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Showing 31-40 of 525

Is it time for research to diversify?

Over the past decade, the research industry has undergone significant transformation. Traditionally, research was divided into two primary methodologies: qualitative and quantitative. Through focus groups and interviews, qualitative research focuses on understanding the underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. On the other hand, quantitative research emphasizes statistical analysis and numerical data, often through surveys and structured […]


Generative AI for Marketing and Creative Campaigns.

One of the most groundbreaking advancements in recent years is the advent of generative artificial intelligence. Generative AI refers to algorithms that can generate new content—such as text, images, and even videos—from scratch, based on the data they’ve been trained on. Unlike traditional AI, which analyzes data to make decisions or predictions, generative AI creates […]


How Chinese Automakers are Taking the Thai Automotive Market by Storm.

Thailand, often called the “Detroit of Asia,” boasts a significant presence of automakers and is actively enticing car manufacturers with incentives for producing electric vehicles and for consumers. A recent study found that 72% of Thai consumers have generally favorable perceptions of Chinese cars, particularly for their affordability, technological features, and sleek and modern designs, […]


The Impact of Consumer Food Choices on Singapore’s F&B Growth.

Singapore’s cuisine vibrantly reflects its rich multicultural heritage, offering an irresistible blend that captivates the palates of locals and visitors. From hawker centers serving local delights like Hainanese chicken rice to high-end restaurants offering innovative fusion cuisine, the island nation has something to satisfy every palate. But beneath the surface of this culinary diversity, a […]

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Generational Shifts Toward Home Ownership in the Philippines.

In recent years, home ownership in the Philippines has experienced a significant shift. Millennials are now emerging as important players in the real estate market. Over the past five years, home ownership among these younger generations has increased by 20%, a notable rise that has captured the attention of both policymakers and real estate developers. […]


Beyond the Charts: Mastering the Art of Data Storytelling.

Imagine watching a movie with stunning cinematography—breathtaking visuals, vibrant colors, and meticulously framed scenes. However, as beautiful as the film looks, you soon realize there’s little to no plot. The characters are underdeveloped, the storyline is incoherent, and the dialogue is forgettable. Despite the visual feast, the movie fails to engage because it lacks substance. […]


How the Plant-Based Revolution is Transforming the Food Industry.

When global icons like Bill Gates and Sir Paul McCartney extol the virtues of plant-based diets, food brands worldwide should take notice. Gates, an advocate for sustainable agriculture, has invested heavily in plant-based meat companies, while McCartney has long promoted vegetarianism for ethical and environmental reasons. Their endorsements highlight a pivotal shift in consumer preferences […]


10 Trends to Watch in Agriculture in 2024 and Beyond.

As the climate crisis intensifies, the impact on agriculture becomes increasingly evident. Extreme weather events, shifting precipitation patterns, and rising temperatures pose significant challenges to food production worldwide.  In response, the agricultural sector is undergoing a profound transformation driven by technological advancements and sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of climate change.  Here are ten […]


Disruptive DTC Brand Strategies for Traditional Retail.

In 2011, Michael Dubin uploaded a comedic YouTube video introducing Dollar Shave Club, a subscription-based razor delivery service. Their tagline included an expletive, and the video quickly went viral, garnering millions of views within days.  What started as a humorous takeover of the overpriced razor market became a major disruptor. Dollar Shave Club’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) […]