Market research would be a lot easier to pull off if we all lived in a homogenous society. Things would be simpler if we were all hailed from the same background, with the same cultural, ethnic, religious, and social touchstones.

Of course, that’s not the case in most parts of the world.

Attempting a “one-size-fits-all” approach to market research means the effort is likely doomed from the start. As demographics continue to change around the world, researchers must better grasp the diverse needs and circumstances of their target audiences. If your research project lacks diversity, it will fall short of being comprehensive and inclusive.

To demonstrate the importance of diversity in market research, consider these statistics compiled by Nexus A.I.:

  • Almost 60% of consumers have stopped supporting a brand because of a lack of LGBTQ+ representation in ads.
  • More than 40% of Americans would like to see more racial diversity in advertising.
  • Almost 40% of consumers say they are more inclined to trust brands that display diversity in their advertising efforts. 
  • More than 80% of consumers state that visible LGBTQ+ representation is proof a business seeks to offer products and services for all types of consumers. 

These statistics demonstrate that it’s ineffective to look at all consumers in the same light. Brands committed to diversity in marketing are likely to see a more significant ROI for their efforts than competitors who aren’t engaged in inclusive research.

Problems Arising from a Lack of Diversity in Research

If the projected cost and use of resources lead some businesses to avoid diversity research altogether, inevitable consequences may follow. 

For one thing, there’s no benefit in becoming known as a brand that doesn’t value diversity. Market research that doesn’t tap into diverse perspectives means a brand can easily stumble with broad-based marketing campaigns that inadvertently offend a particular group of people. 

And what about unforeseen situations where a crisis brings media attention to the brand, exposing a widespread lack of diverse perspectives within the organization? The public relations fallout in such cases can be devastating.

As we have noted before, “Only by rooting out the nuances of different geographical areas, cultures, and consumers can you get an accurate picture of what people value and whether your products and services might succeed.”

“Diversity marketing is accepting the reality that consumer bases are no longer as homogenous as they once seemed,” notes When consumers seek out brands that resonate with them, “brands that are slow to adapt their marketing to this reality can seem out of touch and dated.”

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What “Diversity” Means

What exactly is meant by “diversity”? Generally speaking, this involves assessing factors such as age, ethnicity, gender preferences, disabilities, and religious affiliation. 

Diversity in marketing and research “doesn’t necessarily mean trying to cater to every single possible demographic,” notes Stackla, a visual content engine. Instead, it means “knowing who is drawn to your brand and making sure those groups are represented” in marketing and market research efforts.

It’s also worth looking at the term “culture” in this context. Psychologists define culture as referring to “a set of ideas and beliefs which give people a sense of shared history,” says Psychologist World. Culture is found “in our language, art, daily routines, religion and sense of morality … and is passed down from generation to generation.”

There are many tangible benefits resulting from market research that emphasizes diversity. These include:

  • Making sure a brand identifies all possible demographics, ranging from age and gender to cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Enabling brands to align diversity-based marketing efforts and a brand’s broader strategy.
  • Boosting awareness among diverse communities of a brand’s commitment to reaching out. 
  • Reducing the likelihood of bad will and bad press around a lack of understanding of the needs of varied target audiences.

When armed with the correct data, marketing and research teams can unveil new marketing campaigns or product launches with confidence, knowing the right message is delivered appropriately to a broad range of consumers.  

Perhaps just as importantly, diversity in market research ensures different voices are represented and heard, and differing perspectives are respected. This can make all the difference between brands poised to grow (based on what they have learned about diverse sets of consumers) and brands that eschew this approach. 

Diversity in Research Methodologies

Situations may vary, but in general, research methodologies translate into special consideration given to how to assemble a focus group that represents a truly diverse audience. Methods can also involve selecting a focus group moderator from a similar background to participants to help participants in the focus group feel comfortable about expressing their opinions.

It’s also customary to undertake diverse market research early, well ahead of unveiling a new campaign or product launch. Data gained through these efforts bring a higher degree of credibility to any sales or marketing campaigns that follow.

The same “diversity requirements” apply to others participating in market research. Look at the individuals who screen potential focus group participants. Do they represent a broad range of people with different backgrounds? It’s also a good idea to review the wording of the proposed survey to make sure no offensive cultural elements are featured.

Other market research factors to keep in mind:

  • Be realistic about the challenges involved. It’s impractical—and generally far too expensive—to move forward without applying any limits to the scope of the research. While it’s vital to understand which markets to investigate, a sharper focus on diversity can help estimate potential costs and the availability of funds and resources. 
  • Look at previous research activities undertaken by the organization. Do these documented efforts reflect a diverse range of opinions, or are certain cultural “blind spots” obvious? 
  • Throw out cultural, racial, religious, and gender biases. Assuming that researchers know what’s best for communities other than their own is probably the biggest mistake a brand can make.
  • Language plays a key role. Whether the activity is moderating a focus group or drawing up a survey for participants, language must be considered. Tip: Relying on machine translation services like Google Translate is not the most effective approach. As we have noted before, “Machine translation is slowly improving in quality, but it lacks subtlety, it struggles with idioms, and it misses the emotional salience that’s important to be qualitative and even quantitative research.” 

By incorporating these and similar methodologies, brands gain insights into customer behaviors that help them design the most effective marketing strategies and campaigns.

Enlist the Skills and Knowledge of a Research Partner

By now, it’s clear that market research must operate on the principle that every customer group is different. A skilled market research firm can assist brands by developing a tailored approach that works for the right target audience. 

Drawing upon a toolkit of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, professional market researchers can: 

  • Help identify the right research objectives for a brand, whether those entail understanding how a product is used in the home via an online community or exploring how consumers perceive a brand through telephone depth interviews.
  • Embed a rich understanding of diverse communities across the organization, facilitating quicker and more customer-centric decision-making.
  • Enable brands to avoid mistakes arising from a lack of understanding about diversity in research. 

Market research agencies also explore the broader market dynamics, identifying trends and anticipating a target audience’s changing needs. This strategy often leads to a competitive advantage through more informed customer knowledge and exciting new marketing messages.

Insights gained through diversity in research can result in fresh ways of thinking about a product or service—how they are used and valued by different communities. The broader a business’s understanding of those differences, the better equipped it is to develop fresh ways of thinking about potential new markets. The result? A win-win for everyone involved.

Back in the day, market research consisted mainly of tapping into as big a consumer pool as possible, with little thought given to culturally diverse demographics. In the past few years, as the struggle to achieve social justice and equality has gained prominence, market research experts have begun changing research methodology to more accurately reflect the vast array of consumers, some of who may have been excluded in the past.

This strategy is crucial for companies seeking to expand into international markets. As we have noted before, brands sometimes “fail to appreciate the diversity within a region or indeed a country.” Only by determining the nuances of different geographical areas, cultures, and consumers “can you get an accurate picture of what people value and whether your products and services might succeed.” 

The goal of this form of research is to achieve genuinely inclusive results. It involves reaching out to typically underrepresented minorities, irrespective of gender, age, race, sexual preference, religion, or disability status. 

By casting an increasingly wide net, market research methods can potentially lead to new demand for products or services and the opportunity to break into new markets. At the very least, the process can result in a deeper understanding of customers’ diverse perspectives and needs, which most experts deem crucial for business growth.

What happens if a brand chooses not to adopt an inclusive approach to surveying customers? This will: 

  • Engender resentment among potential survey participants who don’t see their interests represented in the questions.
  • Result in desired participants choosing to opt-out of the survey.
  • Engender a negative association with the brand sponsoring the survey

There is a huge untapped market for a brand’s products and services among under-served communities. It’s up to businesses to shift their focus and take a more inclusive approach to market research.

Engaging with Underrepresented Audiences

Is there any significant difference between “diversity” and “inclusivity” concepts? 

Yes, says Forbes, noting that diversity reflects “a variety of perspectives or customers.” At the same time, an inclusive focus “goes one step further, engaging those perspectives to improve product satisfaction and use, workplace culture and productivity, new product launches and marketing campaigns.”

To benefit from inclusive market research, brands must first acknowledge that all consumers do not view and use their products in the same fashion. It’s a big first step since marketing strategies often focus on tapping into as large a target audience as possible rather than complicate the process by focusing on one or another historically excluded population.

Inclusive research and design “invite more perspectives and uncovers previously unseen consequences of exclusion,” notes Medium. This approach “provides the opportunity to equalize, protect, uplift, connect, foster equity, promote truth, mitigate bias, instill dignity, empower and democratize.”

That may seem like a tall order, but inclusive research with people outside the mainstream can open the floodgates to new growth opportunities—a strategy no brand can afford to ignore.

Benefits of an Inclusive Approach

The more an organization learns about various target audiences, the more it can tailor its products or services to meet those differing needs. Benefits of inclusive research include:

  • Boosting profits. As Medium notes, “Inclusive product development will help to build products that more people can use,” which paves the way towards new sales and revenue.
  • Avoiding legal entanglements. In our litigious era, it’s not unusual for under-represented communities to seek legal redress when they feel their needs are not considered or met. Also, a brand that neglects specific built-in components of inclusive research (such as providing accessibility for disabled customers) runs the risk of being drawn into legal battles that are both costly and time-consuming.
  • Matching a brand’s mission with its actions. Most international brands hold themselves to high standards for “walking the walk” of their mission and value statements. Committing to an inclusive approach to marketing and design can help support those values by broadening the scope and impact of serving previously under-served communities.

Adopting an inclusive approach to market research will likely mean higher costs and use of resources, at least initially. But the potential for breaking into new markets (and reaping the financial rewards of that break-through) is more than justifying the expenses involved.

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Guiding the Way to Genuine Inclusivity

Adopting certain fundamental principles can help make inclusive market research efforts more informative and successful. Here are guides to foster research with a more significant pay-off:

  • Make a personal commitment to inclusivity. Business leaders who publicly advocate an inclusive approach to market research should make sure they reflect that commitment on a personal level. Educating yourself about the benefits of inclusive marketing research makes it easier to understand what these differing demographics hold essential. 
  • Watch your language. When was the last time you and your team looked hard at your marketing materials to determine if non-offensive language is employed? One option: Assign an internal “inclusivity czar” (with at least some rudimentary knowledge of under-represented communities) to closely review all the content on your website and in your marketing materials. If language exists that some communities find offensive or demeaning, chances are they will go elsewhere for their business needs.
  • Be on the lookout for “survey bias.” Be scrupulous in making sure that those individuals charged with creating a market research survey are as “bias-free” as humanly possible. A diverse team of researchers is probably the best way to avoid unintentional biases.
  • Get expert guidance. While there may be a handful of executives who “get” inclusivity right away, it’s likely true that the majority have a lot to learn on the subject. At the outset of an inclusive market research project, consider enlisting the services of experts in the field. This includes experts with knowledge of specific underrepresented communities, experts on the language and terminology popular within those communities, and others who are prominent within these groups of potential consumers who can speak with authority on their needs and challenges. 

RSA recommends that brands “include a diverse perspective at all stages of the research process and product/software/talent life cycle evaluation by incorporating inclusive testing parameters to ensure results are reflective of all users.”

Getting things right at the outset can help when it comes to reaping the rewards of comprehensive, inclusive market research. 

Build a More Inclusive Team

It stands to reason that if a brand seeks to broaden its appeal through inclusive market research, at least some of the people involved represent a diverse range of perspectives. This principle further justifies efforts to take a more inclusive approach to recruiting for the organization. 

As Inc. notes, “If representation only matters in your marketing, and not in your team building, then consumers get the signal that diversity, inclusion, and belonging aren’t as important to you as you would have them believe.” People can sense that brands “are only being representative in their marketing just to get diverse and niche consumers to spend money with them.”

A diverse team is more likely to understand differences in demographics and approach research with respect and sensitivity the process requires.

What Customers Want

Within the past few years, diverse communities have seen themselves reflected in brand marketing strategies. Their response to this change has been overwhelmingly positive, yet another compelling reason to commit time and resources to inclusive market research. 

According to Savy, a digital marketing agency, “a recent study conducted by Accenture found that 42% of ethnically diverse shoppers are more likely to switch to a brand committed to inclusion and diversity.” What’s more, “41% of LGBTQ shoppers would switch to a business dedicated to inclusivity and diversity.”

In other words, committing to inclusive market research paves the way to identifying—and then reaching out to—communities that have waited for generations to see themselves reflected in advertising and marketing. The likelihood of those communities flocking to a brand that emphasizes inclusive marketing is strong and can foster accelerated growth as a result. 

Every customer group is different. In many cases, a third-party research firm can partner with a brand to develop the best approach to inclusive marketing research. At Kadence, we draw upon our extensive toolkit of qualitative and quantitative methodologies to understand the needs of these under-served communities. The result is:

  • More productive research
  • Valuable insights into different demographics
  • Gaining a step on the competition 

By bringing companies closer to their customers, a third-party research firm can embed rich understanding across your organization and promote more effective, customer-centric decision-making. 

Entering a domestic market is one thing, but expanding overseas is something else entirely. Moving to a new, international market comes with a range of unique challenges that require a strategic approach with empirical methods.

It’s crucial to understand and anticipate these differences to avoid nasty surprises and give yourself the best chance of success when entering a foreign market. This article will explore the key differences between market research in international and domestic markets.

How are international and domestic market research similar?

While the differences are vast, there are also some areas where domestic market research is similar to its international counterpart.

For example, certain research methods work well in both environments. Interviews, surveys, focus groups, secondary research, and experiments work well domestically and internationally. The way you analyze and process the data you collect will also stay roughly the same.

That said, the actual day-to-day process of market research in an international environment can sometimes be drastically different from what you’re used to back home.

What are the differences between domestic and international market research?

1. It’s a different culture.

No matter how similar, every international market has nuances in its culture. This culture may be akin to your home market, like the US and Canada, or radically different, like the UK and Japan. But even with very similar cultures, there will still be significant differences to consider.

Here are some ways cultural differences can impact market research:

  • Language. Interacting with the people in your market, understanding the culture, and conducting research are all much harder in a foreign language. You’ll often need to hire translators to communicate effectively, and it’s easy for crucial details to get lost in translation. Note – this also includes different dialects within the same language.
  • Expectations and preferences. A product or service that works exceptionally well in your domestic market may fail dismally abroad simply due to different tastes and cultural norms. Understanding this will need to be a key part of your research.
  • Causing offence. It’s essential to respect the local culture in your target market and avoid offending with your research techniques. Everything from linguistic choices to the clothes you wear should be considered and researched beforehand.

Your research must be carefully designed to address these concerns and also work within them — certain types of research may not work very well in an overseas market.

2. There may be infrastructure issues.

If your business is based in a developed, industrialized part of the world, you may take some aspects of market research for granted. Things like reliable postal services, easy access to large venues for focus groups, and widespread internet connectivity are not a given in many parts of the world, which can significantly impact your research.

Working in a new overseas market entails new infrastructure challenges. For example, in a country with poor smartphone coverage, you’re unlikely to have much success with in-app surveys or SMS questionnaires. These challenges can quickly mount up and lead to unexpected delays or setbacks in your research.

3. International market research involves higher risk.

Overseas markets involve more variables than domestic ones, so there is more scope for failure. The good news is that you can tap into more potential growth in an international market, but this extra reward comes at a higher risk.

Many overseas market entry attempts fail because there is so much more to be aware of and so much that can go wrong. Failing to anticipate certain conditions or challenges, like slower transport and shipping, can lead to major delays and significant losses.

You’re entering what might be a completely different market from anything you’ve known before, with a huge amount to prepare and consider. This means research is essential and must be much more rigorous than your home market. It would help if you did everything possible to anticipate risks and minimize your chances of failure.

4. International market research comes with a higher cost.

Conducting market research always costs money, and that cost can be substantially higher in a foreign market than at home. There are several reasons for this:

  • You need to do more research in general to gain a solid understanding of a completely new and different market.
  • You need to hire a range of staff on the ground like translators and people to carry out various research tasks. Unlike in your home market, where you can repurpose some of your employees, you need to vet and hire entirely new people in a new country.
  • You need to hire venues. Again, you can’t just use your premises if you haven’t established a presence in your target market, which means you’ll need to hire and pay for venues like conference centers for research activities like focus groups.
  • You need to build an entirely new research infrastructure from scratch. This includes planning postal campaigns, building software for in-app surveys, collecting email addresses, and much more.
  • Setbacks will happen. Doing anything in a new foreign market is complex, and you’ll encounter many delays, unexpected problems, and barriers at first. These can significantly disrupt your research efforts, costing time and money.

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5. You need to understand your competitors more than ever.

It’s always necessary to understand your competition, which is a key component of any market research process. Unlike a domestic market, many of your competitors may be completely unknown to you in a new international market.

To stand a chance of success in your target market, you need a firm understanding of why your competitors are successful. Who do they appeal to? What needs do they address? What have they done recently? What are their vulnerabilities? And, of course, what can you do better? Understanding your competitors should be a central part of your market research when entering an international market.

6. You need to anticipate legal differences.

One of the most important factors to consider when conducting international market research is the legal framework in your target market. For example, many countries legally require you to have research permits, and going ahead with your research without obtaining the correct permission can lead to costly penalties and setbacks.

In some cases, you may be required to provide a copy of survey questions to governments beforehand. And in many parts of the world, bureaucracy slows things down significantly, and it can take weeks for permits to be approved, which is something you have to anticipate.

7. You need to analyze and process results the right way.

In international market research, it’s not just collecting the data that matters. It’s also essential to process your results correctly, ensuring you draw the right insights and reach accurate conclusions about your target market.

To do this right, you need to understand the cultural context. For example, some cultures like America tend to be more extreme on surveys, gravitating towards one end of the Likert scale. Other cultures like China and Japan tend to prefer more neutral answers.

These differences impact not only the way you design surveys — for example, opting for a four-point scale with no middle option — but also the way you analyze results. A set of results in one culture may have different implications for your business than the same set of results in another part of the world.

8. It’s more important to work with the right research partner.

Research partners are an essential part of all market research. Their teams consist of skilled and experienced professionals with a firm grasp of research and analysis methods and how to apply them to gain valuable insights for your business. In an international market, it’s even more important to select the right research partner who already knows the new market.

Take the time to research all your options. Your chosen partner should have experience working in your target market and should have an in-depth knowledge of the various cultural, economic, legal, and social conditions.

International market research is an entirely different process from the research you’ll do at home. It comes with countless new challenges, hurdles, and risks. If you work with the right people, with the right set of skills and experience, you’ll maximize your chances of success and give your business the best possible chance in your target market.

At Kadence, we have experience doing international market research for clients worldwideContact us to find out more about how we can help you. 

Want more information on conducting international research? Read The Essential Guide to Conducting International Research here.

The market research industry in India is thriving, but it is not without its’ own challenges and complexities.

Size of the Market Research industry in India

According to Statista, the size of the market research industry globally is around US$74 billion, with more than half (US$47 billion) coming from within the U.S. At roughly Rs.1500 crore or US$15 billion (2017-18), the Market Research industry in India may be smaller in comparison. Still, it is the fastest-growing market globally, growing by an average of 10% per year, compared to the industry’s global growth of just over 2 percent in recent years. Most of India’s market research comes from overseas brands.

What makes India a favorable outsourcing destination for Market Research firms?

The overseas demand is mainly due to the enormous cost advantages of conducting market research in India. The processing of data is about 50% cheaper in India than in developed nations. Therefore, the outsourcing business is doubling in value every year.

The rising middle class comprises young people who are very familiar with U.S. brands. India has the second-largest population of English speakers globally, coupled with a relatively stable political backdrop. These factors make India an attractive country for international companies.

India has also developed a pool of trained market research professionals who can provide companies with superior study methodologies, data processing, analysis, and reporting, making India an attractive outsourcing destination. 

Parent and child with the Indian Flag
What are the high growth sectors in Market Research in India?

India is evolving into a ‘Service Economy’ with telecom, retail, and financial services as the high growth market research sectors. Marketing research in India has been focused more on fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). Besides these, India’s most significant growth area for the market research industry is the media measurement business, followed by the auto, telecom, healthcare sectors, durable goods industries, and the public sector. Market research is mainly focused on customer insights and satisfaction in all industry sectors. 

What are the challenges of conducting Market Research in India?

India faces unique, complex challenges because it can be viewed more as a continent than a country. This is because of many diverse cultures, customs, behavior, languages, and even regional dialects. 

In India, one size does not fit all. Researchers need to understand the cultural nuances peculiar to different parts of the country when designing surveys and studies and selecting local markets. 

To obtain data for nationwide studies, market research firms in India have to target multiple cities, each with its language and cultural nuances. While Indian market researchers understand and know how to work within the complexities, it becomes challenging to warrant the high costs of conducting national studies to clients. 

On the plus side, this has helped Indian researchers attain higher standards of conducting studies. However, it is also true that it is difficult to attract high-quality research talent in India due to relatively lower salaries. While Indian companies understand the importance of Market Research and use it effectively, they are amongst the most demanding but lowest paying countries for market research.

One of the biggest challenges is the size of the country. In the past, with fewer households having access to phones, it was challenging to conduct market research. In 1997, less than one percent of the population had access to a telephone, and with low literacy rates, telephone and mail surveys were non-existent. However, in recent years, technology has lifted many barriers to market research in India.  

India’s digital journey has been remarkable. The number of internet users grew from 0.62 million in 2010 to 843.06 million in 2021 (the second-largest in the world). Estimates suggest that this figure would reach over 1.5 billion by 2040, and Smartphone usage far surpasses desktop and laptop usage. Today, smartphones are present in 84% of households. (Source: Statista)

These developments are a massive advantage in a country the size of India because the cost savings from using the internet or phone over face-to-face interactions are enormous. The rise in social media usage has also immensely helped the growth of market research in India. 

Face-to-face research was dominant before the pandemic; however, the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown helped speed up digitization, making it easier to use technology and social media for research studies.

What is the state of market research in Rural India?

Nearly 70% of India’s population lives in rural areas, and the rural market has been growing five times as much as the urban market. However, conducting market research in the rural areas of India remains cost-prohibitive due to the size of the country and its hugely diverse population. Additionally, largely rural population groups have not seen the technological breakthroughs and are beyond reach in many ways. 

During the pandemic, there has been an upsurge in digitizing rural India. The government has been pushing the adoption of digital technology in rural areas for many years now, but during the lockdown, it gained momentum. 

Family sitting together with a laptop

During the first pandemic wave, many jobless migrant workers had to go back to their villages from the cities, which triggered a rise in rural digitization. 

Still, market research firms face many challenges when it comes to the evolving, post-pandemic rural population. Furthermore, the complexities of hyper localization in languages, dialects, and traditions are even more pronounced in rural areas than in urban centers. 

How did the sudden spike in mobile internet penetration further help the growth of the market research industry in India?

The availability of cheap smartphones in India since 2010 laid the foundation for digital literacy and adoption. Furthermore, the Indian government understood the importance of investments in its telecommunications sector and further deregulated the industry. 

In 2016, Reliance Jio disrupted the Indian telecommunications market by offering cheap 4G, and high-speed data plans with free voice calling. This competitive data pricing pushed other telecom providers to drive down their pricing and led to a cumulative growth in affordable mobile internet accessibility amongst the Indian masses. 

What challenges do Indian Market Research companies (in particular) face?

In India, market research firms deal with the industry’s most demanding but lowest-paying clients. This makes it very difficult to attract top talent of market research professionals as the salaries are relatively lower. Industry attrition in Indian market research firms is high at about 30%, and people leave due to low salaries. 

The Future of Market Research In India

The growth of Market Research in India is clearly on the rise and shows no signs of stopping, despite the challenges. The market research industry in India is over three decades old. In recent years, there has been a rapid rise in the number of Indian Market Research firms and the interest of U.S. and European firms in outsourcing market research work to India. Companies in developed nations have 40-60% cost savings when they outsource market research to India. 

Telecommunication disruptions, technological developments, the rising middle class, a young country familiar with International brands, and lower research costs in India have led to growth in the market research industry. 

Market research is critical to building a robust business plan, and while many companies understand this, it is costly and time-consuming to undertake market research. Market research firms are more pressed than ever to deliver accurate insights and solutions to help companies make the right decisions while keeping turnaround times shorter and costs lower. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data are changing how Market Research is carried out.

Organizations use many traditional market research techniques to learn more about their customers. Traditionally, these include interviews, surveys, focus groups, and market reports, which are costly and time-consuming. The Market Research industry in India now has access to and is adopting new technologies to collect, analyze, and present data faster yet accurately. 

Indian market researchers are using social media, advanced analytics, and data collection. 

New developments like Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and ‘big data‘ offer a viable solution. This also means expanding the skill set of the researchers so they can effectively employ these market research methodologies for streamlining and automating data collection and analysis. AI can also scan market data in any language, which can be invaluable in a multilingual country like India. 

The rapid rise in the number of Indian Market Research firms and the growing demand from international agencies in outsourcing to India show promising potential for the future growth of Market Research in India.

Although many challenges lay ahead, there will always be a need for high-quality, flexible market researchers. While technology and automation may invade the market researcher’s territory, you still need people to uncover data and insights. The best market research teams of the future will combine techies and problem solvers who will use technology to streamline and speed up their studies. A good quality, accurate, fast, and lower-cost research workforce will ensure India’s future growth as a market research provider to the western world. 

With the growing global demand for cost-effective and high-quality market research, the rising trust in Indian researchers, and the value of the Indian market, the future of market research in India looks promising.

Selecting an Indian Market Research Agency 
Kadence India

With many providers to choose from, appointing an agency for your next market research project that understands your unique research needs is crucial. If you are looking to conduct market research, selecting an agency with national expertise is a must. 

At Kadence International, we have offices in 10 countries, including India. Our office in India is recognized as one of the leading market research companies in the country.

With a Head Office in New Delhi, our diverse team has hundreds of years of collective market research expertise and speaks 12 different dialects.

We would welcome the chance to discuss your next market research project. Learn more about our Indian Office here or submit your market research project here.

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In this guide we explain how to do international market research, exploring the key considerations to set you up for success.

Why is conducting international marketing research so important?

Whatever you think of it, globalisation is now a fact of life. For more than half a century, the biggest brands in the world have operated on a truly international scale. But in the past 25 years – the internet era – an ability to service global markets much more easily has made an international footprint even more compelling.

Near-universal penetration of the internet – often via a smartphone, equipped with GPS locators, camera and microphone – has created low-friction access for brands into markets they didn’t even know existed. Global supply chains and logistics make serving overseas markets easier than ever. And although there have been notable blips – in the form of sanctions, national protectionism and policy decisions such as Brexit – the overall trajectory is towards fewer tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade.

All that adds up to international business no longer being the preserve of multi-billion dollar blue-chip names; or even mid-corporate specialists and cool brands. Any company can now expand beyond their local market. International marketing today is a much more open field.

But the Covid-19 pandemic has also reminded us that within that global picture, markets evolve unpredictably. And they have always been subject to rapid change driven by local conditions, culture and consumption patterns.

That’s made multi-market insights even more useful for global brands already operating internationally – and any business planning to grow ‘overseas’ for the first time. Marketing research is important even at ‘home’. But in brand-new target markets with high potential, it’s nothing short of critical.

Finding a balance – with pertinent local insights or the one hand, and global uniformity for brand consistency on the other – can be a huge challenge. Marketing textbooks include plenty of examples of a failure to localise products and services, mistranslations of brand messaging (some of which are urban legends…) and other cultural blunders.

That’s made market research a crucial tool for business looking to foreign markets, both to help generate insights that can be benchmarked across their global consumer base; aggregated to inform global decisions; and ensure international progression isn’t tripped up by nuances that demand locally tailored marketing or even products themselves.

Big world, small questions – How to embark on an international market research project

So what does it take to run an international market research project? One fundamental truth about market research holds true whatever you want to find out: the tighter the brief, the more useful the results.

That’s not to say brands could, or should, never conduct wide-ranging and open-ended research studies to test general attitudes or behaviours on a global scale. But while that kind of ‘scene-setting’ work can be very valuable in one location, country or even cultural context, it can be much harder to come up with firm conclusions when you’re trying to be ‘global’. International market research might start out with the intention of finding global commonalities or appetites, but the data collected will rarely reveal universal insights.

It’s more a question setting out the kinds of insights that might drive operational, product design or branding decisions for different markets. Country specific norms for consumers and logistics will affect the brief. And different nations, cultures and infrastructure will dramatically affect the available research methodologies, too. Again: it’s not impossible to design international research projects that have perfect consistency in methodology – but for many situations, it’s also not necessarily going to deliver the biggest return on investment.

There is significant value in getting inputs from research professionals even before setting the brief. Getting those right at the outset helps the market researchers you work with get a clearer idea of how they might target their investigations and sets expectations about what’s possible – whether you’re looking at a single overseas market, the potential for an entire region or tailoring local research work to evaluate global possibilities for your brand.

International, regional or global? Approaching international market research

That decision – one or two new markets, a region (perhaps opened up thanks to changes in logistics infrastructure) or a global snapshot – probably won’t be defined by the research process itself.

For the biggest brands, global methodologies (which you can learn more about here) such as brand trackers might seem to be universal. But you still need to localise the process to draw broad conclusions. This isn’t simply a question of ensuring that two completely different markets generate results that can be compared at the global level to inform business decisions. National and regional situations are constantly evolving, adding different contexts that research should be able to factor in. Just like running focus groups around a large country, the broad methods might be the same, but the way you ask questions and interpret answers needs finesse.

The biggest global brands – such as Starbuck or McDonald’s – often undertake localisation work on their products and services, too. The Tsukimi Burger is alien to anyone outside Japan, for example. Research conducted to support these market-specific development projects is usually undertaken by local teams. But decision-makers at these companies’ HQs will still expect research supporting those decisions to meet their global standards.

For companies breaking into foreign markets for the first time, similar rules apply. They will have a standard of insight they demand from research; but they will benefit hugely from working with research teams or agencies who understand the local cultures, dialects and the most productive research methodologies.

So right at the inception we need to ask some basic questions:

  • Are we looking to assess products that present uniformly across the globe? (An iPhone is the same everywhere; a chocolate recipe might not be.)
  • How would we tailor products or positioning for a local audience? (Is this just packaging, for example, or tweaks to the features to adapt them to local conditions or cultural norms.)
  • What are the financial implications of these decisions? (Tailoring research to local markets and contextualising the outputs against your global strategic objectives is usually fascinating work. But will it create valuable enough insights to offset the cost of both the research itself and the tailoring?)

Speaking our language

One of the biggest issues for research internationally is translating your project into different languages (we explore that in detail here). That means not just the questionnaires or scripts that you use, but the brief (so local fieldwork teams understand your intent), the responses and insight reports.

In the era of Google translate (and, to a lesser extent, the use of English in many markets) this might not seem so difficult. But the nuances of language can be a major pitfall for brands and for research projects. Remember, even dialects and local idiom can affect both the meaning of a survey response, a focus group transcript or even the focus of a question.

Language and culture across South East Asia is incredibly diverse, so you can’t simply treat it as a homogenous region. Even in India (see our article on breaking the markets there) there are dozens of languages and cultural identities. And in Canada, for example, you need translators who know Quebecois, not just French. Making small mistakes can undermine engagement and trust, and it’s usually a relatively easy thing to get right if you know what to look for.

These language traps are particularly acute for qualitative work assessing softer or more descriptive product features or emotional product branding –especially if there is a very strong global brand identity that needs to be maintained around any local variation.

Working with local teams to ensure the meaning of questionnaires and responses is captured, not just literal translations, helps ensure marketing decision-makers aren’t trapped. Specialist translation services and research teams on the ground but who are in on the initial project brief are hugely valuable.

Two women having a conversation

Realities on the ground – how cultural nuances can influence your choice of methodology for international market research

There are huge variations in the cultural acceptance of different research methodologies too. In some countries, certain methodologies simply don’t work that well. You might find a survey on WeChat in China works well; but in some markets, you may need to spend more time building rapport with consumers – and allow them a sense of anonymity to build the confidence they need to be open with you. This worked well on a recent project in Saudi Arabia, for example, where we conducted an online community.

Some societies have historically been more open to face-to-face research rather than online approaches (although this is changing as a result of the pandemic), so we often recommend a blended approach to get to comparable levels of insight versus other markets where this might be attainable exclusively through online methodologies.

Even between Germany and the UK the research context varies hugely.  A lot of cultural nuance is rooted in history, too. In eastern Germany, for example, the folk memory of the Stasi is still recent history for many older people – which informs attitudes towards research and certain methodologies. So what you ask, how, where and when will differ in Leipzig compared to Paris or Birmingham, say. (And in much of the US, respondents will typically tell you much more than you need to know!)

And even well-understood quantitative methodologies – that you might think don’t require that linguistic nuance – need to be properly calibrated. For example, point scales vary around the world. In China, people are more open to giving 8s, 9s and 10s; in the UK, these are much rarer. If that’s not factored in it can skew important localisation decisions.

Research projects also need to account for infrastructure and social norms. If you’re investigating the relative strength of a drinks brand, for example, knowing how many people have access to refrigeration at home or whether drinking in the street is frowned upon will be important.

Online – not entirely global

Culture, history, consumption patterns, economics, language and infrastructure aren’t the only variations that need to be taken into account for an international research project. Technology has a potentially huge impact on the types of research you can conduct and how well it works.

The rate of adoption of devices and quality of connectivity in each market is a big factor. In some developing countries, you’ll need to tailor a more light-touch experience, with lower bandwidth requirements for online and mobile methodologies; in others, you can use more data-intensive approaches that are demanding on bandwidth and storage.

The smartphone has flattened out some of the methodological variety between markets, it’s true. Take Indonesia, for example. It was always very much a face-to-face market. But that is changing, as the need to inform faster decision making grows, with research through online panels– like our KOINS panel – taking off.

But there are still very clear cultural differences that mean it’s not simply a question of getting every market to download the same app, for example. Yet again, local knowledge is key – not just of those cultural or technological norms, but also of regulation. Data protection laws vary widely, for example.

Online survey methodologies can also lay traps on language. A couple of years ago, lots of brands were interested in the idea from Scandinavia of ‘hygge’ – a king of super-relaxed personal indulgence. There is also a word in Dutch to imply a notion of ‘coziness’, but it’s a different concept. If that crops up in responses, is it the same thing or not? Automated keyword searching and the surging use of AI analytics might not give you the whole picture.

In short: think global, research local

The smartest headquarters’ marketing teams already understand what needs to be tailored locally and what of their global branding they can apply in existing or new export markets. Knowing you can apply product branding across different markets can mean finding huge economies of scale in creative execution and being able to hook local variation into a wider brand image.

They will also trust either local marketing teams, or research specialists with local knowledge, to adapt both marketing and product sets to the conditions in their target markets. They need to know for each market what’s driving the local nuance and how to marry those with the logistical, economic and branding issues around that market.

And they know that whether it’s the attempt to tests global opinions, the openness of local consumers to existing products and branding or to uncover creative and value-creating local adjustments to products and messaging, there is no substitute for in-the-field expertise of a research partner capable of delivering to brief with the most appropriate methodologies.

The old phrase ‘think global, act local’ might be a tired truism. But when it comes to the way research is conducted to optimise performance in global markets, it’s still the number one rule.

Looking to embark on an international market research project?

Learn more about our international research capabilities, or request a proposal to discuss an international research project with us.

Market research is critical for driving growth. It can inform strategy development, product development and marketing, setting you up for success. But it’s even more important when it comes to growing your business in countries outside of your home market. 

The global market research process looks different from domestic market research and requires a different approach in order to get the best results. In this article, we’ll break down why global market research is so important, the challenges involved, and how to do it as effectively as possible.

What is global market research?

Global market research is an umbrella term for the collection and analysis of information that companies undertake in a country that isn’t their domestic market. This includes designing the study, conducting the fieldwork, analysing the data and reporting the results – and can pertain to anything from customer understanding to product development research. It differs from market research that takes place domestically, with an understanding of cultural differences being crucial to its successful execution. 

Why is global market research important?

Global market research serves a number of important purposes. It helps companies understand their current or potential customers in international markets. These markets — and the people in them — are often radically different from your domestic market in many significant ways.

Failing to understand the often subtle distinctions between different global markets and gain a solid understanding of them before you launch a product can be a critical mistake that costs companies dearly.

Market research is equally important in global markets where you already operate. Here, it helps companies feel out new potential product launches and marketing campaigns, understand how numerous factors in those areas may have changed since they last conducted research, and better understand the feelings of their customers internationally.

Here are some of the main reasons to prioritize global market research:

What works well at home might fall flat abroad. You may have heard of Starbucks. It’s one of the most successful businesses in its home market of the US and is a hit with customers in many other countries across the globe. In many cities around the world, you’ll find a Starbucks almost on every corner.

In Italy, however, its presence is more limited. This is because the Italian coffee culture is profoundly different from what Starbucks offers, and the Italian public simply doesn’t have much of an appetite for the brand. The fact Starbucks has been able to gain a foothold there is an impressive achievement in itself and was only possible by significantly altering its product range — a change driven by extensive market research and collaboration with local businesses. 

It allows you to improve operations and save costs. Market research helps you gain a more thorough and clear understanding of your new markets and the logistical and practical steps involved in operating there.

This allows you to get your operations right the first time, avoiding expensive mistakes and delays and streamlining the process so you can maximize your chances of overall success.

It helps you understand your competition and what you’re getting into. When it comes to new global markets and expanding into different cultures, competition is a huge factor. Market research helps you understand your competition so you can compete effectively and avoid being completely eclipsed by more popular brands.

When Best Buy attempted to move into the Chinese market, it failed miserably, closing all its stores in the country just five years later. Why did this attempt fail so badly? Ultimately, it was due to local competition.

Local, smaller Chinese electronics companies were able to offer similar products at a much lower price by paying staff less and offering fewer benefits. They also had stores in more accessible locations, catering to a more bike-based and less car-based customer population.

Had Best Buy spent more time researching the local market, they may have taken a different approach, or opted not to expand into China at all.
It allows you to identify new opportunities you may not have otherwise considered. By better understanding your market through research, you’ll be able to pinpoint new opportunities to grow, generate ideas for new products and strategies, and innovate in a way that increases your chances of success.

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The challenges of global market research

Doing market research on a global scale can be much more challenging than doing it domestically and there are many more factors and variables to consider. Much of your market research will involve speaking to customers in markets that differ from your home country. This can be difficult for many reasons:


Some international markets will be home to a vastly different culture from your domestic market. This can make research difficult. It’s important to respect cultural norms and take these differences into account both when designing your research approach and analysing your results. 

For example, in some cultures, like in China, people might be more inclined to moderate their views in a group setting, making it harder to get to the heart of an issue in a focus group, for instance. Understanding this can help you determine which methodology to choose, along with how to probe, and what to look for when you’re analysing the data.


Carrying out customer surveys, focus groups, in fact, anything involving interviews and questions poses obvious linguistic barriers in foreign markets. This makes global research particularly challenging. You’ll need to be able to connect with respondents and understand their views in the local language. Understanding nuances and ensuring key details aren’t lost in translation is vital, so it pays to work with native speakers to help you navigate these issues. 


Finding appropriate facilities to conduct research in a different market can be tough, particularly if you’re working on logistically challenging projects such as central location tests or taste tests, where you also need to factor in transporting products for consumers to test in person. For this, it’s important to plan ahead so you can anticipate problems and delays that might not exist in your home market.


In many parts of the world, there are laws and regulations in place that you’ll need to consider when designing your research approach. For example, Europe’s GDPR or Singapore’s PDPA.

(More information on the challenges of global market research and how to overcome them can be found in this article).

The right way to do global market research

Learn as much as possible about the regions you’re targeting

Before you start actually speaking to people and conducting market research, it’s essential to gain a thorough understanding of the region you’ll be working in. This helps avoid or mitigate many of the cultural and linguistic challenges mentioned above.

Find out as much as possible about the demographics, laws, culture, language etc of your chosen region. Publicly available resources can help with this. You may be able to access government statistics or reports that can give an illuminating view of the business landscape for companies in your industry in your chosen market and what other firms are doing. This can provide you with a solid base for your research before you even start talking to your target audience.

Design an effective research approach, rooted in your understanding of the market

You need to design a research approach that works in the context of the market. Every region of the world is different, sometimes in quite startling ways, from your domestic market. It’s important to make sure your research is designed in a way that reflects that.

This is important when you’re considering what methodology to use. For instance, you’ll need to ensure that if you’re conducting online research in China, the platform will need to be mobile-first due to the technological leapfrog the country has  experienced. 

(For more information about conducting online research in Asia, read our best practice guide)

It’s also important when thinking about sampling. For example, when conducting research in Vietnam, it’s essential to understand the striking cultural differences between North and South. People in the North tend to favour well-known brands, whereas those in the South are typically more open to new experiences,Make sure you think carefully about who you want to research at the outset, and if you are exploring an entire country, beware that these nuances do exist. 

One of the best ways to really immerse yourself is by working with an agency that has boots on the ground, and offices in the location you want to explore. This allows you to build a research strategy that is adapted to your new market, helping you to obtain valuable insights.

Collect the data and analyse the results, bringing cultural understanding to bear 

Once you’ve designed your approach, you’re ready to embark on the research itself. 

There are multiple methods you can use here, such as:

  • In-person interviews
  • Online surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Online or mobile research 

Each method has its own pros and cons, and the best research strategies will contain a blend of several approaches. Again, cultural understanding is really important here. 

This can impact the way you approach every element of your research. For example, when writing a questionnaire in Japan, it’s important to acknowledge the cultural aversion to giving negative feedback. Here, if you used a typical 5-point Likert scale, responses might tend to end up right in the middle, giving an unhelpful result. Instead, try a 4-point scale to give a clear indication of attitudes or intent. 

The next step is analysis, where again, a deep understanding of the market is critical to be able to properly interpret the results and to compare between countries. In Vietnam, for instance, it’s common for Vietnamese respondents to show high interest levels when asked about their likelihood to purchase a product. But these responses are not always realistic — many Vietnamese people will enthusiastically signal their desire to buy a product even when they don’t have the economic means to realistically do so. It’s important to cross-reference these results with other market data for a more reliable result. 

Remember to account for translation or working with native speakers at this point to ensure success too.

Looking to embark on a global market research project?

Global market research is an essential process for any company looking to expand into different international markets or grow their presence in existing ones. It allows you to optimize your chances of success when trying new things in markets that may be profoundly different from your domestic market in numerous ways. It also helps you understand those markets much more keenly so you can better serve your customers there.

There are lots of variables that can make the research process for global market research projects much more challenging. It’s important to take the time to understand your new market before you begin the research process.

However, if done right, global market research can be a critical factor in mounting a successful market entry attempt, marketing campaign, or product launch allowing you to expand your brand across the world and reach entirely new levels of growth.
At Kadence, we help businesses all over the world expand into new global markets by carrying out in-depth and localised research. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you do the same.

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In the world of market research, we can only get so far by relying on hard, numerical data.

Hard metrics (generated from quantitative research) are extremely useful and should form a core part of any business strategy. But they only tell part of the overall story.

To dig deeper and gain a fuller picture of why our customers behave the way they do, it’s important to consider supplementing quantitative research with a more qualitative approach. Qualitative research is based on conversational and open-ended communication and aims to dive a little deeper than quantitative metrics and explore the why behind customers’ actions.

If you want to get the most out of your research, you should be using both approaches. In this guide, we’ll take a look at what qualitative research is, what makes it so useful, and how you can employ it in your own work.

How is qualitative research different from quantitative research?

Quantitative research:

  • It is more data-based, relying on hard data points and objective measurements.
  • It uses statistics and numerical data to identify trends and patterns.
  • It allows you to quickly establish what’s happening and look at possible causes. 

Quantitative studies are extremely valuable. They allow us to gain a reliable, accurate understanding of what’s happening in our market and amongst our customers and make clear-headed decisions that influence the bigger picture. But quantitative data alone isn’t enough.

Qualitative research is more human-focused. It’s less concerned with numbers and figures and more focused on what customers have to say. It can take the form of interviews, focus groups or online communities, and its goal is to dig into the more intangible and subjective reasons why customers behave the way they do.

Why is qualitative research useful?

Qualitative research is useful because it helps us dive into the human factors driving our customers’ actions. People are complex and often unpredictable, and our behavior can’t really be boiled down into a series of metrics.

For example, we might know that sales for one product are outperforming another. But why is this happening? Our hard metrics can show us the overall trend and might allow us to pinpoint certain glaring patterns, but they don’t tell us what’s going on in our customers’ minds.

For this, we need qualitative studies. We need to gain insight into the microtrends that lie beneath bigger patterns. 

The benefits don’t end there, though. Qualitative research means getting to know your customers and their motivations better. Here’s how that helps:

  • It can help you to understand customer needs, generating new ideas for products and services. 
  • It can provide valuable feedback on your existing offering. Using qualitative research, you can explore pain points and barriers to use, helping you understand how to improve your current products and services.
  • It can be a useful input to your marketing. By truly understanding your audience, you can take a more personalized approach, speaking their language and talking to your customers in a way they can really relate to. It can also provide useful input to campaign or content development. By understanding customer needs, you can create marketing content that solves specific problems for your audience and delivers real value in response to the challenges they face and the pain points they grapple with.
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Qualitative research methods 

Qualitative research is made up of a range of different methods and techniques. Each has its own use cases, and the best approaches will combine several methodologies based on your customers and your goals. Here are some of the main methods:

Qualitative research methods are approaches and techniques used to gather and analyze non-numerical data to understand human behavior, experiences, and social phenomena deeply. Unlike quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, the qualitative study seeks to explore and interpret the meanings, patterns, and complexities of human experiences.

Qualitative research methods are characterized by their flexibility, contextuality, and emphasis on subjective interpretations. They are suitable for studying social and cultural phenomena and individual perspectives and exploring new or complex research areas. Here are some commonly used qualitative research methods:

  • Focus groups. This is where you bring a small number of customers (usually less than 15) together in a group to discuss a particular issue. By tapping into the power of group dynamics, we’re able to uncover rich insights around attitudes and behaviors, and explore underlying motivations, need states and perceptions.
  • One-to-one, in-depth interviews. Here, researchers speak to customers directly in a one-to-one setting. It’s a good way to get truly in-depth on a topic, delving into the participant’s opinions and gaining valuable feedback and insight. In-depth interviews can be carried in person, on the phone or online. 
  • Expert interviews. Like in-depth interviews, expert interviews involve speaking to industry experts to build a rich understanding of the market and its direction. This approach can help you explore the impact of emerging trends to help future-proof your business.
  • Ethnography. This is where researchers immerse themselves in customers’ worlds to understand more about their day-to-day lives and the role of brands and products. Ethnography can take different forms, from visiting consumers and accompanying them as they go about their day to mobile self-ethnography, where consumers complete video tasks to show us how they live. 
  • Online communities. This is where groups of consumers are brought together over a series of days on an online platform to explore specific issues. Consumers then complete individual or group tasks, enabling the researcher to uncover rich insights. Like mobile self-ethnography, online communities can involve photo and video tasks and are a great way of bringing an audience to life for key stakeholders. What’s more, as online communities consumers over a longer time period than an in-depth interview or a focus group, they allow you to explore complex or sensitive issues and uncover deep insights into attitudes and values to inform your decision-making.

Traditionally qualitative research was done according to the grounded theory method. This is a framework for research that involves collecting qualitative data through the above methods and then using that data to form a theory or hypothesis. However, it’s easy to underestimate the sheer amount of data you can collect through qualitative research and this is particularly true of online methods such as online communities. As such, using the grounded theory method is often not feasible. At Kadence we take a different and more structured approach, exploring hypotheses with key stakeholders and designing the research so that we can test these. This means that the research is tightly focused on the areas that matter most to stakeholders, ensuring that the insights we uncover are actionable.  

These methods often employ thematic analysis, constant comparative analysis, and coding to organize and interpret data. The data collected in qualitative research can be rich, nuanced, and context-specific, providing deep insights into human behavior, motivations, and social phenomena. Qualitative research is frequently used in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, education, and marketing, where understanding the subjective experiences and meanings attributed to phenomena is essential.

Some examples of qualitative research questions you might ask:

  • How important is corporate responsibility to our customers?
  • What are the main reasons people use social media?
  • Why do people want to work for our organization?
  • How do adult males feel about hair loss?
  • What are the key motivations for undertaking a weight loss program?

Qualitative research is essential if you want to truly understand your customers and improve your product or service to deliver what they want and need. It goes hand in hand with more quantitative methods of research and helps add context, explanation, and depth to the more numerical and data-based metrics.

At Kadence, we can help you get the most out of qualitative research better to understand your customers and market on all levels. To find out how to get in touch with us.

Our kids media experts Bianca Abulafia and Sarah Serbun shared their top tips at Qual 360 of how to conduct qual research with kids and the cultural considerations to bar in mind in each market.

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Amy Lo explores her personal experiences growing up across two vastly different continents and how these have shaped her insight career. 

When I was 12 my Dad announced I was to leave my home in Taiwan to attend boarding school in England. The resulting 10 years were to shape me in a way neither he, nor I could ever have imagined. 

Growing up across two continents that are so vastly different in terms of culture, climate and consumption meant living in a state of perpetual adaptation, seeking ways to adjust to the environment around me, both at school and then back at home during school holidays. 

I think this constant need to adapt to my surroundings is the reason I first started to closely observe the people around me, their behavior, their motivations, the things that made them similar and the things that made them different.

Skip to the present and as it turns out my fascination with people, their stories, backgrounds and culture has influenced me in my choice of career. As a qualitative market researcher it is my job to investigate the beliefs, perceptions and essential truths behind people’s behavior – and establish patterns amongst them.

I love this career for the opportunity it gives me to gain insight into our respondent’s lives and, of course to deliver Insight Worth Sharing to my clients. 

There is also a lot of variety; during my first role as a Graduate Insight Executive in Taiwan I spent time with a wide variety of respondents from tech-savvy consumers aiming to optimize a mobile-friendly home page for Yahoo to new mums sharing all about their nappy usage. One weekend we would be speaking to HNWIs about luxury holidays and the following weekend, accompanying Chinese teenagers on their hunt for the perfect pair of jeans! 

During a recent project in my current role at Kadence International in London I found myself face to face with my two ‘home’ nations. The study, for a luxury technology brand, involved investigating some of London and Shanghai’s wealthiest individuals and uncovered some vast and fascinating differences in priorities, preferences and behaviors of the Chinese elite against their UK counterparts. 

This study motivated me to understand more about today’s Asian consumer. How can brands adapt their approach to suit this vast and lucrative market? And, how can we as researchers select the best methodologies in order to gather the richest, most valuable insights?

Growing up across two continents that are so vastly different in terms of culture, climate and consumption meant living in a state of perpetual adaptation. I love this career for the opportunity it gives me to gain insight into our respondent’s lives and, of course to deliver Insight Worth Sharing to my clients. With over 700 million Internet users and a little shy of 600 million smartphone users in China (as of 2016), the future of online qual is extremely exciting.

In true millennial style, I started my investigations through my own social network. My friends from Asia were always posting in feeds, reviewing the latest products they have tried. I observed a willingness to share allegiances to particular brands, which doesn’t represent brand loyalty per se, simply that they are not afraid to share their opinions. Many of my female friends have their own blogs, discussing their views on the latest trends in clothes and make up and my feed is regularly inundated with ‘outfit of the day’ posts with links that take you to web shops where you can make a quick purchase from the endorsed brand or seller. 

Surprisingly for China, a country where censorship is widespread, opinions and voices on the Internet are loud and plentiful. Unlike Western countries, there is little trust in traditional media sources such as TV, press or radio. Instead, word of mouth is an increasingly powerful tool, as people use social media platforms to personally share information and opinions with friends and family. 

This trend has been identified by brands in China, who have made it their priority to create intelligent, comprehensive digital campaigns to facilitate the spread of their products or services. This is also why brands are carefully monitoring their e-reputation. Product reviews on the web have a growing influence on people’s decision making. Brands understand the need to nurture advocates within each and every social circle to build credibility and customer proximity. 

Back to my professional experience, working closely with a wide range of Chinese audiences both in Asia and in the UK, I have learnt that I most enjoy using methodologies that give me longer and closer contact with my audience, these allow me to really get to know each and every one of their stories, background and culture. 

Market research online communities offer a highly effective way for UK researchers to gather insight from Chinese audiences. Logistically simple (no working around time differences); methodologically effective (tap into natural online behaviors to provide a truthful engagement with our target audience) and financially efficient (no expensive flights and hotels!). 

Chinese audiences can often be more comfortable providing their opinions via the Internet particularly with certain more sensitive or divisive topics where they can retain a sense of anonymity. With online research methods, there are fewer concerns about their voices or faces being identified – and therefore a greater willingness to share.

With over 700 million Internet users and a little shy of 600 million smartphone users in China (as of 2016), the future of online qual is extremely exciting for me. Mobile devices are the main mode of Internet access and instant messaging is the top online activity in China. Apps such as WeChat are used on a daily basis, just as you and I use WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends and family. WeChat has evolved from a pure instant messaging app to (quoting the FT in April 2016) an app that is a phone, messenger, video conference, ecommerce platform and gaming console, not to mention noodle delivery service, for a nation of people in love with their smartphones. 

Some companies are already using WeChat as a data collection tool for short quantitative surveys, tapping into its mass user base and taking full advantage of its ability to provide instant responses.

And given that the app is already in most people’s pockets means we can largely conduct many of the conventional qualitative methods through WeChat as well. We’re already gaining insights through both interaction and observation, from in-depth interviews to accompanied shopping, to digital diary logging. It’s amazing – but we’re able to follow the steps of Chinese respondents through the lenses of their smartphones from the comfort of their chairs in London. 

The casual nature, accessibility and users’ familiarity with WeChat helps encourage user interaction, engagement and participation, thereby improving our capability to obtain accurate and honest insights. 

The opportunity to use social media platforms for qualitative research is not completely unique to the Chinese market. We know some have been doing focus groups on WhatsApp, and some are using Facebook as a research tool. There is no reason why something similar cannot become a more prevalent research method in the West, provided we have a similar multifunctioning social media platform and the same abundance of users already familiar with the platform.

Personally, I find the possibility of conducting focus groups and in-depth interviews from my iPhone a very exciting prospect. With social media platforms such as WeChat, in a click of a button, I’m in touch with a group of people 5000 miles away, tapping into every aspect and every minute of their lives and uncovering trends through my very own device. I can do this whilst on the go and, when something I see on the street suddenly inspires me, I no longer have to wait until Monday. I can simply pop a question to my group and wait 5 seconds to see what they have to say. 

Looking back, whilst my 12 year old self may have resented my Dad’s decision to send me away from Taiwan to the UK, in hindsight, it was the best decision he ever made.