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Showing 171-180 of 570

The Future of Consumption in Singapore: Understanding 5 Key Consumer Segments.

Singapore boasts a population of over 5.45 million, with a significant proportion comprising expatriates and professionals from various corners of the world. This demographic blend presents a unique tapestry of consumer segments with distinct preferences, needs, and spending habits. Understanding these segments is not just beneficial; it’s a business imperative. In a world where personalisation […]


Leveraging Market Research to Gauge Brand Sentiment.

In 2018, Nike launched a bold advertising campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL player known for kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. This move was a significant risk, as it could have alienated a substantial portion of Nike’s customer base. However, Nike’s decision was followed by extensive market research, which indicated […]


Unlocking Japan’s Market Potential: 5 Key Consumer Segments to Target for Growth.

Japan, characterised by its distinctive blend of traditional values and cutting-edge innovation, offers a fertile ground for brands willing to delve deep into its cultural nuances. The Japanese market, with its robust economy and a consumer base known for its discerning tastes, presents challenges and unparalleled opportunities. Understanding the diverse consumer segments within Japan is […]

Blog Video

The Impact of Digital Penetration and Technology on Market Research in the UK.

In this insightful video, Rupert Sinclair, Head of Insight at our UK office, discusses the significant impact of digital penetration and technology on market research in the United Kingdom. Alongside his colleague Katrin Scheibert, Rupert was recently honoured with the ESOMAR Congress Best Paper Award 2023 for his work on “Virtual Frontiers: Assessing the potential […]

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Our Best Research and Trend Reports of 2023.

As we begin 2024, here’s a look at the most inspiring trend reports and research papers from 2023 and gear up for an informed start to the new year ahead. The Modern Plate. Embark on a culinary exploration with our trend report that captures the future of dining. This report unveils five key trends revolutionising […]


Our Most Read Articles and Blogs of 2023.

As we enter 2024, it’s time to reflect on the knowledge and insights we’ve gathered over the past year. We’ve compiled a list of our most read and sought-after blog posts from 2023. Let’s revisit these highlights and see what piqued the research community’s interest the most in the past year. Everything you need to […]


The High Cost of Invisibility: A Market Research Perspective.

A 2023 study by Digital Commerce 360 revealed a striking fact: approximately 87% of consumer journeys now start online, highlighting the pivotal role of a strong digital presence in consumer decision-making. However, many brands are yet to harness the full potential of digital visibility, especially in local markets—a gap that is costing them dearly. The […]


Beyond the Box: How Packaging Shapes Consumer Choices in the Eco-Conscious Marketplace.

A Dallas-based Coca-Cola bottler recently undertook a bold initiative, maximising recycling within its operations and the communities it serves. It aims to reduce its carbon footprint and replenish vital watersheds. Amazon is similarly reinventing its shipping methods, from downsizing packaging to boosting the use of easily recyclable materials, all for a healthier planet and enhanced […]