
Empathy Maps: A Deep Dive into Visualizing Customer Experience.

Image of the post author Jodie Shaw

Do you really understand your customers? Most brands think they do, but the truth is often far from it. Customers are more than just data points and statistics. They have thoughts, feelings, and experiences that shape their behavior. To truly understand them, you need to dig deeper. This is where empathy maps come in.

Empathy maps are powerful tools that help visualize what customers think, feel, say, and do. They provide a clear, holistic view of their experiences and needs. By using empathy maps, you can step into your customers’ shoes and gain insights that go beyond surface-level data. This approach allows you to create products, services, and marketing strategies that truly resonate with your audience.

If you’re serious about understanding your customers and improving their experience, it’s time to use empathy maps.

Understanding Empathy Maps


An empathy map is a simple visual tool that helps teams better understand their customers. It captures and organizes critical insights about what a customer thinks, feels, says, and does. By laying out these insights in a clear format, empathy maps make it easier to step into the customer’s shoes and see the world from their perspective.

Purpose and Importance

Empathy maps are invaluable in marketing, UX design, and product development for several reasons:

  1. Deeper Understanding: They provide a detailed view of the customer’s inner world, helping you understand their motivations, pain points, and desires.
  2. Improved Communication: They help teams communicate about customer insights more effectively, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  3. Better Decision Making: They guide decision-making by highlighting the most important aspects of the customer experience.
  4. Enhanced Creativity: They inspire new ideas for products, services, and marketing strategies by revealing unmet needs and opportunities.

Components of Empathy Maps

Empathy maps are divided into four main quadrants, each focusing on a different aspect of the customer’s experience:

ThinkWhat the customer thinks about their goals, challenges, and experiences.
FeelThe emotions the customer experiences in relation to their goals and challenges.
SayWhat the customer says about their experiences, goals, and challenges. This includes quotes and common phrases they use.
DoThe actions the customer takes. This includes their behaviors and interactions with products or services.

By filling in these quadrants with insights gathered from customer research, you create a comprehensive picture of your customer. This picture helps you design better products, craft more effective marketing messages, and improve customer satisfaction.

The Quadrants of an Empathy Map


In the “Think” quadrant, we capture what the persona thinks about, especially their worries and concerns. To gather this information, start by conducting interviews and surveys. Ask open-ended questions like, “What keeps you up at night regarding [specific product/service]?” or “What are your biggest challenges when using [product/service]?” Analyze responses to identify common themes and thoughts.

Example: Emily, a working mother, constantly thinks about balancing her job and family life. She worries about missing important moments with her children while trying to excel in her career.


The “Feel” quadrant explores the emotions the persona experiences. To identify these emotions, pay attention to the language they use in interviews and surveys and observe their body language if possible. Look for words that indicate feelings, such as “frustrated,” “excited,” or “overwhelmed.”

Example: Alex, a university student, feels overwhelmed by the workload and anxious about future job prospects. He feels a mix of excitement and stress when thinking about upcoming exams.


In the “Say” quadrant, we record what the persona says in various situations. This includes direct quotes from interviews, focus groups, or customer service interactions. To capture this data, take detailed notes during these interactions and use software tools to transcribe and analyze spoken words.

Example: During a focus group, Sarah, a frequent traveler, says, “I love exploring new places, but I hate the hassle of planning and booking everything myself.”


The “Do” quadrant focuses on the actions the persona takes. Observe their behavior through user testing, shadowing, or reviewing usage data from your product or service. Document their interactions and routines to understand how they engage with what you offer.

Example: Michael, a fitness enthusiast, regularly uses a workout app. He logs his workouts daily, checks progress charts weekly, and shares achievements on social media.

Creating an Empathy Map

Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an empathy map involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you get started.

1. Define Your Personas

First, you need to select and define the personas you will be mapping. A persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on actual data and insights.

  • Identify Key Segments: Look at your customer base and identify key segments. These could be based on demographics, behavior, or needs.
  • Create Detailed Profiles: For each segment, create detailed profiles. Include information such as age, gender, job title, goals, challenges, and any other relevant details.

Example: You might define a persona as “Emily, a 35-year-old working mother who values time management and seeks convenience in products and services.”

2. Gather Data

Next, gather qualitative data about your personas. This information will help you fill in the empathy map accurately.

  • Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with your customers. Ask open-ended questions to understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Surveys: Use surveys to gather broader insights. Include both quantitative and qualitative questions.
  • Observations: Observe your customers using your product or service. Note their actions and any comments they make.

Example: Interview Emily about her daily routine, survey her about her challenges, and observe how she interacts with your product.

3. Fill in the Map

Now, it’s time to fill in the empathy map. Use the data you’ve gathered to populate each quadrant with relevant insights.

  • Think: Write down what your persona thinks about. Focus on their thoughts related to your product or service.
  • Feel: Capture the emotions they experience. Look for words that indicate their feelings.
  • Say: Record what they say in various situations. Use direct quotes where possible.
  • Do: Document their actions and behaviors. Note specific actions they take when interacting with your product or service.

Example: For Emily:

  • Think: “How can I save time on grocery shopping?”
  • Feel: Stressed, Overwhelmed
  • Say: “I wish there were a quicker way to get groceries.”
  • Do: Uses a grocery delivery app twice a week.

4. Collaborative Effort

Creating an empathy map is not a solo task. It requires collaboration and input from different team members.

  • Involve Key Stakeholders: Include team members from different departments, such as marketing, product development, and customer service. Each brings a unique perspective.
  • Facilitate Workshops: Organize workshops where team members can contribute their insights and ideas. Collaborate using sticky notes to fill in the quadrants.
  • Review and Iterate: Regularly review and update the empathy map. As you gather more data, refine the map to ensure it remains accurate and relevant.

Example: During a workshop, the marketing team shares insights from customer feedback while the product team discusses usage data, leading to a more comprehensive empathy map for Emily.

Utilizing Empathy Maps

Empathy maps are most effective when used alongside other customer-focused tools. By combining empathy maps with customer journey maps, user personas, and other tools, you can better understand your customers and create more effective strategies.

  • Customer Journey Maps: While empathy maps focus on what a customer thinks, feels, says, and does, customer journey maps outline the steps a customer takes to achieve a goal with your product or service. Using these tools together provides a comprehensive view of the customer experience from a personal and procedural perspective.
  • User Personas: Empathy maps complement user personas by adding depth to the persona profiles. While personas provide demographic and psychographic details, empathy maps add emotional and behavioral insights.
  • Other Tools: Empathy maps can also be integrated with SWOT analyses, user testing reports, and feedback surveys to enrich your understanding of customer needs and behaviors.


Let’s explore some hypothetical scenarios to illustrate how empathy maps can be applied effectively:

Example 1: Improving a Mobile App

Your company has developed a fitness tracking app. You create an empathy map for your primary persona, Alex, a university student who uses the app to stay fit.

  • Think: Alex wants to track his workouts and see his progress over time.
  • Feel: He feels motivated when he sees his progress but frustrated when the app glitches.
  • Say: “I love how this app tracks my progress, but it’s annoying when it crashes.”
  • Do: He logs his workouts daily and checks his progress charts weekly.

By integrating this empathy map with a customer journey map, you identify that Alex often experiences app crashes during peak usage times. This insight leads your development team to focus on improving app stability and performance during these times.

Example 2: Developing a Marketing Strategy

Your company offers a meal delivery service. You create an empathy map for your primary persona, Emily, a working mother who values convenience.

  • Think: Emily thinks about finding quick and healthy meal options for her family.
  • Feel: She feels stressed about meal planning and relieved when meals are taken care of.
  • Say: “I don’t have time to cook every night; I need easy solutions.”
  • Do: She orders meals from your service three times a week.

Combining this empathy map with user personas, you develop targeted marketing messages that emphasize your service’s convenience and health benefits, resonating with Emily’s needs and emotions.

Benefits and Insights

Utilizing empathy maps provides several key benefits that can significantly impact your business:

  • Improved Customer Understanding: Empathy maps offer a deeper understanding of your customers’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, enabling you to address their needs more effectively.
  • Better Product Design: By identifying what frustrates or delights your customers, you can make informed decisions about product improvements and new features.
  • More Targeted Marketing Strategies: Empathy maps help you craft marketing messages that resonate with your customers’ emotions and experiences, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Creating empathy maps fosters collaboration and ensures that different departments share a common understanding of the customer.

Integrating empathy maps with other tools and applying their insights can create more personalized and compelling customer experiences. This approach improves customer satisfaction and drives business success by ensuring your products and services truly meet your customers’ needs.

Challenges and Solutions

Common Challenges

Creating and using empathy maps can present several challenges. Here are some common difficulties you might encounter:

  1. Limited Data: Gathering comprehensive data about what customers think, feel, say, and do can be difficult, especially if you have limited access to direct customer interactions.
  2. Bias and Assumptions: Teams might project their biases and assumptions onto the empathy map, leading to inaccurate representations.
  3. Lack of Collaboration: Without input from multiple team members, the empathy map might miss critical insights, resulting in a narrow perspective.
  4. Overwhelming Complexity: The process can become overwhelming if too much data is collected and improperly organized.
  5. Keeping Maps Updated: Customer behaviors and attitudes change over time, making it necessary to regularly update empathy maps to maintain their relevance.

Solutions and Best Practices

To overcome these challenges, consider the following solutions and best practices:

  1. Limited Data
    • Solution: Use a variety of data collection methods to gather comprehensive insights. Combine interviews, surveys, customer service interactions, and observational studies to capture a well-rounded view.
    • Best Practice: Start small and iteratively expand your data collection efforts. Focus on quality over quantity to ensure your data is meaningful and actionable.
  2. Bias and Assumptions
    • Solution: Encourage objectivity by basing the empathy map on customer data rather than assumptions. Validate your findings with real customer feedback.
    • Best Practice: Involve neutral facilitators or use third-party researchers to conduct interviews and surveys to minimize internal biases.
  3. Lack of Collaboration
    • Solution: To provide diverse perspectives, involve team members from different departments, such as marketing, product development, and customer service.
    • Best Practice: Conduct workshops where team members collaboratively fill out the empathy map. Use brainstorming sessions to ensure all voices are heard and considered.
  4. Overwhelming Complexity
    • Solution: Break down the process into manageable steps and focus on one quadrant at a time. Use visual aids like sticky notes or digital tools to organize information clearly.
    • Best Practice: Prioritize key insights that most impact your understanding of the customer. Avoid trying to capture every detail; focus on the most significant patterns and themes.
  5. Keeping Maps Updated
    • Solution: Schedule regular reviews of your empathy maps to ensure they remain accurate and relevant. Update them based on new data and customer feedback.
    • Best Practice: Integrate empathy map reviews into regular team meetings or project cycles. Assign a team member to be responsible for keeping the maps current.

You can create and maintain effective and accurate empathy maps by recognizing and addressing these challenges. These maps will provide valuable insights that enhance your understanding of your customers and drive better decision-making across your organization.

Final Thoughts

Empathy maps are not just another tool in the market research arsenal; they are essential for truly understanding your customer personas. By stepping into your customers’ shoes, you gain valuable insights that drive better decision-making and more effective strategies across your organization. Now is the time to put this powerful tool into practice. Gather your team, start collecting data, and create your empathy maps. Doing so will bring you closer to your customers and set the foundation for more empathetic and successful business practices.