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Showing 421-430 of 570

Can India beat China as the next manufacturing hub of the world?

Global manufacturing leaders are carefully considering the pros and cons of both. China still leads the world in manufacturing, with close to 30% of the country’s economic output coming from this sector. Many industry experts and leading economists believe that China will no longer be the manufacturing powerhouse it once was within the next five […]


Towards a New Business World – 2021 and Beyond —A Summary of Our Latest Report

Exploring the priorities of APAC’s business decision-makers —past, present, and future  Download the summary of our latest report The global business community was hit hard in 2020, with COVID-19 creating unprecedented challenges for organisations worldwide.  Supported by Kadence International, Bloomberg Media embarked on a research program with 3800 executive business decision-makers in six markets across […]


Speed Bumps on the Road to Change: Automotive Trends For 2022

Download the summary of our latest report The automotive industry has a clear, shared vision of a dramatically transformed future with electronic vehicles, autonomous vehicles, connected cars, shared ownership, and subscriptions. But are consumers ready to transition just yet? The pandemic has changed how much people travel, and this leaves us with the big question: […]

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Overseas trend introduction seminar

Our local team members from across our Southeast Asia offices introduced the lifestyle changes during the pandemic as well as provided anecdotes and case studies of the products and services that are rapidly growing in the region. Let's catch up by watching the recordings.

financial services
Free report

Digital Payments and E-Wallet Usage and Behavior in Indonesia

2021 research by Kadence International reveals the perceptions and usage of common e-wallet providers across different Indonesian markets and regions. In recent years, there has been a shift in the acceptance of contactless transactions in Indonesia fueled by the government’s active support of e-payments. The pandemic accelerated this trend towards digital services as people practiced social distancing and moved online to meet their daily needs. Kadence International recently conducted an in depth online study of e-wallet users profiles, behaviors and preferences. Download and find out more about the key findings of our research!

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Speed Bumps on the road to change

The automotive industry has been ripe for disruption for years. The pandemic has been the seismic shift needed to influence consumer preferences and the manufacturers are ready to take advantage. To help brands navigate the shifts, we‘ve developed a new report exploring 6 key trends that will influence automotive purchases for 2022 and beyond.