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Showing 401-410 of 444

Reimagining the post-COVID future – hypothesizing new normals

Lots of ink has been spilled on various reports and news stories about this pandemic. From its early days in China to its devastating death tolls globally as it spreads to how some markets like Germany and South Korea are slowly opening up their markets to re-establish ‘life as normal’, there has certainly been no […]


What does the future of retail finance look like?

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in various markets has been undeniable. Some sectors like travel and hospitality have been hard-hit, while physical retail has suffered badly too due to social distancing and lockdown measures. Workers in these industries are affected as well, with their livelihoods threatened by uncertainty and instability. Within this context, […]


How to conduct online research in Singapore

I’ve been a market researcher for more than 15 years, during which I’ve done countless projects conducted through online and offline methodologies, both in Singapore, and across Asia. It’s a common research cliché to say that ‘one size fits all’ does not apply in Asia, and that the only unifying factor across all Asian markets […]


How to conduct online research in Indonesia

For tens of years, market research in Indonesia has been conducted face-to-face, using pen and paper. Even up until now, face-to-face interviews are still the dominant methodology used for market research in Indonesia. There are many reasons for this – mainly a historical preference for face-to-face and its value in reaching people across the country, […]

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How to conduct online research in Vietnam

In Vietnam, face-to-face is the dominant form of market research. This is surprising given that almost everyone in Vietnam – from those in their teens to those in their forties – owns a smartphone, and this is the case regardless of where they live. Vietnamese consumers spend hours of their time online – on Facebook, […]


What does the future of work look like as we adapt to a new normal?

This week marks a change in the focus on many news outlets and governments. From protection, to productivity – as leaders grapple with the challenge of getting economies moving again. There is more confidence around some countries approach and communication (New Zealand) than others (UK, US – looking at you!). However, in all situations there […]


Navigating the New Normal … Now

In times gone by (which, despite feeling like years ago, I only mean the start of 2020!) if you were in the UK, and making small talk, you would reference the weather. In Singapore, you would ask “have you taken breakfast?” But there is now a new form of small talk. At the start of […]