
How Qual-at-Scale and AI Unveil the Future of Food Trends in the UK.

Image of the post author Cindi Collette

Have you ever noticed how quickly food trends come and go? One moment, everyone’s into overnight oats, and then suddenly, coronation chicken and orzo become the popular choices. The food and beverage industry must understand its customers’ preferences to keep up with the pace.

The insights into what consumers desire, why they make the choices they do, and how they perceive brands can make the difference between a product that resonates and one that fades into obscurity. Traditionally, this understanding has been the domain of qualitative research. This methodological approach delves into the complexity of human behaviour and motivation through interviews, focus groups, and observational studies. This method, however, has often been seen as too slow, expensive, or cumbersome for widespread use, especially when compared to the broader strokes of quantitative data analysis.

Enter qual-at-scale, a revolutionary approach that harnesses the power of AI to redefine qualitative research. This innovative method marries the depth and nuance of traditional qualitative techniques with modern technology’s speed, efficiency, and scalability. At its heart, qual-at-Scale utilises AI algorithms to process and analyse large volumes of unstructured data—such as open-ended survey responses, social media conversations, and video feedback—transforming it into actionable insights with unprecedented speed. This democratises access to in-depth consumer insights and enables F&B brands to stay agile, making informed decisions based on a comprehensive market understanding. 

By leveraging AI this way, qual-at-scale offers a promising pathway to uncover the rich, detailed narratives behind consumer choices, elevating the strategic decision-making process to new heights of precision and relevance.

The Value of Qualitative Research in Consumer Insight Gathering

Qualitative research can unravel the intricate narratives that drive consumer behaviour, offering a window into the emotional and psychological factors that underpin decision-making processes. Through in-depth interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic studies, qualitative research provides a rich, nuanced view of consumer attitudes and behaviours, revealing the “why” behind the “what.” This depth of insight enables brands to craft more resonant and effective strategies, products, and messages, tailoring their offerings to meet the nuanced needs of their target audiences.

Integrating qualitative and quantitative research through the innovative approach known as qual-at-scale leverages both strengths to offer comprehensive insights. This blend, enhanced by the power of AI and human intelligence, ensures brands can remain agile and make informed decisions amidst rapidly changing markets. Qual-at-scale enables researchers to use larger qualitative sample sizes, and design research to address pressing business questions more relevantly and timely than traditional methods alone.

Addressing Traditional Bias with AI Integration

So, why has consumer research historically favoured quantitative methods over qualitative ones? 

It’s because quantitative research has been seen as the faster, cheaper, and more scalable way to gather insights. With statistical analyses and broad sample sizes, it’s no wonder it has been the go-to method for companies looking to gain generalisable insights. 

However, many fail to realise that qualitative insights are just as valuable, if not more so, for their ability to provide rich context and depth that numbers alone cannot convey. And that’s where AI comes in. 

Integrating AI technology into qualitative research, also known as qual-at-scale, has been a game-changer. It bridges the gap between traditional qualitative and quantitative research approaches, offering a dynamic way to explore business challenges and guide decisions. 

Thanks to AI, analyzing, understanding, categorising, and synthesising qualitative data on a larger scale is now possible. This means brands can uncover hidden nuances and epiphanies previously inaccessible. So, if you want to gain a competitive edge in today’s market, it’s time to start considering the power of qual-at-scale. 

This fusion of human intelligence (HI) and AI creates a co-empowerment — it broadens the scope of research, enabling more iterative approaches and a deeper exploration of data. Its findings represent a broader demographic, enriching and building confidence in the insights gained. It also empowers researchers to confidently assert their findings, providing reliable insights to guide strategic decision-making.

Conducting qual-at-scale offers strategic and cost advantages, allowing researchers to maximise their investment by finding the right blend of large sample sizes and qualitative activities. This approach ensures multiple voices are heard, elevating the humanistic activities in insights gathering. It supports researchers as they nimbly identify emerging trends, allowing for a proactive rather than reactive approach to market shifts.

Qual-at-scale revolutionises how we approach qualitative data, marrying the depth of traditional qualitative insights with the efficiency and scalability of advanced technologies. 

Qual-at-scale aims to leverage AI to enhance the processing and analysis of qualitative data. This approach does not seek to replace qualitative research’s rich, nuanced insights but amplify its reach and applicability. By employing AI, researchers can sift through vast amounts of unstructured data—such as text responses, interviews, and open-ended survey questions—at a speed and volume manual processing could never achieve.

The primary goal of qual-at-scale is to retain and even enhance, the quality and depth of insights gleaned from qualitative data. AI algorithms are trained to recognise patterns, themes, and sentiments, drawing out the subtleties and complexities that characterise consumer attitudes and behaviours. This process allows for identifying emerging trends and deep consumer insights at an unimaginable scale, providing brands with a comprehensive understanding of their audience’s needs and preferences. Through qual-at-scale, brands can harness the power of AI to make informed decisions based on a blend of quantitative breadth and qualitative depth, ensuring strategies are both data-driven and deeply human-centric.


Human-in-the-Loop: Guiding AI to Relevant Outcomes

The concept of “human-in-the-loop” is a critical component of the qual-at-scale methodology, addressing one of the most significant challenges in AI-driven research: ensuring that the analysis remains relevant and insightful. 

This approach integrates human oversight into the AI analysis process, with researchers guiding, verifying, and refining the AI’s interpretations and conclusions. Humans bring context, creativity, and critical thinking to the table—qualities that AI, for all its computational power, cannot replicate on its own.

Incorporating human intelligence into the loop ensures AI tools are effectively directed toward producing accurate, meaningful, and actionable outcomes. Researchers can adjust AI algorithms based on their expertise and the nuances of the data so the analysis captures the full spectrum of consumer insights. This collaborative partnership between AI and human intelligence allows qual-at-scale to surpass the limitations of traditional research methods, offering a dynamic and adaptive approach to understanding complex consumer behaviours.

The human-in-the-loop model also facilitates continuous learning and improvement of AI systems. As researchers interact with the AI, providing feedback and corrections, the algorithms become more refined and better aligned with qualitative research objectives. This iterative process ensures that qual-at-scale evolves alongside advancements in AI technology and shifts in consumer behaviour, maintaining its relevance and effectiveness in delivering deep, actionable insights.

Advantages of qual-at-scale

  • Efficiency in Data Analysis: AI-driven analysis of large volumes of qualitative data significantly reduces the time needed to derive insights.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces the financial burden traditionally associated with in-depth qualitative research by automating data processing and analysis.
  • Scalability: Allows for examining data from a broader and more diverse set of consumers than would be feasible with traditional methods.
  • Depth of Insight: Maintains qualitative research’s rich, nuanced understanding characteristic, even when analyzing large datasets.
  • Agility in Response: Enables quicker decision-making based on up-to-date consumer insights, allowing brands to adapt to market changes rapidly.
  • Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative: Merges the detailed insight of qualitative research with the scalability and broad applicability of quantitative methods.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: AI algorithms can uncover patterns and insights that might be overlooked in manual analysis, reducing human error and bias.
  • Dynamic Learning: The “human-in-the-loop” approach allows AI systems to improve and adapt, ensuring insights remain relevant continuously.
  • Democratisation of Research: Makes detailed consumer insights accessible to companies of all sizes, not just those with substantial research budgets.
  • Iterative Exploration: Supports more flexible and ongoing research approaches, allowing for exploring emerging trends and behaviours as they develop.

AI-enhanced tools transforming qualitative research in F&B

Integrating AI into qualitative research methodologies has significantly augmented the capabilities of researchers, especially within the dynamic food and beverage sector. These AI-driven tools facilitate deeper, more nuanced insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and motivations, empowering brands to fine-tune their products, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience. 

Below, we explore several key areas where AI is making a substantial impact.

  • Discussion Boards

AI has transformed the traditional use of discussion boards, making them more efficient and insightful. By optimizing question generation, AI can help formulate questions more likely to elicit informative, genuine responses from participants. This is particularly useful in the food and beverage sector, where understanding nuanced consumer preferences can lead to the development of highly targeted and successful products.

AI also automates the moderation of these discussion boards, flagging irrelevant or inappropriate content so discussions stay on track. This automation allows researchers to focus on analyzing the content for insights rather than getting bogged down in administrative tasks.

Perhaps most importantly, AI can synthesise key insights from discussions, identifying trends and consumer pain points without human bias. For example, a beverage brand might use AI to sift through discussion board data to uncover a rising interest in non-alcoholic or low-sugar drink options, guiding product development and marketing strategies.

  • Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews

Focus groups and in-depth interviews (IDIs) are staples of qualitative research in the food and beverage industry, providing deep insights into consumer attitudes and behaviours. AI enhances these traditional methods by assisting in creating discussion guides tailored to elicit the most valuable information from participants.

AI can also summarise the findings from these sessions, identifying common themes and sentiments across different groups or interviews. This speeds up the analysis process so key insights are not overlooked. For instance, a snack brand might utilise AI to analyse focus group feedback on a new product’s taste and packaging, quickly identifying aspects that resonate well with consumers or areas needing improvement.

Video Analysis

Video feedback is an increasingly popular method for capturing consumer reactions and feedback in a more natural and expressive manner. AI significantly enhances the value of video analysis by enabling the extraction of non-verbal cues and emotions. This analysis provides a richer layer of data, giving insights into what consumers say and how they feel.

In the F&B context, this could mean analyzing consumer facial expressions and body language when tasting a new product. AI-driven video analysis could help a coffee brand, for example, understand consumer reactions to a new flavour or blend, capturing the enthusiasm or hesitancy that might not be fully expressed in words.

Key Strategies for Conducting Effective Mass Qualitative Studies

While the advantages of qual-at-scale research are significant, it’s crucial to recognise that it’s not the universal solution for all research needs. 

Selecting the appropriate research methods tailored to specific business objectives is essential. However, the value of this methodology should not be understated, and its potential benefits warrant consideration for its inclusion in research strategies. 

In my experience, I have found these guidelines essential for executing a successful qual-at-scale study:

  • Simplify your approach: Aim for a broad and straightforward study design. Complexities can complicate the analysis process, requiring more time to filter through the data.
  • Avoid overanalyzing: Qual-at-scale differs fundamentally from small-scale qualitative studies. Instead of an in-depth analysis of every detail, aim for a broader overview to capture a wide perspective on the subject matter. Nonetheless, the study’s specific objectives can influence the depth of analysis required.
  • Leverage social media for additional insights: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be invaluable resources for gathering consumer insights. These platforms facilitate direct interaction between brands and consumers, making it easier to collect data through polls, questions, competitions, or organic interactions via social media customer service.
  • Maintain contextual balance: Achieving a balance between understanding the overarching context without overlooking the minutiae is crucial. This dual perspective enables researchers to derive accurate and meaningful insights. 
  • Select appropriate tools for your research: Each research project has unique requirements, necessitating a custom set of tools. The choice of tools should align with the project’s goals, whether it involves social media engagement for topics like policy changes or branding strategies or a dedicated research panel for projects focused on new product development or marketing refinement.

Tools and strategies for effective qual-at-scale research

When launching qual-at-scale research, researchers encounter the challenge of selecting tools that might not be inherently designed for large-scale qualitative analysis. The limitations of traditional qualitative tools and the somewhat restrictive capabilities of survey platforms for handling qualitative data necessitate a thoughtful approach to tool selection.

Here are some of the key elements we consider when undertaking a qual-at-scale study: 

  • Scalability: The chosen tool must handle a significant volume of data and support automated engagement and analysis to streamline the research process.
  • Flexibility: The ideal qual-at-scale tool should allow for the capture of structured and open-ended data, providing a comprehensive data analysis platform responsive to evolving business needs. The ability to quickly set up strategic pop-up communities for large-scale data capture is particularly valuable, offering insights that can pivot as market dynamics shift.
  • Collaboration: Defining collaborative functionalities within the tools and processes is vital in the current iterative research environment. Collaboration is key to leveraging qual-at-scale in agile research frameworks, whether for ad-hoc initiatives or integrated into ongoing strategic programs. A skilled project team, experienced in qual-at-scale, can significantly enhance the research outcome by identifying appropriate tools and technologies, designing effective research programs, and fostering engagement among all participants.

Enhancing reporting and storytelling through qual-at-scale

The reporting phase is a critical component of qual-at-scale, where the art of blending data with narrative comes into play. Effective analysis tools are essential, offering features for coding, categorisation, and emotional analysis alongside the capability to dissect structured data sets. 

Visualisation also plays a pivotal role in this phase, transforming data into compelling stories to convey complex insights in an understandable and engaging manner. 

Techniques to consider include:

Thematic analysis: This approach is ideally suited for qual-at-scale, allowing for the rapid identification of key themes and nuanced sub-themes. AI technology accelerates the discovery of these patterns, providing a detailed yet efficient analysis.

Let’s say a brand conducts a Thematic Analysis of consumer feedback on a new beverage product. Here are the steps involved:

  • Identifying Key Themes: Researchers collect and analyse a large volume of consumer feedback from various sources, such as online forums, social media, and focus group discussions, about a newly launched beverage product.
  • Coding and Categorisation: The data is then coded for recurring patterns. For example, comments might be categorised into themes such as “flavour preferences,” “packaging appeal,” “health considerations,” and “price sensitivity.”
  • Insight Generation: Analysis might reveal that while the new beverage is generally well-received for its unique flavour profile (a positive theme), there are recurring concerns about its high sugar content (a negative theme) and suggestions for more eco-friendly packaging.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Based on these themes, the brand could consider developing a low-sugar variant of the beverage and explore sustainable packaging options to address consumer concerns and preferences.

Emotional analysis: By analyzing qualitative data at scale, researchers can unlock a deeper empathetic understanding, bringing a new dimension to insights to influence decision-making and drive innovation.

For instance, let’s consider a food delivery app that conducts emotional analysis of customer service interactions using AI. This is how the analysis will appear:

  • Collecting interaction data: Customer service interactions (emails, chat messages, social media engagements) are gathered from users of a food delivery app.
  • Analyzing emotional tone: The data is analysed for emotional content using AI tools capable of detecting sentiments such as frustration, satisfaction, joy, or disappointment.
  • Identifying emotional patterns: The analysis might show a high incidence of frustration related to late deliveries and a sense of satisfaction when customer service responds promptly and empathetically.
  • Guiding service improvements: Understanding these emotional responses, the app can implement changes such as improving delivery time estimates and training customer service teams to handle inquiries with even greater empathy and efficiency.

The Future of Consumer Insights Research in F&B

Adopting qual-at-scale methodologies in F&B represents a significant leap forward in how brands understand and interact with their consumers. Qual-at-scale democratises in-depth consumer research, making it accessible to large corporations with substantial research budgets and smaller players in the F&B industry. This broader access can drive innovation and competition as more companies can make informed, consumer-centric decisions.

By harnessing the analytical power of AI to process and interpret large volumes of qualitative data, this methodology is set to redefine consumer insights research. The potential of qual-at-scale to transform this field lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of the consumer psyche, blending the quantitative breadth with qualitative depth in a previously unfeasible way.

For the F&B sector, brands can tap into richer consumer insights, uncovering what consumers are buying and why they are making these choices. This deeper understanding is crucial for developing products and marketing strategies that resonate more personally with consumers, driving innovation and loyalty.

Enhancing Scalability and Effectiveness with AI

By automating the analysis of unstructured data, AI enables researchers to scale their qualitative studies without a corresponding increase in time or cost. This scalability is a game-changer for the industry, allowing for broader and more diverse consumer studies that can capture various opinions, experiences, and cultural nuances.

AI also enhances the effectiveness of qualitative research by providing tools for more nuanced analysis. From sentiment analysis to trend detection, AI algorithms can identify patterns and insights that might escape even the most experienced human researchers. This level of analysis can reveal subtle shifts in consumer attitudes and behaviours, offering brands early warning signals of changing trends and enabling them to stay ahead of the curve.

Redefining Industry Approaches to Consumer Behavior

As qual-at-scale continues to evolve and integrate more deeply into the research methodologies of F&B, its impact on the industry’s approach to understanding consumer behaviour will be profound. This methodology challenges the traditional dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative research, suggesting a more holistic approach that equally values depth and breadth of insight.

In the future, qual-at-scale could become the standard for consumer insights research, pushing brands to adopt more sophisticated, AI-driven approaches to understanding their customers. This shift toward more nuanced, data-driven strategies is likely to redefine competition in the industry, with success increasingly dependent on a company’s ability to adapt to consumer needs and preferences quickly and effectively.

The promise of qual-at-scale in transforming consumer insights research is immense, offering the food and beverage sector an unparalleled opportunity to deepen its understanding of consumers. By leveraging AI’s power to enhance qualitative research’s scalability and effectiveness, brands can gain the insights needed to innovate and adapt in a rapidly changing market. As this methodology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly become an essential strategy for any brand looking to gain a competitive edge, reshaping industry approaches to consumer behaviour.

Final Thoughts

Integrating AI into qualitative research reconciles the scale of quantitative methods with the depth of qualitative insights. While valuable for its broad applicability and statistical significance, traditional quantitative research often fails to explain the “why” behind consumer behaviour. Qualitative research, on the other hand, offers deep insights but has traditionally been limited by its resource-intensive nature and the slow pace of data analysis.

AI changes this equation by enabling qualitative data analysis at a scale and speed that rivals quantitative methods. This capability provides a nuanced understanding of consumer behaviour, combining the “what” with the “why” at a reduced time and cost. Brands in the F&B space can now afford to delve deeper into consumer psychology, uncovering insights that lead to more innovative and consumer-aligned product offerings.

In modern research, where integrating human insight and data-driven strategies is crucial, qual-at-scale offers a forward-thinking solution. It enables research teams to navigate the complexities of today’s market without sacrificing the depth or impact of their findings. As you incorporate qual-at-scale into your research, remember to blend human intelligence with technological efficiency, prioritise agility, uphold data integrity, and focus on delivering insights that truly make a difference. This approach keeps pace with the evolving market and ensures that research informs and guides strategic business decisions effectively.