Developing comms to deliver behavioural change for Vital Strategies

A hybrid qualitative approach helped Vital Strategies understand the relative effectiveness of its communication material in the real world among target audiences.

Vital Strategies

The challenge

Vital Strategies is one of the biggest NGOs with its head office in the US. It has a focus on the anti-tobacco sector but with ever evolving consumer perceptions towards smoking, and with the changing laws regarding smoking in India, it’s important to check the comprehension, understanding and potential effectiveness of communications and collateral and to assess the potential for ads to have the desired impact on attitudinal and behavioural intentions.

What we did

We conducted 28 focus groups among tobacco and non-tobacco users using a hybrid methodology to understand the effectiveness of communication material and to explore any negative connotations or responses amongst the target audience.

The impact of the research

As a result of this study, Vital Strategies has been able to better understand the comprehension, understanding and potential effectiveness of its communications material. Through the research, Vital Strategies could check relevance, memorability and the potential for ads to change attitudes and behaviours. This has helped Vital Strategies to refine the communication materials, using these in mass media to drive the desired changes.

Kadence team is more like a partner to us. We have run a number of projects together and … the pro-activeness, out of the box thinking and delivering in spite of tight deadlines are some of the key reasons we always reach out to them.

Vital Strategies
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