data visualisation capabilities. The right technology can streamline the survey process, enhance the respondent experience, and provide efficient data management and analysis.

Ethical Considerations in Survey Design: Ethics play a vital role in survey design to protect respondents’ rights and ensure data privacy. Ethical considerations include:

  • Obtaining informed consent from participants.
  • Clearly explain the purpose of the survey.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality and security of collected data.

Adhering to data protection regulations and ethical guidelines fosters trust and encourages honest responses from participants.

Significance of Data Analysis Techniques and Interpretation: Data analysis is critical in deriving meaningful insights from survey responses. Utilise appropriate data analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis or qualitative coding, to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. Ensure proper interpretation of the results, considering the context and limitations of the survey, to draw accurate conclusions and make informed decisions based on the findings.

Emphasising the Iterative Nature of Survey Design: Survey design is an iterative process that requires continuous improvement. Actively seek feedback from respondents, analyse response patterns, and identify areas for enhancement. Incorporate lessons learned from previous surveys to refine future iterations, ensuring a better participant experience and improving data quality over time.

You can maximise data collection and reliability by selecting suitable survey platforms and technology, adhering to ethical considerations, employing effective data analysis techniques, and embracing the iterative nature of survey design. These elements collectively contribute to obtaining accurate insights and empowering data-driven decision-making within your organisation.

Remember, survey design is an ongoing learning process. Continuously seek opportunities for improvement, explore new methodologies, and stay abreast of best practices to refine your survey design skills and unlock the full potential of your survey data.


Final Thoughts

Effective survey design is essential for obtaining accurate insights and making informed, data-driven decisions. Throughout this article, we have explored the common pitfalls in survey question development and provided valuable tips and techniques to avoid them. Let us recap the key points and reinforce the value of surveys as a powerful tool for businesses:

  1. Importance of Effective Survey Design: Well-designed surveys form the foundation for obtaining accurate insights. By crafting high-quality survey questions, understanding the target audience, addressing survey length, and conducting pre-testing, you can enhance the reliability and validity of the data collected.
  2. Implementing Tips and Techniques: The tips and techniques discussed in this article offer practical guidance to improve survey question development. By avoiding biased or leading questions, eliminating ambiguity, and simplifying complex questions, you can ensure clarity, precision, and meaningful responses from participants.
  3. Surveys as a Means for Informed Decision-Making: Surveys provide businesses with a valuable means to gather data and make informed, data-driven decisions. By collecting reliable insights, organisations can identify opportunities, assess challenges, and set the direction for growth and success.

Surveys empower businesses to make informed decisions, propel growth, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape. Leverage the power of surveys to gather valuable data, unlock powerful insights, and drive your organisation toward success.

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Field studies are crucial in providing brands with insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and attitudes. With the increasing accessibility of digital tools and mobile technology, conducting field studies has become more cost-effective than ever before. However, planning and executing a successful field study can still be challenging and requires careful consideration of various factors, such as selecting the right location, recruiting participants, choosing the correct research methods, and managing logistics. 

Fieldwork or field studies are also commonly referred to as field research, field investigations, field surveys, or field observations. These terms all refer to research conducted outside of a controlled setting. They involve collecting data through observation, interviews, or other methods in a real-world context.

This blog post will provide insider tips and best practices for conducting effective field studies that yield reliable and actionable data. Whether you are an experienced market researcher or a newcomer to the field, this post will cover everything you need to know to execute a successful field study and gain insights that can inform your business decisions.

Planning for Data Analysis

Planning for data analysis is an essential aspect of conducting a successful field study. By considering data analysis before beginning the field study, you can ensure that your research objectives are aligned with your analysis goals and that you select appropriate analysis methods.

Here are some tips for planning for data analysis before beginning your field study:

  1. Define research objectives: Clearly define your research objectives before beginning the field study. Your research objectives should guide your analysis goals and help you to identify the most important data to collect.
  2. Identify data sources: Identify the sources you will use to answer your research questions. This may include survey data, observational data, or other types of data.
  3. Select appropriate analysis methods: Select appropriate analysis methods based on your research objectives and data sources. This may include statistical analysis, content analysis, or other analysis methods.
  4. Consider potential limitations: Consider the limits of your data and analysis methods. For example, if you are collecting data through surveys, consider response bias and other factors that could impact the accuracy of your data.
  5. Plan for data visualisation: Before beginning the field study, plan for data visualisation. This will help you clearly and concisely communicate your research findings and identify key insights.
  6. Use software tools: Consider using software tools to help you with data analysis. This can help streamline the analysis process and ensure that you use appropriate analysis methods.

Selecting the Right Location

Choosing the right location for your field study is critical to its success. Your chosen location should be relevant to your research objectives, accessible to participants, and feasible regarding logistics and budget. 

Researchers have found that the location of a field study can significantly impact the results. For example, when testing consumer products, researchers found that participants in rural areas preferred different products than those in urban areas. This highlights the importance of selecting the right location for your study.

Another example is a study conducted by the World Health Organisation on the prevalence of obesity in different countries. The study found that the prevalence of obesity varied significantly between countries and regions, emphasising the importance of selecting the right location for your research to ensure that the results are relevant and representative.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a location for your field study:

  • Relevance: The location should be relevant to your research objectives. For example, suppose you are conducting a study on the effects of urbanisation on the environment. In that case, you may want to select a city or a specific urban area as your study location.
  • Accessibility: The location should be accessible to participants. If you are conducting a study on consumer behaviour, you may want to choose a place easily accessible by public transport or car.
  • Feasibility: The location should be feasible in terms of logistics and budget. For example, if you are conducting research in a remote area, consider factors such as accommodation and transportation costs.
  • Diversity: Consider choosing a location that represents a diverse population. This helps ensure that your results are representative of a broader population.

Recruiting Participants

Recruiting the right participants for your field study ensures that your research yields accurate and actionable data. The participants you select should be representative of the population you want to study and have the knowledge and experience necessary to provide valuable insights.

Here are some tips for recruiting participants for your field study:

  1. Use online platforms: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be great tools for recruiting participants. You can post about your study and ask participants to complete a survey or contact you directly.
  2. Leverage existing networks: Reach out to your existing networks, such as friends, colleagues, and industry contacts, to see if they know anyone interested in participating in your study.
  3. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives such as gift cards, discounts, or cash to participants. This can be a great way to incentivise participation and ensure that you get a good response rate.
  4. Use screening criteria: To ensure that you recruit the right participants for your study, use screening criteria to filter out those who do not meet your requirements. For example, if you are studying consumer behaviour, you may want to screen participants based on age, income level, or purchasing habits.
  5. Reach out to professional organisations: If you are conducting a study in a specific industry, contact professional organisations and associations to see if they can help recruit participants. These organisations may have email lists or social media groups that you can use to reach a relevant audience.
  6. Consider using an agency: If you need help recruiting participants, consider using a market research agency. These agencies specialise in finding and screening participants for research studies and can be an excellent resource for finding the right participants.

Choosing the Right Research Methods

Once you have selected the right location and recruited participants, the next step is to choose the right research methods for your field study. 

You can use many different research methods in a field study, and the method you choose will depend on your research objectives, the type of data you want to collect, and the resources available.

Here are some common research methods used in field studies:

  • Interviews: Interviews are a common research method used in field studies. Interviews can be structured or unstructured and conducted face-to-face or over the phone. Interviews are a great way to gather detailed information about participants’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Surveys: Surveys are a popular research method used in field studies. Surveys can be conducted online, in person, or over the phone. Surveys can be used to gather quantitative data and can be a great way to collect data from a large number of participants.
  • Observational research: Observational research involves observing participants in their natural environment. Observational research can be conducted using video or audio recordings and can be a great way to gather data on participants’ behaviour and interactions.
  • Focus groups: Focus groups involve bringing together a group of participants to discuss a specific topic. Focus groups can be a great way to gather in-depth insights and opinions from participants and can be used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Case studies involve conducting an in-depth analysis of a specific participant or group. Case studies can be a great way to gather detailed insights into a particular topic or issue.

When choosing the correct research method for your field study, consider your research objectives, the type of data you want to collect, and the resources available. Choosing a method that is appropriate for your research goals and will yield accurate and actionable data is important.

Managing Logistics

Managing logistics is another critical aspect of conducting a successful field study. Logistics refers to the arrangements and coordination required to execute your study, including transportation, equipment, and communication.

Here are some tips for managing logistics for your field study:

  1. Transportation: Ensure you have reliable transportation to and from your study location. Consider renting a vehicle or hiring a driver to ensure you can get to your site on time and your participants can get to the location easily.
  2. Equipment: Ensure you have all the equipment you need for your study, such as cameras, audio recorders, and survey tools. Test your equipment before your research to ensure that it works properly.
  3. Communication: Ensure you have a reliable communication system to stay in touch with your team and participants. This may include mobile phones, Slack channels, or even walkie-talkies in remote areas without cell service.
  4. Accommodation: If your study location is far away, consider accommodation options for yourself and your team. Book accommodation in advance to ensure you have a comfortable and convenient place to stay.
  5. Food and water: Ensure you have enough food and water for yourself and your team during the study. Bring snacks, water bottles, and other essentials to keep everyone fueled and hydrated.
  6. Contingency plans: Have contingency plans in place in case of unforeseen events such as bad weather or equipment failure. Ensure that everyone on your team knows what to do in an emergency.

Ensuring Ethical Conduct

As with any research, ensuring that your field study is conducted ethically is essential. Ethical considerations are crucial in field studies because they often involve real-world situations and interactions with participants.

Here are some tips for ensuring ethical conduct in your field study:

  1. Informed consent: Ensure all participants provide informed consent before participating in your study. Informed consent means that participants understand the purpose of the study, what they will be doing, and any risks or benefits associated with participating.
  2. Confidentiality: Ensure that participants’ privacy and confidentiality are protected. This includes ensuring that any personal information is kept confidential and that participants’ identities are protected.
  3. Avoid coercion: Do not use coercion or pressure to convince participants to participate in your study. Participants should be free to choose whether or not to participate.
  4. Debriefing: Debrief participants after the study to ensure that they understand the purpose of the research and to address any concerns or questions they may have.
  5. Data handling: Ensure that all data is handled following ethical guidelines. This includes ensuring that data is stored securely and that any identifying information is removed from the data.
  6. Institutional review: Consider seeking an institutional review of your study to ensure it meets ethical guidelines and regulations.

Analysing and Interpreting Results

Once you have collected your data, the next step is to analyse and interpret your results. Proper analysis and interpretation are critical to ensuring you can draw accurate conclusions and make informed decisions based on your research findings.

Here are some tips for analysing and interpreting your field study results:

  1. Use statistical analysis: If you are collecting quantitative data, use statistical analysis to identify patterns and trends in your data. Statistical analysis can help you to identify relationships between variables and to make predictions based on your data.
  2. Use qualitative analysis: If you are collecting qualitative data, use qualitative analysis to identify themes and patterns in your data. Qualitative analysis can help you to understand participants’ experiences and perceptions and to identify key issues and insights.
  3. Compare your results: Compare your results to your research objectives to ensure that you have achieved your research goals. Compare your results to previous studies and research to gain a broader perspective on your findings.
  4. Interpret your results: Interpret your results to draw conclusions and to identify actionable insights. Consider the implications of your findings for your business or organisation and how you can use your research to inform your decisions.
  5. Communicate your results: Communicate your results clearly and concisely, using visual aids such as charts and graphs to help illustrate your findings. Ensure that your results are accessible to a non-technical audience.

Tips for Effective Communication

Effective communication is essential to ensure your research findings are understood and used to inform business decisions. Here are some tips for communicating your research findings effectively:

  1. Identify key insights: Identify the key insights that emerged from your field study. This may include trends, patterns, or significant findings that have important implications for your business.
  2. Tailor your message: Tailor your message to different audiences. Depending on the audience, you may need to adjust your language, tone, and level of detail to ensure your message is understood and resonates with them.
  3. Use visuals: Use charts, graphs, and infographics to help illustrate your findings. Visuals can make complex data more accessible and help communicate your research findings in an engaging and visually appealing way.
  4. Provide context: Provide context for your research findings by explaining the research methods used and any limitations of the data. This helps ensure that your findings are interpreted accurately.
  5. Highlight actionable insights: Highlight actionable insights that can inform business decisions. This may include new product or service recommendations, marketing strategy changes, or business operations adjustments.
  6. Keep it concise: Keep your message brief and to the point. Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be confusing to non-experts.

Procter & Gamble’s Case Study on Laundry Detergent in India

Procter & Gamble (P&G), a global consumer goods company, conducted a field study in India to gain insights into consumer preferences for laundry detergent. 

The study was conducted in two phases: the first involved ethnographic research to understand consumers’ habits and preferences, and the second involved product testing to identify the most preferred products and ingredients.

The ethnographic research involved visiting households in urban and rural areas to observe consumers’ laundry habits, including how they washed their clothes and what types of detergent they used. The researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with consumers to understand their attitudes and perceptions toward laundry detergent.

The study revealed that many consumers in India preferred to hand-wash their clothes, particularly in rural areas where access to washing machines was limited. Consumers were also concerned about the quality and safety of the products they used and the cost and availability of these products.

Based on these insights, P&G developed a new product line of detergent specifically designed for hand-washing. The detergent was formulated with ingredients that were effective at removing stains and dirt but were gentle on fabrics and safe for hand-washing. The detergent was also affordable for consumers in rural areas and made available through local distribution channels.

The new product line was a success, with sales surpassing expectations and exceeding those of competing products in the market. The new product line’s success also helped increase P&G’s market share in India and improve its reputation among consumers.

The key takeaways from P&G’s field study include the following:

  • Ethnographic research can provide valuable insights into consumer habits and preferences, particularly in emerging markets.
  • Hand-washing is a common laundry practice in India, particularly in rural areas.
  • Consumers in India are concerned about the quality, safety, cost, and availability of laundry detergent.
  • Developing a product line that caters specifically to the preferences and needs of consumers in emerging markets can be a successful strategy for companies operating in these markets.

P&G’s field study in India demonstrates the potential for field research to inform product development and marketing strategies. By understanding consumer preferences and needs deeply, companies can develop products that cater to specific markets and improve their reputation among consumers.

Best Practices for Field Research

Conducting successful field research requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to adapt to unexpected situations. Here are some best practices for conducting field research:

  1. Develop a research plan: Develop a detailed research plan that outlines your research objectives, research methods, data collection strategies, and timeline. This will help you stay focused and organised throughout the field study.
  2. Build relationships with participants: Building positive relationships with your participants is crucial to the success of your field study. This may include establishing trust, being respectful, and communicating clearly and effectively.
  3. Choose appropriate research methods: Choose appropriate research methods that are aligned with your research objectives, and that will yield accurate and actionable data. This may include surveys, interviews, or observational studies.
  4. Manage logistics effectively: Managing logistics effectively is critical to the success of your field study. This may include selecting the right location, recruiting participants, arranging transportation, and ensuring all equipment works.
  5. Be adaptable: Be prepared to adapt to unexpected situations. This may include changes in weather, unexpected participant behaviour, or equipment failure. Being flexible and versatile can help ensure your field study stays on track.
  6. Ensure ethical conduct: Ensure that your field study is conducted ethically and that participant privacy and confidentiality are protected. This includes obtaining informed consent, ensuring all data is handled following ethical guidelines, and debriefing participants after the study.

Challenges and Limitations

While field studies can provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, several challenges and limitations are associated with conducting them. 

Here are some of the most common challenges and limitations that researchers should be aware of:

  1. Selecting the right location: The right site for your field study can be challenging. You must ensure the location is accessible, safe, and representative of your target audience. Additionally, the location may impact participants’ behaviour, which could affect the accuracy of your data.
  2. Recruiting participants: Recruiting participants for your field study can be challenging, particularly if you are targeting a specific population. You may need to use various recruitment methods, such as social media, referrals, or online panels, to ensure you reach your target audience.
  3. Managing logistics: Managing logistics for your field study can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This includes arranging transportation, coordinating schedules, and ensuring that all equipment is in working order.
  4. Limitations of the data collected: The data collected in a field study may have limitations. For example, if you are conducting an observational study, you may only be able to observe behaviour but need help understanding why participants behave in a certain way. Additionally, participant bias, response bias, or environmental factors may impact the data collected.
  5. Analysing and interpreting results: Analysing and interpreting results from a field study can be complex. Researchers need to use appropriate analysis methods and consider the potential limitations of the data.
  6. Ethical considerations: Conducting a field study requires ethical considerations to ensure that participants are treated fairly, and their privacy is protected. This includes obtaining informed consent, ensuring that participant data is kept confidential, and debriefing participants after the study.

Outsourcing Fieldwork to a Market Research Agency

Conducting a field study can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Outsourcing fieldwork to a market research agency can alleviate some of the burdens of running a field study while ensuring you get the data and insights you need to inform your business decisions.

Here are some reasons why outsourcing fieldwork to a market research agency can be a good idea:

  1. Expertise: Market research agencies have expertise in designing and executing field studies. They have experience in selecting the right location, recruiting participants, choosing appropriate research methods, and managing logistics. They also have the tools and resources to conduct the study efficiently and effectively.
  2. Access to participants: Market research agencies have access to a wide range of participants, including those that may be difficult to recruit on your own. They also have experience screening participants to ensure they meet your research criteria.
  3. Cost-effective: Outsourcing fieldwork to a market research agency can be cost-effective. The agency has the resources and expertise to conduct the study efficiently, which can help to minimise costs associated with running the study in-house.
  4. Time-saving: Outsourcing fieldwork to a market research agency can save time. The agency can handle all aspects of the study, including recruiting participants, managing logistics, and analysing results, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  5. Quality control: Market research agencies have quality control processes to ensure that the study is conducted ethically and that the data collected is accurate and actionable.

Key Takeaways

Conducting a successful field study requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to adapt to unexpected situations. Researchers can conduct studies that yield accurate and actionable data by following best practices for field research, planning for data analysis, effectively communicating research findings, and addressing challenges and limitations.

Outsourcing fieldwork to a market research agency can provide several advantages, including access to specialised expertise, resources, and technology. When outsourcing, it is essential to carefully select an agency with experience conducting field studies in your industry and geographic region.

  • Develop a detailed research plan outlining research objectives, methods, data collection strategies, and timeline.
  • Building positive relationships with participants is crucial to the success of your field study.
  • Select appropriate research methods that are aligned with research objectives, and that will yield accurate and actionable data.
  • Managing logistics for your field study can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • Be prepared to adapt to unexpected situations and changes.
  • Ethical considerations are important, and researchers must ensure that participants are treated fairly and that their privacy is protected.
  • Carefully select an agency with experience conducting field studies in your industry and geographic region.

Kadence International has over 30 years of experience in market research and has conducted field studies all over the globe. We would love to partner with you on your next field study. Contact us or submit your research brief.

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Back in the day, Qualitative research was all about understanding the person behind the responses by watching his actions, behaviour, mood, tonality, and other giveaways while talking about specific products and services. We still do it (some of it) but with less dependency on human competence and more reliance on the tools believed to be fast, precise, and less intruding.

In Qual research, most of these tools are used for analyzing data, app testing, and emotion decoding through Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which can address multiple research studies like UI/UX testing, NPD, product/concept test, etc. While these tools help capture the required details without bias, they still have some limitations.

Typical Qual research is done to understand:

  • Human behaviour and interaction with various categories (brands/ services/products)
  • Trends and impact 
  • Product and concept evaluation
  • Segmentation (Pen portraits)
  • U&A 
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Researchers apply various approaches to meet the objectives depending on the overall scope of the research project. However, basic principles like the need to be an open-ended, free-flowing discussion to gain in-depth knowledge and reasons for a particular behaviour or response and generate actionable insights stay the same. 

These days, technology is helping make research much more accessible and cost-effective for brands, but it is yet to be seen if it serves the intended purpose.

Before the pandemic, online interactions were not a preferred research methodology for most brands as they offered a different experience than face-to-face interaction and were considered an ‘optional methodology.’ 

However, the pandemic changed that as there was no option other than doing online research and gradually posting using an online methodology for various research activities. Brands found it to be both cost and time effective. With this began the race for offering/ innovating several tech/ tools to enable Qual research to deliver insights irrespective of situational limitations. There are hundreds of ‘tech research agencies/boutiques’ currently offering various tech solutions like UI/UX, Neuro, A.I.-enabled analysis (from transcriptions/ recording), and emotion decoding tools, and a considerable amount of R&D is already happening in this area.

These tools are certainly helpful in today’s era when not just research but the overall ecosystem is evolving, and tech has become the backbone of any new venture. There are so many start-ups today, and India has emerged as one of the growing ecosystems for start-ups; currently ranked third globally with over 77,000 start-ups, this number is growing yearly. 

Most start-ups are tech-based and have apps for better user experience, easy access to data, and increasing adoption rate of new services and products.

Most of these start-ups utilise research to get feedback on UI/UX and check what can be improved to provide a better experience and increased engagement. A few years back, researchers typically carried out these research activities at a CLT set-up with a couple of cameras. Still, now this can be done on mobile phones using another platform (app) for decoding user interaction with the app to be evaluated.

Tech has helped explore new avenues and reshape old methodologies like G.D.s, Ethnos, and diary placements. Now, online methods are used widely, and it is still to be seen whether this phenomenon will stay.

While online methods have certain limitations, like missing the human connection —one of the basics of any Qual research, there are certain aspects wherein technology is not as helpful or hasn’t yet been developed to cater to those needs in terms of tech evolution / AI.

But there are certain spheres wherein technology has worked brilliantly for multiple reasons.

India is extremely tech-friendly.

Most of the brains in the tech world are from India, and we indeed take pride in saying that. People in India are curious and open to using new technology in every sphere of their life —be it a smartwatch, smart T.V., payment apps, food ordering apps, health trackers, cab booking apps, or high-end technology like smart homes or A.I. technology. With a growing number of start-ups, a young workforce, and evolving technology, end users prefer new tools and products for better, unbiased, and faster results. However, cost efficiency is still a grey area that will also be addressed as time goes by.

Learn more about how to develop a market entry strategy for India here.

It helps understand the customer.

Marketers want to know their customers better to increase sales and saliency through precise and tailored communications. 

Brands track data to get a complete understanding of their potential customer and offer relevant products/services. This helps close the “say-do” gap, and layering this with specific Qual interactions helps in a deeper understanding of this behaviour.

It is cost-effective.

Though using technology for online interactions, mobile or digital diaries, and online communities is more economical than face-to-face interactions, other dimensions like UI/UX tools and analysis tools are still expensive, and only a few agencies offer integrated solutions. This area will undoubtedly see many innovative solutions that address issues cost-effectively in the coming years.  

It removes bias and is more credible and faster.

Using apps/ tools/ tech for capturing and analyzing data adds credibility and saves time. Respondents can upload pictures/ videos in real-time and share their stories with a broader group or in a one-to-one setting. Less human intervention removes bias, and data output can be visualised in multiple ways per the client’s requirement.   

Though there is nothing wrong with moving ahead with time, there are pros and cons of using technology for Qual research. It remains to see what else tech can add to understand human beings better, as Qual research is not just about evaluation but also about understanding the subject more deeply. Face-to-face interactions help form a temporary bond and comfort level wherein respondents share much information about themselves, their family, occupation, finances, and buying behaviour, which is a shortfall when it comes to online interactions or using any tool/tech.    

Tech can be an enabler but not a tool to understand human emotions through superficial levels. We can decode a few things like facial emotions and System I/II responses, but a deep and detailed understanding of a particular human being would always require human intervention. It is yet to be seen how much more we can do with ever-evolving technology and how it can impact the market research ecosystem. But one thing is certain: traditional Qual is here to stay as no amount of technology can completely replace human-to-human interaction and understanding, at least not in the near future.

According to the Global Research Business Network (GRBN), confidence in the market research industry has remained stable, and trust in data analytics has increased in 2022 compared with 2020. 

Still, market research as an industry needs to constantly work to improve the perceived value of research. The way to ensure this happens is by addressing the main challenges of obtaining high-quality data. 

The importance of data collection in market research cannot be emphasised enough. This blog post will analyze the main obstacles brands face in this area and provide guidance on how market researchers can tackle these challenges with the help of technology. 

The methods you use to collect and analyze data will significantly impact the quality of your market research report and its value in decision-making. The five best data collection tools for market research are surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, and secondary sources. 

Understanding the best methodology to get the most accurate, error-free, and reliable data is essential. 

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What is data quality?

Data quality is a complex, multi-faceted construct. Quality data is data that is fit for its purpose and closely relates to the construct they are intended to measure. 

Let’s take the example of a brand like Amazon’s Audible and try to predict what type of books a person would be interested in based on his previous listening history. The data is likely high quality because the books subscribers have listened to in the past are a good predictor of what they would like to consume in the future. The books they have listened to in the past also have a close relationship with what you are trying to measure, in this case, book preferences, which makes the data high quality. 

Reliable data requires a high-quality sample with enough information to make conclusions that inform business decisions. For instance, in the same example of Audible, if a subscriber uses it only once in a while and has only listened to one book in six months, it fails to present a complete picture of the user’s preferences due to limited data or information available. 

In the example used above, the data is available in the app and is much easier to collect. However, this is not always the case. Many instances of market research involve collecting data from people taking surveys, user testing, or recollecting past experiences and feedback, which are much more challenging to measure. 

So how do you ensure you collect high-quality data that informs decision-making at every step of the organization? 

Utilise technology 

As the world has moved online, so have many market research methodologies. Many companies have been forced to move online quickly, which has been a blessing in disguise for them. Technologies like automation and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) have allowed brands to obtain transparent, reliable, and accurate data more efficiently.

Technology can also be beneficial in identifying bad data. Automation helps select the best pool of candidates for a study and helps achieve a more balanced view of the respondents. It can help reduce subjectivity and bias, scale costs, and improve project speed and efficiency. 

Advanced profiling

To yield high-quality data, you must obtain a 360-degree view of the user or consumer. A good data scientist will study the consumer using all critical data points, like browsing history, purchase history, online behaviour, cart abandonment, geolocation, and other relevant data.

Proper Planning

Excellent outcomes need proper planning, which is valid for everything, including market research. The entire team must understand the research study’s objectives before doing anything else, including all the early actions, like identifying the right participants for the study. Researchers can then create a sample plan based on key objectives and participants. This will become the basis of the methodologies used and the survey designs. A good market research study also employs a screener to ensure they only include participants relevant to the study. 

Recruit the right people

At Kadence, we firmly believe your research is only as good as the people participating in your study. When carrying out a virtual study or focus group, it is vital to make sure people doing the testing or surveys are genuine and suitable for the particular study. Researchers must hunt down even the most difficult-to-reach audiences, as you need the right people for the research to yield unvarnished results. 

Ensure complete and active participation

Making surveys more engaging will always lead to higher participation in online surveys. A well-designed survey with clear instructions will ensure higher participation and more honest responses.

Throughout the survey, researchers can include questions to ensure participants are paying attention and potentially weed out those who are off-track and disengaged.

Screening dishonest participants

Researchers can go a step ahead to eliminate dishonest survey participants. Online surveys can identify potential red flags where people provide false demographic information so they can qualify for studies with high rewards. 

Researchers can selectively target participants who have been profiled in the past to avoid participants with false demographic information. 

Develop a system of efficient, consistent data quality checks throughout the process

Market researchers should always have an effective and efficient plan for weeding out bad data throughout the study. Automating and utilizing suitable technology can ensure you safely streamline the quality check process in real time.

A critical challenge with market research is the ethical collection and use of data. Discover why ethics are vital in data collection and how to ensure your data collection is always on the right side of law and ethics here:

The ultimate goal of market research is to obtain high-quality data that is accurate, relevant, and reliable. While well-planned and thoughtfully designed studies can yield effective results to inform decision-making, poorly planned and designed ones can lead to poor business outcomes.

The stakes are always high, so it is crucial for brands and researchers to constantly improve data quality and reliability to save time, money, effort, and resources and lead to better, more informed business decisions. 

Kadence International helps leading brands make game-changing decisions. If you are looking for a research partner to help better understand your customers, we would love to help. Simply fill out our Request for a Proposal here.

Consumer behaviour is shifting more rapidly and drastically than ever before. Brands are trying to keep up with massive changes in consumer behaviour and preferences in virtually every sector, from groceries and fitness to banking and finance. Consumers continue to pivot their preferences and priorities with uncertainty, inflation, and an economic downturn. 

In the early days of the pandemic, an uncertain and dismal picture caused anxiety and depression, which led to panic buying globally. Those were short-term behaviours and did not last. However, many massive shifts due to the pandemic have stuck, including online shopping and the need for speed, efficiency, and convenience. 

The pandemic has changed certain habits for the long haul, with many consumers going to stores less frequently than before. Buyers are now more comfortable shopping online, and most consumers prefer a hybrid shopping experience combining the physical and digital worlds as convenience becomes paramount.

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With the growth of online shopping and technological advancements making online shopping as personalised as a store visit, consumers are exploring options beyond traditional brick-and-mortar stores and looking for a complete experience, be it physical, online, or hybrid. Businesses must adapt quickly to these changes and shifts in consumer preferences to remain competitive in a dynamic and ever-changing market. These changes have been taking place for some time, but the pandemic accelerated the rate of change unexpectedly. 

Some of the consumer behaviours that have drastically shifted post-pandemic are food and grocery delivery services. In the U.S., consumers did not regularly use grocery delivery services. According to some reports, about 15 percent of U.S. consumers tried grocery delivery services for the first time due to the pandemic, about 80 percent of those first-timers liked the service, and 40 percent said they would continue using it post-pandemic. 

While convenience and safety were the two reasons delivery services skyrocketed during the pandemic, the price will likely supersede convenience as we enter a time of out-of-control inflation. Consumers will try to make their money stretch further because savvy consumers know the premium they pay for using delivery services like Instacart. 

In this new economy, will they still be comfortable paying a premium and missing out on discounts for fuel when they don’t shop in person? 

Food delivery services also became more popular worldwide, and the takeout and delivery trend was rising. However, as people returned to in-person dining, food delivery apps took a hit. These apps will also follow the same path as grocery delivery services because when consumers buy from DoorDash, the prices are higher, and they cannot use vouchers. 

Many big retailers like Walmart are following shifts in consumer behaviour by offering pick-up and delivery with no markup on prices. Other delivery apps are double-dipping on price, and the consumer pays more than they would in the store. 

Brands need to understand that just as convenience and safety were top priorities during the pandemic, consumers prioritise value and price over everything else, given the current economic environment. 

The fitness market is also seeing massive shifts, and consumers now want an omnichannel approach to fitness, where they use at-home gym equipment and online classes and apps in combination with in-person classes. 

Many e-commerce brands capitalised on creating connections with their consumers by using hand-written-style notes to add to the unboxing experience.

Beauty and fashion brands made it easier for consumers to shop online by using machine learning and artificial intelligence to offer personalised suggestions, experiences, and Virtual try-on sessions using Virtual Reality to mirror an in-store experience. 

Brands need access to high-quality consumer data, insights, and business Intelligence to stay in the game, meet customers’ demands, and outpace the competition.  

In any business environment, enterprises need to clearly understand the psychology behind why consumers behave the way they do. Consumer behaviour is the study of consumers and analyzes how consumers decide what to buy, when, and how to buy. It seeks to understand the psychology behind consumers’ needs, wants, and desires and how they purchase, use and dispose of products and services. 

This study is critical because it helps brands understand the motivations and influences behind their purchases. It allows brands and marketers to develop the right products for the right audiences and market the product with the right messaging to convert prospects into buyers and retain them over time. 

Several factors come into play during the purchase decision stage, and these may include personal (age, culture, values, beliefs), psychological (brand perception), or social (friends, family, influencers, social media).

There are four types of consumer behaviour:

  1. Complex buying behaviour

This type of buying behaviour is associated with big-ticket purchases, like buying a home or a car, where consumers invest a lot of time and energy. 

2. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour

This type of consumer behaviour is often seen when a consumer is highly involved in the buying process but takes longer than usual because they do not want to regret the decision. This happens when multiple brands are very similar, and choosing one is tricky.

3. Variety-seeking behaviour

This behaviour is exhibited by consumers who opt for a different brand, even if they were happy with their previous purchases because they value variety. 

4. Habitual buying behaviour

Consumers that purchase the same brand because of habit rather than brand loyalty are in this category. 

A grasp of the type of consumers your brand attracts will allow you to segment your market based on consumer characteristics.  

Marketers also need to understand buying roles and who is the decision maker regarding their specific product. In a family, for instance, the parents make major buying decisions; however, in some cases, young children are highly influential in the decision. In fact, unlike in the past, the younger cohorts, Generation Alpha (those born after 2010) and Gen Zs (those born between 1995-2010), make many important buying decisions regarding what they wear, eat, or travel. 

There are six major buying roles brands need to take into consideration:

  1. Influencer(s): Several people may be involved in the purchase decision in many cases, but they may not all be consumers. Influencers are those who can exert influence in the final decision. These could be bloggers in today’s world or friends and family whose advice commands weightage in the purchase decision. 
  2. Gatekeepers are usually family members who control the information flow regarding a product within a household. 
  3. Initiator: This is the person who first initiates the purchase idea. 
  4. Decider: This person has the final say in the purchase decision and decides whether or not to buy the product. He also may determine how and where to buy it. 
  5. Buyer: This is the person who ends up buying the product.
  6. User: This is the person who consumes or uses the product purchased. 

Consumer behaviour helps with market segmentation, as it goes beyond the essential demographic elements like age, gender, and location to explore the behaviour patterns customers exhibit when interacting with a particular product, brand, or website. This concept is instrumental in e-commerce and online shopping environments. 

Here’s how e-commerce brands use consumer behaviour to segment customers and users based on their level of engagement with the website, app, or product page. 

They segment or group their customers by their attitude toward their brand, level of brand recognition, usage, frequency and timing of purchase, and purchasing patterns or tendencies, like special occasion buying behaviour. 

This allows them to tailor their marketing messages and create compelling campaigns to achieve their goals. 

By utilising behavioural segmentation, brands can get a complete picture of their customers and filter them by the highest levels of engagement. For instance, brands can track those who regularly open their emails or visit their product pages. Marketers can also target ads with the most appealing messaging to customers based on their needs. For instance, an online shoe store can show those interested in athletic wear more running shoes and sneaker ads, and at the same time, serve ads with formal shoes for those interested in evening shoes. 

Another significant shift in consumer behaviour is related to a demand for personalised and customised products, especially amongst the younger cohort of Gen Zs. Using behavioural segmentation, brands can provide more refined personalised experiences to win business. Brands can gain deep insights into their consumers’ needs, wants, desires, challenges, preferences, and concerns to gain a competitive advantage. Upselling and showing complementary products and replenishment reminders based on customer history and interests can reduce cart abandonment and boost brand loyalty. 

The use of behaviour segmentation beyond the purchase also helps provide a high level of customer service to cement the relationship with the customer, leading to higher retention rates, more repeat business, referrals, and brand loyalty. 

Using behavioural segmentation, brands can unearth invaluable data and insights that may otherwise never have been discovered.

Understanding consumer behaviour comprehensively helps brands improve performance across channels to diversify their marketing efforts. Brands can use these insights to adjust brand messaging, packaging, design, features, pricing, and more to stay ahead of the competition and boost brand equity

Kadence International helps leading brands make game-changing decisions. If you are looking for a research partner to help better understand your customers, we would love to help. Simply fill out our Request for a Proposal here.

Just like reaching an unknown destination without a map is difficult, so is building a business strategy without competitive intelligence. 

Competitive intelligence helps brands shape their product development, distribution channels, pricing, messaging, positioning, brand promotions, and features. It allows brands to identify their challenges and opportunities in the market in relation to their competition, so they can see what their competitors are doing and differentiate themselves from them. 

What is competitive intelligence (CI)?

Competitive intelligence refers to any intentional research where brands collect, analyse, and utilise data and information gathered on their competitors, customers, and other external factors, potentially providing brands with a competitive advantage.

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When brands ethically and legally collect competitive intelligence, it can help boost the organisation’s decision-making capabilities. The goal of any competitive intelligence study is to create a business plan and strategy so organisations can make well-informed decisions based on market considerations.

Competitive intelligence goes beyond knowing the competition; the process is designed to take a deep dive to unravel the finer points of the competitor’s target markets and business strategy. 

Competitive intelligence plays a vital role in all major departments of an organisation and can take on a different meaning for each department or function. For instance, for a product development team, competitive intelligence may mean new features being added to products. For a sales executive, it may be helpful to know how to create a winning proposal. For leadership, it may be understanding the competitor’s marketing strategies so they can craft a plan to gain more foothold in the market.

Competitive Intelligence studies and exercises can be tactical (shorter-term) or strategic (longer-term). The goal of tactical competitive intelligence studies, for instance, can be to obtain insights into increasing revenues or gaining market share. At the same time, strategic or longer-term reporting focuses on significant risks, threats, and opportunities, present or emerging. 

A competitive intelligence study typically includes a wealth of information and insights from various sources, like government records, online mentions, social media, trade shows and journals, customer data and interviews, and traditional news media, to name a few. These sources are easily accessible and form the starting point for the studies. More in-depth information from distributors, suppliers, competitors, and customers is needed to make truly informed decisions. 

What are the key benefits of competitive intelligence?

There is no substitute for Competitive intelligence research when it is undertaken with care and diligence. It is a powerful tool for brands to gain market share, boost revenue, and continue to build the right products at competitive prices.

Here are some key benefits of using competitive intelligence for brands:

#1. Ability to predict patterns and emerging trends

As brands excavate an enormous amount of data and insights related to their competitor’s activities, they begin to identify and foresee emerging trends in the industry. This allows brands to gain deep foresight to make informed decisions and strategic business plans. 

#2. Aids in brand positioning

As brands gather insights and data about the competitive landscape, they also gain clarity on their activities and messaging. It helps them understand what works and doesn’t and cement their marketing. 

#3. Helps make more informed decisions.

When brands unearth information, they gain critical insights into how the customers feel about their brand and the competing brands. This gives brands a better view of their customers’ wants and how their competitors are meeting the needs of the target markets. 

#4. Boosts returns and profits

When you have a good understanding of the strategies and tactics employed by your competition and how they are performing, you will be better able to invest in areas that bring the highest returns, reducing risks and boosting profits.

Going back to the definition of Competitive Intelligence, we can see three necessary steps: “collect, analyse, and use competitor and market information to make informed decisions.”

Collecting data

There are many ways of unearthing relevant competitor data legally and ethically. Searching for information online may seem rudimentary, but it can provide invaluable information about the competitors and their activities. This information is readily available and accessible on the internet and is considered low-hanging fruit. With a few simple web searches, you can find great information on what the competitor is doing and what it has done in the past. You can also learn about product features, pricing, innovations, leadership, and important news and announcements relevant to your competition. There are tools that provide insight into the competitor’s search engine optimisation activities and their online advertising efforts. 

From here, brands often go deeper and beyond the internet to analyse target markets and customer segments. Brands use quantitative and qualitative market research to gain more market insight. 

Brands use data to analyse their competition beyond the simple search process. This entails going through endless data and making sense of it all can become cumbersome. This is where data mining comes into play. Besides gathering data from third-party sources, brands also gather human intelligence by interviewing relevant people, including customers and past suppliers. This is a time-consuming process and must be undertaken by experts in market research to ensure it is done ethically and legally.  

Analyzing data

Analysis of data is a crucial step in the competitive intelligence process. Once brands collect data, it needs to be analysed carefully to provide actionable insights. This allows brands to understand the patterns and separate them from the outliers. 

The analysis aims to uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as they relate to the competitive landscape. Therefore, collecting and analyzing information from disparate sources is essential in verifying their authenticity and validity. This helps us move away from making assumptions and gaining real insights from more accurate pieces of data. 

Crafting a strategy 

Once a brand has enough verified data and information on its competitors and strategies, it can utilise it to differentiate itself and make informed decisions regarding product, price, messaging, and other essential aspects. It allows brands to weigh the competitor’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in relation to their own to gain a competitive advantage.

For instance, pricing is an important area for differentiation but can only be done right if everything is studied and taken into account to find the right price that is profitable and aligns with the customer’s perceived value of a brand or product offering. Therefore, a successful price is not about pricing your product at the same or lower price than your competitor but positioning your brand as the choice that provides the greatest value. And to make that happen, you need to know the price of competing products and their perceived value in the buyer’s mind. This calls for a thorough study and analysis of the competing products, markets, and consumers. 

Today, e-commerce companies use sophisticated software for competitive pricing due to the market’s highly competitive and dynamic nature. Read more on how e-commerce brands utilise price monitoring software technology to track competitor pricing here.

To get the complete picture, brands may conduct competitive intelligence surveys. They can define their target audience and use various demographic and psychographic questions to identify consumer behaviour. These also include questions about competing products and services. You may also use ranking and rating type questions and identify any unmet needs or gaps in the marketplace or use open-ended questions to get a more in-depth view of the consumer’s mind. Brand recall and recognition surveys are also helpful in gaining consumer perception of various brands. For instance, a sparkling water brand may ask: “When you think of bottled sparkling water, what brand comes to mind first?” This can help brands discover how frequently their brand is mentioned compared to competing brands in the category.

When armed with the powerful insights gained through competitive intelligence, brands can be more strategic in all aspects of business, from product development to pricing and distribution. By differentiating themselves from competitors, they can gain valuable market share, grow brand value, and brand equity, and boost their return on investment (ROI).

Fear is a negative emotional response to the presence of danger or threat. Speculative fear is a negative emotional response to the anticipation of danger or threat, which may or may not occur. Humans are hardwired to look for things to fear, forming a necessary part of our survival instinct from birth. 

The human response to danger or threat is flight, fight, or in extreme cases, immobility. However, people respond in several ways when trouble or threat is perceived only as a looming risk. Avoidance, hunkering down, freezing in place, and acting impulsively are responses to prolonged anxiousness caused by pending fearful situations.

While fear is ingrained in our nervous system, it can also be taught. Technology has dramatically changed the way people get information. Social media has become the primary source of news online, with more than 64 percent of internet users receiving breaking news from social media instead of traditional media.

These statistics may be a sign of modern times. Still, the challenge with most people getting their news on social media sites is concerning when coupled with the fact most people do not read past the headline, and the vast majority of headlines are negative. 

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Negative media coverage reports show that negative words such as “bad,” “worst,” and “never” are 30 percent more effective at catching people’s attention than positive words. Research studies also revealed that negative words improved the average click-through rate. Headlines with negative bias showed a 63 percent higher result when compared to positive ones. Most (59 percent) of all news article links shared on social networks aren’t clicked on, implying that most article shares are not read in their entirety. 

So, you’d be right if you think we live in an increasingly hostile world, and most news is bad news. We are increasingly exposed to negativity and fearful news, affecting our collective anxieties and behaviours.

Panic buying

When the Spanish flu arrived in Britain immediately after the First World War, people panicked and rushed to purchase quinine and other medications, leading to national shortages.

Since then, panic buying and hoarding have been observed during many crises. Panic buying is much more common in developed or industrialised countries where people expect they will always be able to access food and other essential items easily. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists observed that panic buying was associated with individuals with higher incomes, the presence of children in households, depression and death anxiety, and mistrust of others or paranoia.

Panic buying results from the perceived threat of the event and the perceived scarcity, fear of the unknown, and as a coping mechanism.

Retail therapy

Retail therapy is shopping primarily to improve the buyer’s mood or disposition. It is often a short-lived habit in people with depression or stress. 

Research has shown that shopping can help reinforce a sense of personal control and ease feelings of sadness.

In 2014 the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that retail therapy makes people happier immediately and can also fight lingering sadness. According to the study, the choices and outcomes inherent in the act of shopping can restore a feeling of personal control and autonomy. 

Another study by the University of Michigan showed that purchasing things you enjoy can be up to 40 times more effective at giving you a sense of control than not shopping. In this study, those who actually purchased items were also three times less sad compared to those who only browsed.

How brands can respond to environments of high fear and low trust

Listen to your customers. 

During times of financial stress, such as high inflation or recession, seek as much information as possible about your audience. 

Take a deep dive with multiple data streams to build a clear picture of behaviour and sentiment. It will likely be vastly different than it was a few months ago and will continue to change. Don’t leave questions out of your research about fear and perceived risk with your customers.

Words matter.

The world is changing faster than ever, with your buyers’ attention and priorities shifting quickly in response to stressful events. 

For brand marketers and product managers, understand that language that sounded good last month can mean something entirely different today.

Take action. 

With insights from your research, determine what your brand should do to address your customers’ wants, needs, and fears. Your target audience has expectations from brands during uncertain times. Discover what they are, and see if you can deliver while remaining authentic to your brand promise. 

Communicate authentically. 

Be bold and authentic when storytelling and communicate practical information to help reassure and educate your customers. Give your customers an added feeling of security and stability by providing in-depth information. Choose to be a voice of comfort, instilling confidence in your consumers and alleviating fears with the right message. 

Fear and anxiety aren’t going away anytime soon. Financial fear and stress can adversely affect buying behaviours, so it is essential to acknowledge these emotions and develop strategies to address them head-on. What was true of your target audience a few short months ago may not be true today. It all starts with an in-depth understanding of the perceived risks and barriers to purchase when it comes to your product or service. Great research is the first step for brands to develop compelling and compassionate messaging that helps customers feel empowered, confident, and comfortable with their purchase decisions during times of financial stress.

Kadence International helps leading brands make game-changing decisions. If you are looking for a research partner to help better understand your customers, we would love to help. Simply fill out our Request for a Proposal here.

India is a diverse country having 29 States and seven Union Territories covering more than 600 districts, roughly 8,000 towns, and more than 0.6 million villages. The villages are spread over 3.2 million square kilometres supporting 65% of India’s total population. There is vast heterogeneity in population characteristics due to socio-cultural factors, caste-based divisions, and religious and linguistic diversity. 

Specifically, in the Indian context, ensuring data capturing, and research methodologies are amenable to different languages, literacy levels, and differentiated access/familiarity with the internet is critical. 

For the above reasons, research and data collection become a challenging task and calls for a robust and representative methodology to mirror India’s diversity.

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Key Challenges in Research & Data Collection

Given India’s cultural and geographical diversity, some of the critical challenges for marketers and researchers in designing a survey for rural India are listed below:

1.   Reach: As per Census 2011, nearly 58 percent of India’s rural population resides in 115,080 villages having a population of 2000+. This effectively means that roughly 80% of the total villages in India are small or very small in size, inhabiting less than 2000 people. Looking at tapping rural markets, last mile connectivity with end consumers is a big challenge for FMCG players. Similarly, reaching the vast network of 33 million retail outlets in rural India is a challenge for companies, given the high distribution cost. Therefore, focused, and targeted reach is a priority in accessing rural markets. The survey design needs to factor in this critical consideration when designing the scope of research and sampling methodology.  

2.   Commercial Viability: It is estimated that 85,000 large villages in India account for 40% of the total population and 60 percent of the total consumption of FMCG categories. The skewness in demographic profile and purchasing power further limits the scope to cover the whole of Rural India for reasons of commercial viability. 

3.   High degree of heterogeneity: “A one size fits all approach” does not work well when designing a survey or methodology for rural India. For example, poor and backward States like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Madhya Pradesh have more than 75-80% of their total population living in rural areas, whereas urbanized States like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Telangana and more equitable in terms of distribution. Therefore, each State has its unique demographic and socio-cultural profile, which must be kept in mind while designing the sampling methodology in any primary research survey. 

4. Gender Inclusivity: Females are vital consumers and influencers of product categories in Rural India, but men are likely to be key purchasers. Therefore, “whom to interview” becomes a pivotal question to answer while designing a survey. 

5.   Linguistic Diversity: India has 22 official languages besides numerous local languages, dialects, and colloquial words. Therefore, linguistic compatibility becomes essential for survey administration in Rural India. 

 Methodologies for Rural Research 

Some factors merit consideration while designing a methodology representative of the diversity of Rural India and are listed below:

  1. Regional Representation
  2. Adequacy of Sample Size
  3. Defining “Rural” and therefore a selection of villages 
  4. Other Imperatives

1.   Regional Representation 

In a vast and diverse country like India, robustly researching rural consumers requires reflecting heterogeneity and ensuring representativeness. For example, people in the North have attitudes and behaviours that are distinctly different from the population in the South. Similarly, other regions also have socio-cultural nuances that often colour their opinions and attitudes, especially on sensitive issues. 

Therefore, selecting Socio-Cultural Regions or SCR-s is often the starting point to decoding rural consumer behaviour. The regions make it easier to contextualize people and their behaviour for prevalent agrarian practices, social and cultural nuances, and crop-season-driven income and consumption patterns. 

2.   Adequacy of Sample 

The population spread for different States in India varies a lot. For example, the most populous State, Uttar Pradesh, accounts for almost 15% of India’s population. On the other hand, the tiny State of Goa accounts for less than 0.5% of India’s population. Therefore, in a pan-India or multi-State survey, stratification of a sample by State becomes essential. Generally, States are categorized into different population bands such as high population states, medium population states, and low population states. The sample is then fixed for each band in terms of their population size to ensure adequate representativeness. 

The sample size would also depend on other factors such as the granularity of data required within a State, and heterogeneity of population characteristics within a State et al.  

3.   Defining Rural 

The Census of India defines a rural village as a settlement that has the following three characteristics:

  • A population of fewer than 5,000 people
  • <75 percent of the male population employed in non-agricultural activities and 
  • Population density of fewer than 400 people per square kilometre

However, for commercial purposes, this vast and huge area coverage is logistically challenging to cover for any marketing company. Therefore, for practicality and feasibility, different definitions of rural are followed. For most companies, the “hub and spoke model” defines rural coverage as mapped to their distribution channels. They consider villages in the immediate vicinity or within a defined radius of the feeder towns. Last mile connectivity is a challenge for most companies in Rural India. Covering interior or remote parts of rural is not considered to be a viable option. Villages at the periphery of small towns/feeder towns that can be accessed easily become the “immediate” potential for targeting Rural India. This is also called the “Ringing Method” of village selection. 

The above has a profound implication for researchers in terms of designing a suitable methodology and, more importantly, for deciding on an appropriate sampling methodology for the research.  

4.   Other Imperatives: There are a few other imperatives that one must be cognizant of while designing rural research methodologies: 

o  Permissions: Before any fieldwork in villages starts, it is crucial to approach the village head called the “Sarpanch” to apprise them of the survey and its objectives and take approval to conduct fieldwork. This is a formal authorization from the village head that they have been informed about the study and grant their formal permission. 

o   Village Map: You are required to draw a rough map of the village before the start of fieldwork to understand the village’s layout and the critical physical structures —like the hospital, school, panchayat office, temple, or any other place of worship. The team supervisor generally does this exercise with the help of a local person from the village, such as the sarpanch/ schoolteacher or any other elderly person. As the rural dwellings/ households in a village are not structured or follow a pattern (unlike the urban dwellings), the maps also help sample and select clusters/households in that village. 

o   Use of colloquial terms: Given the linguistic diversity of Indian States, specific phrases or words have colloquial interpretations. Therefore, for ease of understanding and comprehension of questions by the respondents, it is generally recommended that local phraseology is inserted into the instrument basis inputs from an informed local person such as the schoolteacher. 

With the focus of multinational companies and marketers now shifting to rural consumers, rural market research in India will likely increase spending in the near future. It augurs well for market research companies to actualize this opportunity to sharpen their research methodologies with rural consumers in mind. At the same time, researchers should be mindful of some of the challenges of rural research, such as low literacy levels, low tech savviness, poor connectivity, and a heterogeneous population, while designing research methodologies for this group. 

Kadence International helps leading brands make game-changing decisions. If you are looking for a research partner to help better understand your customers, we would love to help. Simply fill out our Request for a Proposal here.