Insight activation.

Activate insights to drive decision-making.

We believe that insight should sit at the heart of business decision-making – and we work with organisations to make this happen.

We create memorable deliverables that get your stakeholders to sit up and listen. Our in-house design team have created infographics to bring sales teams closer to their customers, mocked up product concepts to bring new ideas to life for innovation teams and designed ad mock-ups to inspire creatives as they develop insight-led campaigns. By combining insight and design, we’re able to raise the impact of research, ensuring it drives decision-making across your organisation. 

Beyond this, we also run stakeholder interviews to help you secure buy-in to the research at the outset, as well as workshops to align your teams behind a clear path ahead following the debrief. Working together, we’ll translate insights into a strategy with clear action points that will drive growth for your business. 

The global boutique for data and insight

Our global footprint makes us the go-to partner for international market research. We offer all qualitative and quantitative methodologies across our office network and beyond.

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How to run workshops that turn insight into action

How do you ensure that the research you commission moves your company to action, creating competitive advantage and growth for your business?  In our free guide we share our top tips for preparing and running an effective workshop, as well as practical workshop exercises that you can take away, apply to your business and use to ensure that your research really does drive business change.

Download the guide now
Workshops activation

How to avoid death by PowerPoint: invest in design

Death by PowerPoint is still a killer. The solution? Invest in design Design is the silver bullet for research. Make your findings interesting, simple and easy to understand and the world will take notice. If it intuitively makes sense your findings will spread like wildfire. If not, it’ll die on the screen. Recently there’s been […]

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