Market research in the USA – our capabilities.

From Anchorage to Santiago, San Francisco to New York City and beyond, we are the go-to partner for market research in the USA

NY Chrysler Building

We are a full service market research agency helping brands conduct market research around the world so they can gain understand consumers, competitors and markets. From research participant recruitment through to strategy and insight activation, we help companies create competitive advantages and seize additional market share.

We partner with brands on full-service market research projects, helping to crack complex business problems through rich insight. We also work with companies as their fieldwork partner, helping reach the right respondents across the Americas.

From our hubs on the East and West coasts, we conduct market research across North, Central, and South America to support you through every stage of the product life cycle. Whether you are trying to tackle the user experience for a high-tech product in the US, dive into the unmet needs of radiologists in South America, or identify the true pain points of sufferers of a rare disease in Canada, we don’t shy away from a challenge.

With over 30 years of experience understanding mainstream and niche markets with consumers and in both the B2C and B2B spaces, we are a leading and multi- award winning market research company. Our team can help you design the best approach to even the toughest of challenges.


What methodologies do you offer in the Americas?

We offer a range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies – spanning everything from focus groups, in depth interviews and quantitative surveys, right through to cutting-edge methodologies such as passive tracking and neuroscience.

Where can Kadence conduct research?

Pretty much anywhere! From our East and West Coast hubs, we cover the length and breadth of the Americas. And for brands looking to conduct multi-market projects or grow their presence further afield, we collaborate with our offices in Europe and across Asia, to meet your needs.

What is it like working with Kadence?

Our customized and flexible approach to answering your business questions separates us from the pack! From project design to delivering actionable insights, our team customizes a solution that meets your specific needs. Our findings are delivered in a visually impactful way, ensuring your stakeholders are highly engaged & ready to act on the insights we’ve shared. 

How do you help clients leverage research to turn insight into action?

We are passionate about raising the impact of market research in organisations and work closely with our clients to achieve this. When we’re designing projects, we focus on creating opportunities for you to engage your team in the research up front, such as stakeholder interviews or hypothesis sessions. This is also an emphasis on this once fieldwork has finished. Thanks to our own in-house design team, we can create stand-out deliverables that bring findings to life for your business. We can also run workshops designed to align your team around the insights and build a strategy to capitalise on them. We’re specialists in doing this and have even written a book on this topic!

Free Guide

How to run workshops that turn insight into action

How do you ensure that the research you commission moves your company to action, creating competitive advantage and growth for your business? In our free guide we share our top tips for preparing and running an effective workshop, as well as practical workshop exercises that you can take away, apply to your business and use to ensure that your research really does drive business change.

Download the guide now
Workshops activation