Our sector expertise
Discover our expertise in a broad range of industries – from automotive to telecommunications

Discover our expertise in a broad range of industries – from automotive to telecommunications
我们运用我们在动物健康市场研究方面的专业知识,在广泛的类别和一系列业务挑战中推动洞察主导的行动。我们通过内部兽医小组横跨几个国家直接接触兽医,以及丰富的经验与宠物主人进行一对一深访研究。多年来,我们与一些最大的动物保健公司和宠物食品品牌建立了长期合作关系,以提供动物保健市场研究,从而形成业务战略并推动更多以客户为中心的思维。在这段时间里,我们已经进行了广泛的研究,包括寄生虫,疫苗,耳朵感染和专业宠物食品,建立了强大的知识,在这些领域的客户行为和态度。 通过发掘高质量的见解和举办研讨会来增强团队的能力,我们帮助动物保健公司发现高价值的市场机会,并优化其营销和传播策略,以推动品牌增长。
We support automotive brands at every stage of the vehicle development cycle, harnessing insight to help clients understand their customers and their model needs.Our team has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry – and helped them navigate some of their toughest challenges, as well as supporting them with day-to-day projects like early buyer studies. We've future proofed businesses, by helping them understand how to appeal to a new generation of drivers. We’ve developed best-in-class voice assist solutions. And we’ve helped underperforming models reverse the trend in their cycle refresh.
We help organisations deepen their understanding of their B2B customers to shape their strategy around their needs.
We have a long heritage in B2B market research, having started life over 30 years ago as a B2B agency. As such, we’re experts at conducting research with hard-to-reach B2B audiences across the world. From CMOs and CFOs to miners and machinery dealers, you can trust us not just to track down the people you want to reach but to design a research approach that will help you gain rich insights that would otherwise go uncovered.
Our research powers thought leadership, business consultancy and strategy development for leading B2B organisations. For instance, our work exploring the changing priorities of business decision makers in the face of COVID-19 has helped Bloomberg demonstrate its rich understanding of its B2B audience.
Launching or refining consumer products is a big endeavour. We support brands with consumer goods market research at every stage of the product development cycle, harnessing insight to help clients understand their customers and prospects to grow market share.From Unilever to Arla to Mars our consumer packaged goods market research team has worked with some of the world’s biggest names to help them determine the winning concept, identify the right flavour / scent portfolio, uncover category unmet needs and pinpoint key targets.
我们与本地和跨国电子商务公司合作,通过强大的电子商务市场研究,帮助他们优化网站,发展业务。我们知道电子商务企业拥有大量的客户数据。但这只能为您提供这一些。这就是为什么我们的重点是提供新的信息。通过定性研究,我们可以了解您网站行为背后的动机,以及未满足的需求,帮助您优化客户体验。通过超越您自己的数据,我们可以探索对竞争对手的看法或新功能的想法,以扩展您的知识并帮助您保持领先地位。 我们在电子商务领域开展了一系列项目,帮助客户完成从开发新产品领域到了解如何在B2B电子商务平台上增加在线购买的所有内容。
We support financial services providers with market research to help them understand customer needs and assess the commercial viability of new products and services – for both B2C and B2B audiences.Our team has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry – helping them navigate some of their toughest challenges, as well as supporting them with day-to-day projects like customer satisfaction. Our approach to financial services market research is designed to provide both breadth and depth of insights. In this way, we can help organisations truly understand the potential of their go-to-market offerings and diagnose how these can be improved to increase their market acquisition and retention potential.
We help our clients to understand how children and young people are interacting with the world around them, supporting them in the development of new brands and concepts.Our kids market research team has worked with some of the biggest kids brands across the globe, helping them to understand how tastes are changing, and how their brands can respond. The challenges kids brands face are broad and varied, and often require bespoke approaches to ensure we meet your objectives. From understanding how kids interact with and play with toys, to how they use stationary, our team of kids market research experts tailor their approach to your market and objectives, and have shared their knowledge of how these tools need to be adapted at conferences across the world.
我们与全球最受推崇的科技品牌合作,提供丰富的见解,以加速其发展历程。从我们位于硅谷的基地和遍布全球的办事处,我们可以在产品开发周期的每个阶段为高增长的高科技品牌提供支持。 通过建立丰富的客户和市场了解,我们可以发现新趋势和创新机会。 通过与消费者一起测试新的想法,我们可以帮助您设计技术产品和服务,从而使竞争白热化。 我们曾与一些知名的科技公司合作,涉及电子商务、金融科技和电子产品。我们最近的项目让我们帮助一家美国金融科技公司打入英国市场,为一项新的可穿戴技术寻找机会领域,并在推出前完善新的订阅配套。
Kadence团队更像是我们的合作伙伴。 我们已经一起运行了多个项目,并且…尽管时间紧迫,但积极主动,开箱即用的思考和交付是我们始终与他们联系的一些关键原因。