“Alexa, should we invest in voice technology?”

The chase for ease and convenience shapes how we shop today, transforming retail. The rise of voice commerce or voice shopping is at the centre of this change. We’re moving toward a world where buying things is as simple and quick as saying what we want out loud. Thanks to voice-activated gadgets, we’re getting a sneak peek at a future where shopping is effortless and fast and redefines what it means to be a consumer.

This transformation is powered by the rapid adoption of smart speakers, which have become the fastest-spreading technology since the smartphone, changing the way we interact with our devices. In 2022, 48% of consumers in the UK used voice search to make purchases, highlighting a 12% increase from the previous year. In the United States, 60% of e-commerce shoppers turn to their voice-activated assistants for daily or weekly purchases, demonstrating the convenience and growing trust in this technology.

Artificial intelligence is at the heart of this revolution, crafting new business models and accelerating our journey into a digitally transformed future where our interactions with technology are as natural as conversation. With the National Retail Federation noting an 83% increase in the value consumers place on convenience over the past five years, it’s clear that voice commerce is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in consumer behavior.

Voice commerce is gaining traction and setting new standards for how we engage with technology to make our lives easier. From placing orders online to searching for products and getting a news briefing, all it takes is a simple command – “Hey, Alexa” or “Okay, Siri” or “Hello, Google”– to bridge the gap between human intent and digital execution.

The Evolution of Voice Commerce

Voice shopping has come a long way, turning from a cool tech gadget into a daily convenience. 

Remember when talking to your phone was a bit out there? Then came devices like the Amazon Echo in 2014, and suddenly, shopping with a simple voice command became the new normal. Thanks to Natural Language Processing, our voice-activated assistants got really good at picking up what we need, making shopping hands-free a breeze.

Amazon, Google, and others didn’t stop there. 

They’ve been making their voice assistants smarter and more intuitive, transforming voice shopping into how many people shop. Take Amazon’s Echo Auto as an example – Alexa can now tag along in your car, turning voice commerce into a convenience that follows you everywhere.

This shift to voice shopping is more than a trend; it’s a bigger move toward seamlessly blending our digital and physical worlds. As these voice gadgets get woven into our daily lives, the line between online and offline shopping is fuzzier. We’re heading into a future where voice shopping is a key player in how we shop.

The State of Voice Commerce Today

Today, voice commerce represents a significant and expanding segment of the digital economy, with a market valuation of $40 billion in 2022. This figure reflects not just current consumer behavior, but also a strong indicator of the trajectory voice commerce is expected to take in the coming years. 

Amazon Echo and Google Assistant are at the forefront of the voice commerce movement, quickly becoming staples in our homes. They’ve established a new norm for voice shopping —it must be quick, easy, and reliable. 

Their popularity is undeniable, with nearly half of U.S. internet users owning a smart speaker, many of whom use it to shop. The skyrocketing search interest for products like “Echo Auto,” which brings Alexa into cars, shows a 131% jump over five years, highlighting the growing demand for voice shopping at home and on the go.

Voice commerce is booming, driven by tech innovations and increasing consumer interest. As technology evolves and people get more comfortable with voice interactions, the possibilities for effortless shopping experiences seem limitless.

Voice Commerce and Today’s Shopper

Voice commerce is booming, hitting a whopping $40 billion market value in 2022! Clearly, talking to our gadgets to shop isn’t just a phase—it’s a fast-growing part of how we buy. Amazon Echo and Google Assistant lead the charge, making voice shopping a breeze in homes everywhere. They’ve set the bar high: shopping must be quick, easy, and just a command away.

With Echo gadgets everywhere and Google Assistant on almost every Android phone, it’s no surprise that nearly half of all U.S. internet users have a smart speaker. Many are using it to shop, showing we’re all in on this trend. Interest in gadgets like Echo Auto, which brings Alexa into cars, has soared by 131% in five years, proving we love the convenience of voice shopping both at home and on the move.

A key study found that 62% of voice device users will likely purchase within a month. Voice shopping is changing how and what we buy, with groceries, household items, and entertainment products leading the charge in voice purchases. This comfort and trust in voice shopping come from better voice recognition, personalised experiences through AI, and secure transaction processing.

The rise of voice commerce isn’t slowing down. Thanks to tech advancements and our growing comfort with talking to our devices, the future of shopping looks like it’ll be as easy as speaking out loud. The possibilities are endless. 

The Technology Behind Voice Commerce

The core of voice commerce lies in the sophisticated technology that powers voice-activated shopping, primarily through natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). They work (in tandem) to understand, interpret, and respond to user commands, transforming voice inputs into actionable tasks, such as searching for products, adding items to a cart, and completing purchases. In a nutshell, these are the brains that let our devices understand us, turning our spoken words into actions. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is the foundation of voice commerce, enabling devices to comprehend human language in its natural form. This involves parsing spoken words, understanding context, and deciphering user intent. It helps these devices grasp human speech in all its complexity, figuring out what we mean, even when we’re vague or our grammar’s off. It’s why our voice commands don’t have to sound like robot talk.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML elevate the voice commerce experience by allowing systems to learn from interactions and improve over time. They are the reason your voice assistant seems to get you better over time. AI crunches through tons of data to pick up on your shopping habits and preferences, making recommendations that feel personalised. ML is where your device learns from every interaction, getting smarter about what you like and how you say things.

Imagine your voice assistant reminding you to restock your favorite coffee or suggesting a new flavor because it knows what you like. That’s AI and ML in action, making shopping not just easier but also a bit more personal.

Behind the scenes, these technologies also help brands optimise everything from stock levels to customer service. They can predict trends, tailor marketing, and ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Plus, with voice biometrics, payments are just a word away, and they’re secure because your voice is about as unique as your fingerprint.

Voice Commerce as a Tool for Retail Brands

Voice commerce is revolutionising how retailers and brands connect with their customers, offering a personal touch like never before. It’s not just about making sales; it’s about opening a direct line for communication and tailored services, all while gathering precious insights into what customers want. This goldmine of data is a game-changer for product development, marketing, and keeping shelves stocked just right.

Take Walmart and Apple’s strategic partnership, for example, with Siri-enabled shopping. Through this partnership, Walmart customers can use Siri to add items to their shopping carts to take the hassle out of grocery runs. This integration enhances the customer experience and positions Walmart as an innovator in retail, leveraging technology to simplify and personalise shopping.

This isn’t just about making life easier for shoppers; it’s a strategic move that sets Walmart apart as a forward-thinking leader in retail.

Voice commerce is drumming up leads and keeping customers hooked. It’s about turning casual browsers into loyal buyers with seamless product discovery and purchases, all through natural conversation. This approach spikes sales and builds a bond between brands and consumers. Imagine getting a nudge from your voice assistant to restock an essential ingredient while you’re in the middle of cooking something– that’s the kind of in-the-moment service that can turn a regular day into a standout customer experience. Voice commerce isn’t just changing the game; it’s redefining the shopping journey, making it more intuitive and connected.


The Role of Voice Commerce in Lead Generation and Customer Engagement

Voice commerce serves as a powerful tool for lead generation and customer engagement. By integrating voice commerce capabilities, brands can make it easier for customers to discover products and make purchases, thereby increasing sales opportunities. 

Voice interactions offer a more natural and engaging way to connect with consumers, fostering loyalty and enhancing brand perception. Voice commerce can significantly boost customer engagement and satisfaction through personalised recommendations and proactive customer service (such as reorder reminders or promotional notifications).

Voice commerce also enables brands to tap into moments of need in real-time, like when you are crafting your morning cup of coffee, only to discover your favorite blend is running low. With voice commerce, there’s no need to pause your brewing or jot down a reminder for later. Instead, you can call your voice assistant to reorder your coffee then and there, seamlessly integrating shopping into your daily life without missing a beat. This instant response saves the day and cements the brand as an indispensable part of your daily ritual. By being present in these moments, brands can capture sales they might otherwise miss and build a more intuitive shopping experience that anticipates and meets consumer needs.

The Future of Voice Commerce

The course of voice commerce looks incredibly promising, leading us to a world where our interactions with technology are more natural and intuitive than ever. 

As voice-activated devices become more ubiquitous and intelligent, the scope of voice commerce is expected to broaden, encompassing a wider array of services and industries and reaching more people with improved voice recognition that understands everyone, no matter where they’re from or how they speak. 

Expansion of Capabilities and Adoption of Voice Commerce

Predictions for the future of voice commerce suggest a move beyond simple transactions to become an integral part of the omnichannel retail experience. This includes more sophisticated AI-driven personalisation, where voice assistants can anticipate needs and make suggestions based on past behaviour, time of day, and even mood or tone of voice. Integration with IoT devices will further streamline the shopping process, allowing for seamless reordering of products as soon as they run low, without any prompt from the user.

Imagine your voice assistant knowing you so well it can tell when you’re running low on your favorite snacks and orders more before you even have to ask or suggest a new book it knows you’ll love based on your mood and past likes. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always one step ahead.

Improvements in voice recognition technology will also make these systems more accurate across various languages and accents, increasing their accessibility and appeal.

Potential Challenges and Areas for Improvement In Voice Commerce 

Despite its promising future, voice commerce faces several challenges that could hinder its growth. Privacy concerns are at the forefront, with consumers wary about the potential misuse of data collected through voice interactions. Enhancing security measures and ensuring transparent data usage policies will be crucial for maintaining consumer trust.

Another area for improvement is voice recognition accuracy, especially in noisy environments or for users with strong accents. Continuous improvements in NLP and context understanding are necessary to overcome these hurdles, making voice commerce more reliable, user-friendly, and accessible.

Evolving Competition Market 

The domain of voice commerce is characterised by intense competition among tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Apple, each vying for a larger market share. This competition drives innovation, leading to rapid advancements in voice technology and expanded service offerings. 

However, it also challenges smaller players trying to enter the space. The future will likely see collaborations between tech companies and traditional retailers, leveraging each other’s strengths to deliver a more comprehensive voice shopping experience.

And as voice commerce becomes more prevalent, there is potential for disruption in traditional retail and e-commerce models. Retailers must adapt to this new mode of consumer interaction, integrating voice technology into their sales strategies to stay relevant.


Emerging Trends in Voice Commerce

Technological advancements, broader adoption across demographics and geographies, and deeper integration into both the digital and physical aspects of the shopping experience will characterise the evolution of voice commerce in the coming years. As these trends unfold, voice commerce will play an increasingly central role in shaping consumer behaviour and the future of retail. 

  • Increased Personalisation Through AI 

Voice commerce will leverage more advanced AI algorithms to offer highly personalised shopping experiences. These systems will recognise individual users and understand their preferences, purchase history, and future needs. 

  • Expansion into New Markets and Demographics 

As voice technology becomes more sophisticated and accessible, its adoption will expand beyond current markets, reaching older generations and non-English speaking countries. This expansion will be facilitated by improvements in language processing and the development of culturally aware AI models that can navigate the nuances of various languages and dialects.

  • Seamless Multimodal Interactions 

Future voice commerce experiences will likely integrate more seamlessly with other forms of interaction, such as visual displays on smart screens or haptic feedback on mobile devices. This multimodal approach will enhance the shopping experience, allowing users to, for example, ask a voice assistant to show a product on a screen and then use touch to view different angles or customise options.

  • Voice-Activated Payments

As security technologies evolve, voice-activated payments will become more common, enabling users to complete transactions without reaching for their wallets or manually entering payment information. This development will hinge on advanced voice recognition and biometric security measures, ensuring that transactions are convenient and secure.

  • Greater Integration with Offline Retail 

Voice commerce will increasingly bridge the gap between online and offline retail, integrating in-store experiences to offer a unified shopping journey. For example, customers might use voice commands to locate items within a store or reserve products for pickup. Retailers could also use voice-activated devices to provide personalised recommendations or promotions based on the shopper’s in-store behaviour and preferences.

  • Ethical and Privacy Considerations 

As voice commerce becomes more embedded in consumers’ lives, ethical and privacy concerns will emerge. Consumers, regulators, and companies will need to navigate issues related to data collection, consent, and the potential for surveillance. Transparent policies and robust security measures will maintain trust in voice commerce platforms.

  • Competition and Collaboration 

Tech giants, startups, and traditional retailers increasingly collaborate to offer comprehensive voice commerce solutions. This could lead to a more diverse ecosystem of voice-enabled services and devices tailored to different sectors, use cases, and consumer needs.

Voice commerce is revolutionising retail, turning shopping into an immersive dialogue between consumers and technology. This evolution from tactile and visual interactions to conversational commerce is not just a change in how we buy but a significant step toward a future where technology can understand and anticipate our needs with minimal effort on our part.

We’re moving toward an era where your voice does more than communicate desires—it triggers a system that knows you, offering suggestions and making decisions that feel intensely personal and tailored. We live in a world where our voice assistant knows our favorite products and predicts our needs, reminding us to restock essentials before we run out or discover new items that fit our taste and budget.

Voice commerce promises a future where shopping is easier and smarter, transforming every interaction into a personalised journey. This isn’t just about buying; it’s about creating a seamless, intuitive experience that feels like second nature, blending the boundaries between our digital and physical lives even further.

A tech company buzzes with anticipation over a groundbreaking product idea promising to redefine its market. Behind the scenes, excitement unites teams across departments, from engineering drafting the first blueprints to marketing strategising the big reveal. There’s a palpable energy as developers discuss potential features, designers brainstorm aesthetics, and sales teams forecast demand. 

Nothing energises organisations more than launching a new product. This exciting phase boosts team morale and shareholder confidence and sharpens the competitive edge of brands, setting them apart in a crowded marketplace. 

However, this initial euphoria can be short-lived as the journey from concept to market often encounters hurdles, like products losing focus, teams grappling with burnout, and innovations arriving too late.

So, why do products often miss the mark?

Here are some common pitfalls of New Product Development:

  • Lack of Product Uniqueness: A product might lack the distinctiveness to stand out without exploring a comprehensive range of solutions. This risk magnifies when an organisation rushes to lock down a concept without considering various perspectives or potential market shifts.
  • Shifting Market Realities: A common pitfall is failing to account for market changes or making assumptions about distribution channels. This can lead to a project that starts with a simple concept but ends up burdened with unnecessary features, prolonging development and leading the product astray from its original mission. For instance, a start-up in the sustainable energy sector might begin designing a basic solar panel solution but end up integrating smart technology features that delay the project and dilute its core value proposition.
  • Technical Hurdles Overlooked: Overestimating a company’s technical prowess or underestimating the project’s complexity can lead to significant delays. A tech firm developing an advanced AI-driven analytics platform might be stalled by unforeseen technical challenges, lacking the necessary expertise or innovations to proceed as planned.
  • Function Misalignment: Discrepancies between different departments’ expectations and capabilities can derail a product’s development. An example is a company designing a revolutionary health tracker that requires cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, which the company’s factories cannot produce at scale or within cost targets.
  • Underestimating User Experience Design: Failing to prioritise user experience design can result in a product that’s technically sound but difficult or unpleasant to use. Consider a software company developing a powerful new project management tool that is too complex for the average user, leading to low adoption rates despite its advanced features.
  • Neglecting Regulatory Compliance: Overlooking the regulatory requirements specific to the industry can cause significant setbacks or even halt a product launch. A pharmaceutical company developing a new drug might encounter delays if it fails to align its development process with stringent regulatory standards.

Countless new products go nowhere, and all have one root cause: inadequate Market Research. 

Launching a product without understanding the target market’s needs and preferences can lead to misaligned product features. For instance, a food and beverage company might launch a new energy drink without realising its target demographic prefers natural ingredients over synthetic supplements, resulting in poor sales.

While no strategy can eliminate product development uncertainties, thorough planning, grounded in comprehensive market research and cross-functional collaboration, can navigate these complexities more effectively. 

Market Research: The Compass of New Product Development

So, amid this whirlwind of new product development activity, one tool ready to guide the brand’s efforts toward success is undoubtedly market research —the unsung hero poised to turn their vision into a market-ready reality.

Market research provides a foundation for decision-making that can mean the difference between a product’s success and failure. It offers insights into what consumers truly want, not just what a company thinks they need. This intelligence informs product design, positioning, and marketing strategies to introduce the product to the market. 

It also identifies the size of the opportunity, helping to forecast demand and potential revenue, thereby shaping investment decisions and prioritising features based on what will deliver the most value to the target audience.

Consider the development of the first smartwatches. Early entries into the market focused primarily on technology enthusiasts, offering features like message notifications, app integrations, and Bluetooth connectivity. 

However, market research conducted by a leading technology company revealed a broader potential audience: the health-conscious consumer.

This insight led to a pivotal shift in product development strategies. The next generation of smartwatches incorporated advanced health monitoring features such as heart rate sensors, sleep trackers, and even electrocardiogram (EKG) capabilities. 

The result? 

A product that resonated deeply with consumers, transcending its original tech-savvy base to reach a broader audience that valued health and wellness. This expanded market appeal led to increased sales, higher market penetration, and the establishment of the smartwatch as a must-have accessory for the health-conscious individual.

When brands understand the consumer’s voice, they can tailor their innovations to meet real, sometimes unarticulated, needs. 

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

The Scope of Market Research throughout the product lifecycle

Market research permeates every facet of the product development process, from the initial conception of an idea to its launch and market entry. 

New product development cycle

Critical components of market research in this context include:

  • Market Analysis: Understanding the market size, growth, and trends to identify opportunities and challenges.
  • Customer Insights: Gathering data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying behaviours to tailor the product accordingly.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Analysing the competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, market positions, and strategies to identify differentiators and market gaps.
  • Concept Testing: Evaluating consumer responses to the product concept to validate its appeal and refine its features.
  • Pricing Strategy: Assessing the market to set a competitive price that aligns with customer expectations and value perceptions.
  • Distribution Channels: Identifying the most effective ways to reach the target market, considering both traditional and digital channels.
  • Promotional Strategy: Developing marketing strategies based on insights into customer preferences and behaviours.

Types of Market Research Methodologies Used in New Product Development. 

Quantitative and Qualitative Research are two primary market research methodologies in informing new product development. These approaches, distinct in their methods and insights, work in tandem to provide a comprehensive understanding of the market, consumer preferences, and potential product impact.

Quantitative Research is characterised by its ability to gather data that can be quantified and subjected to statistical analysis. 

This type of research excels in answering “how many?” and “how much?” questions, providing hard numbers that can inform decisions on market size, consumer demographics, and measurable customer behaviours. 

Surveys with closed-ended questions, structured interviews, and secondary data analysis are common methods used to collect quantitative data. The strength of quantitative research lies in its objectivity and the ability to generalise findings across larger populations, making it invaluable for assessing market potential and forecasting demand.

Qualitative Research, on the other hand, delves into the “why” and “how” behind consumer choices and behaviours. It seeks to understand motivations, attitudes, and feelings through in-depth interviews, focus groups, and observation. This type of research is interpretive, providing rich insights into consumer needs, experiences, and preferences that might not be evident through numbers alone. 

Qualitative research shines in exploring new concepts, testing product ideas, and uncovering underlying consumer sentiments that can shape product development and positioning.

The role of market research in segmenting customers

Market research helps in identifying various bases for segmenting a market, such as demographics (age, gender, income level), psychographics (lifestyle, values, attitudes), geographic locations, and behaviour (purchase habits, usage rates). Companies can uncover patterns and trends that inform how the market can be segmented by analysing data collected through surveys, focus groups, and other research methods.

For example, a company launching a new fitness app might use market research to discover that its primary audience segments include busy professionals looking for quick workouts, fitness enthusiasts seeking advanced training programs, and beginners needing guidance and motivation. Each of these segments has distinct needs, preferences, and pain points, guiding the app’s feature set, user experience design, and marketing messages.

The role of market research in identifying potential customers

Market research helps not only segment the market but also identify the potential customers within those segments. It provides insights into the characteristics of consumers most likely to purchase the product, their decision-making processes, and the channels through which they can be reached most effectively. 

For instance, knowing that busy professionals value efficiency and flexibility, the fitness app company might highlight features such as short, customisable workouts and on-the-go accessibility in its marketing efforts targeting this segment.

The role of market research in analysing the competition

Market research aids in the identification of direct and indirect competitors, providing a clear picture of the market ecosystem. It involves collecting data on competitors’ product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, marketing tactics, and customer service practices. This information can be gathered through various means, including public records, customer surveys, competitor websites, and social media analysis.

Beyond identifying competitors, market research delves into their performance and strategies. It evaluates their market share, growth trajectories, and the factors driving their success or failure. This analysis helps uncover gaps in the market that the new product can fill, identify areas where competitors are underperforming, and spot emerging trends that could affect competitive dynamics.

Equipped with a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape, companies can strategically position their product to capitalise on market opportunities. Market research informs the development of a unique value proposition (UVP) that differentiates the product from competitors. This differentiation could be based on features, quality, price, customer service, or any combination of factors that resonate with the target audience.

For example, if market research reveals that consumers are dissatisfied with the complexity and user-unfriendliness of existing products in a category, a company could position its new offering as a simpler, more intuitive solution. This positioning directly addresses a gap in the market, appealing to consumers seeking an alternative to the status quo.

How insights from Market Research can inform product differentiation and positioning strategies

Informing Product Differentiation:

Insights from market research pinpoint the areas most valued by consumers and those underserved by current market offerings. For example, suppose research indicates that customers in a particular market seek more environmentally friendly options in a product category dominated by less sustainable choices. In that case, a company can focus on developing a product that uses sustainable materials or practices, addressing a specific consumer need, and differentiating its product from competitors.

Guiding Positioning Strategies:

Market research insights help identify the most compelling way to position a product by understanding the target audience’s values, needs, and perceptions. This can involve emphasising specific product attributes, benefits, or values that align with the target market’s desires or gaps in the category. For example, if market research reveals a gap in the market for a tech product that combines high performance with user-friendly design for non-tech-savvy users, a company can position its product as the ideal solution for this unmet need, leveraging simplicity and ease of use as key selling points.

Enhancing Competitive Strategy:

Insights from competitive analysis clearly show competitors’ positions and how consumers perceive them. This knowledge allows brands to identify areas of opportunity for differentiation and to develop strategies that leverage their strengths against competitors’ weaknesses. It can also inform decisions on whether to adopt a head-to-head positioning against direct competitors or to find a niche market where the company can dominate.

Tailoring Marketing Communications:

With insights into consumer preferences and competitive positioning, companies can craft targeted marketing messages highlighting their product’s unique benefits and features. This ensures that communications resonate with the intended audience and clearly articulate the product’s unique value proposition, setting it apart from competitors.

How does market research help identify potential risks and challenges in the market?

Market research plays a crucial role in risk mitigation by identifying potential risks and challenges that could impact a new product’s success in the market.

Identifying Market Risks:

Market research helps identify a broad range of risks, including shifts in consumer behaviour, emerging competitive threats, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. By keeping a pulse on the market, brands can anticipate changes that might affect the demand for their product or its competitive position. For example, a detailed analysis of market trends might reveal consumers’ growing preference for sustainable products, indicating a risk for products that do not align with environmental values.

Understanding Consumer Sentiments:

Through surveys, social media listening, and other feedback mechanisms, market research gauges consumer sentiments and identifies potential backlash or negative perceptions of a product or brand. This early warning system allows companies to adjust their strategies, messaging, or product features to better align with consumer expectations and avoid potential reputational damage.

Evaluating Competitive Dynamics:

Competitive analysis, a key component of market research, sheds light on the strategies and performance of competitors, helping companies identify risks related to competitive actions. Understanding the competition enables brands to foresee potential market entries by competitors, changes in competitive pricing strategies, or the introduction of substitute products, allowing them to prepare defensive or counter-strategies.

Assessing Regulatory and Compliance Risks:

Market research also plays a vital role in identifying regulatory changes and compliance requirements that could threaten the product’s market entry or expansion. By staying informed about the regulatory environment, companies can ensure their products comply with relevant laws and standards, avoiding costly legal issues and delays.

Testing Market Assumptions:

Concept testing and other research methodologies challenge and validate the assumptions underpinning a product’s development. This critical evaluation can reveal flaws in the product concept, unrealistic market expectations, or misalignments with consumer needs, allowing companies to address these issues before they escalate into more significant risks.

Forecasting Demand and Financial Risks:

Market research helps accurately forecast demand for a new product, a crucial factor in financial planning and risk management. Overestimation of demand can lead to overproduction, excess inventory, and financial strain, while underestimation can result in missed opportunities and an inability to meet market demand. Companies can mitigate financial risks and optimise their supply chain and production strategies through precise demand forecasting.


The role of market research in scenario planning and contingency strategies

Market research is integral to scenario planning and the development of contingency strategies, equipping brands with the foresight and flexibility to navigate future uncertainties and changes in the market landscape. This strategic approach allows organisations to prepare for multiple potential futures, ensuring they can respond swiftly and effectively to various challenges and opportunities that may arise.

Scenario Planning

Scenario planning involves creating detailed narratives about the future based on different assumptions about how current trends, uncertainties, and driving forces could evolve. 

Market research provides the empirical foundation for these narratives by offering insights into current market conditions, consumer trends, technological advancements, regulatory environments, and competitive landscapes. By analysing this data, companies can identify critical variables that might impact their business and construct a range of plausible future scenarios.

For instance, market research might reveal an emerging trend toward eco-conscious consumer behaviours, prompting a company to develop scenarios ranging from mild increases in demand for sustainable products to significant shifts in consumer purchasing patterns favouring green products exclusively. These scenarios enable the company to plan for product innovations, marketing strategies, and supply chain adjustments that align with varying degrees of market demand for sustainability.

Contingency Strategies

Contingency strategies are plans developed to address specific risks or opportunities that might emerge in the future. Market research plays a crucial role in identifying these potential risks and opportunities, allowing companies to devise informed strategies that mitigate threats and capitalise on emerging trends. This process involves understanding the current market, forecasting changes, and assessing their potential impact on the company’s operations, products, and financial health.

Market research can, for example, help a company anticipate potential regulatory changes affecting its industry. Suppose research indicates a likely increase in regulatory scrutiny over product safety standards. In that case, the company can develop contingency plans that include ramping compliance efforts, investing in product innovation to meet new standards, and preparing communication strategies to reassure customers and stakeholders.

Integrating scenario and contingency strategies with overall business planning ensures that market research insights are effectively translated into actionable plans. This integration allows companies to be proactive rather than reactive, setting mechanisms to adapt to market changes quickly. It also supports strategic decision-making by highlighting potential risks and opportunities to consider in the company’s long-term strategy.

The Impact of Market Research on Crafting Effective Marketing Messages and Campaigns

Market research uncovers the emotional and rational drivers behind consumer purchasing decisions, allowing marketers to craft messages that appeal to these motivations. 

How Insights into Consumer Behavior and Preferences Guide Marketing Channel Selection and Promotional Tactics

Insights from market research also play a crucial role in selecting the most effective marketing channels and promotional tactics. Understanding where the target audience spends their time, the types of media they consume, and how they prefer to receive information about new products enables companies to allocate their marketing resources more efficiently, choosing channels to reach their audience effectively.

For example, suppose market research indicates that the target demographic for a new fitness app heavily uses social media platforms and engages with influencer content. In that case, the company might prioritise social media marketing and influencer partnerships over traditional advertising channels like TV or print. This strategy ensures that marketing efforts are concentrated where they will have the most impact, increasing visibility and engagement with the target audience.

Additionally, insights into consumer behaviour can inform the timing and nature of promotional tactics. For instance, if research shows that potential customers are most receptive to new products at the beginning of the year, a company might time a significant promotional campaign to coincide with New Year’s resolutions, using special offers or trials to encourage adoption.

Feedback Loops and the Role of Market Research in Product Improvement

After a product is launched, the journey of market research does not end but instead enters a new, critical phase. Ongoing market research post-launch is vital for the continuous improvement of the product, ensuring it remains relevant and competitive. This constant research process helps companies capture real-time feedback on how consumers receive the product, identify areas for enhancement, and detect emerging trends that could influence future product iterations.

Integrating customer feedback into product updates and future development cycles is a systematic process that involves several steps. Initially, companies collect feedback through various channels, including direct customer inquiries, online reviews, social media, feedback forms within the product, and user testing sessions. This feedback is then analysed to identify common themes, patterns, and specific areas for improvement or innovation.

The insights gained from this analysis inform the prioritisation of product updates. Critical issues affecting user experience or satisfaction are addressed promptly, while suggestions for new features or enhancements are evaluated for alignment with the product’s strategic direction and market demand. This prioritisation ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, focusing on changes impacting customer satisfaction and business objectives.

Integrating customer feedback into the development process often involves cross-functional collaboration between product management, engineering, design, and marketing teams. Regular meetings and feedback loops ensure that customer insights are shared across the organisation and that decisions regarding product updates are made with a comprehensive understanding of customer needs.

Once updates are implemented, the cycle continues, with companies seeking feedback on the changes to ensure they have positively impacted the user experience. This iterative process allows constant refinement and adaptation, making the product more robust and competitive.

Example: Software Application Updates

Consider a software company that has launched a project management tool. After launch, ongoing market research and user feedback indicate that while the tool is well-received, users are experiencing difficulties with the mobile app version, particularly its notification system. The company uses this feedback to prioritise an update that improves mobile app notifications, making them more customisable and less intrusive.

The company also identified a request for a new feature that allows integration with third-party calendar apps, a suggestion that came up frequently in user feedback. After evaluating this against the product roadmap and market demand, the company develops this integration, further enhancing the tool’s utility and user satisfaction.

By continually engaging in market research and integrating customer feedback into product updates, the company not only improves its current offering but also lays a solid foundation for future development cycles, ensuring the product remains relevant and continues to meet the evolving needs of its users.

Picking up from where we left off with our tech company’s new product development journey, the initial excitement around their groundbreaking product idea has now been channelled into a series of strategic, informed steps toward realisation. The enthusiasm within the company has evolved into a dedicated focus driven by the rich insights gained from their market research. As the product moved from concept to launch, every decision—design tweaks or marketing messages—was backed by data and consumer feedback, ensuring that the final offering met and exceeded customer expectations.

The product launch was just the beginning. Embracing the ethos of continuous improvement, the company remained committed to gathering and acting on customer feedback post-launch. This cycle of feedback and improvement fostered a strong connection with users, who saw their needs and preferences reflected in the product’s evolution.

The tech company’s new product development story shows the power of market research. It demonstrates that success in product development is not just about having a groundbreaking idea but about bringing it to market in a way that resonates with consumers. 

Market research is the thread that connects every stage of bringing a new product to market. It ensures that every decision, from conception to launch, is informed, strategic, and aligned with meeting consumer needs and achieving market success.

In just a few years, mobile-first smart surveys have revolutionised market research — making it easier for brands to uncover consumer trends in real-time. Gone are the days of door-to-door and mailed questionnaires; we’ve transitioned to online polls and mobile-first smart surveys. This evolution mirrors the shift in consumer behavior, with over 5.31 billion unique mobile phone users worldwide.

Mobile-first smart surveys are designed with the mobile user in mind, ensuring surveys are easily accessible on smartphones and tablets. This approach prioritises the mobile experience, leveraging responsive design and intuitive interfaces to increase participation rates. 

According to recent data, the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their mobile phone daily. And 1 in 5 smartphone users spend an average of 4.5 hours on their phones daily. At 5 hours and 47 minutes, Filipinos spend the highest amount of average time on their phones each day. So, the potential for engagement is immense. 

Source: DataReportal

Mobile-first surveys tap into this potential, allowing brands to gather insights in real-time from a broad and diverse demographic.

The importance of real-time consumer trends has been magnified in today’s fast-paced market. Brands that can quickly adapt to changing consumer preferences gain a competitive edge. Traditional market research methods, while still valuable, often need to catch up, delivering insights that are sometimes outdated by the time they’re analysed. In contrast, mobile-first smart surveys offer immediacy. They enable companies to make informed decisions swiftly, adjusting to market dynamics as they unfold. This agility is crucial at a time when consumer preferences can change overnight, driven by viral trends on social media or shifts in the global economy.

The evolution of mobile-first smart surveys reflects a broader shift in market research toward more agile, real-time methodologies. This transition is not merely about adopting new technologies but about recognising and responding to the changing ways in which people communicate and consume information. As brands seek deeper insights into consumer behavior, mobile-first smart surveys have become a pivotal tool in their strategic arsenal, offering a lens into the preferences and opinions of a highly mobile, constantly connected global population.

Mobile-first smart surveys are defined by their primary focus on optimising the survey experience for mobile devices. This approach acknowledges the primary role smartphones play in our daily lives, designing surveys that are not only accessible but also engaging for users on small screens. These surveys are built from the ground up, featuring responsive design, concise content, and interactive elements that use mobile device’s unique capabilities.

Critical characteristics of Mobile First Smart Surveys include:

  • Responsive Design: Layouts adjust fluidly across different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring readability and ease of interaction, whether on a phone, tablet, or desktop.
  • Concise Content: Questions are designed to be short, respecting the user’s time and attention span on mobile devices.
  • Touch-Friendly Interfaces: Large buttons and sliders facilitate easy interaction, even on the tiniest screens.
  • Location-Based Features: Utilising GPS technology to offer questions relevant to the user’s current location, enhancing the relevance and immediacy of the data collected.
  • Multimedia Integration: The ability to incorporate images, videos, and voice recordings into surveys, leveraging the multimedia capabilities of modern smartphones.

Image credit: Forsta

The technology powering Mobile First Smart Surveys goes beyond simple design adjustments. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in analysing open-ended responses and predictive analytics, helping to identify trends and insights from the data collected. Machine learning algorithms can also personalise surveys based on the respondent’s previous answers, making the survey experience more relevant and engaging.

Advantages of Mobile First Surveys

The shift toward Mobile First Smart Surveys reflects mature digital consumer behaviours. By leveraging the latest responsive design and AI technology, these surveys offer a powerful tool for brands seeking to understand and engage with their audience.

Mobile First Smart Surveys have ushered in a new era of market research characterised by enhanced accessibility, real-time insights, higher engagement, and cost savings. These advantages position mobile-first methodologies as a pivotal tool for companies aiming to stay ahead of the competition.

  • Accessibility and Reach

The mobile-first approach significantly expands the potential pool of respondents. With over 90% of the global internet population using mobile devices to go online, as reported by Statista, surveys optimised for these devices are more likely to be accessed and completed. This democratisation of access allows brands to gather data from a broader demographic spectrum, including hard-to-reach populations such as younger demographics, lower-income groups, and residents of developing countries who may rely exclusively on mobile devices for internet access.

  • Real-time Data Collection

One of the most significant advantages of Mobile First Smart Surveys is the capacity for real-time data collection. This immediacy allows brands to capture and analyse consumer feedback as events unfold, providing a dynamic view of market trends and consumer sentiments. This capability is crucial for responding to fast-changing market conditions and can be the difference between capitalising on a trend and missing the boat. In contrast, with their longer collection and analysis phases, traditional survey methods can lag, offering less timely insights and, therefore, potentially less valuable.

  • Improved User Engagement

Mobile-friendly designs play a crucial role in increasing survey completion rates. The intuitive interfaces, touch-friendly navigation, and concise content tailored for mobile users significantly improve the user experience. This focus on user-centric design reduces survey abandonment rates and ensures higher-quality data, as respondents are more likely to provide thoughtful and accurate answers when the survey experience is engaging and straightforward.

  • Cost-effectiveness

From a cost perspective, Mobile First Smart Surveys offer clear advantages over traditional methods. The digital nature of these surveys eliminates the need for physical materials, postage, and manual data entry, significantly reducing operational costs. Additionally, the speed and efficiency of data collection and analysis mean that insights are generated faster, allowing brands to act on them more quickly. This can lead to more efficient allocation of resources and better ROI on market research investments.

The scalability of mobile surveys—where the marginal cost of adding another respondent is virtually zero—means that brands can collect data from a larger sample without a proportional increase in cost. This scalability, combined with the broad reach and real-time capabilities of mobile-first surveys, offers an unparalleled opportunity to gather market insights cost-effectively.

Implementing Mobile First Smart Surveys requires a strategic approach, from designing to selecting platforms and ensuring data quality and privacy. Adhering to best practices in each area ensures the collection of high-quality data and the protection of respondents’ information.

When compared with traditional survey methods, Mobile First Smart Surveys offer several advantages:

  • Higher Engagement Rates: The mobile-optimised design and interactive elements lead to higher completion rates than desktop-centric surveys.
  • Broader Reach: With most internet users accessing the web via mobile devices, mobile-first surveys can reach a broader and more diverse audience.
  • Real-time Insights: The immediacy of mobile internet allows for the collection and analysis of data in real-time, providing brands with timely insights.
  • Cost Efficiency: Digital distribution reduces the logistical costs of paper-based surveys or face-to-face interviews.

In contrast, traditional survey methods often struggle with lower response rates due to their lack of optimisation for mobile use. They may also miss out on the younger demographics who predominantly use smartphones for internet access. Additionally, traditional methods can be slower and more expensive to deploy, particularly when reaching a geographically dispersed audience.

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

Implementing Mobile First Smart Surveys 

Designing Mobile-First Surveys: Best Practices

Implementing Mobile First Smart Surveys with attention to detail—thoughtful design, selection of the right tools, and rigorous data quality and privacy measures—can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your market research efforts. 

Question Design: A good survey design is important. Questions should be concise and straightforward to accommodate the shorter attention spans and smaller screens of mobile users. Use simple language and avoid complex question types that may be difficult to navigate on a mobile device.

Length: Mobile surveys should be short to respect the user’s time and prevent survey fatigue. A good rule of thumb is to keep the survey completion time under 5 minutes. This ensures higher completion rates and more accurate responses.

Interface: The survey interface should be responsive and adjust seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. Use large, easily clickable buttons, and ensure that text is readable without zooming. Incorporating elements like sliders or touch-responsive scales can enhance the user experience.

Ensuring Data Quality and Privacy

Validating Responses: Implement measures to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of responses. This can include CAPTCHA verification to prevent bot submissions, consistency checks for contradictory answers, and logic paths that adjust questions based on previous responses to gather more precise data.

Protecting Respondent Data: Adhere to data protection regulations such as GDPR or CCPA, depending on your location and the location of your respondents. This includes obtaining consent to collect data, ensuring data is encrypted and securely stored, and allowing respondents to remain anonymous.

Data Quality Checks: Regularly review data for patterns that indicate low-quality responses, such as straight-lining (selecting the same response for all questions) or speed-through (completing the survey too quickly to have read the questions). These checks help maintain the integrity of the data collected.

Overcoming Screen Size Limitations

Challenge: The smaller screens of mobile devices limit the amount of information that can be displayed simultaneously, potentially complicating the presentation of complex questions or answer options.


  • Design and Formatting: Utilise responsive design that automatically adjusts content layout based on the device’s screen size. Simplify survey design by breaking down complex questions into multiple, easier-to-navigate screens.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporate visual elements such as icons and sliders that are easier to interact with on small screens, reducing the reliance on text-heavy inputs.
  • Progressive Disclosure: Implement a technique where only the necessary information is displayed initially, with additional details available on demand. This keeps the interface clean and reduces the cognitive load on respondents.

Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusivity

Challenge: Ensuring that surveys are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, can be particularly challenging on mobile platforms where navigation and interaction differ significantly from desktop environments.


  • Adherence to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Design surveys that comply with WCAG standards, ensuring they are navigable and usable for people with various disabilities.
  • Voice Input and Screen Readers: Optimise surveys for compatibility with voice input software and screen readers, allowing users with visual impairments or limited mobility to participate fully.
  • Diverse Language Options: Offer surveys in multiple languages to cater to non-English speakers, increasing the inclusivity of the research.

Dealing with Mobile-Specific Distractions

Challenge: Mobile users are often on the go or multitasking, making it difficult to maintain their attention throughout the survey.


  • Engagement Techniques: Incorporate interactive elements such as swipe actions or tap-based responses that leverage the mobile interface to keep users engaged.
  • Gamification: Introduce gamification elements, such as points, levels, or badges, to motivate respondents to complete the survey.
  • Timely Reminders: Send push notifications or SMS reminders to participants, encouraging them to complete the survey at their convenience. Ensure these communications respect the user’s time and are not overly intrusive.

By addressing these challenges with specific, targeted solutions, organisations can enhance the effectiveness of their Mobile First Smart Surveys. Overcoming screen size limitations with thoughtful design, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity, and countering mobile-specific distractions with engagement strategies are critical steps in harnessing the full potential of mobile surveys. 

These approaches improve the quality of data collected and ensure a positive and inclusive experience for all respondents.

How to avoid common pitfalls of Mobile First Surveys

While Mobile First Smart Surveys have been transformative for many brands, offering deep insights into consumer behavior and preferences, brands can avoid common pitfalls. We can identify best practices and common traps by examining successful deployments, providing valuable lessons for organisations looking to leverage this approach.

Here are common lessons learned from mistakes made by other companies. 

Avoiding Over-surveying:

One common pitfall is the temptation to overuse mobile surveys due to their ease and cost-effectiveness. A consumer goods company found that frequent survey requests led to declining response rates and survey fatigue among their target audience. The lesson learned was respecting the respondents’ time and attention and focusing on fewer, more targeted surveys to maintain engagement and data quality.

Ensure Data Privacy:

Many companies have faced backlash when a poorly secured mobile survey leads to privacy concerns among participants. Robust data protection measures, including encryption and clear consent protocols, are vital for any survey. Ensuring privacy protects respondents and preserves the integrity and reputation of the research effort.

Design for Mobile Limitations:

A common mistake is simply adapting desktop surveys for mobile use without considering mobile devices’ unique limitations and opportunities. For instance, if a brand uses a lengthy desktop version of a survey on mobile, it will lead to poor completion rates. By redesigning the survey specifically for mobile, with shorter, more interactive questions, brands will see a dramatic increase in participation. This highlights the necessity of designing with the mobile experience in mind from the outset.

Tips for Designing Effective Mobile-First Surveys

Simplify the User Interface: Ensure your survey interface is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate on a mobile device. Minimise the need for scrolling and use touch-friendly elements like dropdowns and sliders to enhance the user experience.

Image Credit: Forsta

Optimise Question Design: Craft questions that are concise and to the point. Avoid jargon or complex language that might confuse respondents. Each question should serve a clear purpose in meeting your survey objectives.

Image Credit: Forsta

Test Across Devices: Before launching your survey, test it on various devices and screen sizes to ensure consistent performance. This helps identify and rectify any issues hindering the user experience or skew your data.

Strategies for Maximising Response Rates and Quality of Data

Personalise the Invitation: Customising the survey invitation can make respondents feel valued and increase the likelihood of participation. Use the respondent’s name and explain the survey’s purpose, emphasising the importance of their feedback.

Offer Incentives: Incentives can significantly boost response rates. Choose appropriate incentives for your audience, whether it’s access to exclusive content, discount codes, or entry into a prize draw.

Limit Survey Length: Keep your survey as short as possible while collecting the necessary data. Communicate the estimated completion time upfront to set expectations and reduce dropout rates.

Keeping up with Mobile Technology trends

Continuous Learning: Stay informed about the latest developments in mobile technology and survey methodology. Follow industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in relevant forums or conferences.

Experiment with New Features: Be bold and test new survey features or technologies as they become available. Whether incorporating AR elements or utilising AI for dynamic question paths, experimenting can keep your surveys engaging and provide richer insights.

Gather Feedback on the Survey Experience: Regularly solicit feedback from respondents about their survey experience. This can provide valuable insights into improving your surveys and staying aligned with user expectations.

By embracing these best practices, market researchers can design mobile-first surveys that engage respondents and yield high-quality data. Keeping pace with mobile technology trends ensures that your surveys remain relevant and effective, enabling you to capture the insights needed to drive informed business decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

Market research technology will continue to evolve, driven by advances in mobile technology, AI, and machine learning. These innovations promise to make surveys more engaging, accessible, and insightful, transforming vast quantities of data into actionable intelligence. However, the core principles of effective market research remain unchanged: understanding your audience, asking the right questions, and listening to the feedback.

As we embrace the transformative power of Mobile First Smart Surveys, we must recognise this approach’s global reach and applicability. At Kadence International, with our presence in the US, UK, and Asia, we’ve witnessed firsthand the universal appeal and effectiveness of mobile-first strategies across diverse geographies. This widespread adoption shows the global shift toward mobile-centric consumer behavior, highlighting the importance of mobile-first methodologies in capturing real-time, actionable insights across different markets and cultures.

Our extensive experience across these regions positions us uniquely to understand the nuances and specific needs of brands operating in a globalised market. The trend toward mobile-first is a global movement, with consumers increasingly relying on mobile devices for everyday needs. This universal shift presents challenges and opportunities for brands looking to engage with their audience more deeply.

At Kadence, we leverage our strong foothold in Asia and our global presence to offer unparalleled insights into consumer behavior and market trends. Our expertise in mobile-first research methodologies enables us to provide our clients with the data and analysis needed to make informed decisions, tailor their offerings, and stay ahead in their respective industries.

Contact us if you want to harness the power of Mobile First Smart Surveys and gain a competitive edge in the global market. Learn how our expertise and global reach can help unlock new opportunities and drive your company forward. Whether you’re looking to expand in Asia, the US, the UK, or beyond, Kadence is your partner. 

Imagine standing on a bustling, urban street corner where different cultures collide. The air is filled with the aroma of exotic foods, and people speaking various languages are all around. For a market researcher specializing in multicultural markets, this vibrant setting is real, where every interaction, every purchase, and every decision made by individuals from different ethnic backgrounds offers valuable insights.

So how do you connect with diverse multicultural customers? 

Any researcher will tell you how crucial it is to connect with multicultural customers. It can make the difference between a brand flourishing or just getting by, especially in a marketplace where people’s choices are deeply influenced by their distinct cultural backgrounds and life experiences.

Leveraging Conversational AI for Multicultural Marketing Insights

Making Sense of Diversity
Navigating multicultural marketing has always been a challenge. With their lengthy and costly approaches, traditional methods often force a tough choice between deep-dive studies and broad surveys.

Imagine needing insights from various ethnic backgrounds across the US to tap into multicultural markets, identify key groups, and create targeted campaigns. That’s where Conversational AI changes the game.

Equipped with the ability to ask smart questions and listen actively, Conversational AI isn’t just about talking; it’s about understanding on a new level. It speeds up the research process, cuts costs, and delivers deeper insights more efficiently. For brands looking to refine their marketing strategies and truly connect with diverse audiences, Conversational AI offers a powerful solution.

The State of Multicultural Marketing

The Importance of Multicultural Consumers

By 2044, more than half of all Americans are projected to belong to a minority group,” according to the U.S. Census Bureau, a number that cannot be ignored. This shift has a profound impact on consumer behaviors and preferences.

Multicultural consumers are a vital and growing segment of the marketplace. Ignoring this demographic means missing substantial revenue opportunities and risking alienation in an increasingly diverse society. Brands that recognize the importance of multicultural consumers position themselves for long-term success and relevance in an evolving market landscape.

Evolving Demographics and Market Trends

Demographics in many countries are undergoing significant shifts. Birth rates, immigration patterns, and cultural diversity contribute to the increasing prominence of multicultural consumers. Market trends show that these consumers are not a homogenous group; they exhibit unique preferences and behaviors based on their cultural backgrounds. To thrive, brands must adapt to these evolving demographics and tailor their strategies accordingly.

The Need for Adaptation in Marketing Strategies

Static and one-size-fits-all marketing strategies are no longer effective in today’s multicultural marketplace.

To succeed, brands must adopt dynamic and culturally sensitive approaches. Understanding multicultural consumers’ specific needs, values, and habits is essential for crafting marketing campaigns that resonate and drive engagement. Conversational AI emerges as a powerful tool to bridge the gap between companies and these diverse audiences.

The Challenge of Understanding Multicultural Consumers

Navigating intricate multicultural consumers poses a formidable challenge for brands. Unlike homogenous markets, multicultural consumers come from many backgrounds, traditions, languages, and values. This diversity adds layers of complexity, demanding a nuanced approach.

For marketers, the puzzle of understanding multicultural consumers involves deciphering not only their preferences and buying behaviors but also their cultural sensitivities and unique experiences. A one-size-fits-all marketing strategy simply won’t cut it in this context.

While valuable in many respects, traditional research methodologies often fall short when applied to multicultural consumer segments. They rely heavily on standardized surveys and predefined categories that may not capture the subtleties of multicultural markets. Moreover, these methods can be time-consuming and costly and may struggle to reach individuals from diverse backgrounds, leading to incomplete or biased data.

Traditional Research Methods and Their Limitations

To understand multicultural consumers, brands have long relied on traditional research methods as their go-to tools. However, these approaches often fall short when navigating diverse, multicultural consumers. Here are some of the limitations:

Standardized Surveys and Questionnaires: Traditional research often hinges on standardized surveys and questionnaires. While these tools can provide quantifiable data, they follow a one-size-fits-all approach. 

This approach doesn’t work for multicultural consumers, as it may not capture the nuances of their experiences or the diverse array of factors influencing their purchasing decisions. What works for one ethnic group might not apply to another, and the rigidity of standardized surveys can miss these distinctions.

Recognizing these limitations, it becomes clear that a more tailored approach is necessary—one that appreciates the unique perspectives and nuances of different cultural segments. This is where the expertise of a market research agency specializing in understanding diverse consumer segments becomes invaluable. Collaborating with such an agency can provide deeper, more nuanced insights that standardized tools often overlook. They can navigate the subtleties of various cultures, ensuring research methodologies are adapted to better reflect and respect the distinctiveness of each consumer group.

Language Barriers: Many multicultural consumers have varying degrees of proficiency in the dominant language of their host country, which can pose challenges for traditional research. Language barriers can result in misinterpreting survey questions or responses, leading to inaccurate data. Moreover, translating surveys into multiple languages can be expensive and time-consuming.

Cultural Sensitivities: Different cultures have unique sensitivities, taboos, and customs that may not align with standardized research approaches. Traditional methods often lack the flexibility needed to navigate these cultural intricacies. Marketers risk unintentionally offending or alienating potential customers without a deep understanding of cultural context.

Limited Reach: Traditional research methods may struggle to reach multicultural consumers effectively. These populations may be dispersed geographically, making in-person interviews and surveys logistically challenging and costly. As a result, insights derived from traditional research may not represent the full spectrum of multicultural perspectives.

Sample Bias: Traditional research methods can inadvertently introduce sample bias, as individuals who are more accessible or willing to participate may not accurately represent the broader multicultural population. This can lead to skewed data that does not reflect the diversity within these communities.


The Promise of Conversational AI in Multicultural Research

Enter Conversational AI, a cutting-edge technology that holds the promise of reshaping the field of multicultural consumer research. This innovative methodology leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds in a more personalized and culturally sensitive manner. 

Understanding the Technology: Conversational AI

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to a technology that enables natural language interactions between humans and computers. It leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to simulate human-like conversations, making it possible for machines to engage in dialogues, understand user input, and respond intelligently. Conversational AI systems can take various forms, including chatbots, voice assistants, and virtual agents, and they play a crucial role in enhancing customer experiences and automating tasks for conducting in-depth research interviews.

The Power of Intelligent Probing Questions

Intelligent probing questions

One of the standout features of Conversational AI is its ability to employ intelligent probing questions. These questions are designed to go beyond the surface and dig deep into the respondent’s thoughts, preferences, and experiences. They adapt based on previous answers, allowing the technology to uncover valuable insights that may remain hidden in traditional survey formats. Intelligent probing questions are instrumental in understanding the nuances of multicultural consumers’ behavior and mindset, making them a valuable tool for market researchers.

Active Listening Capabilities

Conversational AI doesn’t just ask questions; it actively listens. Its active listening capabilities involve processing and interpreting user responses in real-time. This means the technology can understand what is being said and the context, sentiment, and emotional cues behind the responses. 

In the context of multicultural research, active listening ensures that the technology can pick up on subtle cultural nuances, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of respondents’ perspectives.

Scaling Insights at an Unprecedented Level

Traditional research methods often face limitations when it comes to scaling insights. Conversational AI, on the other hand, excels at scaling research efforts to reach a larger and more diverse audience. Its ability to engage with respondents remotely, conduct conversations in multiple languages, and adapt to individual preferences makes it a powerful tool for gathering insights on a broad scale. This scalability ensures that research efforts are efficient and can capture a more representative sample of multicultural consumers.

Here’s how Conversational AI addresses the challenges faced by traditional research methods:

Personalization and Flexibility: Conversational AI is not bound by the constraints of standardized surveys. Instead, it offers a dynamic, conversational experience that adapts to the respondent’s language proficiency, cultural background, and individual preferences. This personalization ensures that questions are framed to resonate with the participant, leading to more authentic responses.

Multilingual Capabilities: Overcoming language barriers is a forte of Conversational AI. It can seamlessly switch between languages and dialects, accommodating respondents who may prefer to converse in their native tongue. This eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming translations while ensuring multicultural consumers can express themselves comfortably.

Cultural Sensitivity: Conversational AI is designed to be culturally sensitive, recognizing the importance of understanding and respecting different cultural norms and sensitivities. It can tailor questions and responses to align with the cultural context, helping researchers avoid inadvertent cultural missteps.

Remote Reach: As face-to-face interactions have become increasingly challenging, Conversational AI offers the advantage of remote engagement. It can reach multicultural consumers across diverse geographic locations, bridging gaps that traditional research methods often struggle with.

Deeper Insights at Scale: One of the most significant advantages of Conversational AI is its ability to uncover deeper insights at an unprecedented scale. This technology fosters meaningful conversations through intelligent probing questions and active listening capabilities. It goes beyond surface-level responses, diving into the nuances of multicultural consumers’ habits, preferences, and mindsets.

Cost-Efficiency: Traditional research methods can be costly, especially when dealing with diverse and hard-to-reach demographics. Conversational AI streamlines the research process, reducing data collection, translation, and travel costs. This cost-efficiency opens up opportunities for brands and companies of all sizes to tap into multicultural markets.

Setting the Stage: Our Example of Eight Ethnic Groups

To illustrate the transformative impact of Conversational AI in multicultural consumer research, let’s dive into a concrete example – a multicultural study of eight ethnic groups. Let’s say we are presented with a research endeavor to understand multicultural consumers in the U.S comprehensively. The study focuses on eight distinct ethnic groups, each bringing unique perspectives and consumer behaviors.

Diversity at Its Core: The study’s premise is straightforward yet ambitious – to explore the nuances of multicultural consumer behavior by engaging with individuals from eight distinct ethnic backgrounds. These groups are carefully selected to represent the mosaic of cultures. The diversity encompassed in this research includes, but is not limited to, Asian, African, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and European backgrounds.

Complex and Varied Identities: Multicultural consumers are not monolithic. Within each ethnic group, there exists a broad spectrum of beliefs, traditions, and preferences. This complexity demands a research approach that can capture the richness of these varied identities and experiences. Conversational AI can be chosen as the methodology to navigate this diversity.

The Role of Conversational AI: At the heart of this study is the application of Conversational AI. This innovative technology can facilitate engaging and insightful conversations with respondents from each ethnic group. Its adaptability, personalization, and language capabilities make each participant feel comfortable and heard, regardless of their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

By setting the stage with a comprehensive representation of eight diverse ethnic groups, this study exemplifies the real-world challenges and opportunities marketers face to tap into multicultural markets. It demonstrates that understanding these markets requires a nuanced, culturally sensitive, and flexible approach, all of which Conversational AI was poised to provide. The results of this study would go on to showcase how this technology could deliver a deeper level of understanding and uncover the untapped potential within multicultural consumer segments.

Key Takeaways from our example of the Multicultural American Study

Leveraging Modern Conversational Experiences

Engaging Difficult-to-Reach Demographics

Conversational AI’s personalized and adaptive approach effectively engages difficult-to-reach demographics, such as multicultural consumers. The technology breaks down barriers and encourages participation from traditionally underrepresented groups by tailoring conversations to the individual’s background and preferences.

Fostering Engagement and Comprehension

The ability of Conversational AI to create engaging and comprehensible conversations fosters higher respondent engagement. Participants feel heard and valued, leading to more genuine and insightful responses. This engagement is crucial when dealing with multicultural consumers, as it promotes a deeper understanding.

Accelerating Multicultural Research Efforts


Conversational AI streamlines research efforts, reducing data collection, translation services, and travel costs. This cost-efficiency allows companies to allocate resources more effectively and extend their reach into multicultural markets without breaking the bank.

Richer Insights

The technology’s adaptive questioning and active listening capabilities result in richer insights. It uncovers nuances in multicultural consumers’ behaviors and preferences that traditional methods often miss. These insights provide a more comprehensive understanding of the target audience, enabling brands to make data-driven decisions.

Optimizing Marketing Strategies

Swift In-Depth Insights

Conversational AI accelerates the research process, providing swift access to in-depth insights. This turnaround time allows brands to stay agile in marketing strategies, responding quickly to emerging trends and consumer preferences within multicultural markets.

Maximizing Overall Impact

By harnessing the power of Conversational AI, brands can maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. Armed with a deeper understanding of multicultural consumers, they can tailor their campaigns more effectively, ensuring their messages resonate and drive engagement within diverse ethnic segments.

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

How to Implement Conversational AI in Multicultural Research

Choosing the Right Technology and Platform

Selecting the appropriate Conversational AI technology and platform is a critical first step. Brands must consider scalability, multilingual capabilities, ease of integration with existing systems, and the ability to adapt to specific research objectives. A careful evaluation ensures the chosen technology aligns effectively with the goals of gathering insights from multicultural consumers.

Developing a Research Strategy

A well-defined research strategy is essential for successfully implementing Conversational AI in multicultural research. This strategy should outline research objectives, target demographics, the structure of conversations, and the deployment timeline. Additionally, it should consider the cultural sensitivities and preferences of the respondents to ensure that the research approach is culturally relevant.

Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy

Ethical considerations and data privacy are pivotal in multicultural consumer research. Brands must adhere to ethical guidelines and privacy regulations to protect the rights and confidentiality of respondents. Transparency in data collection and obtaining informed consent are essential practices when using Conversational AI for research.

Overcoming Potential Barriers and Challenges

Implementing Conversational AI in multicultural research may encounter barriers and challenges. These could include technical issues, language-specific nuances, or respondent reluctance. Brands should have contingency plans in place to address these challenges promptly. Effective communication and collaboration with multicultural communities can also help overcome potential barriers.

Future Directions and Emerging Trends in Conversational AI

The Evolution of Conversational AI in Research

Conversational AI continues to evolve, incorporating advanced natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and machine learning capabilities. As it becomes more sophisticated, it holds the potential to provide even deeper insights into multicultural consumer behavior. Researchers can expect improved accuracy, personalization, and scalability in the future.

Potential for Cross-Cultural Comparisons

Conversational AI opens up opportunities for cross-cultural comparisons. Researchers can use this technology to conduct parallel studies across diverse ethnic groups, facilitating valuable comparisons and insights into cultural differences and commonalities. This approach helps companies refine their strategies for specific multicultural markets.

The Role of Machine Learning and AI Advancements

Machine learning and AI advancements will play a significant role in the future of Conversational AI. These technologies will enable the system to predict respondent behavior better, identify emerging trends, and adapt in real time. This predictive capability will enhance the value of Conversational AI in multicultural research.

The Path Forward for Multicultural Research in Marketing

As the marketplace continues to diversify, the path forward for multicultural research in marketing lies in adopting innovative technologies like Conversational AI. By embracing this transformative tool, brands can optimize their marketing strategies, drive engagement, and secure a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of multicultural marketing.
For more insights into the nuances of multicultural audiences, watch the Head of Strategy and Client Services from the U.K. office Bianca Abulafia’s revelations from her experiences in the field here.

Step into the world of Karlo Angelo Lazaro, the dynamic Project Manager at Kadence International’s Philippines office. With a career marked by evolution and resilience, Karlo brings a unique blend of experience and passion to market research. 

From navigating the intricacies of data analysis to leading groundbreaking projects, his journey shows the transformative power of dedication and curiosity in the ever-evolving field of market research. 

Join us as we delve into his insights, challenges, aspirations, and what’s shaping the future of market research in the Philippines.

Can you share what inspired you to pursue a market research career and what has motivated you in this field?

I was working as a Reconciliation Specialist for J.P. Morgan Chase, which was not working well for me. The work was repetitive and not stimulating enough to sustain my interest. 

Some of my University friends already worked in different Market Research agencies, such as Millward Brown and TNS, so I asked for referrals. I’ve always been interested in their work, how interesting the industry is, and how different it is from banking. 

I secured a position in TNS as a Research Associate, which started my Market Research journey. The sheer variety of clients and research methodologies were enough to keep me in the industry. 

Before Kadence International, you worked in various roles, including Research Executive and Reconciliation Specialist. How did these experiences shape your approach as a Project Manager in market research?

One thing I appreciate about having worked as a Reconciliation Specialist is that it developed my keen eye for detail. There’s no place for mistakes when balancing salary accounts, so there was a real impetus for me to hone my skills. This has served me well as a Project Manager as I have been able to spot if something is amiss in whatever I’m checking, be it a client deliverable or a simple email.

Rising through the Market Research ranks has made me more empathetic to my Analysts and Researchers. Since I have been in their position before, it has helped me manage them better because I know how long tasks take and possible bottlenecks they may encounter. 

The roles I’ve had before ultimately led me to be a better Market Researcher. I always give my team grace and try to be as understanding as possible, so long as there are no deliberate or egregious mistakes. 

What unique challenges and rewards have you encountered while working at Kadence International?

I joined Kadence back in March 2021. Lockdowns were still common, and all research had moved online or via CATI. So, that was quite a unique moment in Market Research, but across all industries.

Upon joining Kadence, I was assigned World Poll PH 2021. It was the first large-scale CATI tracking study I’ve ever handled. It was four waves of N=1000 each, with two waves running concurrently. 

We had problems with the output quality of the contracted CATI supplier, so we had to do the calls in-house, meaning we recruited our callers to finish the study! That was quite the challenge for my first CATI project, but I made it work and was rewarded with the client’s continued trust in us for this tracking project.


Could you discuss a particularly memorable or challenging project you managed at Kadence International?

Aside from World Poll, another critical project that I will always remember would be my first political survey. The project was called Pundit, and it had several iterations throughout 2021. Initially, it was a one-off set of FGDs, but it developed into multiple qualitative and quantitative projects leading up to a few months before the 2022 Philippine National Elections.

We started this when possible candidates were just floated around, and no official candidacy was announced yet, so we indeed saw how the populace reacted and how their sentiments changed throughout the different iterations of Pundit. 

One thing to note was that Pundit results were not released publicly, so I’m very proud of this project as our results closely resemble those of publicly released political surveys at the time, which shows that we are capturing the true sentiment of the public.

Another remarkable thing about the project was the fact that this is where Kadence PH saw a return to F2F TAPI interviewing, which brought about a different set of challenges like interviewers falling ill due to COVID and local government units refusing to have us conduct surveys in their area due to COVID fears. 

We also had to respond quickly to sudden government announcements that may impact our people on the ground, such as possible lockdowns in areas where COVID numbers are up. Pundit was a whirlwind of different issues, but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else because it was such a fun project to run.

You possess skills in data visualization, critical thinking, and communication. How do these skills play a role in your daily responsibilities?

I find it helpful when training my team members. When we craft proposals or have reports to send out, I get to share my knowledge and experiences with the junior team members. What would be the best way to present the findings, what charts to use, and the like?

We’ve also had coaching sessions on proper client communications and how we can influence clients to see things our way. It fills me with joy when my team members can confidently talk with clients and accomplish tasks with little to no supervision on my end.

How has the market research industry evolved, particularly in the Philippines, during your tenure?

When I started, we were still in the thick of the PAPI era, with interviewers lugging multiple printed questionnaires house-to-house to do F2F surveys. I remember accompanying an interviewer for a tobacco study where we had a printed showcard of choices. The project was Discrete Choice Modelling for a cigarette brand, so we had several choice tasks printed on A3 paper! However, today, one can run a DCM or Conjoint project using tablets or even online.

The Philippines is now in its TAPI and Online Survey era. Gone are the days when researchers and field personnel sifted through sheets of paper to collate a questionnaire. 

Then, there is the rise of boutique agencies in the Philippines. As significant research entities buy out and combine into one or the other, boutique agencies introduce new thinking and approaches because they’re more tied down than the major players are in terms of targets. They can afford to explore more and create their own niche in the industry.

How have technological advancements influenced your work in market research?

It has vastly made work faster and slightly more accessible. From the introduction of tablets to interviewing, to automatic encoding, to faster data processing, tech advances in Market Research have greatly helped add time to analyze the results of the studies comprehensively.

It gave more time for brainstorming sessions and more in-depth analysis to make our reports holistic and not rushed. Clients appreciate when we, as Researchers, are conscientious, and a big part of that is achieved through the various advances we’ve had in the industry.

What advice would you give someone just starting their career in market research?

For those starting their Market Research journey, here is some advice for navigating the field.

  1. Start building on your skills.
    1. Develop your eye for details. Attention to detail and precision are crucial skills to be a market researcher.
    2. Learn how to analyze data and develop strong analytical skills. Know which charts are best to use for your data type.
    3. Improve your written and oral communication. It’s imperative for you to develop your communication skills so that you can express study findings confidently and accurately.
  2. Keep an open and curious mind.
    1. Always ask questions and be proactive in learning about the industry. Don’t limit your understanding by being afraid of asking questions. 
    2. Cultivate a curious mind and be someone who’s always searching for new ideas.
  3. Develop expertise, but don’t put yourself in a box.
    1. Fully grasp the intricacies of a methodology, be it qualitative or quantitative, but don’t be defined by it. Don’t be afraid to branch out of your expertise so that you can become a holistic researcher.
    2. Volunteer for challenging tasks, as it will only be to your advantage when it’s time to venture out to greater things.

Success comes from a combination of different factors, so one should be adaptable and constantly seeking opportunities for improvement.


What are your professional aspirations or goals in the market research field?

There’s still a lot I haven’t experienced in Market Research, but in the next 5-8 years, I’d like to head the Insights department of some company. I don’t know what industry yet, but that’s the direction I want to head toward. 

I would also like to work outside the confines of the Philippines. Be it a secondment or in a different capacity.

How would you describe the culture at Kadence International, and how does it align with your personal values?

Of the research agencies I have been a part of, Kadence is the chill and relaxed one. The culture is very open, and the people are friendly and helpful. Plus, we’re still on a hybrid work schedule, which adds brownie points to Kadence. 

I’m very laid back, so the company culture suits me quite nicely. I’m able to express my thoughts without fear of retaliation or not being taken seriously. There is a good fit with how I want to work and the Kadence ethos.

In what ways do you believe Kadence International’s approach to market research makes a difference for clients and the broader community?

Our approach fosters a sense of kinship with our clients where they feel the trust that we will do right by them. We’ve had successful relationships with clients because we care about their needs. We meet them halfway when it comes to costs and suggest the proper methodologies to answer their business issues.

We don’t shy away from telling them what will work and what won’t; we’re upfront and honest with them about our strengths and limitations. Clients appreciate always appreciate honesty.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, especially in a demanding field like market research?

I am not shy about taking a break now and then. Having a long weekend where I laze around and catch up on my reading is essential to maintain my sanity.

I do not mind working long, especially if we’re on fieldwork, but there should always be time for play. I carve out time after stressful projects, so I’m refreshed and ready to face different challenges. 

Outside of work, what are some hobbies or activities you enjoy?

I may not look it, but I like to walk to clear my mind, and it’s my sole form of physical activity. I’m an avid reader of mangas and manhwas as well as wuxia and xianxia web novels. I’m trying to rekindle my book-reading habit, which will be another escape source. 

I also watch a lot of reality TV and other shows that are light and where I don’t have to spend much thinking power to follow the story. Lastly, I listen to pop and OPM music to soothe my mind.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I’ll leave you with a quote that stayed with me when I considered applying to graduate school. I don’t know its provenance, but it is attributed to Jennifer Ritchie Payette. 

“Your career is like a garden. It can hold an assortment of life’s energy that yields a bounty for you. You do not need to grow just one thing in your garden. You do not need to do just one thing in your career.”

In the heart of Southeast Asia lies the Philippines, a nation where purchasing decisions are as vibrant and complex as its archipelago of over 7,000 islands. Home to over 100 million people, this market is shaped by a unique blend of cultural depth, economic growth, and technological integration, where traditional and modern shopping habits intertwine. 

The Filipino consumer market is marked by strong community bonds, significant digital engagement, and deep brand loyalty, further enriched by economic boosts from overseas remittances. Such a mix demands that brands keen on making their mark or expanding in the Philippines pay close attention to these diverse consumer behaviours. 

Highlighting the emotional nature of Filipino purchases, as noted by marketing guru and Chairman and Chief Innovation Strategist of Mansmith and Fielders, Inc. Josiah Go, “Filipinos buy based on emotion and justify with logic,” emphasises the need for a nuanced approach that considers the emotional, digital, and cultural dimensions shaping consumer preferences in the Philippines.

The Evolution of Filipino Consumerism

The journey of Filipino consumerism from its traditional roots to the modern, globalised commerce landscape is a testament to the country’s adaptability and cultural richness.

Traditional Markets and the Early Economy

Historically, the Philippine economy was deeply rooted in agriculture, with local markets or “palengkes” as the centre of community life and commerce. 

These markets were more than just places to buy and sell goods; they were cultural hubs where social bonds were formed and maintained. The exchange of goods in these settings was personal, with a strong emphasis on face-to-face interactions and establishing trust between buyers and sellers. This tradition laid the foundational emphasis on personal connections and trust in business dealings, a trait that remains deeply ingrained in Filipino consumer behaviour today.

The Influence of Colonialism

The arrival of Spanish and later American colonial powers introduced new economic systems and consumer goods to the Philippines, marking the beginning of a shift toward a more globalised market. The colonial period saw the introduction of Western products and the gradual adoption of foreign consumption habits, blending with local traditions to create a unique consumer culture. This period also saw the rise of the “sari-sari” store, a small neighbourhood convenience store that embodies the Filipino spirit of community and resourcefulness. These stores, often run out of the front of a family home, became a staple of Filipino communities, providing local and imported goods.

Post-War Economic Growth and Modernisation

The post-World War II era brought significant economic changes and modernisation to the Philippines. The country’s economy began diversifying, moving from agriculture to manufacturing and services. 

This shift was accompanied by urbanisation and the growth of the middle class, leading to increased consumer spending and the introduction of modern retail formats, including supermarkets and department stores. However, even as Filipinos embraced these modern retail environments, the traditional values of trust, community, and personal connection played a crucial role in consumer behaviour.

The Digital Revolution and E-commerce

The advent of the internet and mobile technology has profoundly impacted Filipino consumerism. With over 85.16 million internet users in the Philippines in January 2023, the Philippines has experienced a digital revolution that has transformed purchasing habits. E-commerce platforms like Lazada and Shopee have become household names, offering the convenience of online shopping and a wide array of products at consumers’ fingertips. Social media has also become a significant factor in consumer decisions, with Filipinos spending more than 4 hours a day on social platforms, influencing everything from brand perceptions to purchase decisions. This also makes online market research in the Philippines very effective.

The Modern Filipino Consumer

A complex blend of tradition and globalisation characterises Filipino consumerism. The Philippines houses 3 of the world’s 10 largest shopping malls, and the strong mall culture coexists with a booming e-commerce market predicted to surpass $12 billion by 2025. Filipino consumers navigate a global marketplace while connecting deeply to local culture and values. Brands that succeed in this market understand the importance of emotional resonance, community engagement, and the blend of traditional and modern values that define Filipino consumerism.


The Significance of Family Ties

Filipino society is tightly woven with family relations, where family extends beyond the immediate to include extended family members. This familial network profoundly influences consumer behaviour, shaping purchase decisions and preferences across generations.

The Role of Family in Purchase Decisions

The collective nature of Filipino families means buying decisions are often made with the family’s needs and preferences in mind rather than individual desires. This dynamic is evident in the popularity of big-bulk and family-pack products, which cater to sharing among family members. Whether it’s groceries, clothing, or electronics, the preference leans toward items that offer value for money and can be used or enjoyed by multiple family members.

Family-centric purchasing behaviour is also reflected in the Filipino custom of ‘pasalubong’ – bringing gifts home for family members after travelling. This practice underlines the importance of family in everyday life and showcases the thoughtfulness toward maintaining family bonds through shared experiences and gifts. 

How Filippino Parents and Grandparents Shape Buying Habits

Filipino families often feature strong, multigenerational households where parents, grandparents, and sometimes even great-grandparents play significant roles in shaping the family’s values and habits. This generational influence is a powerful factor in transmitting brand loyalties and purchasing habits. Brands trusted by a family over generations enjoy continued patronage, reflecting the deep-seated value of trust and tradition in Filipino consumer behaviour.

Parents and grandparents pass down preferences for certain brands or products and impart values that dictate how money should be spent. For example, emphasising education, health, and well-being often guides family spending toward educational materials, healthy food options, and medical insurance. The reverence for elders in Filipino culture means that products and services catering to the elderly, such as health supplements or mobility aids, are given special consideration in family budgets.

The influence of parents and grandparents also extends into the digital world. As digital natives, younger family members often introduce older generations to online shopping and digital payments, gradually influencing their acceptance and adoption of new technologies for purchasing. This intergenerational exchange enriches the family’s buying habits, blending traditional preferences with modern conveniences.

Products and services that can bridge generational preferences and cater to the collective needs of Filipino families are more likely to find success and longevity in this interconnected and family-oriented market.

Cultural and Social Factors

The Philippines exhibits consumer behaviour deeply influenced by social and cultural factors. 

‘Bayanihan’ and Community-Centric Purchases

‘Bayanihan,’ a term encapsulating the Filipino spirit of communal unity and cooperation, significantly influences consumer behaviour in the Philippines. There’s a strong inclination toward brands and products that contribute positively to local communities through job creation, environmental sustainability, or support for local artisans and producers.

The concept of ‘Bayanihan’ extends to consumer preferences for products and services that facilitate community gatherings and celebrations, such as food and beverages that can be shared during communal events.

Local Festivals and Seasonal Buying Patterns

The Philippines is renowned for its colourful and diverse festivals, known locally as ‘fiestas,’ which celebrate various religious and cultural events throughout the year. These festivals significantly impact consumer spending, driving seasonal buying patterns companies need to anticipate and cater to. During these times, there is a surge in demand for specific products, such as traditional foods, clothing, and decorations that align with the festival’s themes.

These festivals often stimulate local economies by encouraging spending on travel, accommodations, and souvenirs, reflecting the Filipinos’ love for celebration and their willingness to invest in creating memorable experiences. 

The Influence of Religion on Consumption

Religion, particularly Catholicism, which most Filipinos follow, significantly shapes consumption patterns. Religious observances and traditions, such as Holy Week and Christmas, dictate the timing and the nature of consumer purchases. For instance, there is a notable shift toward more modest consumption during Holy Week, with increased spending on religious items and charity. Conversely, the Christmas season sees a spike in consumer spending, with Filipinos buying gifts and decorations and preparing festive meals in the spirit of sharing and celebration.

The religious influence extends beyond these periods, with fiestas honouring patron saints in various locales yearly. These events are religious observances and community celebrations that stimulate spending on food, clothing, and festivities. 

Economic Considerations

The significant contributions of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and the growth of the middle class are noteworthy developments. 

The Impact of OFWs and Remittances

OFWs play a pivotal role in the Philippine economy, with their remittances constituting a significant portion of the country’s GDP. 

Remittances represent a lifeline for millions of Filipino families, supporting their daily needs, education, health care, and investments in small businesses and real estate.

The inflow of remittances has increased purchasing power among recipient families, influencing consumer behaviours from heightened spending on luxury goods and services to investments in education and property. The availability of this ‘extra’ income has also encouraged a consumer culture, as OFWs and their families often associate these attributes with social mobility and success.

Remittances have also contributed to the resilience of the Philippine economy, particularly during global economic downturns. The steady flow of funds from abroad has helped sustain domestic consumption even in times of crisis, buffering the economy against external shocks and maintaining consumer confidence.

Rising Middle Class and Its Effects on Consumer Behavior

The Philippines has witnessed significant economic growth for decades, contributing to the expansion of the middle class. The rising middle class is characterised by increased disposable income, changing lifestyles, and evolving consumption patterns. As more Filipinos find themselves with greater financial freedom, there has been a noticeable shift toward discretionary spending, with a higher demand for quality, convenience, and luxury.

The growing Filippino middle class is more inclined toward experiences and products that enhance their quality of life, such as travel, dining out, entertainment, and wellness. This demographic is also more engaged with digital platforms for information and commerce, driving the growth of e-commerce and online services. 

This segment’s influence extends to the housing market, with an increased demand for residential properties that offer security, amenities, and access to urban conveniences. The rising middle class is more likely to invest in education and health, prioritising the well-being and future of their families.

The Power of Digital and Social Media

Two phenomena stand out in the Philippines: the rise of online influencers and the importance of social proofing. 

Online influencers in the Philippines wield significant power over consumer preferences and purchase decisions. These influencers, ranging from celebrities to niche content creators, have cultivated loyal followings across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. They often serve as trendsetters and trusted sources of information for their audiences, offering recommendations and reviews that can sway purchasing decisions.

Ann Curtis Smith, Influencer & Multimedia Superstar

With 20 M followers and dubbed the “Multimedia Superstar,” Ann Curtis Smith remains the most-followed Filipino on Instagram.

Social proof has emerged as a powerful factor in the Filipino digital consumer journey, with social media platforms playing a pivotal role. Social proof, the psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behaviour for a given situation, is now amplified. Reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube serve as influential sources of social proof, guiding consumers in their purchasing decisions.

Brand Loyalty vs. Value Shopping

Understanding the dynamic between brand loyalty and the pursuit of value in the Filipino consumer market is crucial for brands aiming to engage Filipino consumers effectively, requiring a flexible approach that can appeal to both the heart and the wallet.

Are Filipinos More Brand Loyal, or Do They Prioritise Value?

Filipino consumers exhibit a complex relationship between brand loyalty and value shopping, often influenced by the type of product, the perceived value of the brand, and the economic context. On the one hand, Filipinos show a strong sense of brand loyalty, especially towards brands that have established a deep emotional connection or have been part of family traditions over generations. This loyalty is further reinforced by the quality, reliability, and status associated with certain brands, making them preferred choices despite cheaper alternatives.

However, pursuing value — getting the most out of every peso — is also deeply ingrained in the Filipino consumer psyche. The concept of “sulit” plays a significant role in purchase decisions, where a product’s quality, quantity, and price are carefully considered to ensure maximum value. 

The balance between brand loyalty and value shopping can also shift based on economic conditions. During economic uncertainty, for example, consumers may become more price-sensitive and open to switching brands in favour of better deals.

The Role of Promotions, Discounts, and ‘Suki’ (Regular) Incentives

Promotions, discounts, and the concept of ‘suki‘ — a term used to describe a loyal customer or patron — play crucial roles in reinforcing brand loyalty and encouraging value shopping among Filipinos. Retailers and brands leverage these strategies to attract and retain customers, offering tangible benefits for continued patronage.

The success of major online sales events, such as those offered by platforms like Lazada and Shopee, underscores the effectiveness of these strategies in the Philippine market.

The ‘suki‘ system embodies the relational aspect of Filipino commerce. Small businesses and local vendors often recognise and reward regular customers with discounts, extra goods, or more personalised services. For larger brands and retailers, loyalty programs that mimic the ‘suki‘ relationship by offering rewards, points, or exclusive benefits can effectively build and maintain a loyal customer base.


Local vs. Global Brands

The Philippine market presents a fascinating battleground for local and global brands, each vying for consumer preference through cultural relevance, quality, and value. 

The Perceived Value of International Brands

International brands often hold a certain allure among Filipino consumers, attributed to their global reputation, perceived quality, and status symbol. For many, purchasing products from well-known international brands is about the prestige and lifestyle they represent, especially in categories like fashion, technology, and luxury goods.

The globalisation of consumer culture also reinforces the appeal of international brands, with Filipinos exposed to global trends through the internet and media. 

However, this does not imply that international brands always have the upper hand. Their success in the Philippine market depends on their ability to localise offerings and connect with Filipino values and preferences.

Trust and Reliability in Local Products

Local brands also command a significant place in the hearts and wallets of Filipino consumers, driven by a deep-seated trust and a sense of national pride. The success of local brands like Jollibee, which has outperformed global giants like McDonald’s in the Philippines, underscores the strong connection local brands can forge with consumers. This connection is often rooted in local brands’ understanding of Filipino tastes and preferences, enabling them to effectively tailor their products and marketing strategies.

The trust in local products is also bolstered by their perceived reliability and value for money. The preference for local products is further strengthened by the growing consumer awareness of the importance of supporting local businesses for economic development. There is a rising trend among Filipino consumers to patronise local brands as a way of contributing to the national economy and supporting local communities.

Sustainability and Ethical Purchasing

In recent years, the Philippines has seen a growing consciousness among consumers regarding sustainability and ethical purchasing. This shift reflects a broader global trend toward environmental responsibility and social equity, influencing purchasing decisions across various sectors of the economy. Let’s explore how these trends are manifesting in the Filipino market.

Are Eco-Friendly Products and Ethical Brands Making an Impact on Filipino Consumers?

Eco-friendly products and ethical brands are significantly impacting Filipino consumers, albeit gradually. As awareness about environmental issues and social injustices increases, more Filipinos are considering the broader implications of their purchasing choices. This awareness is partly driven by the visible effects of environmental degradation in the Philippines, such as pollution and natural disasters, which underscore the urgency of adopting sustainable practices.

Download our comprehensive report, “The Green Brand,” for insights into sustainable trends among consumers in ten countries.

Ethical brands prioritising environmental sustainability and social responsibility are gaining traction among a population segment that values transparency, sustainability, and ethical business practices. The rise of social media and digital platforms has further facilitated the spread of information regarding the importance of eco-friendly and ethically produced goods, amplifying their impact on consumer choices.

However, the overall market penetration of such products still faces challenges, including higher price points compared to conventional products and limited availability in some areas. 

The Growing Trend of Local, Organic, and Handmade Goods

Parallel to the rise of eco-friendly and ethical brands is the growing popularity of local, organic, and handmade goods in the Philippines. This trend is driven by a desire for healthier lifestyles, support for local economies, and a preference for products with a lower environmental footprint. Organic food products, in particular, have seen increased demand among Filipino consumers, who are becoming more health-conscious and concerned about using pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in conventional agriculture.

Handmade goods and artisanal products are also experiencing a resurgence as consumers value these items’ craftsmanship, uniqueness, and cultural significance. Purchasing handmade goods from local artisans is a way to support community livelihoods and preserve cultural practices.

The trend toward local, organic, and handmade goods is further bolstered by the growing number of farmers’ markets, organic farms, and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs in the country. These initiatives provide direct channels for consumers to access fresh, locally sourced products while fostering a sense of community and connection to the food system.

Emotional Drivers and Aspirational Purchasing

Emotional drivers and aspirational purchasing are deeply rooted in the Philippines’ cultural and social dynamics, affecting how brands position themselves, and consumers respond to marketing campaigns. 

How Marketing Campaigns Tap into Filipino Emotions and Values

Marketing campaigns in the Philippines often succeed by resonating with the emotional and cultural values of the Filipino people. Brands that tap into feelings of family, community, and national pride tend to have a more significant impact, creating a deeper connection with their audience. Emotional marketing leverages storytelling, often featuring narratives that reflect everyday Filipino life, highlighting themes of love, resilience, joy, and the importance of family and social bonds. 

Filipino values such as ‘Bayanihan’ (communal unity), ‘Pakikisama’ (smooth interpersonal relationships), and ‘Utang na Loob’ (debt of gratitude) are powerful themes that brands integrate into their marketing strategies. 

The effectiveness of emotional marketing in the Philippines is also amplified by the widespread use of social media, allowing these resonant messages to be shared and amplified within communities, further strengthening the emotional ties between consumers and brands.

The Desire for Upward Mobility and How It Affects Consumer Choices

Aspirational purchasing is another significant factor driving consumer behaviour in the Philippines. The desire for upward mobility—a better lifestyle, higher status, and improved well-being—is a powerful motivator for many Filipinos. This aspiration influences purchasing decisions, from fashion and technology to education and real estate. 

Consumers are often drawn to brands and products perceived as symbols of success and progress to enhance their social standing. For instance, owning the latest smartphone or wearing popular fashion brands is seen not just as a matter of personal taste but as an indicator of one’s socioeconomic status. Similarly, investing in quality education for their children is a top priority for many Filipino families, viewing it as a key to unlocking better opportunities and securing a prosperous future.

Predictions for the Future of Filipino Consumer Behavior

Increased Demand for Personalised Experiences: As digital technology advances, Filipino consumers will increasingly expect personalised shopping experiences, tailored recommendations, and products that reflect their preferences and values.

Greater Emphasis on Sustainability: Environmental awareness and social responsibility will play a more significant role in shaping consumer preferences. Brands that can convincingly integrate sustainable practices into their operations and product lines will capture the attention of future consumers.

Continued Blend of Global and Local: While globalisation introduces international trends and products, a strong sense of national identity will keep local brands and traditions relevant. Successful brands will be those that can offer the best of both worlds, combining global appeal with local relevance.

Evolving Digital Landscapes: Adopting new technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and AI-driven shopping assistants, will further transform the Filipino consumer experience, offering new avenues for engagement and personalisation.

Resilience and Adaptability: The Filipino market’s history of resilience in the face of economic and social challenges suggests that consumers will continue to adapt to changing circumstances. Brands that are flexible and responsive to these changes offering solutions that meet evolving needs, will thrive.

The Philippine market presents ample opportunities for foreign direct investment, but companies that understand its unique socio-economic fabric will thrive.

With our global expertise in market research, we operate a dedicated office in the Philippines as a key partner for brands looking to understand and engage with the Filipino market. This presence on the ground provides an invaluable advantage, offering deep local insights and global perspectives. Our team in the Philippines specialises in harnessing a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods tailored to uncover the nuances of Filipino consumer behaviour, preferences, and trends. By leveraging its local expertise and global research capabilities, Kadence International is ideally equipped to steer organisations through the complex Filipino market, ensuring that strategies are informed, data-driven, and culturally attuned to meet this market’s unique needs and opportunities.

Step into the world of Karlo Angelo Lazaro, the dynamic Project Manager at Kadence International’s Philippines office. With a career marked by evolution and resilience, Karlo brings a unique blend of experience and passion to market research. 

From navigating the intricacies of data analysis to leading groundbreaking projects, his journey shows the transformative power of dedication and curiosity in the ever-evolving field of market research. 

Join us as we delve into his insights, challenges, aspirations, and what’s shaping the future of market research in the Philippines.

Can you share what inspired you to pursue a market research career and what has motivated you in this field?

I was working as a Reconciliation Specialist for J.P. Morgan Chase, which was not working well for me. The work was repetitive and not stimulating enough to sustain my interest. 

Some of my University friends already worked in different Market Research agencies, such as Millward Brown and TNS, so I asked for referrals. I’ve always been interested when they talk about their work, how interesting the industry is, and how different it is from banking. 

I secured a position in TNS as a Research Associate, which started my Market Research journey. The sheer variety of clients and research methodologies are enough to keep me in the industry. 

Before Kadence International, you worked in various roles, including Research Executive and Reconciliation Specialist. How did these experiences shape your approach as a Project Manager in market research?

One thing I appreciate about having worked as a Reconciliation Specialist is that it developed my keen eye for detail. There’s no place for mistakes when you’re balancing salary accounts, so there was a real impetus for me to hone my eye. This has served me well as a Project Manager as I have been able to spot if something is amiss in whatever I’m checking, be it a client deliverable or a simple email.

Rising through the Market Research ranks has made me more empathetic to my Analysts and Researchers. Since I have been in their position before, it has helped me manage them better because I know how long tasks take and possible bottlenecks they may encounter. 

The roles I’ve had before ultimately led me to be a better Market Researcher. I always give my team grace and try to be as understanding as possible, so long as there are no deliberate or egregious mistakes. 

What unique challenges and rewards have you encountered while working at Kadence International?

I joined Kadence back in March 2021. Lockdowns were still common, and all research had moved online or via CATI. So, that was quite a unique moment in Market Research, but across all industries.

Upon joining Kadence, I was assigned World Poll PH 2021. It was the first large-scale CATI tracking study I’ve ever handled. It was four waves of N=1000 each, with two waves running concurrently. 

We had problems with the output quality of the contracted CATI supplier, so we had to do the calls in-house, meaning we recruited our callers to finish the study! That was quite the challenge for my first CATI project, but I made it work and was rewarded with the client’s continued trust in us for this tracking project.


Could you discuss a particularly memorable or challenging project you managed at Kadence International?

Aside from World Poll, another critical project that I will always remember would be my first political survey. The project was called Pundit, and it had several iterations throughout 2021. Initially, it was a one-off set of FGDs, but it developed into multiple qualitative and quantitative projects leading up to a few months before the 2022 Philippine National Elections.

We started this when possible candidates were just floated around, and no official candidacy was announced yet, so we indeed saw how the populace reacted and how their sentiments changed throughout the different iterations of Pundit. 

One thing to note was that Pundit results were not released publicly, so I’m very proud of this project as our results closely resemble those of publicly released political surveys at the time, which shows that we are capturing the true sentiment of the public.

Another remarkable thing about the project was the fact that this is where Kadence PH saw a return to F2F TAPI interviewing, which brought about a different set of challenges like interviewers falling ill due to COVID and local government units refusing to have us conduct surveys in their area due to COVID fears. 

We also had to respond quickly to sudden government announcements that may impact our people on the ground, such as possible lockdowns in areas where COVID numbers are up. Pundit was a whirlwind of different issues, but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else because it was such a fun project to run.

You possess skills in data visualization, critical thinking, and communication. How do these skills play a role in your daily responsibilities?

I find it helpful when training my team members. When we craft proposals or have reports to send out, I get to share my knowledge and experiences with the junior team members. What would be the best way to present the findings, what charts to use, and the like?

We’ve also had coaching sessions on proper client communications and how we can influence clients to see things our way. It fills me with joy when my team members can confidently talk with clients and accomplish tasks with little to no supervision on my end.

How has the market research industry evolved, particularly in the Philippines, during your tenure?

When I started, we were still in the thick of the PAPI era, with interviewers lugging multiple printed questionnaires house-to-house to do F2F surveys. I remember accompanying an interviewer for a tobacco study where we had a printed showcard of choices. The project was Discrete Choice Modelling for a cigarette brand, so we had several choice tasks printed on A3 paper! However, today, one can run a DCM or Conjoint project using tablets or even online.

The Philippines is now in its TAPI and Online Survey era. Gone are the days when researchers and field personnel sifted through sheets of paper to collate a questionnaire. 

Then, there is the rise of boutique agencies in the Philippines. As significant research entities buy out and combine into one or the other, boutique agencies introduce new thinking and approaches because they’re more tied down than the major players are in terms of targets. They can afford to explore more and create their own niche in the industry.

How have technological advancements influenced your work in market research?

It has vastly made work faster and slightly more accessible. From the introduction of tablets to interviewing, to automatic encoding, to faster data processing, tech advances in Market Research have greatly helped add time to analyse the results of the studies comprehensively.

It gave more time for brainstorming sessions and more in-depth analysis to make our reports holistic and not rushed. Clients appreciate when we, as Researchers, are conscientious, and a big part of that is achieved through the various advances we’ve had in the industry.

What advice would you give someone just starting their career in market research?

For those starting their Market Research journey, here is some advice for navigating the field.

  1. Start building on your skills.
    1. Develop your eye for details. Attention to detail and precision are crucial skills to be a market researcher.
    2. Learn how to analyse data and develop strong analytical skills. Know which charts are best to use for your data type.
    3. Improve your written and oral communication. It’s imperative for you to develop your communication skills so that you can express study findings confidently and accurately.
  2. Keep an open and curious mind.
    1. Always ask questions and be proactive in learning about the industry. Don’t limit your understanding by being afraid of asking questions. 
    2. Cultivate a curious mind and be someone who’s always searching for new ideas.
  3. Develop expertise, but don’t put yourself in a box.
    1. Fully grasp the intricacies of a methodology, be it qualitative or quantitative, but don’t be defined by it. Don’t be afraid to branch out of your expertise so that you can become a holistic researcher.
    2. Volunteer for challenging tasks, as it will only be to your advantage when it’s time to venture out to greater things.

Success comes from a combination of different factors, so one should be adaptable and constantly seeking opportunities for improvement.


What are your professional aspirations or goals in the market research field?

There’s still a lot I haven’t experienced in Market Research, but in the next 5-8 years, I’d like to head the Insights department of some company. I don’t know what industry yet, but that’s the direction I want to head toward. 

I would also like to work outside the confines of the Philippines. Be it a secondment or in a different capacity.

How would you describe the culture at Kadence International, and how does it align with your personal values?

Of the research agencies I have been a part of, Kadence is the chill and relaxed one. The culture is very open, and the people are friendly and helpful. Plus, we’re still on a hybrid work schedule, which adds brownie points to Kadence. 

I’m very laid back, so the company culture suits me quite nicely. I’m able to express my thoughts without fear of retaliation or not being taken seriously. There is a good fit with how I want to work and the Kadence ethos.

In what ways do you believe Kadence International’s approach to market research makes a difference for clients and the broader community?

Our approach fosters a sense of kinship with our clients where they feel the trust that we will do right by them. We’ve had successful relationships with clients because we care about their needs. We meet them halfway when it comes to costs and suggest the proper methodologies to answer their business issues.

We don’t shy away from telling them what will work and what won’t; we’re upfront and honest with them about our strengths and limitations. Clients appreciate always appreciate honesty.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, especially in a demanding field like market research?

I am not shy about taking a break now and then. Having a long weekend where I laze around and catch up on my reading is essential to maintain my sanity.

I do not mind working long, especially if we’re on fieldwork, but there should always be time for play. I carve out time after stressful projects so I’m refreshed and ready to face different challenges. 

Outside of work, what are some hobbies or activities you enjoy?

I may not look it, but I like to walk to clear my mind, and it’s my sole form of physical activity. I’m an avid reader of mangas and manhwas and some web novels. I’m trying to rekindle my book-reading habit, which will be another escape source. 

I also watch a lot of reality TV and other shows that are light and where I don’t have to spend much thinking power to follow the story. Lastly, I listen to pop and OPM music to soothe my mind.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I’ll leave you with a quote that stayed with me when I considered applying to graduate school. I don’t know its provenance, but it is attributed to Jennifer Ritchie Payette. 

“Your career is like a garden. It can hold an assortment of life’s energy that yields a bounty for you. You do not need to grow just one thing in your garden. You do not need to do just one thing in your career.”

There is a new kid on the financial block. Neobanks are brand new players challenging traditional banking models that have dominated for decades. Defined as digital-only, mobile-first financial institutions, neobanks are disrupting the banking scene with their innovative approaches to financial services

Understanding Neobanks

Neobanks, challenger banks, or digital banks are financial institutions that operate exclusively online without physical branches. Unlike traditional banks, which rely heavily on brick-and-mortar locations, neobanks leverage technology to offer various financial services, including savings accounts, checking accounts, loans, and investments, all accessible through mobile apps or web platforms.

One of the defining characteristics of neobanks is their focus on providing a seamless and user-friendly banking experience. By eliminating the need for physical branches, neobanks can reduce overhead costs and pass savings to their customers through lower fees and higher interest rates.

Neobanks represent a major shift in banking, offering fully digital services without physical branches. By leveraging technology, neobanks streamline processes, reduce operational costs, and provide a seamless user experience through mobile apps or web platforms. These digital-only banks cater to a tech-savvy audience seeking convenience, accessibility, and transparency in their banking relationships.

Understanding the Neobank Movement: Who’s Who?

The world of digital banking is booming, thanks to neobanks. These online-only banks are making waves by offering services that traditional banks don’t, all without the hassle of physical branches.

Who Are the Big Players?

Revolut (Since 2015): A big name in Europe, Revolut offers everything from currency exchange and crypto trading to stock trading, catering to a wide financial spectrum.

Chime (Since 2013): Popular in the U.S., Chime stands out for ditching fees and giving users early access to their paychecks.

N26 (Based in Germany): With a footprint in Europe and the U.S., N26 delivers a range of user-friendly banking products for today’s consumer.

WeBank is a private Chinese neobank, founded by Tencent, Baiyeyuan, Liye Group, and other companies. Tencent is the largest shareholder, with an estimated 30% ownership share.

Tonik is the first digital-only Neobank in the Philippines, providing loan, deposit, and payment products to consumers on a highly secure digital banking platform.

Each of these neobanks has its special flavour, targeting different customers with unique offers.

The Disruptive Force of Neobanks

Neobanks are transforming banking as we know it, and here’s how they’re doing it:

Easy Entry, Big Impact

Neobanks are tearing down traditional banking barriers, making it simpler for new and innovative players to enter the market. This shift has sparked a wave of competition and fresh ideas, changing the banking landscape for the better.

Putting Customers First

Gone are the days when banks would put profits before people. Neobanks are all about giving their customers what they want: personalised service, easy-to-use platforms, and support anytime, anywhere. This approach is winning hearts and changing minds about what banking should be.

Tech to the Rescue

With the latest in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and secure biometric checks, neobanks offer a banking experience that’s smooth and safe. Imagine opening an account in moments or getting smart money tips from an AI chatbot. Or logging in with just a smile or a fingerprint, saying goodbye to forgotten passwords. Neobanks use these tech tools to make banking more efficient and user-friendly.

Why It Matters

While traditional banks are often slow to change, weighed down by old systems, neobanks are nimble and quick to embrace new tech and trends. This agility lets them roll out cool new features and keep improving the banking experience, setting new standards for customer happiness and leading the way in innovation.


Navigating the Neobank Wave: A Roadmap for Traditional Banks

The rise of neobanks is shaking up the banking sector, bringing both headaches and opportunities for the old guard:

Keeping Up with Customers

Traditional banks can’t afford to lag as customers flock to digital banking. Adapting to this digital-first mindset means not just following trends but anticipating what customers want next.

The Neobank Challenge

Traditional banks are in a tough spot, with neobanks offering better deals and slick experiences. But it’s also a chance to step up their game, rethink pricing, and polish up the customer journey.

Joining Forces

There’s a silver lining, though: partnerships. By teaming up with fintech startups and tech giants, traditional banks can bring in cool tech like mobile payments, automated financial advice, and even blockchain innovations without starting from scratch. It’s a way to stay in the race, combining the agility and fresh ideas of fintechs with the trust, regulatory know-how, and scale of established banks.

Tech Upgrades

Collaborations can also speed up digital transformation, helping banks beef up their tech and offer smoother, more intuitive services across all channels. It’s about making banking as easy and pleasant as scrolling through your favorite app.

The Regulatory Maze

Traditional banks carry a heavier regulatory load, which can slow innovation. But this challenge is also a strength—deep experience with compliance can be a selling point in a world wary of digital mishaps. The trick is balancing innovation with the need to stay on the right side of the rules.

Traditional banks have a path to not just survive but thrive. It’s about embracing change, finding the right partners, and always keeping the customer at the heart of every decision.

How Neobanks Are Changing Banking Forever

Neobanks are making waves in the banking world, transforming how we think about managing money:

Raising Expectations

Neobanks are setting new standards for what banking should feel like. They’re pushing traditional banks to step up, offering fast, personalised, and available 24/7 services. This shift is making all banks rethink how they interact with customers, leading to big investments in digital services to keep up with the demand for a sleek, hassle-free banking experience.

Banking Evolves

In response to the neobank challenge, old-school banks are getting a digital makeover. They’re not just about branches and paperwork anymore; they’re moving online and to mobile apps, making everything from opening an account to customer service smoother and more engaging. It’s all about meeting customers where they are, with services tailored just for them.

A Global Shake-Up

The neobank revolution isn’t just a local affair—it’s happening worldwide. In places like the US and Europe, neobanks are giving the traditional giants a run for their money with their innovative approaches. Meanwhile, in parts of Asia and Africa, they’re opening up banking to people who’ve never had access, changing lives and economies.

Banking Without Borders

Neobanks are leading the charge in bringing banking to the unbanked. They use digital technology to reach people in remote areas or those left out of the traditional banking system. This means offering basic banking services through mobile apps, making it easier for everyone to save, send, and spend money without needing a brick-and-mortar bank.

For instance, in places like Indonesia and the Philippines, where many people don’t use traditional banks, neobanks are a game-changer. They’re using mobile tech to provide essential services like savings accounts and remittances. And in India, they’re even helping people without a credit history get loans by using alternative data for credit assessments.

The Big Picture

Neobanks are not just new players in the banking field; they’re pioneers in making financial services more inclusive and accessible. By harnessing the power of technology and innovative thinking, they’re breaking down the barriers that have kept people from fully participating in the financial system. This is a major step forward in making sure everyone, no matter where they live or what their background is, has the opportunity to manage their money effectively and pursue financial stability.

Winning Strategies for Banks in the Digital Age

In the new era of neobanks, traditional banks need a game plan that focuses on tech-savvy solutions, outstanding customer service, and a willingness to evolve:

Go Digital or Go Home

It’s time for traditional banks to embrace the digital revolution fully. This means more than just a website overhaul; it involves modernising from the inside out. Key steps are upgrading old systems, moving to the cloud, and using data analytics to understand what customers really want. It’s about making banking as easy as checking your phone.

Innovate and Adapt

Staying relevant means staying agile. Banks should cultivate a culture where new ideas flourish, teams work together seamlessly, and innovation leads the way. It’s about being quick to try new things and adapt to what customers are looking for, whether new products or better ways to bank.

Make Customer Experience King

Customers expect banking to be easy, personalised, and available anytime. Investing in sleek design, smart recommendations, and smooth digital experiences across all devices is crucial. Banks that stand out will make their customers feel valued and understood.

Forge the Right Partnerships

Teaming up with the right partners can supercharge a bank’s digital journey. This could mean working with fintech startups for their cutting-edge tech and fresh perspectives or tech giants for their powerful platforms and tools. These collaborations can help banks expand their services, improve security, and offer something truly unique to their customers.

For instance, partnering with a fintech brand could bring new AI-driven insights into customer spending habits or blockchain solutions for safer transactions. Teaming up with big tech companies like Amazon or Microsoft could revamp a bank’s infrastructure, making it more flexible and scalable.

Don’t overlook potential alliances outside the traditional banking sphere, either. Joining forces with e-commerce sites, telecom companies, or retail chains could open up new avenues for reaching customers and offering combined services that meet a wider range of needs.

The key to thriving in the digital banking era is a blend of embracing technology, focusing on customer needs, and being open to collaboration. By doing so, traditional banks can navigate the challenges posed by neobanks and carve out a successful path forward.

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

Banking’s Next Chapter: Blending or Branching Out?

In the banking world, fueled by the rise of sleek, tech-driven neobanks, the big question is: What’s next? 

Here are a few ways the future could unfold:

Merging Paths

Imagine a future where the old meets the new. Traditional banks might start thinking and acting more like their digital-first rivals, blending the boundaries between the classic branch experience and the convenience of digital banking. This could see big, established banks using their vast resources and customer trust to stay in the game, combining their strengths with the agility and innovation of neobanks.

Choosing Different Lanes

Or, we might see the banking world split into distinct lanes. Traditional banks could double down on serving those who value face-to-face service and personalised advice, while neobanks keep focusing on digital-savvy folks who want their banking fast, flexible, and online. This scenario would reshape the banking landscape into specialised niches, each serving different customer needs and preferences.

Hybrid Horizons

Then there’s the middle road—a hybrid model that picks and mixes the best bits of both worlds. Traditional banks might team up with fintech startups or spin-off digital-only branches to capture the hearts (and wallets) of those who crave innovative banking solutions but still appreciate the security and familiarity of established banks.

Imagine a traditional bank launching a digital platform that feels as nimble and user-friendly as any neobank app, offering instant account setup, smart money tips, and tools that make saving a breeze—all while keeping the personal touch and expertise that customers have come to trust.

By collaborating with fintech wizards, traditional banks could supercharge their tech game, bringing in smart algorithms, blockchain security, and more to make banking safer, more insightful and tailored to individual needs.

The Big Picture

Whether it’s blending together, branching out into distinct segments, or building bridges between the old and the new, the future of banking is anything but boring. Hybrid models, in particular, offer a promising path forward, letting traditional banks reinvent themselves for the digital age without losing their identity. As the landscape evolves, the winners will be those who listen to their customers and are brave enough to adapt, innovate, and maybe even disrupt themselves.

Gen Z and Alphas, born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, are wielding unprecedented influence over market trends, challenging legacy beauty brands to rethink their strategies and embrace a new era of authenticity and purpose.

Latest findings spotlight Gen Z as a powerhouse in the US economy, pouring a whopping $143 billion into the market. What sets this generation apart? Their strong preference for brands that resonate with their core values. A striking 62% of Gen Zers are willing to open their wallets wider for products from brands dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and society. This generation isn’t just shopping; they’re voting for change with every purchase.

Legacy beauty brands are riding the wave of change, shifting gears from old-school marketing to crafting stories with purpose that click with the younger crowd. It’s all about what makes Gen Z tick: a deep sense of purpose and championing causes that matter to them. This isn’t just a change in strategy; it’s a whole new marketing playbook designed to capture the hearts of Gen Z and Alpha consumers, who crave fresh, innovative approaches. These brands are not just selling beauty anymore; they’re selling a vision that resonates with the values and aspirations of a new generation.

E.l.f. Cosmetics is leading the pack with Gen Z, winning them over with high-quality, wallet-friendly products and catchy marketing. Their rise to the top shows how being genuine and engaging with customers at the right moment pays off, especially when teaming up with popular TikTok stars and launching creative online series.

Maybelline is also hitting the mark with younger audiences by making social media its battlefield, especially on TikTok, where its Sky High mascara line has become a sensation thanks to clever promotions and a mix of different online activities.

Clinique is also getting in on the action, focusing on both online and in-person experiences to draw in Gen Z. Their “Protect Your Glow” campaign, and the virtual Clinique Lab are perfect examples of mixing tech and real-world connections to keep up with what younger customers want.

Source: Clinique

The lesson from these brands? Being authentic and truly connecting with Gen Z and Alphas is key. As beauty brands navigate the shifting sands of the industry, staying genuine and engaging meaningfully with the younger crowd is essential for success.

Understanding the Preferences of Gen Z and Alphas

Characteristics and Values of Gen Z and Alphas:

Digital Natives:

Gen Z and Alphas are born into a digital world where technology is seamlessly integrated into every aspect of their lives. They are adept at navigating online platforms and consume a significant portion of their content through digital channels such as social media, streaming services, and e-commerce platforms.


Authenticity reigns supreme for Gen Z and Alphas. They value genuine connections and transparency from brands, seeking authenticity in the products they purchase and the companies they support. This generation is quick to discern between sincere efforts and mere marketing ploys, gravitating toward brands that demonstrate sincerity and integrity in their actions.

For instance, Fenty Beauty, celebrated for its inclusive shade range and bold marketing campaigns, has resonated with consumers seeking diversity and representation in the beauty industry. Similarly, R.e.m. Beauty’s recent funding success highlights the allure of celebrity endorsements and the potential for these brands to captivate younger audiences.


Socially Conscious:

Gen Z and Alphas are socially conscious consumers prioritising ethical and sustainable practices. They are deeply concerned about climate change, social justice, and diversity and expect the brands they engage with to share and uphold their values. 

Rare Beauty, founded by Selena Gomez, has emerged as a trailblazer in capturing the attention of Gen Z and Alphas. Rare Beauty’s emphasis on inclusivity and mental health advocacy resonates deeply with younger consumers, reflecting their desire for brands that champion authenticity and social responsibility. 

Individuality and Self-Expression:

Individuality and self-expression are core values for Gen Z and Alphas. They celebrate diversity and seek products and brands that empower them to express their unique identities. This generation is drawn to brands that embrace inclusivity and champion diversity, allowing them to see themselves represented in advertising and marketing campaigns.

Glossier, known for its minimalist aesthetic and community-driven approach, has cultivated a loyal following among Gen Z and Alphas through its relatable marketing and product offerings tailored to their preferences. These brands’ success underscores the importance of understanding and engaging with the values and aspirations of younger consumers.


Gen Z and Alphas are drawn to brands with a clear purpose and mission. They are more likely to support companies that stand for something meaningful and actively contribute to societal or environmental causes. 

To learn more about how Gen Z’s are similar and different across ten countries, download our full report here.

The growing demand for sustainability in the Beauty Industry and how brands can tap into it. 

Understanding Gen Z and Alphas’ key characteristics and values is paramount for legacy beauty brands seeking to engage and resonate with this influential demographic. By aligning their strategies and messaging with these preferences, brands can position themselves as authentic, socially responsible, and purpose-driven, thereby forging meaningful connections with younger consumers and securing their loyalty in the long term.

Consumer Awareness:

There has been a significant rise in consumer awareness regarding environmental and social issues, prompting a shift toward sustainability in the beauty industry. Consumers, especially Gen Z and Alphas, are increasingly mindful of the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions and seek out products and brands that align with their values.

Market Demand:

The demand for sustainable beauty products is rising, with consumers seeking brands prioritising eco-friendly ingredients, packaging, and manufacturing processes. 

Regulatory Pressures:

Regulatory pressures and government initiatives to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact drive change within the beauty industry. Legislation such as bans on single-use plastics and microplastics and regulations governing ingredient transparency and animal testing are pushing brands to adopt more sustainable practices.

Brand Differentiation:

Sustainability has become a key differentiator for beauty brands, offering a competitive edge in an increasingly crowded market. Brands that prioritise sustainability appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and position themselves as ethical and socially responsible, fostering stronger brand loyalty and trust among consumers.

Beauty brands recognise the importance of corporate responsibility, take proactive steps to reduce their environmental footprint, and promote ethical practices throughout their supply chains. Initiatives such as sourcing ethically sourced ingredients, reducing waste, and investing in renewable energy are becoming standard practices for forward-thinking beauty companies.

In light of these trends, sustainability has emerged as a critical consideration for legacy beauty brands seeking to remain relevant and competitive in today’s market. 


How Brands Can Communicate Their Commitment to Ethical Sourcing and Environmental Responsibility:

Transparency and Traceability:

Brands can communicate their commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility by providing transparent information about their supply chain practices. This includes detailing where ingredients are sourced, how they are harvested or produced, and the steps taken to ensure fair labour practices and environmental sustainability throughout the supply chain. By offering traceability and transparency, brands can build trust with consumers who value ethical sourcing.

Certifications and Labels:

Brands can demonstrate their commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility by obtaining certifications and labels that verify their sustainability credentials. Certifications such as Fair Trade, Cruelty-Free, Organic, and Vegan assure consumers that products meet specific standards for ethical and sustainable production. Incorporating these certifications into product packaging and marketing materials can signal to consumers that the brand prioritises ethical and environmentally friendly practices.

For information about sustainability and eco-labels in ten countries, including the US, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, download our report: “The Green Brand — – A Comprehensive Report for Sustainable Trends Reshaping Brands.”

Storytelling and Brand Narratives:

Brands can use storytelling and brand narratives to communicate their commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility in a compelling and relatable way. By sharing stories about the people behind the products, the communities they support, and the environmental initiatives they champion, brands can humanise their sustainability efforts and create emotional connections with consumers. Authentic storytelling that highlights the brand’s values and mission can resonate with consumers on a deeper level, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

The Body Shop has long been a pioneer in ethical and sustainable beauty. Since its inception, the brand has been committed to cruelty-free products and sustainable sourcing. The Body Shop’s brand narrative emphasises its dedication to environmental activism, fair trade practices, and community empowerment. Through initiatives such as the Community Trade program, which sources ingredients from marginalised communities worldwide, and campaigns advocating for biodiversity protection and against animal testing, The Body Shop seamlessly integrates sustainability into its brand narrative.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:

Brands can showcase their commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility through corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. This includes philanthropic efforts, community engagement programs, and sustainability projects that align with the brand’s values and contribute to positive social and environmental impact. By actively participating in CSR initiatives and communicating these efforts to consumers, brands can demonstrate their dedication to making a difference beyond profit-driven motives.

L’Oréal Paris has incorporated environmental and social responsibility into its brand narrative. The brand’s “Sharing Beauty with All” sustainability program outlines ambitious goals to reduce its environmental footprint, improve the sustainability of its products, and empower communities. L’Oréal Paris communicates its commitment to sustainability through transparent reporting, partnerships with sustainability organisations, and initiatives such as the L’Oréal Foundation’s “For Women in Science” program, which supports women in STEM fields.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

Brands can collaborate with like-minded organisations, NGOs, and industry partners to amplify their commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility. Collaborative projects and partnerships can leverage collective expertise and resources to drive positive change across the industry. By aligning with reputable organisations and engaging in collaborative initiatives, brands can strengthen their credibility and impact on sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Digital Adaptation Strategies to Reach and Engage with Gen Z

Legacy beauty brands are swiftly adapting their digital strategies to effectively engage with Gen Z, leveraging various platforms and technologies to meet this generation where they are most active.

Social Media Engagement

TikTok Dominance: Gen Z’s affinity for TikTok has propelled it to the forefront of digital marketing strategies for beauty brands. By creating engaging and authentic content that resonates with TikTok’s user base, brands can cultivate a loyal following and drive product awareness. For example, brands like Fenty Beauty and Maybelline have capitalised on TikTok trends and challenges to showcase their products in creative and relatable ways, resulting in viral campaigns and increased brand visibility.

Instagram Relevance: Instagram remains a powerhouse platform for beauty brands to showcase their products and connect with Gen Z consumers. Using features like Stories and Reels, brands can deliver visually compelling content and immersive experiences that captivate younger audiences. By collaborating with influencers and micro-influencers with a strong presence on Instagram, brands can amplify their reach and credibility within the Gen Z community.

E-Commerce Innovation

Direct-to-Consumer Channels: Legacy beauty brands increasingly invest in direct-to-consumer (DTC) channels to streamline the shopping experience for Gen Z consumers. By offering seamless online platforms and mobile apps, brands can provide personalised product recommendations, virtual try-on experiences, and easy checkout options, catering to the digital-first preferences of Gen Z shoppers.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: AR technology has become a game-changer for beauty brands looking to enhance the online shopping experience. By implementing AR try-on tools and virtual makeup simulations, brands can empower Gen Z consumers to experiment with different products and ‘looks’ before making a purchase decision. This interactive and immersive approach drives engagement and reduces the barrier to online shopping for beauty products.

Influencer Collaboration

Micro-Influencer Partnerships: Recognising the influence of micro-influencers within niche communities, legacy beauty brands are forging partnerships with these content creators to reach Gen Z audiences authentically. Micro-influencers often have a highly engaged and loyal following, making them valuable brand advocates for driving product awareness and user-generated content.

User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging user-generated content through branded hashtags and challenges is another effective strategy for engaging Gen Z consumers. By empowering users to share their experiences and beauty routines, brands can foster a sense of community and authenticity that resonates with younger audiences.

Is your beauty brand trending?

A quest for authenticity and value characterises Gen Z’s consumption and purchasing habits on platforms like TikTok. 

Trends such as the “no makeup makeup look,” boasting over 200 million views, showcase the generation’s preference for minimalist beauty routines and honest content. This trend emphasises the importance of authenticity in both appearance and approach, highlighting the value Gen Z places on transparency. 

The pursuit of dupes, with the hashtag #Dupes amassing 3.5 billion views, is another example of Gen Z’s desire for quality products at affordable prices. Brands can capitalise on these trends by offering value-driven propositions and authentic messaging, resonating with Gen Z’s priorities and preferences in content consumption and product purchases.

The beauty industry’s future hinges on brands’ ability to embrace change, authenticity, and purpose-driven storytelling. Those prioritising sustainability, authenticity, and inclusivity are poised to thrive as they connect with the values and aspirations of Gen Z and Alphas. Ultimately, beauty brands adapting to evolving consumer preferences and embracing purpose-driven messaging will secure long-term success.

Southeast Asia has emerged as a global frontrunner in fintech adoption, setting the stage for a transformative shift in the region’s financial services. 

The trend can be attributed to various factors, including a sizable, tech-savvy population, burgeoning e-commerce and digital payments ecosystems, widespread mobile internet connectivity, and proactive government support. These elements have propelled Southeast Asia into one of the fastest-growing fintech markets globally, heralding a new era of innovation and opportunity.

The potential of Southeast Asia’s fintech sector is underscored by the rise of fintech “unicorns,” which rank among the world’s most well-funded digital startups. 

Fintech Revolution: Southeast Asia’s Leap Toward Financial Empowerment and Innovation

The fintech scene in Southeast Asia is booming like never before, with investments pouring in at record levels. This region is now a hub for financial innovation, especially in digital payments and lending.

While tech firms worldwide face a funding drought, Southeast Asia’s fintech stars are shining bright, pulling in big bucks thanks to their unique approach to finance. A whopping 70% of the region’s population doesn’t use traditional banks much, if at all. This includes a vast number of informal workers. Traditional banks haven’t really met their needs, but fintech is changing the game by offering services designed just for them.

Think mobile money and community-based savings schemes—these have been lifelines for the unbanked. Now, fintech is taking these ideas digital, and opening up new avenues for financial services that were previously out of reach.

The digital payment revolution, led by e-wallets, makes cashless transactions the norm here. With almost everyone using smartphones, e-wallets are the go-to for shopping and paying bills. Local fintech companies, knowing the ins and outs of their markets, are leading the charge, leaving global giants playing catch-up.

E-commerce is also getting in on the fintech action. Giants like Shopee and Lazada are not just places to shop; they’re also becoming fintech platforms, offering digital wallets and loans. This blend of shopping and fintech is creating exciting new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Looking forward, the aim is to go beyond borders. With plans to make payments seamless across countries and to bring more small businesses into the fold with digital loans, the future is bright. Sure, there are hurdles like making the numbers work and navigating regulations, but the fintech wave in Southeast Asia is just getting started. It’s all about using tech to bring financial services to everyone, change lives, and empower the region like never before.

Key Trends Shaping the Southeast Asian Fintech Ecosystem

SuperApp Domination in E-Commerce

Digital ecosystems, epitomised by integrated mega apps such as Grab, Gojek, and Lazada, are becoming ubiquitous in Southeast Asia. These super apps offer a one-stop solution for many services, including payments, transportation, and shopping. Fintech integration within these platforms facilitates seamless payment processing and the rollout of digital wallets, expanding financial inclusion and driving the growth of the digital economy.

Cashless Transactions Surge

Governments across Southeast Asia are spearheading initiatives to modernise payment infrastructure and promote digital payment adoption. Nearly 90% of consumers in the region actively engage in digital banking, signalling a significant shift towards cashless transactions. The burgeoning e-commerce market is projected to exceed 3 billion users by 2025, further driving the digital payments revolution.

Favourable Government Policies

Southeast Asian governments have traditionally adopted a supportive regulatory stance toward fintech, fostering a conducive environment for industry growth. However, the exponential expansion of the fintech sector has prompted calls for increased regulatory oversight to ensure market stability and consumer protection. Regulatory sandboxes have been instrumental in fostering innovation, but regulators are now faced with balancing promoting innovation and safeguarding against potential risks.

The Green Brand Sustainability Study

Fintech Goes Green

With the escalating demand for sustainable finance and responsible investing, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are gaining prominence in Southeast Asia. Governments champion sustainability initiatives, while financial regulators implement frameworks to support green finance. 

Tech-Driven Fintech Transformation

The region’s fintech landscape is being reshaped by IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality technologies. These innovations are driving the proliferation of smart devices, enhancing data analytics capabilities, and revolutionising user interfaces. As digital connectivity improves, these technologies are poised to fuel further innovation and redefine the fintech paradigm in Southeast Asia.

A recent analysis by Robocash Group titled the ‘State of SEA Fintech 2022 Report’ unveils a remarkable surge in the number of fintech enterprises operating in payments, alternative lending, e-wallets, and digital banking sectors across Southeast Asia, witnessing a staggering growth of 3588% since 2000.

Conducted to comprehend the evolution of fintech in emerging Southeast Asian nations, the study delved into countries such as India, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Following India, Indonesia ranks second with 165 fintech entities (13.2%), trailed by Singapore with 162 (12.9%), the Philippines with 125 (10%), Malaysia with 84 (6.7%), Vietnam with 78 (6.2%), Pakistan with 51 (4.1%), Sri Lanka with 27 (2.2%), and Bangladesh with 21 (1.7%).

The Southeast Asian Fintech Revolution: Unleashing Innovation and Inclusion

Fintech in Southeast Asia is transforming how people bank, shop, and do business, thanks to a perfect storm of tech-savvy consumers, e-commerce booms, and smartphones everywhere. Before we even heard of COVID-19, fintech was on the rise in the region. But the pandemic? That was the spark that lit the fire, bringing 60 million new users into the digital finance fold.

The ASEAN region is now a hotbed of fintech creativity, touching everything from online payments to insurtech. With the world watching, it’s knitting closer ties with places like Australia to push the boundaries of what fintech can do.

For those who’ve felt left out by traditional banks, fintech’s rise is a beacon of hope. Imagine getting loans or sending money without setting foot in a bank. That’s the promise of decentralised finance, with cryptocurrencies lighting the way for those on the fringes of the financial system.

This could be fintech’s golden era in Southeast Asia, where the landscape is as diverse as its countries. From Singapore’s digital banking breakthroughs to Indonesia’s booming digital payments scene, there’s innovation at every turn. Take Xendit, Indonesia’s own fintech unicorn, making waves with its payment solutions for the digital age.

The real game-changer? Fintech’s power to bring financial services to everyone, everywhere. It’s more than just tech—it’s about levelling the playing field, opening doors for small businesses, and empowering communities with tools for digital literacy.

What’s next is as exciting as it is crucial: diving deeper into how fintech can reshape economies, from rural villages to bustling cities. It’s about collaboration—across borders, sectors, and societies—to ensure this fintech wave lifts all boats, making financial inclusion not just a goal but a reality.

As we stand on the brink of a fintech revolution, it’s clear that Southeast Asia isn’t just participating; it’s leading the charge toward a future where financial empowerment and innovation go hand in hand. The journey is just beginning, and the possibilities are endless.