
How Chinese Automakers are Taking the Thai Automotive Market by Storm.

Image of the post author Kajornkiat Kiatsunthorn

Thailand, often called the “Detroit of Asia,” boasts a significant presence of automakers and is actively enticing car manufacturers with incentives for producing electric vehicles and for consumers.

A recent study found that 72% of Thai consumers generally have favourable perceptions of Chinese cars, particularly for their affordability, technological features, and sleek and modern designs, appealing to price-conscious Thai consumers looking for budget-friendly options without compromising functionality, smart features and style. This study by Vero and WeBridge highlights the growing positive sentiment toward Chinese vehicles in Thailand.

The impact of Chinese car manufacturers on the Thai automotive industry is becoming increasingly significant. Chinese EVs have successfully leveraged key factors such as affordability, advanced technology, and appealing design to capture a substantial portion of the Thai market. The positive consumer sentiment presents a unique opportunity for Chinese electric vehicle brands to elevate their stature in Thailand, positioning themselves as major players in the country’s automotive future.

A prime example of this trend was evident at the 40th Thailand International Motor Expo. Chinese EVs emerged as front-runner sales among the 30 exhibited car brands. BYD, for instance, secured the second spot with 2,627 orders, just behind Toyota’s 3,031 orders. Notably, six of the top ten best-selling brands at the expo were Chinese EV manufacturers. This unprecedented shift highlights the rising influence of Chinese EVs, reshaping Thailand’s automotive industry and expanding the new energy vehicle market. It’s an unexpected turn for Thailand’s automotive sector, dominated by Japanese fuel-powered cars..

Image credit: BYD Showcasing Five Models at the 40th Thailand International Motor Expo 2023

Data from Auto Life, a leading Thai automotive media outlet, shows that the sales volume of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in Thailand surged by 497% to reach 58,074 units in the first ten months of 2023, with Chinese brands commanding over 80% of the new market. 

Overview of the Thai automobile market: What do Thai Consumers Want?

Top 5 Brands with the Highest EV Registrations in 2023

Electric Vehicle Market Analysis in Thailand

The Rise of Chinese Auto Brands in the Thai Market

Chinese car brands have strategically entered the Thai market, leveraging their strengths to build a strong presence.

Market Entry

Chinese automotive manufacturers have methodically approached the Thai market, focusing on robust marketing efforts and establishing local operations to ensure a strong foothold.

Great Wall Motors (GWM) and MG (Morris Garages) have led the charge among Chinese brands entering Thailand.

Great Wall Motors has invested significantly in local manufacturing and sales infrastructure, focusing on extensive marketing campaigns to build brand recognition and consumer trust.  MG has positioned itself as a prominent player in the market. They have introduced models that cater to the growing demand for SUVs and electric vehicles, which are gaining popularity in Thailand.

China’s EV makers have doubled their market share in Thailand.

Brand Perception

The perception of Chinese car brands in Thailand has evolved significantly, driven by several key factors.

  • Competitive Pricing:

Chinese cars are often priced 10-20% lower than equivalent models from Japanese and Western manufacturers. This price advantage has been crucial in attracting price-sensitive Thai consumers who seek value for money without compromising on quality and features.

  • Advanced Technology:

Chinese car manufacturers have incorporated cutting-edge technology into their vehicles, appealing to the tech-savvy Thai market. Many Chinese models have standard features such as AI-based safety systems, ADAS, and state-of-the-art infotainment systems.

  • Design and Aesthetics:

The sleek and modern design of Chinese cars has resonated well with Thai consumers. Brands like BYD and GWM have introduced vehicles with stylish exteriors and well-appointed interiors, enhancing their appeal.

  • Consumer Trust and Quality Perception:

Initial scepticism about the quality and durability of Chinese cars has diminished as these brands have demonstrated reliability and performance in the market. Real-life examples and positive user reviews have been crucial in building consumer trust.

  • Local Adaptation:

Chinese brands have adapted their strategies to fit local tastes and preferences, such as offering models with features that cater to Thailand’s tropical climate and specific driving conditions.

Competitive Landscape

The Thai automotive market, historically dominated by Japanese and Western brands, is transforming due to the rise of Chinese car manufacturers.

  • Increased Competition:

Established automotive brands are now facing intense competition from Chinese entrants. This new wave of competition has forced traditional players to rethink their strategies and innovate to maintain their market positions.

Traditional brands have had to adjust their prices and offer more competitive financing options to counter the competitive pricing of Chinese cars. This price competition benefits consumers but squeezes margins for established manufacturers.

  • Portfolio Expansion:

Traditional players like Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi are expanding their portfolios to include more affordable and technologically equipped models. This shift directly responds to the advanced features and attractive pricing Chinese brands offer.

For instance, Japanese brands have started introducing models with more advanced infotainment systems, safety features, and hybrid options to appeal to tech-savvy Thai consumers who are increasingly drawn to the high-tech offerings of Chinese cars.

  • Market Innovation:

The presence of Chinese brands has spurred a wave of innovation across the industry. Established brands are investing more in research and development to keep up with the technological advancements and modern designs introduced by their Chinese counterparts.

This innovation drive includes developing new models incorporating electric and hybrid technologies and enhancing autonomous driving features and connectivity options.

Japanese brands in Thailand’s Auto Market 

In the near future, we see Thailand’s streets dominated not by the familiar logos of Toyota or Nissan but by the innovative electric vehicles from China. Chinese EV manufacturers are on an ambitious quest to outpace their Japanese counterparts in the Thai market. It’s not just about bringing more affordable options to the table. In many emerging markets, Chinese carmakers are setting the pace, becoming the go-to choice for eco-friendly transportation. Traditional automotive giants like Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. do not have electric line-ups with the array offered by Chinese firms. BYD, one of China’s leading EV makers, showcases the revolution with its incredibly priced EV hatchback that begins at a mere $10,000. This move democratises access to cleaner vehicles and signals a significant shift in the automotive power balance in markets like Thailand.

Tesla’s Presence in Thailand

Tesla has made significant strides in Thailand, launching its Model 3 and Model Y in 2022. However, the company faces stiff competition from Chinese automakers, who offer a wide range of affordable and technologically advanced EVs. Tesla’s focus has been on bringing its premium models to the Thai market, but it struggles to compete on price with Chinese rivals who have tailored their offerings to meet local demands and price sensitivity​​.

While Tesla has been successful in entering the Thai market, it has yet to establish local manufacturing facilities. In contrast, Chinese automakers like BYD and Great Wall Motors (GWM) have committed to local production. BYD plans to start EV production at its new plant in Thailand by the third quarter of 2024, with an annual capacity of around 150,000 units. GWM has been operating production lines in Thailand since 2021 and has formed strategic partnerships with local entities to strengthen its market position​.

The Thai government’s favourable policies, such as the EV 3.0 and EV 3.5 measures, are designed to promote the use and production of eco-friendly vehicles, providing substantial incentives for both manufacturers and consumers. This support has primarily benefited Chinese automakers, who have been quick to capitalise on these incentives and establish a strong market presence​.

Market Share and Sales Growth

  • Market Share Growth:

Chinese brands now account for approximately 10% of the Thai automotive market, a significant increase from just 2% five years ago. This rapid growth highlights Chinese cars’ successful penetration and acceptance among Thai consumers.

  • Sales Surge:

Sales of Chinese vehicles, particularly electric vehicles (EVs), have seen a dramatic surge. For example, MG’s ZS EV has become one of the top-selling electric cars in Thailand, showcasing the growing demand for affordable and technologically advanced EVs.

The success of models like the MG ZS EV highlights the shift in consumer preferences toward more sustainable and cost-effective transportation options. Government incentives for EVs and the increasing availability of charging infrastructure further support this trend.

Chinese automotive brands have distinguished themselves by integrating advanced technologies into their vehicles, enhancing safety and user experience.

  • Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems:

Vehicles like the GWM Haval H6 feature cutting-edge technology, including autonomous driving capabilities and advanced driver-assistance systems. These systems provide functions such as lane-keeping assistance, adaptive cruise control, and automated parking, which enhance driving safety and convenience.

  • Smart Features:

Integrating smart features, such as voice control and connected car services, is becoming standard in Chinese models. For example, many Chinese cars now have AI-powered voice assistants that allow drivers to control navigation, entertainment, and climate settings through voice commands.

  • Infotainment Systems:

Chinese brands are leading in the development of sophisticated infotainment systems. These systems often include large touchscreen displays, seamless smartphone integration, and real-time updates on traffic and navigation.

  • Battery Technology and Range:

Chinese manufacturers are advancing battery technology in the EV segment to offer longer ranges and faster charging times. The BYD Tang EV, for instance, boasts a range of over 500 kilometres on a single charge, coupled with rapid charging capabilities that significantly reduce downtime.

The technological advancements introduced by Chinese car manufacturers enhance the driving experience and reshape consumer expectations in the Thai market.

  • Raising the Bar:

These advancements raise the bar for consumer expectations, pushing other manufacturers to incorporate similar features. Thai consumers now expect advanced safety systems, smart connectivity, and modern infotainment options as standard offerings in new vehicles.

  • Demand for Continuous Innovation:

There is a growing anticipation for continuous updates and improvements, driven by the rapid innovation cycles of Chinese brands. This has led to a dynamic market where consumers look forward to frequent technological upgrades and new feature releases.

  • Competitive Pressure:

The technological prowess of Chinese vehicles is putting pressure on established brands to innovate and match the high standards set by Chinese manufacturers. This competitive pressure fosters a culture of innovation across the entire automotive industry in Thailand.

  • Enhanced Driving Experience:

Combining advanced technology and user-friendly features in Chinese cars enhances the overall driving experience. Consumers appreciate the added convenience, safety, and entertainment options, contributing to a more enjoyable and secure journey.

Thailand’s four favourite EV models are Chinese.

How Chinese brands are making significant inroads in the electric vehicle segment.

EV Market Trends

The Thai government’s ambitious goals and supportive policies are creating a fertile ground for the growth of electric vehicles (EVs).

  • Government Targets and Incentives:

Thailand aims to have EVs make up 30% of total vehicle production by 2030. This goal is supported by various government incentives, including tax breaks, EV purchase subsidies, and charging infrastructure investments.

These policies are designed to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels, lower carbon emissions, and position Thailand as a regional hub for EV production and innovation.

  • Infrastructure Development:

Significant investments are being made in charging infrastructure to support the growing number of EVs on the road. Expanding charging stations across urban and rural areas is crucial for encouraging EV adoption.

  • Chinese Brands’ Advantage:

Chinese brands like BYD and NIO are poised to benefit from these policies. Their ability to offer competitively priced and technologically advanced EVs aligns well with the Thai government’s objectives, and their expertise in battery technology and EV manufacturing allows them to introduce models catering to Thai consumers’ needs and preferences.

Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese Automakers in Thailand 

Opportunities for Chinese Brands

  • Expansion into Rural Areas:

There is a substantial demand for affordable and reliable vehicles in rural areas of Thailand. Chinese brands can capitalise on this by offering cost-effective models that meet the needs of rural consumers.

Rural expansion can be facilitated through targeted marketing campaigns and establishing a robust network of dealerships and service centres in these regions.

  • Collaboration with Local Businesses:

Partnering with local businesses can help Chinese brands enhance their distribution channels and after-sales service networks. Collaborations with Thai companies can also help navigate the local market dynamics and consumer preferences.

Local partnerships can include joint ventures with Thai automotive companies, collaborations with local suppliers for parts and services, and strategic alliances with logistics providers to improve distribution efficiency.

Challenges and Barriers

  • Regulatory Hurdles:

Navigating the regulatory landscape in Thailand can be complex. Chinese brands must ensure compliance with local automotive standards, which may differ significantly from those in their home market.

Regulatory hurdles can include emission standards, safety regulations, and requirements for local content in manufacturing. Adhering to these regulations is crucial for market entry and long-term success.

  • Building Long-Term Trust and Loyalty:

Although Chinese EV brands are gaining traction, building long-term trust and loyalty among Thai consumers remains challenging. Historically, Thai consumers have favoured Japanese brands known for their reliability and quality.

Chinese manufacturers must consistently deliver high-quality products and reliable after-sales services to overcome this. Building a strong brand reputation through positive consumer experiences and effective marketing campaigns is essential.

Investing in local customer service and support infrastructure and engaging in community and sustainability initiatives can also help build trust and brand loyalty.

How brands can leverage favourable sentiments to elevate Chinese EV brands’ stature in Thailand

Chinese EV brands are uniquely positioned to capitalise on the growing positive perceptions among Thai consumers and can employ several strategies to enhance their reputation and market position in Thailand.

  • Emphasise Affordability and Value:
    • Highlighting the cost-effectiveness of Chinese EVs can attract price-sensitive consumers. Marketing campaigns should focus on the value proposition, emphasising the lower upfront costs, fuel savings, and reduced maintenance expenses.
    • Offering flexible financing options and attractive leasing plans can further enhance the appeal of Chinese EVs to a broader audience.
  • Showcase Advanced Technology:
    • Promoting the technological advancements in Chinese EVs can capture the attention of tech-savvy consumers. Features such as long battery life, fast charging capabilities, AI-driven safety systems, and smart connectivity should be prominently featured in marketing materials.
    • Demonstrations and test drives that allow consumers to experience these technologies firsthand can effectively build interest and trust.
  • Focus on Environmental Benefits:
    • With growing environmental awareness, highlighting the eco-friendly aspects of EVs can resonate with Thai consumers. Marketing campaigns should emphasise the environmental benefits, such as zero emissions, reduced carbon footprint, and contribution to cleaner air.
    • Partnering with environmental organisations and participating in green initiatives can strengthen the brand’s image as a leader in sustainability.
  • Leverage Local Success Stories:
    • Showcasing real-life success stories of Thai consumers who have switched to Chinese EVs can build credibility and trust. Testimonials and case studies can highlight the positive experiences of current users, focusing on reliability, cost savings, and satisfaction with the vehicle’s performance.
    • Influencer partnerships with well-known Thai automotive reviewers and eco-conscious celebrities can amplify these success stories and reach a wider audience.
  • Enhance After-Sales Service and Support:
    • Providing exceptional after-sales service is crucial for building long-term trust and loyalty. Chinese EV brands should invest in comprehensive service networks to ensure easy maintenance, repairs, and spare parts access.
    • Offering extended warranties, roadside assistance, and customer support through multiple channels (e.g., phone, online chat, and social media) can enhance the overall ownership experience.
  • Community Engagement and Education:
    • Engaging with local communities through educational campaigns about the benefits of EVs can raise awareness and generate interest. Hosting workshops, seminars, and school programs about electric vehicles and sustainable transportation can position Chinese brands as thought leaders in the EV space.
    • Participating in local events, sponsoring eco-friendly initiatives, and collaborating with Thai universities and research institutions can further integrate Chinese brands into the community and build positive associations.

Case Study: How MG built a loyal customer base in Thailand

Image Credit: MG Cars


MG Motor Cars, previously engineered by SAIC in the UK, is now headquartered in China, where most of the design, development, and R&D takes place. MG has become a leading player in the Thai electric vehicle (EV) market. MG focused on delivering affordability, advanced technology, and robust after-sales support, leveraging favourable consumer sentiments. This strategy enabled MG to build a loyal customer base and capture significant market share in Thailand’s growing EV segment.


By effectively leveraging favourable consumer sentiments and focusing on key strategic areas, MG has captured a significant portion of the Thai EV market and set a benchmark for other Chinese EV brands aiming to expand their presence in Thailand.


  • MG’s ZS EV is competitively priced, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious Thai consumers. By offering a budget-friendly yet feature-rich vehicle, MG addressed the primary concern of affordability, which is a critical factor for Thai buyers. 

Advanced Technology:

The ZS EV is equipped with cutting-edge technology that appeals to tech-savvy consumers. Key features include:

  • A driving range of over 300 km on a single charge, addressing range anxiety and providing practicality for daily use.
  • Smart connectivity options allow drivers to integrate their smartphones seamlessly with the vehicle’s infotainment system.
  • AI-based safety systems, such as ADAS, enhance safety and driving experience.

After-Sales Support:

MG has invested heavily in building a robust after-sales service network to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. This network includes:

  • Comprehensive service centres across Thailand provide easy access to maintenance and repairs.
  • Availability of spare parts to minimise downtime for vehicle repairs.
  • Extended warranties and roadside assistance programs to enhance customer confidence in the brand.


MG’s strategic approach has yielded significant positive outcomes in the Thai EV market:

  • Market Share:

MG has secured a substantial share of the Thai EV market, becoming one of the country’s top-selling electric vehicle brands. As of 2023, MG’s sales in Thailand had increased by 20% year-on-year, a testament to its successful market penetration and consumer acceptance.

  • Customer Loyalty:

Focusing on affordability, advanced technology, and reliable after-sales support has helped MG build a loyal customer base. Positive word-of-mouth and high customer satisfaction have further strengthened the brand’s reputation.

  • Sales Growth:

The ZS EV has seen robust sales growth, reflecting the successful execution of MG’s strategy. The model’s popularity is evident from its high sales numbers and positive consumer feedback.

  • Brand Perception:

MG is now perceived as a reliable and innovative brand in the Thai automotive market. Its commitment to delivering value and quality has resonated well with Thai consumers, enhancing the overall brand image.

Predictions for the Future of Chinese Car Brands in Thailand

The future looks promising for Chinese car brands in Thailand, with several key trends and predictions shaping their trajectory:

  • Continued Market Penetration:

Chinese car brands are expected to continue their rapid market penetration, driven by their ability to offer affordable, technologically advanced, and well-designed vehicles. The positive consumer sentiment toward these brands will further facilitate their growth.

  • Expansion of EV Offerings:

As Thailand aims to increase the production and adoption of electric vehicles, Chinese brands will likely expand their EV offerings. With their strong expertise in battery technology and competitive pricing, Chinese manufacturers are well-positioned to lead the EV market in Thailand.

  • Enhanced Local Production:

Chinese car manufacturers are expected to increase local production to meet growing demand and benefit from government incentives. This move will reduce costs and ensure a more responsive supply chain tailored to local market needs.

  • Focus on Sustainability:

With increasing environmental awareness, Chinese brands will likely emphasise sustainability in their marketing and product development. This focus will align with global trends and local initiatives promoting green transportation solutions.

Potential Long-Term Impacts on the Thai Automotive Market and Industry Dynamics

The influence of Chinese car brands will have several long-term impacts on the Thai automotive market and industry dynamics:

  • Increased Competition and Innovation:

The entry and growth of Chinese car brands will heighten competition in the Thai automotive market. This competition will drive all players to innovate, leading to more advanced and feature-rich vehicles at competitive prices.

  • Shift in Market Leadership:

As Chinese brands continue to gain market share, there could be a shift in market leadership. Traditional brands may need to adapt strategies to maintain their positions, creating a more dynamic and competitive market landscape.

  • Development of Local Supply Chains:

The expansion of Chinese car brands and their increased local production will stimulate the development of local supply chains. This growth will create new business opportunities and contribute to Thailand’s overall industrial development.

  • Enhanced Consumer Expectations:

The technological advancements and affordability offered by Chinese cars will raise consumer expectations. All manufacturers must meet these higher standards, ultimately benefiting consumers with better products and services.

  • Growth of the EV Market:

Chinese brands’ focus on electric vehicles will accelerate the growth of the EV market in Thailand. This growth will support Thailand’s environmental goals and lead to a more sustainable transportation sector.

Chinese car brands are set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Thailand’s automotive industry. Their ability to offer innovative, affordable, and technologically advanced vehicles will continue to drive their success, leading to significant long-term impacts on market dynamics and industry practices. As these brands continue to grow and evolve, they will enhance their stature in Thailand and contribute to the overall advancement and sustainability of the automotive sector.