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Showing 41-50 of 525

How Autonomous Vehicles Are Redefining Global Mobility.

San Francisco, known for the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and historic cable cars, may soon add driverless vehicles to its list of must-see attractions.  As one of the pioneering cities in testing autonomous vehicles (AVs), San Francisco offers a glimpse into the future of urban mobility.  Tourists and residents are beginning to experience the novelty […]


The Evolution of Kids’ Media Consumption Habits.

Kids today don’t know a world without smartphones and the internet. They are growing up in an age where entertainment and information are always at their fingertips, so it is no surprise they spend considerable time using technology daily.  Recent studies show kids influence certain purchasing decisions regarding entertainment, which makes this segment of kids […]


How Live Streaming is Reshaping Media Consumption.

Have you ever considered having a front-row seat at a major global music festival without leaving home? Thanks to live streaming, millions of viewers worldwide can have an immersive experience right from their living rooms.  These events signify a massive shift in how rapidly consumer habits are evolving. The rise of live streaming platforms such […]

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How CMOs Can Drive Growth Amid Shrinking Budgets and Rising Costs.

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) today face significant challenges. Marketing budgets have declined sharply, dropping from 11% of total company revenue before the pandemic to just 7.7% in 2024​​. This decrease is forcing CMOs to reassess their strategies and make difficult decisions about resource allocation. Simultaneously, the cost of digital marketing is rising. Platforms such as […]


Connecting with Digital India: Engaging Tech-Savvy Consumers.

India has crossed 800 million internet users, establishing itself as one of the largest online markets globally. This rapid digital growth can be primarily attributed to the Digital India initiative launched in 2015 by the Government of India. The initiative aims to propel India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by enhancing online […]


How to Balance Brand Equity and Performance Marketing for Greater ROI.

The battle between short-term gains and long-term brand equity challenges even the most seasoned marketers. Traditionally, performance marketing and brand building have been seen at odds, with the former focused on immediate returns like clicks, sales, and leads and the latter on cultivating lasting relationships with consumers. However, as we delve deeper into the symbiotic […]