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People In Research – Adhistya Febriani.

In our latest feature for the People in Research series at Kadence International, we’re thrilled to present an insightful conversation with Adhistya Febriani, Associate Research Director at our Indonesia office. Adhistya Febriani is the driving force behind many of Kadence International’s successes in Indonesia. Her journey in market research began in 2012 when she joined Kadence.  […]


The Future of Consumption in Singapore: Understanding 5 Key Consumer Segments.

Singapore boasts a population of over 5.45 million, with a significant proportion comprising expatriates and professionals from various corners of the world. This demographic blend presents a unique tapestry of consumer segments with distinct preferences, needs, and spending habits. Understanding these segments is not just beneficial; it’s a business imperative. In a world where personalisation […]


Beyond Tradition: The Evolution of Consumerism in Japan.

Japan, the world’s third-largest consumer market after the U.S. and China, offers cultural insights that trace their roots deep into history. As articulated in “Japanese Consumer Dynamics,” the interplay between swift periods of growth and resilient responses to crises has been pivotal in shaping Japan’s consumption habits. These patterns have both influenced and been influenced […]

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How to conduct market research in emerging markets in Asia. 

The world has long predicted the massive potential of Asia’s rise, but it’s time for the rest of the world to adjust its outlook. The reality is that the future has arrived even sooner than anticipated. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), developing economies in Asia and the Pacific are expected to experience faster […]


Taste of chocolate around Asia

Chocolate is a multi-billion dollar industry – a fact that comes as no surprise. Everyone loves chocolate, but does everyone like the same kind of chocolate? With hundreds of chocolate brands competing for market share in the world, our team at Kadence International conducted some research to understand how our taste buds define our preferences […]