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The definitive guide to concept testing

Every marketer knows the stat: 80% of new products fail. Or 90%. Or 95%. The precise number differs, but the story is always the same.  By anyone’s standards, those are daunting odds for businesses that want to innovate and stay ahead of the curve. How can companies buck the trend and increase their success rate? […]

Face to face live tracker

Where can I conduct face-to-face research during Covid-19?

Last updated: 05/01/21 Our live tracker shows you where you can conduct face-to-face research, as well as the considerations you need to bear in mind. For those markets where face-to-face research is not possible just yet, online research is an effective alternative. This is an area where we have extensive experience. To help clients embrace […]


What does the future hold for education?

As a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns, education institutions across the globe have faced a myriad of challenges, including the move to distance learning and finding new ways to support pupils. Students have also had to adapt with the support of an in-person learning environment Now that some educational institutions are emerging from the pandemic, […]