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Showing 431-440 of 443

What brands need to know about America’s CBD users

With legalization of recreational marijuana becoming more commonplace alongside a continual rise in the availability of cannabis-based products, it is a turbulent but exciting time for CBD. But do people really understand what CBD is and what it does? Why do people use CBD products … and how are people using it compared to cannabis? According […]


Creativity as a tool

At Kadence, one of the key traits that we look to develop in all of our team members, is the ability to think creatively. The term ‘creativity’ is often misunderstood. It can be seen by some as a trait that only ‘artistic’ people possess – and not something to improve over time. Whilst it is […]


Does your brand experience match your brand promise?

We’ve all been there. That moment of frustration when you visit a store or restaurant or hotel and are so entirely and completely underwhelmed by the experience. Perhaps it was the inattentive or poorly trained staff. Or the unclear and confusing information. Or the restricting opening hours. But what makes the whole thing worse is […]

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5 must-have principles for any customer experience strategy

How do you create customer delight? Our latest research sought to explore what matters to customers in 11 markets which match our international footprint: the UK, US, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India and China and Hong Kong. As part of the research, we uncovered 5 must-have principles for any global customer experience […]


Is there a global customer delight metric?

From churn rate to net promoter source, there are numerous metrics for understanding customer satisfaction. But if you want to go beyond satisfaction and create an experience that truly delights customers, should you be measuring something different? Our latest research sought to understand the factors which create customer delight across 11 markets which match Kadence […]

Blog Infographic

What does it take to delight today’s customers?

What does it take to delight today’s customers? Our latest research sought to explore the factors that create truly exceptional customer experiences across 11 markets which match Kadence International’s global footprint: the UK, US, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India and China and Hong Kong. Take a look at the infographic below to […]


How to avoid death by PowerPoint: invest in design

Death by PowerPoint is still a killer. The solution? Invest in design Design is the silver bullet for research. Make your findings interesting, simple and easy to understand and the world will take notice. If it intuitively makes sense your findings will spread like wildfire. If not, it’ll die on the screen. Recently there’s been […]