
Kadence Internationalは、グローバルなブティック型市場調査会社です。アジア、ヨーロッパ、アメリカにオフィスを構え、大手調査会社の国際的で迅速なリーチと、小規模ブティックのパーソナライズされたサービスを兼ね備えています。

Our Results

Our mission is to raise the impact of research – and we're delivering

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020
Kadence International Market Research Agency of the Year Singapore

Market Research Agency of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2019
Quirks Supplier of the Year Kadence International

Market Research Supplier of the Year


— Marketing Research & Insight Excellence Awards – 2019
Kadence team collecting Agency of the Year award

Consultant of the Year


— Agency of the Year Awards, 2020
Kadence International is Highly Commended for Global Agency of The Year

Global Agency of the Year

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society Awards, 2019
MRS Opperations Awards Trophy

Best Training and Development

Highly Commended

— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

Best Data Collection (face-to-face)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards – 2019

Best Data Collection (telephone)


— Market Research Society's Operations Awards, 2019

The global boutique for data and insight

Our global footprint makes us the go-to partner for international market research. We offer all qualitative and quantitative methodologies across our office network and beyond.

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How to conduct online market research in Asia: The Go-To Guide

What online methodologies work best in India? How do you get the most out of respondents through digital methodologies in China? Experts across our global boutique share best practice tips and techniques for conducting online market research in Asia.

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Conducting Online Research in Asia 2

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Kadence International Market Research Agency of the Year Singapore