
Speak to Shop and the Surge of Voice Commerce.

Image of the post author Geetika Chhatwal

“Alexa, should we invest in voice technology?”

The chase for ease and convenience shapes how we shop today, transforming retail. The rise of voice commerce or voice shopping is at the centre of this change. We’re moving toward a world where buying things is as simple and quick as saying what we want out loud. Thanks to voice-activated gadgets, we’re getting a sneak peek at a future where shopping is effortless and fast and redefines what it means to be a consumer.

This transformation is powered by the rapid adoption of smart speakers, which have become the fastest-spreading technology since the smartphone, changing the way we interact with our devices. In 2022, 48% of consumers in the UK used voice search to make purchases, highlighting a 12% increase from the previous year. In the United States, 60% of e-commerce shoppers turn to their voice-activated assistants for daily or weekly purchases, demonstrating the convenience and growing trust in this technology.

Artificial intelligence is at the heart of this revolution, crafting new business models and accelerating our journey into a digitally transformed future where our interactions with technology are as natural as conversation. With the National Retail Federation noting an 83% increase in the value consumers place on convenience over the past five years, it’s clear that voice commerce is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in consumer behavior.

Voice commerce is gaining traction and setting new standards for how we engage with technology to make our lives easier. From placing orders online to searching for products and getting a news briefing, all it takes is a simple command – “Hey, Alexa” or “Okay, Siri” or “Hello, Google”– to bridge the gap between human intent and digital execution.

The Evolution of Voice Commerce

Voice shopping has come a long way, turning from a cool tech gadget into a daily convenience. 

Remember when talking to your phone was a bit out there? Then came devices like the Amazon Echo in 2014, and suddenly, shopping with a simple voice command became the new normal. Thanks to Natural Language Processing, our voice-activated assistants got really good at picking up what we need, making shopping hands-free a breeze.

Amazon, Google, and others didn’t stop there. 

They’ve been making their voice assistants smarter and more intuitive, transforming voice shopping into how many people shop. Take Amazon’s Echo Auto as an example – Alexa can now tag along in your car, turning voice commerce into a convenience that follows you everywhere.

This shift to voice shopping is more than a trend; it’s a bigger move toward seamlessly blending our digital and physical worlds. As these voice gadgets get woven into our daily lives, the line between online and offline shopping is fuzzier. We’re heading into a future where voice shopping is a key player in how we shop.

The State of Voice Commerce Today

Today, voice commerce represents a significant and expanding segment of the digital economy, with a market valuation of $40 billion in 2022. This figure reflects not just current consumer behavior, but also a strong indicator of the trajectory voice commerce is expected to take in the coming years. 

Amazon Echo and Google Assistant are at the forefront of the voice commerce movement, quickly becoming staples in our homes. They’ve established a new norm for voice shopping —it must be quick, easy, and reliable. 

Their popularity is undeniable, with nearly half of U.S. internet users owning a smart speaker, many of whom use it to shop. The skyrocketing search interest for products like “Echo Auto,” which brings Alexa into cars, shows a 131% jump over five years, highlighting the growing demand for voice shopping at home and on the go.

Voice commerce is booming, driven by tech innovations and increasing consumer interest. As technology evolves and people get more comfortable with voice interactions, the possibilities for effortless shopping experiences seem limitless.

Voice Commerce and Today’s Shopper

Voice commerce is booming, hitting a whopping $40 billion market value in 2022! Clearly, talking to our gadgets to shop isn’t just a phase—it’s a fast-growing part of how we buy. Amazon Echo and Google Assistant lead the charge, making voice shopping a breeze in homes everywhere. They’ve set the bar high: shopping must be quick, easy, and just a command away.

With Echo gadgets everywhere and Google Assistant on almost every Android phone, it’s no surprise that nearly half of all U.S. internet users have a smart speaker. Many are using it to shop, showing we’re all in on this trend. Interest in gadgets like Echo Auto, which brings Alexa into cars, has soared by 131% in five years, proving we love the convenience of voice shopping both at home and on the move.

A key study found that 62% of voice device users will likely purchase within a month. Voice shopping is changing how and what we buy, with groceries, household items, and entertainment products leading the charge in voice purchases. This comfort and trust in voice shopping come from better voice recognition, personalised experiences through AI, and secure transaction processing.

The rise of voice commerce isn’t slowing down. Thanks to tech advancements and our growing comfort with talking to our devices, the future of shopping looks like it’ll be as easy as speaking out loud. The possibilities are endless. 

The Technology Behind Voice Commerce

The core of voice commerce lies in the sophisticated technology that powers voice-activated shopping, primarily through natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). They work (in tandem) to understand, interpret, and respond to user commands, transforming voice inputs into actionable tasks, such as searching for products, adding items to a cart, and completing purchases. In a nutshell, these are the brains that let our devices understand us, turning our spoken words into actions. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is the foundation of voice commerce, enabling devices to comprehend human language in its natural form. This involves parsing spoken words, understanding context, and deciphering user intent. It helps these devices grasp human speech in all its complexity, figuring out what we mean, even when we’re vague or our grammar’s off. It’s why our voice commands don’t have to sound like robot talk.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML elevate the voice commerce experience by allowing systems to learn from interactions and improve over time. They are the reason your voice assistant seems to get you better over time. AI crunches through tons of data to pick up on your shopping habits and preferences, making recommendations that feel personalised. ML is where your device learns from every interaction, getting smarter about what you like and how you say things.

Imagine your voice assistant reminding you to restock your favorite coffee or suggesting a new flavor because it knows what you like. That’s AI and ML in action, making shopping not just easier but also a bit more personal.

Behind the scenes, these technologies also help brands optimise everything from stock levels to customer service. They can predict trends, tailor marketing, and ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Plus, with voice biometrics, payments are just a word away, and they’re secure because your voice is about as unique as your fingerprint.

Voice Commerce as a Tool for Retail Brands

Voice commerce is revolutionising how retailers and brands connect with their customers, offering a personal touch like never before. It’s not just about making sales; it’s about opening a direct line for communication and tailored services, all while gathering precious insights into what customers want. This goldmine of data is a game-changer for product development, marketing, and keeping shelves stocked just right.

Take Walmart and Apple’s strategic partnership, for example, with Siri-enabled shopping. Through this partnership, Walmart customers can use Siri to add items to their shopping carts to take the hassle out of grocery runs. This integration enhances the customer experience and positions Walmart as an innovator in retail, leveraging technology to simplify and personalise shopping.

This isn’t just about making life easier for shoppers; it’s a strategic move that sets Walmart apart as a forward-thinking leader in retail.

Voice commerce is drumming up leads and keeping customers hooked. It’s about turning casual browsers into loyal buyers with seamless product discovery and purchases, all through natural conversation. This approach spikes sales and builds a bond between brands and consumers. Imagine getting a nudge from your voice assistant to restock an essential ingredient while you’re in the middle of cooking something– that’s the kind of in-the-moment service that can turn a regular day into a standout customer experience. Voice commerce isn’t just changing the game; it’s redefining the shopping journey, making it more intuitive and connected.


The Role of Voice Commerce in Lead Generation and Customer Engagement

Voice commerce serves as a powerful tool for lead generation and customer engagement. By integrating voice commerce capabilities, brands can make it easier for customers to discover products and make purchases, thereby increasing sales opportunities. 

Voice interactions offer a more natural and engaging way to connect with consumers, fostering loyalty and enhancing brand perception. Voice commerce can significantly boost customer engagement and satisfaction through personalised recommendations and proactive customer service (such as reorder reminders or promotional notifications).

Voice commerce also enables brands to tap into moments of need in real-time, like when you are crafting your morning cup of coffee, only to discover your favorite blend is running low. With voice commerce, there’s no need to pause your brewing or jot down a reminder for later. Instead, you can call your voice assistant to reorder your coffee then and there, seamlessly integrating shopping into your daily life without missing a beat. This instant response saves the day and cements the brand as an indispensable part of your daily ritual. By being present in these moments, brands can capture sales they might otherwise miss and build a more intuitive shopping experience that anticipates and meets consumer needs.

The Future of Voice Commerce

The course of voice commerce looks incredibly promising, leading us to a world where our interactions with technology are more natural and intuitive than ever. 

As voice-activated devices become more ubiquitous and intelligent, the scope of voice commerce is expected to broaden, encompassing a wider array of services and industries and reaching more people with improved voice recognition that understands everyone, no matter where they’re from or how they speak. 

Expansion of Capabilities and Adoption of Voice Commerce

Predictions for the future of voice commerce suggest a move beyond simple transactions to become an integral part of the omnichannel retail experience. This includes more sophisticated AI-driven personalisation, where voice assistants can anticipate needs and make suggestions based on past behaviour, time of day, and even mood or tone of voice. Integration with IoT devices will further streamline the shopping process, allowing for seamless reordering of products as soon as they run low, without any prompt from the user.

Imagine your voice assistant knowing you so well it can tell when you’re running low on your favorite snacks and orders more before you even have to ask or suggest a new book it knows you’ll love based on your mood and past likes. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always one step ahead.

Improvements in voice recognition technology will also make these systems more accurate across various languages and accents, increasing their accessibility and appeal.

Potential Challenges and Areas for Improvement In Voice Commerce 

Despite its promising future, voice commerce faces several challenges that could hinder its growth. Privacy concerns are at the forefront, with consumers wary about the potential misuse of data collected through voice interactions. Enhancing security measures and ensuring transparent data usage policies will be crucial for maintaining consumer trust.

Another area for improvement is voice recognition accuracy, especially in noisy environments or for users with strong accents. Continuous improvements in NLP and context understanding are necessary to overcome these hurdles, making voice commerce more reliable, user-friendly, and accessible.

Evolving Competition Market 

The domain of voice commerce is characterised by intense competition among tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Apple, each vying for a larger market share. This competition drives innovation, leading to rapid advancements in voice technology and expanded service offerings. 

However, it also challenges smaller players trying to enter the space. The future will likely see collaborations between tech companies and traditional retailers, leveraging each other’s strengths to deliver a more comprehensive voice shopping experience.

And as voice commerce becomes more prevalent, there is potential for disruption in traditional retail and e-commerce models. Retailers must adapt to this new mode of consumer interaction, integrating voice technology into their sales strategies to stay relevant.


Emerging Trends in Voice Commerce

Technological advancements, broader adoption across demographics and geographies, and deeper integration into both the digital and physical aspects of the shopping experience will characterise the evolution of voice commerce in the coming years. As these trends unfold, voice commerce will play an increasingly central role in shaping consumer behaviour and the future of retail. 

  • Increased Personalisation Through AI 

Voice commerce will leverage more advanced AI algorithms to offer highly personalised shopping experiences. These systems will recognise individual users and understand their preferences, purchase history, and future needs. 

  • Expansion into New Markets and Demographics 

As voice technology becomes more sophisticated and accessible, its adoption will expand beyond current markets, reaching older generations and non-English speaking countries. This expansion will be facilitated by improvements in language processing and the development of culturally aware AI models that can navigate the nuances of various languages and dialects.

  • Seamless Multimodal Interactions 

Future voice commerce experiences will likely integrate more seamlessly with other forms of interaction, such as visual displays on smart screens or haptic feedback on mobile devices. This multimodal approach will enhance the shopping experience, allowing users to, for example, ask a voice assistant to show a product on a screen and then use touch to view different angles or customise options.

  • Voice-Activated Payments

As security technologies evolve, voice-activated payments will become more common, enabling users to complete transactions without reaching for their wallets or manually entering payment information. This development will hinge on advanced voice recognition and biometric security measures, ensuring that transactions are convenient and secure.

  • Greater Integration with Offline Retail 

Voice commerce will increasingly bridge the gap between online and offline retail, integrating in-store experiences to offer a unified shopping journey. For example, customers might use voice commands to locate items within a store or reserve products for pickup. Retailers could also use voice-activated devices to provide personalised recommendations or promotions based on the shopper’s in-store behaviour and preferences.

  • Ethical and Privacy Considerations 

As voice commerce becomes more embedded in consumers’ lives, ethical and privacy concerns will emerge. Consumers, regulators, and companies will need to navigate issues related to data collection, consent, and the potential for surveillance. Transparent policies and robust security measures will maintain trust in voice commerce platforms.

  • Competition and Collaboration 

Tech giants, startups, and traditional retailers increasingly collaborate to offer comprehensive voice commerce solutions. This could lead to a more diverse ecosystem of voice-enabled services and devices tailored to different sectors, use cases, and consumer needs.

Voice commerce is revolutionising retail, turning shopping into an immersive dialogue between consumers and technology. This evolution from tactile and visual interactions to conversational commerce is not just a change in how we buy but a significant step toward a future where technology can understand and anticipate our needs with minimal effort on our part.

We’re moving toward an era where your voice does more than communicate desires—it triggers a system that knows you, offering suggestions and making decisions that feel intensely personal and tailored. We live in a world where our voice assistant knows our favorite products and predicts our needs, reminding us to restock essentials before we run out or discover new items that fit our taste and budget.

Voice commerce promises a future where shopping is easier and smarter, transforming every interaction into a personalised journey. This isn’t just about buying; it’s about creating a seamless, intuitive experience that feels like second nature, blending the boundaries between our digital and physical lives even further.