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Our USA offices

Kadence International is a leading market research company in the USA. We partner with brands on full-service market research projects, helping to crack complex business problems through rich insight. We can also work with companies as a fieldwork partner, helping to reach the right respondents and execute fieldwork.

We have offices in New York and the Silicon Valley. From these bases, we can conduct research across the United States, both in North and South America. And with team members in London, Seattle and Tokyo, as well as global offices across Asia, we can turn pressing research needs around quickly. This gives us the ability to work longer, and smarter, to serve our clients.

We are consistently recognised as one of the top market research agencies globally

AURA Innovation of the Year award

Innovation of the Year


— The AURAs, 2021

Market Research Agency of the Year

Winner – Gold

— Agency of the Year Awards, 2021

Consultant of the Year

Winner – Gold

— Agency of the Year Awards, 2021
Kadence team collecting Agency of the Year award

Consultant of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020
Quirks Supplier of the Year Kadence International

Market Research Supplier of the Year


— Marketing Research & Insight Excellence Awards – 2019
Kadence International Market Research Agency of the Year Singapore

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2019
Kadence International is Highly Commended for Global Agency of The Year

Global Agency of the Year

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society Awards, 2019
MRS Opperations Awards Trophy

Best Training and Development

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (telephone)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (face-to-face)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards – 2019

Meet Our Senior Team

Ellie Tehrani

Specialist sectors Technology, B2B, Financial Services Current location USA

Ellie believes in working as one with our clients, in understanding the “why” in every request so that the “how” becomes a natural solution to the equation. Her vision and impact in the industry has been to shift the research paradigm from descriptive to prescriptive, enabling our clients to formulate clear answers to complex questions.   

Ani Villaverde

Specialist sectors Design, Advertising, Brand Current location USA

Ani brings an extensive history of working in the market research industry. She is a brand design ambassador responsible for the creative direction and execution across all channels and audiences. Focused on delivering insight and creating compelling and persuasive visual stories, she artfully mixes her analytic foundation with big creative ideas.

Janine Michalek

Janine Michalek

Specialist sectors B2B, B2C, Retail and CPG Current location USA

Janine, with 25+ years of Insights experience, is a key driver of corporate success. Her top-notch market intelligence shapes growth-focused strategies, leveraging diverse research methods and advanced statistics to tackle challenges, foster innovation, and fuel growth. She’s also a highly regarded speaker at trade shows, seminars, round-tables, trade associations, and industry events.

Work With Us

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We’re always on the lookout for bright, passionate, curious people to join our team. See our careers page for current vacancy details.

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Kadence USA team
Free Guide

How to run workshops that turn insight into action

How do you ensure that the research you commission moves your company to action, creating competitive advantage and growth for your business? In our free guide we share our top tips for preparing and running an effective workshop, as well as practical workshop exercises that you can take away, apply to your business and use to ensure that your research really does drive business change.

Download the guide now
Workshops activation

How Different Markets Measure Loyalty.

Imagine this: You’re a global brand with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 40 in the United States, but that same metric drops to 10 in Japan. Should you be concerned? This disparity isn’t just a statistical quirk—it’s a window into how culture and market dynamics shape customer loyalty. The Net Promoter Score hailed as […]


The Future of B2B Research.

B2B or business-to-business market research is no longer confined to traditional surveys and focus groups. Over the past few years, the field has undergone a significant transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements and the ever-changing needs of businesses. What was once a process reliant on historical data and broad trends has become a dynamic and […]