With legalization of recreational marijuana becoming more commonplace alongside a continual rise in the availability of cannabis-based products, it is a turbulent but exciting time for CBD. But do people really understand what CBD is and what it does? Why do people use CBD products … and how are people using it compared to cannabis?

According to our recent study on the topic, CBD usage is rapidly growing in popularity.  4 times as many adults are using CBD products in 2019, compared to 2018, growing from 5% to 18%. 

Unsurprisingly, there is considerable overlap between CBD and cannabis usage, with half of CBD users also using cannabis.  That said, CBD growth is also coming from those who don’t use cannabis. 

Many CBD consumers use these products regularly to address a range of ailments.  Roughly half of CBD consumers use CBD at least once a week, while very few only use the product a couple of times a month.  Most (60%) use it for pain relief or inflammation; the next most common reasons are anxiety (45%) and sleep (33%).

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Despite its increasing usage, there is still a large gap in product understanding. Only 24% of US adults believe they are moderately or extremely familiar with CBD, and, more surprising, only half of CBD users (57%) believe they are. 

There are also many misconceptions regarding CBD products. 25% of US adults believe that pure CBD can “get you high”, which is not true. CBD users tend to be more knowledgeable about these products but many are still misinformed.  For example, 13% of CBD users believe that it can get you high.

“CBD is a fantastic option for many, but it’s a very complex landscape for consumers to navigate.  One sees CBD advertised with specific medical claims through dispensaries in medical cannabis states.  Then one sees hemp-derived CBD available at the local natural foods store as a dietary supplement — but without medical claims and available in isolate form, full-spectrum form, or hybrids of the two” comments CBD Industry Executive, Ashley Grace.  “It’s a lot for consumers to decipher and it all doesn’t work the same.  The dispensary CBD might get you high, the isolate CBD may not work at all or might stop working quickly, and many ‘full spectrum’ CBDs are really just oils spiked with isolated CBD.  Then you have US-grown or imported.  While it’s difficult for consumers to find the right products to meet their needs, the good news is there are some amazing products available that are literally changing people’s lives,” said Grace.  

It is important to note that the average CBD user looks just like anyone else. There are no major differences in gender, employment, income, marital status, or geography when compared to the average American adult. Although, younger adults (age 21-44) are more likely to have tried CBD. Interestingly, they are also more confident that they are familiar with CBD but more likely to be misinformed about it.

Download the full report to explore the findings in-depth.

Cannabis talk in the US media is unavoidable these days as changing legislation and recreational dispensaries continue to open up across selected states in the country.  How can companies outside the cannabis space take advantage of this growing trend? Our research with over 2,000 US consumers sought to understand this new opportunity for brands.

One-in-five (20%) adults nationwide report they have used cannabis in the last 12 months. Of those, two-thirds (66%) consume regularly (at least once a week). While two thirds tell us that consuming cannabis has not changed their social life in any way, 17% are staying home more and 8% say they are going out more. 

Ultimately, this opens up a variety of opportunities for marketers to offer products and services that are tailored to the needs of this group. Meal kit delivery companies could make “dinner party boxes” suited to a night in with friends. Game makers could create games that facilitate creativity and fun. Netflix or Amazon could offer content particularly suited for cannabis-influenced viewers. And clearly, snack makers could have a field day.

In the survey, adults were asked whether they would prefer to consume cannabis or alcohol while doing different popular activities. While clubbing and hosting a dinner party are more likely paired with alcohol, for many other pastimes, cannabis wins.  At home, watching TV/ movies, doing chores, playing board games and socializing with family and friends are all activities where cannabis is preferred.  Going to the movies or to watch live music are also events where adults would prefer cannabis.  A host of other activities are decidedly not alcohol activities, but may be considered “cannactivities” – yoga, gardening, outdoor activities, going to the spa, cultural events and reading.  See the table below for details.

How can your business take advantage of this fast-growing industry? Download the full research report to learn more.

“For each of the following, would you rather do this activity while consuming cannabis, drinking beverages containing alcohol, or neither?”

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