In September 2022, Kadence partnered with tSurvey, an Indonesian online panel firm, to examine how individuals reacted to digital and non-digital ads. The participants came from 10 big cities in Indonesia, with Jakarta holding the biggest percentage of this study at 44 percent.

According to the findings, 45% of the respondents watched ads on their social media accounts. Among the 88% of people who had Instagram accounts, 40% didn’t skip the ads on the platform. Likewise, from the 62% of respondents with YouTube accounts, 28% didn’t skip the ads. Yet, the number decreased to 21% for the 40% of the respondents with Facebook accounts.

By age, the 26-30-year-olds had the highest viewership percentage of ads on their social media compared to other age groups.

Respondents highlighted the following three reasons why they watched the ads: they planned to buy the product (58%), they found the visuals captivating (55%), and the duration was short (40%).

Lastly, the most watched product category was automotive advertising, with 57% viewership, followed by body care (56%) and face care (50%).

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From the heart of the capital, we conduct market research across the Indonesian archipelago as well as the international area supported by our global offices throughout Asia, Europe, and the US – all tailored to meet your needs.

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We’ve been working with Bloomberg since the start of pandemic to understand how the priorities, actions and attitudes of business decision makers across APAC are evolving. Take a look at the infographic for the key insights from our latest wave including:

  • 67% of businesses are confident that their companies can continue to operate if another wave of the pandemic strikes
  • Brands are looking towards e-commerce and social commerce to power future growth. 87% business leaders plan to use digital platforms as their sales channels in the next 1 to 3 years, with 74% looking towards social commerce. 1 in 4 expect to decrease their use of physical stores
  • Expectations of brands are rising. 66% are looking for brands that use their resources to give back to society, up from 56% in wave 2 (June 2020)
  • The pandemic has placed greater attention on health and wellness with 55% of businesses now engaging an external partner to provide health and wellbeing services
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Since the onset of the pandemic we’ve been working with Bloomberg to understand the priorities, actions and attitudes of business decision makers across APAC. Take a look at the infographic for the key insights from our latest wave including:

  • 69% of companies foresee adopting a hybrid model post-pandemic with a mix of in-office and work-from-home
  • Yet of the surveyed companies only 4% will no longer keep a physical office
  • The pandemic has placed greater attention on sustainability with 67% believing that COVID-19 has increased the importance of green / environment protection
Infographic explaining the shift in business decision makers' priorities

We’ve been working with Bloomberg to understand the priorities, actions and attitudes of business decision makers across APAC as the pandemic progresses. In the second of five waves, we explore attitudes towards travel, media consumption patterns and brands.

Take a look at the infographic for the key insights including:

  • 7 in 10 decision makers say their companies are restricting travel, up by 18% from the last wave in May
  • In 1 in 4 organizations, employees are given the flexibility to work from home.
  • 57% are looking for brands that are customer-focused and are flexible enough to accommodate their rapidly changing needs
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If you would like to learn more about this study or our work with veterinarians or the animal health sector, please reach out to Hatty Gittins or submit a research project brief here.

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What does it take to delight today’s customers? Our latest research sought to explore the factors that create truly exceptional customer experiences across 11 markets which match Kadence International’s global footprint: the UK, US, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India and China and Hong Kong.

Take a look at the infographic below to get a taste of the research or get in touch to learn about the factors that matter most in your country.

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