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Advanced Techniques for Calculating Market Size Globally.

Understanding the size of your target market can be the difference between launching a wildly successful product and sinking resources into an untapped and unprofitable niche.  Accurate market size calculation is crucial to business success. It helps senior leaders navigate complex market landscapes and make informed strategic decisions. Understanding your market’s true potential is critical […]


How Automakers Use Car Clinics to Get a Competitive Edge.

Behind every successful automotive launch is a mountain of data and research, often collected from car clinics—spaces where raw consumer opinions shape cutting-edge designs. But the clinics that generate real value aren’t just about feedback. They’re strategic investments that provide the kind of insights capable of shaping a brand’s future. It’s not just about asking […]


To Persona or Not to Persona: Weighing the Benefits and Drawbacks.

Personas are like cilantro—you either love it or gag at the thought of it. For some marketers, personas are an essential ingredient, adding clarity and focus to their campaigns. For others, they are something they’d rather do without, seeing it as an unnecessary complication that doesn’t consistently deliver. This divide isn’t just a matter of […]


How Continuous User Studies Can Improve Brand Loyalty.

Staying relevant requires more than a strong product or service—it demands a deep understanding of your customer base. Brands that put users at the centre of their decision-making process are better positioned to build long-term loyalty. A user-centric approach isn’t just about addressing customer needs but anticipating them. This is where continuous user studies come […]

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How Millennials in Southeast Asia are Shaping the Future of Finance.

Southeast Asia’s Millennials are quietly rewriting the rules of finance. In a region where nearly 60% of the population is under 35, their economic power is anything but understated. These young investors are making bold moves—eschewing traditional financial strategies in favour of cryptocurrencies, real estate, and investments that align with their values, such as sustainability. […]


The Role of Car Clinics in Automotive Market Research.

Imagine you’re sitting behind the wheel of a brand-new car—one that hasn’t even hit the market yet. The dashboard layout is sleek, and the controls are intuitive, but something feels off about the seating position. You’re not the only one who thinks so – other potential buyers feel the same way. This is the power […]


Hashtag Activism: When and How Brands Should Engage.

Brands face more pressure than ever to align with the movements shaping society. Whether it’s the climate-driven #SaveOurOceans or the cultural shift highlighted by #WorkplaceWellness, trending hashtags have become a gateway for companies to join global conversations. Brands like Patagonia and Lush have effectively tapped into these conversations, bolstering their reputations by showing real commitment […]


Aligning Your Value Proposition with Emerging Consumer Trends.

In 2023, IBM reported that nearly 60% of global consumers are willing to change their purchasing habits to reduce environmental impact. This shift signals more than just a passing trend; it marks a fundamental change in how consumers align their choices with their values. As the emphasis on sustainability and ethical consumption grows, brands face […]


How to Craft a Global Value Proposition That Resonates Across Cultures.

A recent McKinsey report states that global markets are responsible for over 80% of business growth. As companies expand their reach, the challenge of creating a value proposition that resonates across diverse cultural landscapes becomes increasingly critical. A value proposition is a clear and concise statement explaining why customers should choose your product or service […]


How to Measure Brand Recall in Diverse Markets.

During the highly anticipated Super Bowl XLV, Volkswagen aired an ad that would become one of the most iconic commercials in recent memory. “The Force,” featuring a young boy dressed as Darth Vader, captured the hearts of millions with its clever blend of humour, nostalgia, and a simple yet powerful demonstration of the car’s remote […]