Kadence International is an agency with a lot of talent from all around the world. In this series, we honor some of our female colleagues leading up to International Women’s Day, asking them about their experience working within the market research industry and what the future holds for the industry.
Name: Adhistya Febriani
Position: Senior Research Manager
Kadence Office: Indonesia
When did you join Kadence?
I joined Kadence in 2021.
What does your role as Senior Research Manager entail?
Having an in-depth understanding of our client’s product, service, and strategy. Managing and fostering a positive relationship with our clients. Presenting compelling insights to our clients. Developing, managing, and mentoring team. Proactively working with cross-functional departments.
What does a typical day look like for you?
The team and I have a twice-weekly meeting every Monday and Friday. Friday is always a day of preparation for the upcoming week, and Monday is the time to implement everything we’ve had on the Friday list. I always put a max of 3 meetings in a day to focus on current projects. We’re still working from home, so at the moment, a typical day starts with checking the online task list in the morning and communicating with the team for any clarification. The second half of the day is usually delivering any client requests or checking data for report preparation. I typically end my day around 6 pm to take care of my son, have dinner, and continue at 8 pm onwards if there’s any backlog in tasks.
Is there anything different, unique about conducting research in your country?
Indonesia is very heavy with traditional approaches. Mobile or self-survey is skewed to those who live in the capital cities and who have higher education, while it is the opposite for the real profile in the market. No matter how digital-savvy we are with the survey, an offline survey is always a win to capture the real respondents’ answers.
What was the very first job that you had (during school, college, or university)?
My first job was as a research executive with Kadence International, so Kadence has been a ‘school’ for me. I was worked in Kadence for three and a half years, another 7 years with other companies, and last year I came back to Kadence and bring a whole new experience.
Is there anything about your experience before joining Kadence that has helped you in your market research career?
I can read market research data from surveys and can translate retail analytics and shopper data into insights. I think this kind of researcher is rare in Indonesia 🙂
What is it about market research that excites you the most?
Listening to the consumers’ opinions and seeing the impact in the market.
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What is it about Kadence’s company culture that you like the most?
The leaders and their flexibility.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A photo model, yes seriously (laughs).
What qualities do you feel are “a must” for anyone exploring a career in market research?
Attitude first and being tough mentally are important and basic to be a researcher. Knowledge is something gained over time.
What piece of advice would you give someone looking to start a career in market research?
Be “data crazy” and always be curious. Do not give up any of your “why’s” until you find the legitimate answers!
How have you seen the field of market research change since you started your market research career?
Nope, it has stayed the same. We collect the data, we do the project management, we create great client experiences. In the end, presenting and receiving any client briefs means we are creating satisfaction with our services.
What is it about the field of market research you wish everyone knew?
Small things matter, attention to detail is the key to success.
What is your favorite hero or movie of all time, and why?
I am not really a fan of movies, but I do love books! JK Rowling is one of my inspirations who shows that everything is possible because she could be a great writer even at 40 plus years of age. Success doesn’t depend on age.
What is your favorite quote, motto or favorite phrase?
Poor communication will lead to conflict, no matter how good your intention is.
If you could time travel into the future 10 years, how will market research evolve?
Mobile surveys will be highly evolving.
What do you like to do in your free time, when you are not working?
I love running a lot! I even spend my time before work running.