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Showing 121-130 of 385

Maximizing Your Research Budget: Unlocking the Full Potential.

With tightening financial belts across organizations, understanding how to maximize your research budget while maintaining quality insights and implementing meaningful changes is vital. By adopting strategic approaches and employing effective techniques, you can optimize your research budget to yield the highest return on investment. This blog will explore key strategies to help you get the […]


Visual Brand Analysis: How Imagery Shapes Perception.

In the constantly evolving marketing world, one aspect remains a consistent cornerstone of a brand’s success: imagery. With the rise of digital media and a culture increasingly driven by visual content, the images a brand chooses to represent itself can significantly influence the perception and engagement of its audience. This blog post explores the concept […]


The Impact of Globalization on Brand Identity: Maintaining Authenticity.

Globalization has profoundly transformed the business landscape, bringing unprecedented opportunities and challenges for brands. As markets become increasingly interconnected, brand identity has emerged as a critical factor in establishing and maintaining a competitive edge. Brands must navigate the delicate balance between maintaining their core identity and adapting to diverse cultural contexts to resonate with local […]

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When Demographic Segmentation is not Enough: Future-Proof Your Strategies with Segmentation Analysis.

In the fast-paced business world, marketing leaders in large organizations face unprecedented challenges. We live in an information-saturated world, with abundant information on techniques, facts, and figures to assist decision-making. However, without a proper way to harness and analyze this vast amount of information, marketers can quickly become overwhelmed by the constant influx of reports […]

Blog Guide

A Marketer’s Go-To Guide to Brand Tracking.

Establishing a strong brand presence is paramount for success. However, simply creating a brand is not enough. To ensure its longevity and effectiveness, constant monitoring and evaluation are essential. This is where brand tracking comes into play.  Brand tracking is the systematic process of measuring and analyzing a brand’s performance, perception, and impact in the […]

desk-research-tips-for market-researchers

Mastering the Art of Desk Research: Top Tips for Commissioning Successful Studies.

Desk research is a hugely valuable tool in any researcher’s toolbox. It can provide invaluable context to support primary research by giving nuance and, often, new directions that hadn’t been initially considered. However, when poorly conducted, desk research can give unwieldy and unstructured insight that overwhelms clients with irrelevant information. As a separate discipline to […]

space toursim

Will the market for space travel evolve as civilian air travel did?

In 2022, the global space tourism market size was estimated at USD 695.1 million and was expected to reach USD 815.7 million in 2023. The term “NewSpace” pertains to the rise of the private spaceflight sector, encompassing domains like private launch companies, constellations of small satellites, sub-orbital tourism, and innovative initiatives aimed at redefining the […]

Market Research Surveys

Maximizing Business Success: Conducting Effective Market Research Surveys.

Market research surveys are essential tools businesses can use to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and opinions. This information can help brands make informed decisions that boost their bottom line. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of market research surveys, the different types of surveys available, and six key steps to conducting […]