We’ve been working with Bloomberg since the start of pandemic to understand how the priorities, actions and attitudes of business decision makers across APAC are evolving. Take a look at the infographic for the key insights from our latest wave including:
- 67% of businesses are confident that their companies can continue to operate if another wave of the pandemic strikes
- Brands are looking towards e-commerce and social commerce to power future growth. 87% business leaders plan to use digital platforms as their sales channels in the next 1 to 3 years, with 74% looking towards social commerce. 1 in 4 expect to decrease their use of physical stores
- Expectations of brands are rising. 66% are looking for brands that use their resources to give back to society, up from 56% in wave 2 (June 2020)
- The pandemic has placed greater attention on health and wellness with 55% of businesses now engaging an external partner to provide health and wellbeing services

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