A few weeks ago, something extraordinary happened.

We ran out of eggs.

There were, quite literally, no eggs to be found anywhere in our little corner of South West London.

I was devastated.

It wasn’t until I couldn’t get my hands on any that I really appreciated how fundamental eggs were to my daily diet. And it got me thinking about how (please forgive me) ‘eggs-traordinary’ this current time is, for a number of reasons.

I wouldn’t be able to tell you how many times I’ve asked a focus group, depth interviewee or online community what they’d do if a certain product or service that we are investigating suddenly disappeared. Deprivation questions are tried and tested qual tools. But they rely on respondents hypothesizing about how they might react in a scenario in which everyday products aren’t available.

The truth is, we’re now living in that scenario.

We’ve had many clients asking us whether they should be doing research now. But this is why, as strange as it may sound, now is the perfect time to conduct research.

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Consumers are now keenly aware of the products and brands they value in their lives – be that eggs, loo roll, or self-raising flour. They are more able than ever before to tell us why they are so important to them – because they have had to live through the realities of living without.

And there’s another, even more important dimension at play here too. Not only are we feeling the lack of products and brands more keenly – our expectations of the roles that brands play not just in our lives, but in society as a whole have dramatically shifted. As beer brands and fashion houses alike pivot towards producing hand sanitizer for health services, we’re seeing a shift towards an expectation that brands will pitch in to play their part in overcoming the pandemic.

For brands to survive in the post-pandemic world, they don’t just need to tap into an understanding of how and why their products matter to consumers, they need to understand how expectations are changing, and how that might affect their brand strategy in the future.

Widespread remote working is creating obstacles in multiple forms for today’s teams, from productivity to technology to social connections.  The common thread running through this is maximising online communication.

Visual storytelling through video is one of the most effective forms of online communication. Our brain processes information 60,000 faster when it is shared in video rather than text, and two thirds will complete a task more effectively when instructions are shared this way.

Video may seem like an intimidating format to produce – but it doesn’t have to be with the right preparation in place.  At Kadence, we pride ourselves on effective communication, and in helping our clients communicate successfully within their stakeholder teams. Our in-house design gurus can seamlessly execute videos for maximum impact of our research.

Today we’re sharing 5 best practices in using video to communicate effectively with a remote audience, so that you can remain productive and connected.


What is the narrative of your video?

What building blocks of information do you need to share in order to help build this narrative and bring it to life for your audience? Creating a storyboard is a great way to help you plan out your thinking, and ensure you have all the right content in place, and in the right order.

TIP: Using simple tools, like PowerPoint, can help you construct the narrative of the story before you begin creating the video.


Who is your video intended for?

Is your audience homogenous, or do you expect them to be different in meaningful ways? Do they all have the same level of knowledge about the topic?

TIP: Remember you want the video to stand on its own, so make sure any information is simple and clear enough for all audiences you intend to speak to.

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What effect do you want this video to have for your audience?

We find that most business communication needs fall into 3 categories:

• Inform – Helping your audience learn something new

• Persuade – Changing your audiences mind, or how they feel about a topic

• Activate – Presenting evidence to spur action

TIP: Think about the final payoff of the video. Do you want them to visit a website; remember a key fact; or agree with a point of view? Make sure the call to action is clear at the end of your video.


How will your audience be engaging with this video?

Think about their physical environment (What type of room will they be in? What device will they be using?) and their mental environment (How will it fit in the context of their day? How long will they have to engage with this topic?) This influences important content and format decisions.

TIP: A good rule of thumb is a video 2-3 minutes in length, and that uses subtitles rather than voice over. This makes a video much more versatile in terms of where and when your audience can watch it.


What ambiance are you looking to set with this video?

Aesthetics such as colours, fonts, music and pacing all play a role in setting the tone, and therefore the impact, of your video. Also, different video techniques – such as using filmed ‘b-roll’ footage, on-screen text and subtitles, animated data infographics, and voiceover – play a role in defining the tone of your video.

TIP: Align among your stakeholders on the tone before you begin production, to minimise re-work later on. A good starting point is referencing your brand guidelines for colours, fonts and tone.


If you’d like to hear more about tips on using video to maximise your online communication or know more about our video capabilities, just get in touch.

Going beyond video

Video is awesome – but it is not the only visual medium you can use to tell your story! We use a range of different techniques depending on the end goal, and the level of information required to be communicated.  Some of the other design techniques at our fingertips are:

  • Interactive PDFs – A self-guided deep exploration of the narrative, interactive PDFs are great for when you desire your audience to be in control of what precising content they consume (such as if you have a variety of stakeholders, each with different objectives), and the pace in which they take it in.  They can also ‘live on’ within an organisation, allowing your audience to refer back to the PDF as and when they need different pieces of information
  • Infographics – A great medium to communicate a data-heavy narrative, where the audience may need longer than an animated video allows to deep dive into the data, and understand the full implications of the story
  • Posters and handouts – Ideal for keeping conclusions top of mind with your audience – posters shine when used to communicate simple message in a visual way, such as caricatured personas of a segment, or a reminder of ‘5 essential guidelines’ to executing your product.  Concerned about how to share physical posters during remote working?  Virtually ‘pin’ your content to a platform such as a team intranet or internal social media.
  • Whitepapers – A great medium for when you have more to say, longer form whitepapers supported with visuals such as photos and infographics are ideal for when you need to share detailed information in a more formal way.

Kadence Boston, in partnership with 2020 Research, has been running an online community to understand the impact COVID-19 is having on US consumers. Before we launched this community one month ago, we thought long and hard about whether this was the right thing to do. We didn’t want this research to be perceived as taking advantage of the situation for our own marketing purposes. In the end, we decided to go for it, because we are market researchers and our job is to study, and help our clients understand, consumers. As expected, we are learning a lot, but what we didn’t anticipate was just how much our participants would also benefit from this community.

Participants in our COVID Community have been exceptional, in terms of the level of effort they put into their responses, as well as the time they have put into reading and responding in thoughtful, considerate ways to other participants’ posts. We expected participation in the community to be slightly more active than normal, given how many Americans are out of work and staying home due to COVID-19, but we’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of commitment and involvement we’ve seen.

After nearly everyone enthusiastically accepted our invite to extend the community into a third week, we decided to ask what they like about being part of this community. Their responses verify many of the benefits of communities and other online qualitative research methods, not only for researchers but also for research participants.

  • Expressing thoughts and feelings in writing requires greater introspection and thought, which fosters deeper levels of insight.

“By recording how I’m feeling or what I did today, I’m able to see patterns of behavior and thought in myself. I also like having questions that make me think of months ahead since that’s been tough to really visualize lately.” 

– Abby, NYC
  • Being remote and not knowing other participants provides enough anonymity where people feel they can be more open and honest than they might be with their usual circle of friends and family.

“Feel a bit freer to speak my mind on some subjects more honestly. With family or friends, it can be more difficult if they are having a hard time now or have very strong opinions that vary from mine.”

– Ralph, LA
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  • It can be difficult to navigate COVID-19 conversations with friends and family without venturing into polarizing issues, like politics. In highly emotional times like now, communities can provide a therapeutic outlet for consumers to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of damaging relationships. This would also be the case when researching a sensitive, personal topic.

“It’s therapeutic to share [my opinion] without having to hear an argument about why I may be wrong.”

– Patrick, LA
  • Like our obsession with reality TV, we enjoy sneaking a peek into the daily lives of others. Through the community, consumers can see how others are living and coping through COVID-19, which can be reassuring, inspiring, helpful, even entertaining.

“It’s also been so helpful reading everyone else’s responses, tips, tricks and stories. You can really get stuck in a pattern talking to the same types of people in your life.”

– Abby, NYC
  • Similarly, consumers are curious to hear first-hand accounts of others’ feelings and perspectives around the country. Exposure to other community members’ written and video responses each day can elicit feelings of connection and empathy. Realizing your similarities, and better understanding your differences, can bring about feelings of comradery and hope.

“It’s also good to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Everyone has a different perspective. They look at things from different angles and looking through the responses, you see the different fears. Their different beliefs, the different struggles that people have in how they’re dealing with them.”

– Michael, Chicago

“I was surprised to see that I have more in common with other people in this group than I thought.” 

– Diego, Houston

Especially now, at a time when we are craving human connection more than ever, online communities and other online qualitative methods are ideal for understanding consumers’ thoughts, feelings, behaviors, needs, expectations and for exploring new ideas.

If you are interested in learning more about these methods, tune into our webinar on April 15th at midday EDT. It’s not too late to register, just click here.

At a time when there is concern that news outlets are feeding coronavirus panic and confusion, it may have been easy to miss some of the more positive news stories emerging in the last few weeks.

Chief among them is the impact that digital technology has had across Asia, as parts of China in particular have gone into lockdown, and the implications of this.

Across China, as The Economist reported earlier this week, subscriptions to digital health services have increased exponentially – a shift in consumer behavior that previously had been expected to take five whole years. Similarly, we have seen reports that mobile, social media and streaming services are experiencing a strong uptick in usage whilst people are stuck indoors. Schooling has also moved online, with students taking classes through grade-specific TV channels, and the internet.

Above all, we’ve seen people using digital resources to overcome the loneliness of isolation. Gyms are offering sessions via WeChat, clubs are hosting club nights online, and gamers are congregating online to play together in increasing numbers, with Tencent’s Honor of Kings game reaching a peak in average daily users.

So will there be in any digital silver linings for the market research industry?

Non face-to-face methodologies are hardly new in our industry, but a shift towards online – particularly when it comes to qualitative research – now feels unavoidable. Where once a traditional focus group or face-to-face interviews may have sufficed, we’ll undoubtedly see digital techniques coming in to play more and more.

But herein lies a word of caution: because not all digital techniques are created equally, and not all solutions are suitable for certain projects: the most appropriate methodology will always depend on a study’s objectives.

There are plenty of digital options available to researchers: online focus groups, skype depth interviews, mobile diaries, and online communities to name but a few, but how do you work out which methodology is best suited to your study?

First of all, it’s important to start your thinking with your objectives, not your methodology. Just because you might have once used focus groups or face-to-face depth interviews in the past, doesn’t necessarily mean an online focus group or skype interview are the best ways to meet your objectives using digital tools. Start by asking:

  • Are you looking for breadth, or depth of insight?
  • Who are you looking to influence with your findings? What kinds of asset are most likely to have impact and support real change across your organization? How quickly do your stakeholders need access to your insights?
  • How important is it to observe discussion and interaction between respondents – are you looking to compare different points of view?

How you answer these questions will heavily impact the methodology that’s right for you.

For instance, say you are conducting a concept or product test. Typically, you’d use a focus group setting so your product and design team could observe respondent reactions, and make on-the-spot changes to your product.

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If you’re looking for breadth, speedy insights, and discussion between respondents to understand how views differ, you might automatically think that an online focus group session, with respondents and stakeholders logging in from separate locations is your answer. However, while online focus group technology mimics the experience of a focus group setting, in practice, it is much harder for respondents to communicate with one anyone other than the moderator – you’re unlikely to meet your ‘discussion between respondents’ objective.

Instead, an online community would allow you to hit the nail on the head of all three of your objectives and then some. The key difference versus an online focus group is your ability to nurture and observe conversations between respondents in the community in a much more natural environment.

You can even use the platform to segment different audiences together, or keep the community broad to observe discussions across the whole group. Stakeholders are able to log on at any time they choose, to observe conversations, and input suggestions for additional questions to the moderators. And say you have one or two topics you’d like to explore in more depth? You can always set up private questions, to conduct one-to-one research as part of the community. And when it comes to final assets, online communities are really unrivalled when it comes to video and photo content that can be used to help land insights with your stakeholders.

If, however, observing interaction between respondents really isn’t a key necessity, and you’re looking for depth of insight, you may want to consider depth Skype interviews instead of your traditional focus group. Digital depth interviews work beautifully for concept and product testing as part of a staged program of research, especially when you meld multiple touch-points together. You could consider following an initial Skype interview with a selfie-style filmed product review in-home for example, to really dig into consumer views.

Ultimately, while all of these methodologies have been around for some time, it’s likely that a reduction in face-to-face research will see us being far more creative with the digital options available to us. It will be fascinating to see whether or not these changes result in a long-term shift towards digital methodologies. Back in 2014 during London’s tube strikes, commuters were forced to find alternative routes to get travel around the city. Following the strikes, Transport for London reported that one in 20 commuters actually stuck with the new route they’d discovered. Will the research industry see a similar permanent shift? Time will tell.

Kadence has a wealth of experience in using digital research methodologies to help answer critical questions for brands and businesses. If you’re looking for support to help you find the best approach to meet your business objectives, please get in touch.  

Our kids media experts Bianca Abulafia and Sarah Serbun shared their top tips at Qual 360 of how to conduct qual research with kids and the cultural considerations to bar in mind in each market.

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As Greenbook endeavors to expand its presence within Asia, Kadence International identified with that desire to spread innovative market research practices across the world, for the betterment of the industry. With that in mind, Kadence International stepped up and became Title Sponsor for its third IIeX Conference in Dec 2019.

The two-days conference brought together both clients and agencies in Thailand and within the region, and the Kadence booth was at the center of all ‘buzzworthy’ interactions and conversations, discussing what interesting methodologies are being carried out, and what kinds of possibilities and potential the future can hold, when clients and agencies achieve perfect synergy.

To that point, Kadence’s presentation at the conference was great proof of that: it worked with Bloomberg on a project, the first of its kind in Asia, by marrying neuro-centric measures of respondents and traditional quantitative surveys, to understand consumer reactions to the same ads placed on different platforms. Results of the study will be released in the public domain in Q1 2020, but the study proved how traditional research methodologies, in the face of evolving technologies, can still play a complementary role in enhancing outcomes and strengthening gained insights 

The presentation was part of a larger series of sessions that covered other interesting subject matters: from Google’s sharing of what makes a fad a trend (or, when does a ‘thing’ actually become a THING) and the commercial potential that brands can tap into when thinking about the urban phenomenon of loneliness, to why the over-60-year-olds are brands’ best bet for market growth in Asia and how visual communication partially explains chat platform Line’s success in Thailand, there were food-for-thought aplenty, and many topics that sparked discussions during lunch and networking breaks

Kadence also noticed 3 phenomena during the conference, which it believes is evidence that a larger trend is taking shape:

  1. Greater willingness to appreciate research from a multitude of angles – Google’s own study on the formation of trends highlights how data analytics, however advanced and wide in reach, can only explain part of the story
  2. Greater access to research respondents outside of traditional channels – on top of reaching out to online panels for respondents to complete online surveys, there’s increasing experimentation to access data from a brand’s own users (e.g. True Mobile in Thailand and its millions of subscribers), or new vendors that are using different platforms to offer agencies that reach (e.g. crowdsourcing, social media, etc.)
  3. Distinction vs. differentiation – precisely because of the plethora of new partners for both agencies and brands to work with (e.g. in the space of accessing respondents for studies), the ones that work well understand the classic marketing notion of ‘distinction’: what they offer may not be different to their competitors, but they are at least clear about what it is that allows them to stand out from the crowd
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In summary, that larger trend is the notion of ‘connections, not alternatives’; this is at the heart of Kadence’s strategy for 2020, as it believes in order to raise the impact of research within the region, through meaningful insights and business-relevant recommendations, it will benefit by playing that ‘matchmaking’ role, working with partners who’s business is in making sense of cutting-edge research technologies, and deciphering that to put it together with traditional research, in service of answering clients’ strategic questions. Kadence is certain that the industry will certainly benefit from the notion of ‘this-AND-that’, rather than ‘this-OR-that’

Amy Lo explores her personal experiences growing up across two vastly different continents and how these have shaped her insight career. 

When I was 12 my Dad announced I was to leave my home in Taiwan to attend boarding school in England. The resulting 10 years were to shape me in a way neither he, nor I could ever have imagined. 

Growing up across two continents that are so vastly different in terms of culture, climate and consumption meant living in a state of perpetual adaptation, seeking ways to adjust to the environment around me, both at school and then back at home during school holidays. 

I think this constant need to adapt to my surroundings is the reason I first started to closely observe the people around me, their behavior, their motivations, the things that made them similar and the things that made them different.

Skip to the present and as it turns out my fascination with people, their stories, backgrounds and culture has influenced me in my choice of career. As a qualitative market researcher it is my job to investigate the beliefs, perceptions and essential truths behind people’s behavior – and establish patterns amongst them.

I love this career for the opportunity it gives me to gain insight into our respondent’s lives and, of course to deliver Insight Worth Sharing to my clients. 

There is also a lot of variety; during my first role as a Graduate Insight Executive in Taiwan I spent time with a wide variety of respondents from tech-savvy consumers aiming to optimize a mobile-friendly home page for Yahoo to new mums sharing all about their nappy usage. One weekend we would be speaking to HNWIs about luxury holidays and the following weekend, accompanying Chinese teenagers on their hunt for the perfect pair of jeans! 

During a recent project in my current role at Kadence International in London I found myself face to face with my two ‘home’ nations. The study, for a luxury technology brand, involved investigating some of London and Shanghai’s wealthiest individuals and uncovered some vast and fascinating differences in priorities, preferences and behaviors of the Chinese elite against their UK counterparts. 

This study motivated me to understand more about today’s Asian consumer. How can brands adapt their approach to suit this vast and lucrative market? And, how can we as researchers select the best methodologies in order to gather the richest, most valuable insights?

Growing up across two continents that are so vastly different in terms of culture, climate and consumption meant living in a state of perpetual adaptation. I love this career for the opportunity it gives me to gain insight into our respondent’s lives and, of course to deliver Insight Worth Sharing to my clients. With over 700 million Internet users and a little shy of 600 million smartphone users in China (as of 2016), the future of online qual is extremely exciting.

In true millennial style, I started my investigations through my own social network. My friends from Asia were always posting in feeds, reviewing the latest products they have tried. I observed a willingness to share allegiances to particular brands, which doesn’t represent brand loyalty per se, simply that they are not afraid to share their opinions. Many of my female friends have their own blogs, discussing their views on the latest trends in clothes and make up and my feed is regularly inundated with ‘outfit of the day’ posts with links that take you to web shops where you can make a quick purchase from the endorsed brand or seller. 

Surprisingly for China, a country where censorship is widespread, opinions and voices on the Internet are loud and plentiful. Unlike Western countries, there is little trust in traditional media sources such as TV, press or radio. Instead, word of mouth is an increasingly powerful tool, as people use social media platforms to personally share information and opinions with friends and family. 

This trend has been identified by brands in China, who have made it their priority to create intelligent, comprehensive digital campaigns to facilitate the spread of their products or services. This is also why brands are carefully monitoring their e-reputation. Product reviews on the web have a growing influence on people’s decision making. Brands understand the need to nurture advocates within each and every social circle to build credibility and customer proximity. 

Back to my professional experience, working closely with a wide range of Chinese audiences both in Asia and in the UK, I have learnt that I most enjoy using methodologies that give me longer and closer contact with my audience, these allow me to really get to know each and every one of their stories, background and culture. 

Market research online communities offer a highly effective way for UK researchers to gather insight from Chinese audiences. Logistically simple (no working around time differences); methodologically effective (tap into natural online behaviors to provide a truthful engagement with our target audience) and financially efficient (no expensive flights and hotels!). 

Chinese audiences can often be more comfortable providing their opinions via the Internet particularly with certain more sensitive or divisive topics where they can retain a sense of anonymity. With online research methods, there are fewer concerns about their voices or faces being identified – and therefore a greater willingness to share.

With over 700 million Internet users and a little shy of 600 million smartphone users in China (as of 2016), the future of online qual is extremely exciting for me. Mobile devices are the main mode of Internet access and instant messaging is the top online activity in China. Apps such as WeChat are used on a daily basis, just as you and I use WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends and family. WeChat has evolved from a pure instant messaging app to (quoting the FT in April 2016) an app that is a phone, messenger, video conference, ecommerce platform and gaming console, not to mention noodle delivery service, for a nation of people in love with their smartphones. 

Some companies are already using WeChat as a data collection tool for short quantitative surveys, tapping into its mass user base and taking full advantage of its ability to provide instant responses.

And given that the app is already in most people’s pockets means we can largely conduct many of the conventional qualitative methods through WeChat as well. We’re already gaining insights through both interaction and observation, from in-depth interviews to accompanied shopping, to digital diary logging. It’s amazing – but we’re able to follow the steps of Chinese respondents through the lenses of their smartphones from the comfort of their chairs in London. 

The casual nature, accessibility and users’ familiarity with WeChat helps encourage user interaction, engagement and participation, thereby improving our capability to obtain accurate and honest insights. 

The opportunity to use social media platforms for qualitative research is not completely unique to the Chinese market. We know some have been doing focus groups on WhatsApp, and some are using Facebook as a research tool. There is no reason why something similar cannot become a more prevalent research method in the West, provided we have a similar multifunctioning social media platform and the same abundance of users already familiar with the platform.

Personally, I find the possibility of conducting focus groups and in-depth interviews from my iPhone a very exciting prospect. With social media platforms such as WeChat, in a click of a button, I’m in touch with a group of people 5000 miles away, tapping into every aspect and every minute of their lives and uncovering trends through my very own device. I can do this whilst on the go and, when something I see on the street suddenly inspires me, I no longer have to wait until Monday. I can simply pop a question to my group and wait 5 seconds to see what they have to say. 

Looking back, whilst my 12 year old self may have resented my Dad’s decision to send me away from Taiwan to the UK, in hindsight, it was the best decision he ever made.

In B2B, growth hinges not merely on expanding reach but on the precision of that expansion. Imagine a software company doubling its sales by targeting only those businesses poised to benefit most from its solutions. This is the power of strategic market segmentation in action.

Globally, brands operating in diverse markets have harnessed market segmentation to unlock unprecedented growth. These companies have moved away from the outdated “one-size-fits-all” approach, opting for precision targeting aligning with each region’s unique dynamics.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, personalized marketing can deliver five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend and lift sales by 10% or more. Yet, many organizations struggle to implement effective segmentation strategies, often resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities.

What is B2B Market Segmentation?

B2B market segmentation is the strategic practice of dividing business-to-business targets into distinct groups of clients that share similar needs, characteristics, or behaviors. This nuanced approach allows companies to tailor their marketing and sales strategies to address the specific demands of each segment, thereby enhancing both efficiency and effectiveness.

Segmentation is integral to modern B2B marketing, enabling companies to deliver personalized experiences and targeted campaigns that resonate with specific audience groups. The integration of technology, such as AI and machine learning, has further refined segmentation techniques, allowing for more precise and dynamic segmentation models that adapt to changing market conditions.

Types of B2B Market Segmentation

Here are the primary segmentation types used by leading B2B companies:

  • Firmographic Segmentation

Dividing the market based on organizational characteristics such as industry, company size, revenue, and geographic location.

  • Decision-Maker Type Segmentation

Segmenting based on the roles and preferences of individuals within organizations, such as IT directors, finance managers, or procurement officers.

  • Profitability or Potential Segmentation

Tiering customers based on lifetime value, profitability, and sales potential.

  • Needs and Attitudes Segmentation

Segmenting based on the psychological attributes of organizations, including values, motivations, and pain points.

  • Behavioral Segmentation

Grouping companies based on their purchasing behavior, spending habits, and interaction with your brand.

  • Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD) Segmentation

Focusing on the specific outcomes or “jobs” customers aim to achieve with your products or services.


Why B2B Segmentation Matters

Market segmentation is a critical component of successful B2B marketing and sales strategies. Here’s why segmentation is indispensable for driving growth:

Targeting Prospects

Not every prospect holds equal value for your business. Segmentation enables companies to identify and focus on the most attractive prospects—those that align closely with their ideal customer profiles and exhibit higher conversion probabilities. For example, Salesforce employs advanced segmentation techniques to identify high-potential accounts within various industries, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively and achieve significant increases in their sales pipeline.

Prioritizing Customers

Understanding which customers are more profitable or exhibit higher retention rates allows businesses to prioritize their efforts effectively. MailChimp, for example, uses segmentation to identify its most profitable customer segments, enabling them to tailor their services and support to enhance customer loyalty and lifetime value. This strategic focus ensures resources are directed toward maintaining and growing relationships with the most valuable clients.

Refining Marketing Messages

Tailored marketing messages resonate more deeply with specific segments. Instead of deploying broad, generic messages, companies can craft communications that speak directly to each segment’s unique pain points and needs. HubSpot leverages segmentation to deliver personalized content that addresses the specific challenges faced by different industries, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates. For example, messaging focused on lead generation might appeal to marketing teams, while content highlighting sales automation features could attract sales professionals.

Optimizing Channel Strategy

Different segments prefer different communication channels. Segmentation ensures marketing efforts are directed through the most effective channels for each group. IBM utilizes segmentation to determine the preferred channels of various customer segments, such as digital marketing for tech-savvy clients and industry-specific conferences for traditional sectors. This targeted approach ensures marketing messages reach the right audience through the most impactful channels.

Developing the Right Content

Knowing each segment’s unique needs helps create relevant content that addresses specific challenges and interests. Whether whitepapers, webinars, or case studies, targeted content enhances engagement and positions your company as a valuable resource tailored to each segment’s requirements. Microsoft employs segmentation to develop specialized content for different industries, ensuring their marketing materials are relevant and impactful for each target group.

Allocating Budget and Resources

Efficiently distributing marketing budgets and resources based on the potential and profitability of each segment ensures optimal return on investment. For instance, Adobe found segmented campaigns achieved a 14% increase in email opens and a 101% increase in clicks compared to non-segmented campaigns. By focusing its marketing spend on high-potential segments, Adobe was able to maximize the effectiveness of its campaigns and achieve better overall results.

Building Your B2B Target Account List

A well-crafted Target Account List (TAL) is the foundation of any successful B2B market segmentation strategy. It ensures your marketing and sales efforts are focused on the accounts with the highest potential for growth and profitability. 

Here’s how to effectively build and manage your TAL.

Start with Your Existing List

Begin with the accounts you already have. These are businesses you have established relationships with and understand well. Leveraging your existing accounts provides a solid starting point for your TAL and offers insights into the characteristics of your most valuable customers.

Key Steps:

  • Analyze Current Customers: Identify common traits among your top-performing accounts, such as industry, company size, revenue, and geographic location.
  • Identify Patterns: Look for patterns in purchasing behavior, engagement levels, and product usage to understand what drives success within your existing customer base.
  • Segment Accordingly: Use these insights to create initial segments within your TAL, focusing on accounts that mirror your best customers.

Methods for Identifying Target Accounts

Building a robust TAL involves several methods to ensure you are targeting the right accounts. Here are three proven methods:

1. Ideal Customer Profiling (ICP)

  • Definition: ICP involves defining the characteristics of your best customers based on firmographics, behavioral traits, and strategic priorities.
  • Implementation: Incorporate data from CRM systems, sales feedback, and market research to create a detailed profile of your ideal customer.
  • Benefits: Helps identify and focus on accounts most likely to convert and deliver long-term value.

2. Predictive Analytics

  • Definition: Predictive analytics leverages historical data and machine learning algorithms to forecast which accounts are most likely to convert.
  • Implementation: Integrate predictive analytics tools with your CRM to analyze patterns and predict future outcomes.
  • Benefits: Enhances the accuracy of your TAL by identifying high-potential accounts that may not be immediately obvious.

3. Behavior-Based Targeting

  • Definition: This method segments accounts based on their real-time behavior and engagement signals, such as website visits, content downloads, and interaction with marketing campaigns.
  • Implementation: Use marketing automation platforms to track and analyze account behavior, allowing for dynamic segmentation.
  • Benefits: Facilitates timely and relevant interactions, increasing the chances of converting engaged prospects.

Checklist for Identifying Target Accounts

To ensure that your TAL is comprehensive and effective, use the following checklist:

  • Firmographic Fit:
    • Company size (number of employees, revenue)
    • Industry sector
    • Geographic location
  • Strategic Alignment:
    • Business objectives align with your offerings
    • Potential for long-term partnership
  • Engagement Levels:
    • Interaction with your brand (e.g., website visits, content downloads)
    • Participation in webinars or events
  • Purchase Intent:
    • Indicators of readiness to purchase (e.g., specific content consumption)
    • Behavioral signals showing interest in your products or services
  • Profitability:
    • High lifetime value potential
    • Lower acquisition costs compared to other segments
  • Additional Considerations:
    • Decision-Maker Access: Ensure you have access to key decision-makers within the target accounts.
    • Competitive Landscape: Assess the presence and strength of competitors within each target account.
    • Technological Fit: Evaluate whether your solutions integrate well with the target account’s existing technology stack.

Creating and Prioritizing Segments

Effective market segmentation is about creating meaningful segments that align with your business objectives and drive substantial growth.

Effective Segmentation Approaches

B2B companies employ various approaches to create effective segments:

  1. Simple Segmentation
    • Description: Using a single criterion, such as industry or company size, to categorize accounts.
    • Benefit: Easy to implement and understand.
  2. Multi-Attribute Segmentation
    • Description: Combining multiple criteria, such as industry, company size, and geographic location, for more precise targeting.
    • Benefit: Enhances targeting accuracy by considering multiple dimensions.
  3. Advanced Segmentation
    • Description: To create highly refined segments utilizing complex data points, including predictive analytics and machine learning.
    • Benefit: Allows dynamic and real-time segmentation that adapts to changing market conditions.

Prioritizing Segments

Not all segments offer the same potential for growth and profitability. Prioritizing segments ensures that your marketing and sales efforts are focused on the most valuable opportunities. Here’s how to effectively prioritize your segments:

  1. Revenue Potential

Focus on segments with the highest potential for revenue generation, either through initial purchases or upselling opportunities.

  1. Engagement Levels

Target segments that show strong engagement with your brand, such as frequent interactions, high content consumption, and active participation in campaigns.

  1. Resource Allocation

Allocate resources to segments that can be effectively managed with your available resources, ensuring sustainable and scalable growth.

  1. Profitability

Prioritize segments that offer high lifetime value and lower acquisition costs, enhancing overall profitability.

Checklist for Vetting Segmentation Approach

To ensure your segmentation approach is robust and effective, use the following checklist:

  • Are the segments differentiated from one another?
  • Can each segment be effectively managed with your current resources?
  • Do the segments align with your overall business goals and objectives?
  • Are the segments sustainable and capable of growing over time?
  • Do the segments make sense and are easily understandable by your team?
  • Is there minimal overlap between segments, ensuring each account fits neatly into one segment?

By adhering to this checklist, you can validate the effectiveness of your segmentation strategy and ensure that it supports your business objectives.

Implementing Segmentation Strategies

Once you have built and prioritized your Target Account List (TAL) and created meaningful segments, the next crucial step is implementing your segmentation strategies effectively. This involves meticulous data collection and analysis, developing precise segmentation criteria, and crafting segmented marketing strategies that resonate with each distinct group.

Data Collection and Analysis

Accurate and comprehensive data collection is the backbone of effective segmentation. Your segmentation efforts can lead to misguided strategies and wasted resources without reliable data. 

Here’s how to ensure your data collection and analysis are robust:

Gathering Data from Various Sources

To create well-defined segments, gather data from multiple sources to gain a holistic view of your target accounts. Key data sources include:

  • CRM Systems: Centralize customer information, including firmographics, purchase history, and interaction records.
  • Google Analytics: Track website behavior, such as page visits, time spent on the site, and conversion rates.
  • Customer Feedback: Utilize surveys, feedback forms, and Net Promoter Scores (NPS) to understand customer satisfaction and pain points.
  • Marketing Automation Tools: Monitor engagement metrics like email opens, click-through rates, and webinar attendance.
  • Social Media Analytics: Analyze engagement and sentiment on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to gauge brand perception and interests.

Utilizing Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

A balanced approach using both qualitative and quantitative research methods provides deeper insights:

  • Quantitative Research: Employ statistical analysis to identify patterns and correlations within large datasets. Techniques such as cluster analysis and regression analysis can reveal significant segmentation criteria.
  • Qualitative Research: Conduct in-depth interviews, focus groups, and case studies to understand the motivations, challenges, and preferences of your target segments. This approach adds depth to your segmentation, uncovering the ‘why’ behind the numbers.

Developing Segmentation Criteria

Once data is collected, the next step is to establish clear and actionable segmentation criteria. These criteria should align with your business objectives and provide a framework for differentiating your target segments.

Establishing Firmographic, Behavioral, and Psychographic Criteria

  • Firmographic Criteria:
    • Industry: Categorize accounts based on the sectors they operate in, such as healthcare, finance, or technology.
    • Company Size: Segment by the number of employees or annual revenue to tailor solutions that fit their scale.
    • Geographic Location: Consider regional differences that may affect purchasing behavior and preferences.
  • Behavioral Criteria:
    • Purchase History: Analyze past purchases to predict future needs and identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.
    • Engagement Levels: Track interactions with your brand to determine the readiness of an account to make a purchase.
    • Content Consumption: Understand what types of content (e.g., whitepapers, webinars) resonate most with each segment.
  • Psychographic Criteria:
    • Values and Beliefs: Segment based on the core values and beliefs of the organization, such as a commitment to sustainability or innovation.
    • Motivations: Understand what drives your customers, whether it’s cost-efficiency, technological advancement, or market expansion.
    • Pain Points: Identify the specific challenges each segment faces and tailor your solutions to address these issues.

How to Align Criteria with Business Objectives

Ensure your segmentation criteria are directly linked to your business goals. For instance, if your objective is to increase market share in the healthcare sector, your segmentation should prioritize healthcare organizations and tailor your strategies to meet their specific needs. For example, LinkedIn aligns its segmentation criteria with its business objective of expanding its enterprise solutions by focusing on large organizations in the technology and finance sectors, delivering tailored LinkedIn Learning and Sales Navigator offerings.

Creating Segmented Marketing Strategies

With well-defined segments and clear criteria, you can now develop targeted marketing strategies that resonate with each group. Personalized strategies enhance engagement, foster stronger relationships, and drive higher conversion rates.

Designing Personalized Campaigns for Each Segment

  • Customized Messaging: Craft messages that address each segment’s specific needs and pain points. Use language and terminology that resonate with their industry and organizational culture.
  • Tailored Content: Develop content relevant to each segment’s stage in the buyer’s journey. Provide educational resources for early-stage prospects and detailed product information for those closer to making a purchase.
  • Channel Optimization: Based on each segment’s preferences and behaviors, choose the most effective channels. This ensures that your messages reach your audience where they are most receptive.

Implementing Multi-Channel Marketing Strategies

A multi-channel approach ensures that your segmented messages are consistently delivered across various touchpoints, enhancing brand visibility and reinforcing your value proposition.

  • Email Marketing: Use personalized email campaigns to deliver targeted messages and nurture relationships with specific segments.
  • Content Marketing: Create and distribute content, such as blogs, whitepapers, case studies, and videos, specifically designed for each segment’s interests and needs.
  • Social Media: Engage with segments on platforms they frequent, using tailored content and targeted advertising to increase engagement and reach.
  • Events and Webinars: Host events and webinars that cater to each segment’s interests and needs, providing valuable insights and fostering direct engagement.

Case Study: Adobe

Image credit: Adobe

Challenge: Adobe sought to optimize its marketing campaigns by delivering highly personalized content to different segments based on their engagement levels and needs.

Segmentation Strategy: Adobe implemented a multi-channel marketing strategy that leveraged behavioral segmentation to tailor content delivery across various touchpoints.


  • Personalized Email Campaigns: Sent targeted emails with content relevant to each segment’s engagement level and interests.
  • Dynamic Content Creation: Developed tailored whitepapers, webinars, and case studies for different segments.
  • Channel-Specific Strategies: Utilized social media and digital advertising to reach tech-savvy segments while engaging traditional sectors through industry conferences and trade shows.


  • Increased Engagement: Achieved a 30% increase in engagement through personalized marketing efforts.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Improved conversion rates by focusing on high-potential segments with relevant content.
  • Sustained Revenue Growth: Maintained steady revenue growth by continuously refining and optimizing segmented campaigns.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Segmentation

In the rapidly evolving B2B landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in refining and enhancing market segmentation strategies. Leveraging advanced technologies not only streamlines the segmentation process but also provides deeper insights, enabling more precise and effective targeting.

Advanced Analytics and AI

Advanced Analytics and AI offer sophisticated tools to analyze vast data and uncover actionable insights, enabling more nuanced and predictive segmentation models.

Key Components:

  • Predictive Analytics: Uses historical data and statistical algorithms to forecast future behaviors and trends, helping identify high-potential segments.
  • Machine Learning: Employs algorithms that learn from data patterns to improve segmentation accuracy over time, dynamically adjusting criteria based on new data.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Analyzes unstructured data, such as social media interactions and customer feedback, to gain deeper insights into customer sentiments and preferences.

Automation Tools

Automation tools streamline the segmentation process, making it more efficient and scalable by handling repetitive tasks, managing large datasets, and ensuring consistent application across all marketing and sales activities.

Key Components:

  • Marketing Automation Platforms: Integrate with CRM and other data sources to automate the segmentation process, ensuring target segments are always up-to-date and accurately defined.
  • Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): These platforms centralize customer data from various sources, providing a unified view of each account and facilitating seamless data integration for comprehensive and up-to-date segmentation.
  • AI-Powered Segmentation Tools: Leverage AI to automatically identify and create segments based on complex data patterns and predictive indicators.

Final Thoughts

Effective B2B market segmentation is not just a strategy; it is a necessity in today’s competitive and dynamic business environment. By understanding and implementing strategic segmentation, businesses can achieve:

  • Sustainable Growth: Focused efforts on high-potential segments drive consistent and scalable growth.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Tailored marketing and sales approaches meet the specific needs of each segment, fostering stronger relationships and loyalty.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Efficiently distribute marketing budgets and resources based on the potential and profitability of each segment, maximizing return on investment.

As the global market evolves, embracing strategic market segmentation will be pivotal in navigating complexity, addressing diverse customer needs, and maintaining a competitive edge. Senior leaders in market research and branding must prioritize segmentation as a core component of their growth strategies, leveraging data-driven insights and advanced technologies to unlock unparalleled opportunities and drive their businesses toward greater success.

Imagine you’re a digital marketer for an online retailer specializing in fitness gear. You’ve just launched a new line of eco-friendly yoga mats, and you’re tasked with maximizing sales through your website. You test two different product page versions to see which drives more purchases. 

Version A features a prominent “Limited Time Offer” banner at the top, while Version B includes a series of customer testimonials right beneath the product title. The results of this A/B test could significantly affect your sales figures and offer deeper insights into what motivates your customers to buy.

Such is the power of A/B testing, a method companies of all sizes use to make data-driven decisions that refine user experiences and improve conversion rates. 

A/B testing provides a data-driven solution to optimize website effectiveness without the guesswork. By comparing two versions of a page or element directly against each other, brands can see which changes produce positive outcomes and which ones do not, leading to better business results and a deeper understanding of customer behavior.

Whether you’re looking to increase conversion rates, enhance user engagement, or drive more sales, effective A/B testing is the key to achieving your goals precisely and confidently.

A/B testing, or split testing, is a method in which two versions of a webpage or app are compared to determine which performs better. Imagine you’re at the helm of a ship; A/B testing gives you the navigational tools to steer more accurately toward your desired destination—increased sales, more sign-ups, or any other business goal. It involves showing the original version (A) and a modified version (B), where a single element may differ, such as the color of a call-to-action button or the layout of a landing page, to similar visitors simultaneously. The version that outperforms the other in achieving a predetermined goal is then used moving forward.

The Importance of A/B testing and ROI

The compelling advantage of A/B testing is its direct contribution to enhancing business metrics and boosting return on investment (ROI). 

Online retailers frequently use A/B testing to optimize website leads and increase conversion rates. This includes split testing product pages and online advertisements, such as Google Shopping Ads. By A/B testing different product page layouts, retailers can identify a version that increases their sales, impacting annual revenue. Similarly, SaaS providers test and optimize their landing pages through A/B testing to find the version that increases user sign-ups, directly improving their bottom line.

A/B testing is less about guessing and more about evidence-based decision-making, ensuring every change to your interface is a strategic enhancement, not just a cosmetic tweak.

Preparing for A/B Testing

1. Setting Objectives

Before launching an A/B test, defining clear, measurable objectives is critical. These objectives should be specific, quantifiable, and aligned with broader business goals. Common goals include increasing conversion rates, reducing bounce rates, or boosting the average order value. The clarity of these objectives determines the test’s focus and, ultimately, its success.

2. Identifying Key Elements to Test

Choosing the right elements on your website for A/B testing can significantly affect the outcome. High-impact elements often include:

  • CTAs: Testing variations in the text, color, or size of buttons to see which drives more clicks.
  • Layouts: Comparing different arrangements of elements on a page to determine which layout keeps visitors engaged longer.
  • Content: Tweaking headlines, product descriptions, or the length of informational content to optimize readability and conversion.
  • Images and Videos: Assessing different images or video styles to see which leads to higher engagement or sales.

3. Understanding Your Audience

Effective A/B testing requires a deep understanding of your target audience. Knowing who your users are, what they value, and how they interact with your website can guide what you test and how you interpret the data from those tests.

Data Analytics Snapshots:

Utilizing tools like Google Analytics, heatmaps, or session recordings can provide insights into user behavior. Heatmaps, for example, can show where users are most likely to click, how far they scroll, and which parts of your site draw the most attention. These tools can highlight areas of the site that are performing well or underperforming, guiding where to focus your testing efforts.

Importance of Audience Insights:

Understanding user behavior through these tools helps tailor the A/B testing efforts to meet your audience’s needs and preferences, leading to more successful outcomes. For instance, if heatmaps show that users frequently abandon a long signup form, testing shorter versions or different layouts of the form could reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

These preparatory steps—setting objectives, identifying key elements, and understanding the audience—create a strong foundation for successful A/B testing. By meticulously planning and aligning tests with strategic business goals, companies can ensure that their efforts lead to valuable, actionable insights that drive growth and improvement.

Designing A/B Tests

Developing Hypotheses

A well-crafted hypothesis is the cornerstone of any successful A/B test. It sets the stage for what you’re testing and predicts the outcome. A strong hypothesis is based on data-driven insights and clearly states what change is being tested, why, and its expected impact.

Guidance on Formulating Hypotheses:

  • Start with Data: Analyze your current data to identify trends and areas for improvement. For instance, if data shows a high exit rate from a checkout page, you might hypothesize that simplifying the page could retain more visitors.
  • Be Specific: A hypothesis should clearly state the expected change. For example, “Changing the CTA button from green to red will increase click-through rates by 5%,” rather than “Changing the CTA button color will make it more noticeable.”
  • Link to Business Goals: Ensure the hypothesis aligns with broader business objectives, enhancing its relevance and priority.


  • Good Hypothesis: “Adding customer testimonials to the product page will increase conversions by 10% because trust signals boost buyer confidence.”
  • Poor Hypothesis: “Changing things on the product page will improve it.”

Creating Variations

Once you have a solid hypothesis, the next step is to create the variations that will be tested. This involves tweaking one or more elements on your webpage based on your hypothesis.

Instructions for Creating Variations:

  • Single Variable at a Time: To understand what changes affect outcomes, modify only one variable per test. If testing a CTA button, change the color or the text, but not both simultaneously.
  • Use Design Tools: Utilize web design tools to create these variations. Ensure that the changes remain true to your brand’s style and are visually appealing.
  • Preview and Test Internally: Before going live, preview variations internally to catch potential issues.

Choosing the Right Tools

Selecting the appropriate tools is crucial for effectively running A/B tests. The right tool can simplify testing, provide accurate data, and help interpret results effectively.

By following these steps—developing a strong hypothesis, creating thoughtful variations, and choosing the right tools—you can design effective A/B tests that lead to meaningful insights and significant improvements in website performance. This strategic approach ensures that each test is set up for success, contributing to better user experiences and increased business outcomes.

Implementing A/B Tests

Effective implementation of A/B tests is critical to achieving reliable results that can inform strategic decisions. 

Test Setup and Configuration

Setting up an A/B test properly ensures that the data you collect is accurate and that the test runs smoothly without affecting the user experience negatively.

Step-by-step Guide on Setting Up Tests:

  • Define Your Control and Variation: Start by identifying your control version (the current version) and the variation that includes the changes based on your hypothesis.
  • Choose the Type of Test: Decide whether you need a simple A/B test or a more complex split URL test. Split URL testing is useful when major changes are tested, as it redirects visitors to a different URL.
  • Set Up the Test in Your Chosen Tool: Using a platform like Google Optimize, create your experiment by setting up the control and variations. Input the URLs for each and define the percentage of traffic directed to each version.
  • Implement Tracking: Ensure that your analytics tracking is correctly set up to measure results from each test version. This may involve configuring goals in Google Analytics or custom-tracking events.

Interactive Checklists or Setup Diagrams:

A checklist can help ensure all steps are followed, such as:

  • Define control and variation
  • Choose testing type
  • Configure the test in the tool
  • Set traffic allocation
  • Implement tracking codes

Best Practices for Running Tests

Once your test is live, managing it effectively is key to obtaining useful data.

Tips for Managing and Monitoring A/B Tests:

  • Monitor Performance Regularly: Check the performance of your test at regular intervals to ensure there are no unexpected issues.
  • Allow Sufficient Run Time: Let the test run long enough to reach statistical significance, usually until the results stabilize. You have enough data to make a confident decision.
  • Be Prepared to Iterate: Depending on the results, be prepared to make further adjustments and rerun the test. Optimization is an ongoing process.

Visual Dos and Don’ts Infographics

To help visualize best practices, create an infographic that highlights the dos and don’ts:

  • Do: Test one change at a time, ensure tests are statistically significant, and use clear success metrics.
  • Don’t Change multiple elements at once, end tests prematurely, and ignore variations in user behavior.

Statistical Significance and Sample Size

Understanding these concepts is crucial for interpreting A/B test results accurately.

Explanation of Key Statistical Concepts:

  • Statistical Significance: This measures whether the outcome of your test is likely due to the changes made rather than random chance. Typically, a result is considered statistically significant if the probability of the result occurring by chance is less than 5%.
  • Sample Size: The number of users you need in your test to reliably detect a difference between versions. A sample size that is too small may not accurately reflect the broader audience.

Graphs and Calculators:

  • Provide a graph showing how increasing sample size reduces the margin of error, enhancing confidence in the results.
  • Link to or embed a sample size calculator, allowing users to input their data (like baseline conversion rate and expected improvement) to determine how long to run their tests.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the right tools and methodologies, you can implement A/B tests that provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, enabling data-driven decision-making that boosts user engagement and business performance.

Analyzing Test Results

Once your A/B test has concluded, the next crucial step is analyzing the results. This phase is about interpreting the data collected, understanding the statistical relevance of the findings, and making informed decisions based on the test outcomes.

Interpreting Data

Interpreting the results of an A/B test involves more than just identifying which variation performed better. It requires a detailed analysis to understand why certain outcomes occurred and how they can inform future business decisions.

How to Read Test Results:

  • Conversion Rates: Compare the conversion rates of each variation against the control. Look not only at which had the highest rate but also consider the context of the changes made.
  • Segmented Results: Break down the data by different demographics, device types, or user behaviors to see if there are significant differences in how certain groups reacted to the variations.
  • Consistency Over Time: Evaluate how the results varied over the course of the test to identify any patterns that could influence your interpretation, such as a weekend vs. weekday performance.

Statistical Analysis

A deeper dive into the statistical analysis will confirm whether the observed differences in your A/B test results are statistically significant and not just due to random chance.

Understanding Statistical Significance and Other Metrics:

  • P-value: This metric helps determine the significance of your results. A p-value less than 0.05 typically indicates that the differences are statistically significant.
  • Confidence Interval: This range estimates where the true conversion rate lies with a certain level of confidence, usually 95%.
  • Lift: This is the percentage increase or decrease in the performance metric you are testing for, calculated from the baseline of the control group.

Making Informed Decisions

With the data interpreted and the statistical analysis complete, the final step is to decide how to act on the insights gained from your A/B test.

Guidelines on How to Act on Test Results:

  • Implement Winning Variations: If one variation significantly outperforms the control, consider implementing it across the site.
  • Further Testing: If results are inconclusive or the lift is minimal, running additional tests with adjusted variables or targeting a different user segment may be beneficial.
  • Scale or Pivot: Depending on the impact of the changes tested, decide whether to scale these changes up to affect more of your business or to pivot and try a different approach entirely.

Decision Trees or Flowcharts:

Create a decision tree or flowchart that outlines the decision-making process following an A/B test. This could include nodes that consider whether the test was statistically significant, whether the results align with business goals, and what follow-up actions (like further testing, full implementation, or abandonment of the change) should be taken based on different scenarios.

By thoroughly analyzing A/B test results through data interpretation, statistical analysis, and strategic decision-making, organizations can ensure that they are making informed decisions that will enhance their website’s user experience and improve overall business performance. This data-driven approach minimizes risks associated with website changes and ensures that resources are invested in modifications that provide real value.

Beyond Basic A/B Testing

Once you have mastered basic A/B testing, you can explore more sophisticated techniques that offer deeper insights and potentially greater improvements in user experience and conversion rates. This section delves into advanced testing strategies and the importance of ongoing optimization through iterative testing.

Advanced Testing Techniques

Advanced testing methods allow you to explore more complex hypotheses about user behavior and website performance, often involving multiple variables or entire user journeys.

Multivariate Testing (MVT):

  • Overview: Unlike A/B testing, which tests one variable at a time, multivariate testing allows you to test multiple variables simultaneously to see which combination produces the best outcome.
  • Application: For example, you might test different versions of an image, headline, and button on a landing page all at once to determine the best combination of elements.
  • Benefits: This approach can significantly speed up the testing process and is particularly useful for optimizing pages with multiple elements of interest.

Multipage Testing:

  • Overview: Also known as “funnel testing,” this technique involves testing variations across multiple pages that make up a user journey or funnel.
  • Application: You might test variations of both the product and checkout pages to see which combination leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Benefits: Multipage testing helps ensure consistency in messaging and user experience across multiple stages of the user journey, which can improve overall conversion rates.

Continuous Improvement and Iteration

The goal of A/B testing is not just to find a winning variation but to continually refine and enhance your website based on user feedback and behavior.

Importance of Ongoing Optimization:

  • Iterative Process: Optimization is an ongoing process that involves continually testing and refining website elements based on user data and business objectives.
  • Learning from Each Test: Each test provides valuable insights into whether a variation wins. These insights can inform future tests, leading to better user experiences and higher conversion rates.

Iterative Testing Strategies:

  • Start with Broad Tests: Begin with broader tests to identify which elements have the most significant impact on user behavior.
  • Refine and Repeat: Use the insights gained to refine your hypotheses and test more specific variations.
  • Expand Testing: Once you’ve optimized major elements, expand your testing to less prominent components that could still affect user experience and conversions.

Timelines and Case Studies:

  • Timeline Example: Show a timeline that outlines an annual testing strategy, with phases for broad testing, refinement, and expansion.
  • Case Study: Present a case study of a company that implemented continuous testing. Highlight how iterative testing helped them achieve a significant, sustained increase in conversion rates over time. For instance, a tech company could use iterative testing to fine-tune its sign-up process, resulting in a 50% increase in user registrations over a year.

By advancing beyond basic A/B testing and embracing more complex and continuous testing strategies, companies can optimize their websites more effectively and foster a culture of data-driven decision-making. This approach leads to improvements that align with user preferences and business goals, ensuring sustained growth and a competitive edge in the market.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

A/B testing is a powerful tool for website optimization, but common pitfalls can undermine its effectiveness. This section explores typical errors that occur during the testing process and provides strategies to ensure the validity and reliability of your tests.

List of Common Mistakes

Identifying Errors and Solutions:

  • Testing Too Many Changes at Once: It can make determining which change affected the outcome difficult.
    • Solution: Focus on testing one change at a time or use multivariate testing for simultaneous changes and analyze the impact of each element separately.
  • Not Allowing Enough Time for the Test to Run: Ending a test too soon can lead to conclusions that aren’t statistically significant.
    • Solution: Ensure each test runs long enough to collect adequate data, reaching statistical significance before making decisions.
  • Testing Without a Clear Hypothesis: Starting tests without a clear, data-backed hypothesis leads to unclear outcomes.
    • Solution: Develop a precise hypothesis for each test based on thorough data analysis and clear business objectives.
  • Ignoring User Segmentation: Different segments may react differently to the same change.
    • Solution: Segment your audience and analyze how different groups respond to each variation.

Visuals of Pitfalls vs. Best Practices:

  • Create side-by-side infographics showing examples of these mistakes versus best practices. For example, visually compare the outcome of a test that changed multiple elements simultaneously against one that tested a single change.

Ensuring Validity and Reliability

Maintaining the integrity of your A/B tests is crucial for obtaining reliable, actionable insights.

Tips on Maintaining Test Integrity:

  • Use Proper Randomization: Ensure that the distribution of users between the control and test groups is random to avoid selection bias.
    • Tool Tip: Utilize tools that automatically handle randomization to avoid manual errors.
  • Control External Factors: Holidays, marketing campaigns, or significant news events can skew test results.
    • Solution: Monitor external factors, adjust the testing period, or filter the data to account for anomalies.
  • Ensure Consistent Test Conditions: Changes in the testing environment or platform during the test can invalidate results.
    • Solution: Keep the testing conditions consistent throughout the test period and verify configuration settings regularly.
  • Validate Test Setup Before Going Live: A misconfigured test can lead to incorrect data interpretation.
    • Solution: Run a smaller pilot test or use a checklist to ensure every test element is correctly set up before full deployment.

Troubleshooting Guide with Graphic Aids:

  • Develop a troubleshooting guide that includes common scenarios where A/B test integrity might be compromised. Include flowcharts or decision trees that help identify and resolve issues such as data discrepancies, unexpected user behavior, or sudden changes in conversion rates.
  • Example Graphic Aid: A flowchart that helps determine actions when test results seem inconsistent with historical data or benchmarks. Steps might include checking configuration settings, reviewing segmentation criteria, or extending the test duration.

By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls and maintaining rigorous standards for validity and reliability, organizations can ensure that their A/B testing efforts lead to meaningful improvements and robust data-driven decisions. This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of current tests but also builds a foundation for future testing strategies that are even more successful.

A/B Testing Case Studies

A/B testing has proven to be a critical tool for businesses aiming to optimize their online presence based on data-driven decisions. Here, we delve into some specific real-life case studies from different industries, highlighting the successes and lessons from A/B testing.

Success Stories

E-commerce: Humana

  • Overview: Humana, a well-known health insurance company, conducted an A/B test to increase click-through rates on one of their primary campaign landing pages. They tested the simplicity and message of their banner and CTA.
  • Changes Tested: The original banner had a lot of information and a standard “Shop Medicare Plans” button. The test variation simplified the message and changed the button text to “Get Started Now.”
  • Results: The variation led to a 433% increase in click-through rates to the insurance plans page.


  • Overview: SAP, a leader in enterprise application software, tested the copy of their CTA on a product page. The hypothesis was that a more action-oriented CTA would increase engagement.
  • Changes Tested: The original CTA read “Learn more,” which was changed to “See it in action” in the variation.
  • Results: This simple change in wording resulted in a 32% increase in clicks.


Digital Media: The Guardian

  • Overview: The Guardian tested different wordings for their support and donation CTAs to determine which would more effectively encourage readers to contribute financially.
  • Results: The test revealed that a direct ask for contributions using emotive language resulted in a higher click-through rate than a more generic request for support.
  • Lesson: This A/B test highlighted the importance of emotional resonance in messaging, especially for non-profit or cause-based initiatives.

Travel Industry: Expedia

  • Overview: Expedia conducted A/B testing to optimize hotel booking conversions on their site by altering the display of discount offers.
  • Changes Tested: They tested the visibility and presentation of savings messages (e.g., showing a percentage off versus a specific dollar amount saved).
  • Results: Showing the amount of money saved led to a slight decrease in conversion rates, contrary to expectations.
  • Lesson: The test underscored the potential for “over-optimizing” to backfire and the need to balance how offers are presented to avoid overwhelming customers.

Final Checklist of A/B Testing Steps

To help ensure your A/B testing journey is structured and effective, here is a visual checklist encapsulating the process:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly state what you aim to achieve.
  2. Formulate Hypotheses: Base your assumptions on data and prior insights.
  3. Select the Testing Tool: Choose a platform that suits your scale and complexity needs.
  4. Design the Test: Create variations based precisely on your hypotheses.
  5. Run the Test: Ensure the test is long enough to gather meaningful data.
  6. Analyze Results: Use statistical analysis to interpret the outcomes.
  7. Implement Changes: Apply successful variations or further refine and test.
  8. Repeat: Use insights gained to continuously improve further testing.

Regardless of the outcome, every test is a step forward in understanding your users better and refining your digital offerings to meet their needs more effectively. The journey of optimization is continuous, and each effort builds upon the last, opening new doors to innovation and growth.

Harness the power of A/B testing to start making informed decisions that propel your business forward. Your next breakthrough could be just one test away.