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The Ultimate Playbook for B2B Market Research Success.

B2B companies that excel today aren’t just relying on intuition—they’re leveraging detailed market research to make informed decisions. Advanced B2B market research is a critical tool for brands aiming to gain a competitive edge and drive strategic growth. It goes beyond the basics, diving into the specifics of customer needs, competitive landscapes, and emerging market […]


How the UK Junk Food Ad Ban Will Reshape the Food Industry.

Starting October 2025, the UK government will impose a watershed ban on junk food advertising before 9 pm, a move that will significantly alter how food and beverage brands market to consumers. The ban, covering both TV and paid online ads, targets high-fat, salt, and sugar (HFSS) products to address rising childhood obesity. According to […]


Thailand’s Male Grooming Market is Booming.

The grooming industry for men in Thailand is driven by cultural influences, evolving consumer behaviours, and economic growth. Gone are the days of male grooming defined by Gillette razors in black packaging with neon accents. In the past, it was assumed men cared little about self-care, and grooming products were designed for convenience over quality.  […]


Building a Global Brand: Lessons from Leading International Brands.

Establishing a global brand is complex. Companies looking to expand internationally must contend with significant challenges, including varying consumer behaviours, cultural differences, and economic disparities. These factors make maintaining a consistent brand identity complicated while adapting to local demands. However, the rewards for getting it right are substantial. Brands that successfully navigate these complexities can […]

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Unlocking Consumer Preferences with MaxDiff and TURF Analysis.

Understanding consumer preferences is like solving a complex puzzle. It requires advanced tools to dive deeper into what drives consumer decisions, going beyond basic data analysis. Two powerful methods—MaxDiff and TURF analysis—enable brands to comprehensively understand their audience, allowing them to tailor products and messages with precision. MaxDiff analysis helps brands prioritise a product or […]


Unlock Unique Insights in a Shifting Market With Cusp Generations.

Generational labels are often used to define large cohorts of people born within specific timeframes, from Baby Boomers to Millennials and Gen Z. But what happens when someone is born at the beginning or end of a generation, right on the cusp of two? These individuals—often known as cuspers—belong to a micro-generation between two larger […]


Why Data Storytelling is Essential.

Stephen Few once said, “Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a clear and convincing voice.” This quote captures the essence of data storytelling—transforming raw data into compelling narratives that drive action and influence decisions. Data storytelling combines data, visuals, and narrative to create a powerful tool that […]


How Brands Can Thrive in a Privacy-First World.

As third-party cookies crumble, so does the foundation of digital advertising. The impending demise of these cookies and growing restrictions on mobile device identifiers are forcing brands to rethink how they connect with consumers. Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) and other privacy-first initiatives have reshaped the landscape, ushering in a new era where traditional tracking […]


Zillennials: Bridging the Gap Between Millennials and Gen Z.

As Zillennials—born between 1992 and 1998—enter their prime spending years, their influence on the retail landscape is becoming impossible to ignore.  Positioned at the intersection of Millennials and Gen Z, this micro-generation embodies a unique mix of traits that distinguishes them from both. They grew up with early digital experiences like Millennials. Still, they matured […]