Demonstrating the value of advertising on the Bloomberg platform

Neuroscience helped Bloomberg show that its advertising platform is a cut above the rest and delivers better outcomes for advertisers.

Bloomberg Neuroscience

The challenge

With over 2,700 journalists and analysts across 120 countries, Bloomberg is one of the world’s largest news organisations, providing global business leaders with the information and analysis required to win in today’s complex marketplace. As a media owner, Bloomberg doesn’t just generate its own news stories, it executes and runs media campaigns for clients too. We wanted to understand the impact of advertising through Bloomberg to demonstrate its role as a leading advertising platform.

What we did

Bloomberg is a subscription-based premium publisher that provides high quality business journalism. Our hypothesis was that that this status would rub off on the brands that advertise on the platform, specifically, on the key brand metrics for Bloomberg advertisers. To explore this, we ran a comprehensive neuro study with international news consumers in Hong Kong and Singapore, measuring in-the-moment neuro-responses to adverts embedded across range of platforms – including Bloomberg and different social media sites. This was followed by a survey focussed on the brands they had just been exposed to capture immediate brand recall and the overall impact of the platform on call-to-action metrics.

The impact of the research

Our study busted the myth that all impressions leave the same impression. We were able to establish that when the exact same advert is shown on Bloomberg versus social media sites – there is a significant increase in the memory coding and call to action metrics. This means that viewers will remember the advert and the message much longer if they see it on a Bloomberg site. These findings have been invaluable for Bloomberg, enabling it to demonstrate the value of the media campaigns it runs on its site and positioning it as the advertising platform of choice.

We have been engaged with Kadence since 2016. Since our first partnership, Kadence has been instrumental in supporting our business efforts and have continuously proven their value in research, insights and analysis that have helped us to gain many wins. Kadence consistently pushes the boundaries and offer inspirations that provide deep business insights and drive business strategies.

Head of Research
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